Full Wolf Moon in Cancer
Purnarvasu Nakshatra
January 13th, 2025
As the moon takes her first full illumination of 2025, she shines in the constellation of Cancer. Peaking at 23 degrees of the cosmic crab at 4:27pm CST, this moon reminds us to direct our energy where it is truly needed.
A water sign, Cancer encourages us to get in touch with our feelings. This sign is also ruled by the moon, and although this full moon is not a super one, it will still feel like one of the “mooniest” moons of the year! Whether you’re feeling elated or sad, hopeful or hopeless, grateful or angry, etc., the lunar energy over the next few days is bound to bring up whatever you’ve been “shelling up” inside. Full Moons are a time of letting go. Use this portal to release what is no longer serving you.
Cancer energy is also related to the mother, the womb, and the child. This moon could bring up matters around any or all of these topics, so don’t be surprised if mother wounds or childhood traumas come to your attention. This is also a moon to tend to our “womb”—both the physical organ if we have it, and the energetic womb we all embody as humans. The water element of Cancer doesn’t just relate to feelings; it also relates to our magic. The energy behind our crafts, skills, abilities, and more that we are able to produce lie within our sacral chakra and physical hip spaces. If you’ve been feeling creative blockages, use this moon to “activate” your pelvis. Physically dance and move your hips around, or do some gentle somatic hip-focused Yoga. You can also turn on the energetic flow here more by leaning into creative pursuits, even if they don’t have a purpose. You could use this moon to paint or crochet, make music or knit, etc. The more you let your creative energy move through you, the easier it becomes to connect to what skills and interests best support you in the long run.
In addition to crafting and leaning into hobbies, you may feel the need to embrace any sort of creature comforts. Cancer energy is related to the home, safe space, and nourishing, nurturing behaviour. Notice how the crab hides in the sand when holding fear. We may also feel the need to isolate under this moon and avoid interaction with places or people that bring about conflict. You may also feel a need to spend more time at home or spend time in your parents, grandparents, or caretakers’ homes. You may also want to simply spend time in more of what makes you comfortable. Think lounging on the couch in your favorite worn out sweatshirt, under the cozy worn-out blanket your grandmother made you, while eating a bowl of nourishing chicken noodle soup and watching your favorite movie. This is what a Cancer Moon wants you to do. It wants you to feel cozy and safe.
This moon also wants you to express deeply how you feel. In indigenous traditions this moon is known as the “Wolf Moon,” and named so after the winter wolves that howl throughout the cold nights this time of year. We are in a season of darkness. Winter is a time of turning within and getting comfortable with the lack of light. We pull out the dark emotions, memories, and feelings so we can process them and have them out of us before spring’s fertile energy arrives. We get rid of what last muck and ick is still hanging out, so we are refreshed and ready to hold space for what’s to come. Don’t enter into this new year full of trapped emotion. Use this Full Wolf Moon in Cancer to hold yourself as you cry, scream, stomp, throw a tantrum, "howl", and do whatever else you feel is appropriate for you to really express what’s happening inside. Full Moons give us space to release, so we don’t carry things longer than we need to. Take advantage of the energy, and let yourself let go for good.
We’re ultimately clearing space so we can welcome in our newest identity. Mars, the planet of confidence, taking action, and the cosmic child, is currently retrograde in Cancer and conjunct with this moon. You might have heard that this moon is “eating” Mars, as the 2 will be incredibly close and within a few degrees of one another. Mars is also the closest it has been to Earth since 2022. You may have things from that time coming to the surface again, so you can address them appropriately. If anything comes up from your past around this time, ask yourself how you need to take action on the energy.
You may also feel like you’re stepping into a new identity under this moon. The nodes of the moon will be shifting within this full moon portal, from where they’ve been since July of 2023 with Aries in the North and Libra in the South to a Pisces-Virgo orientation. The last times we experienced this energies were:
- July 27th, 1950 – March 28th, 1952
- April 20th, 1969 – November 2nd, 1970
- December 3rd, 1987 – May 22nd, 1989
- June 23rd, 2006 – December 18th, 2007
You may want to reflect back on these times to see what type of energy will repeat, or you may want to look into any dates that happened during your personal past so you’re better prepared for what could be coming. The nodes will be with Pisces and Virgo until July 26th, 2026. This alignment will help you ground into more structure, organization, planning, and implementation around making your dreams and dream life come true! If you’ve been struggling to stay consistent on your goals, you may now start to feel a more supportive energy to move forward.
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in 29 degrees of Gemini, placing it in Punarvasu Nakshatra. Translated as “Return of the Light” this first full moon after winter solstice and the darkest, longest night of the year brings us the motivation and “fire” or spark we need to start focusing more on who we want to become and what we want to successfully gain. This “Star of Renewal” or “Star of Regeneration” is also known as the birth star of Lord Rama in Hinduism, the Sun God who helps us embody our ego, show up to ourselves, and take centered, focused action on our desired end result. Punarvasu Nakshatra is the brightest star in the constellation of Gemini, represented by the stars Castor & Pollux. Known as the “Dioskouroi” or “Dioscuri” and translated to “youths of Zeus” these were half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology—one being immortal and the other being mortal-who are inseparable from their brotherly love even in death. The Dioscuri are often called upon for protection at sea, even today, which makes sense when you consider where Punarvasu is actually located. Spanning from 20 degrees of Gemini into 3 degrees of Cancer, this lunar mansion also holds onto the energy of the cosmic crab and the ocean this animal comes from. You could look at this view of the Dioscuri as nurturing and protective, just as we compare the mothering, shielding energy of the womb and the mother in the West with the Cancer Moon. Punarvasu Nakshatra is also overseen by Aditi, the mother of the 12 Adityas or “Mother of the gods’. No matter what side of the world you view the astrology from, this moon wants us to trust in the faith that we are always protected and taken care of, just as a mother will take care of her child.
The “Return of the Light” Punarvasu refers to could also relate to Jupiter, the “Guru Planet”, who rules this lunar mansion. Known for its ability to “shine light’ on what we need to learn, this moon could bring strong clarity around matters that may have been confusing in the past. There may also be lessons to learn under this moon, or a need to invite in more understanding around something. Being the largest planet in our galaxy, Jupiter is a star that likes to learn big, too. Think collegiate level, or deeper diving. If there’s been something you’ve wanted to be deeply educated on, now is the time to focus your energy on what your spirit is craving to gain and integrate.
In the East, Punarvasu Nakshatra is represented by a quiver of arrows. In the West, the energy of Cancer could be represented by the experience of birth. Both representations depict deep, directed, intentional focus, where nothing will be the same on the other end of taking action. No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it’s time to get serious about where you want to be in the future. Remember, as much as we are in a Cancer Full Moon, we are still in reality-checking Capricorn for our Sun Season. From now until we shift into Aquarius Season on January 19th, get real about where you want to go, what you want to achieve, and who you want to become. Energy flows where intention goes! Let this full moon nurture and guide you where you need to go. Like a child being directed gently (or roughly!) by a Mother, this lunar portal will nudge you in the right direction, if you simply stop resisting the flow.
New Moon in Capricorn
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
December 30th, 2024
As the moon takes her 13th and last journey through the lunar year, she begins just at the end of 2024 in the sign of Capricorn, Auspiciously aligning in the same sign as the first new moon of 2024, this moon peaks just two days before the new year. Showing up as the second new moon of December, this “Black Moon” gives us the second chance we need as we step into 2025.
Perhaps you’re thinking about the things you wanted to create in 2024, but never did. Perhaps you’re revisiting goals or projects you started with around this time a year ago. Arriving at 9 degrees of Capricorn and just short of its second decan, this moon is full on, get real Capricorn energy! Related in more modern times to the mountain goat, this Cardinal Earth sign reminds us to stand our ground and be sure-footed until we reach our goals. Related in more ancient times to the mythological. Sea-Goat” the sign of Capricorn wants us to learn how to find structure amongst chaos and stability amongst highly emotional waters. The holidays are a busy time, and with fiery Sagittarius ruling most of the season the energy can be a little bit unstructured and all over the place! Luckily, Capricorn arrives just in time at the end of the year to help us ground into more reality and face the truth of what we need to doin the weeks to come post-holiday. Earth signs prefer to give themselves more attention not necessarily in an egotistical way, but more of with an analytical approach. This is a good moon and lunar cycle to take time with yourself and give yourself what you need, phyiscally, spiritually, energetically, etc. It’s also a time to get back into a feeling of balance and inner peace, where your energy flows more smoothly. All of this is in preparation for times ahead. Capricorn energy is hard-working, and likes to see things through to success. In order to get to the top of the mountain, you need to have the energy! Use this New Moon in Capricorn to rest, recuperate, and reset, so you are ready for what’s ahead in the year to come.
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, which was also the same lunar mansion the first new moon of 2024 was residing within. Located from 13-26 degrees of sidereal Sagittarius, this moon gives us the fire or drive we need to take action wherever we desire to shift. Represented by an elephant’s tusk, a fan, or a winnowing basket, this lunar mansion brings the energy of separation. We are letting go of 2024 and welcoming in 2025. We are “exhaling” and letting go of the previous Age of Capricorn and breathing in the energy of the Age of Aquarius. We are letting go of old versions of ourself and old programming as we welcome in the new, upgraded model of who we are. Ruled by Venus and the Apas, or Ayurvedic water goddesses of the earth, this “Invincible Star” wants us to stay in the flow of life and trust the process as it unfolds. Water is related to time, and as we find ourselves under this second new moon of December and a repeat of January 2024 energy, we almost get to turn back the clocks or calendar from a month to nearly a year ago and re-focus on what we want. Perhaps we have the same goals now; maybe we’ve decided to work on something different. Either way, Purvashadha Nakshatra reminds us to make room for what we want to receive and who we want to become. If anything or anyone is standing in the way of your growth, now is the time to separate yourself so you can move your energy to where it matters.
The elephant tusk affiliated with this lunar mansion is also symbolic of Ganesha, the Hindu elephant deity that oversees Purvashadha and is known as “The Remover of Obstacles”. Ganesha clears things (or people) out of our way. Alternatively, he may also provide a new path for us to take. Don’t be surprised if you are inspired to work on your intentions in a different way than before as you step into the new year. Also lean into any severances that you’re desiring to take, so you’re energy is reserved for where you truly need it in the near future.
As far as Capricorn seasons and Capricorn moons go, this time around the energy is different. Pluto, one of Capricorn’s ruling planets has shifted from Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, into Aquarius. This brings a unique perspective to our work and alternative ways of approaching what we’re trying to achieve. Saturn, Capricorn’s other ruling planet, is in dreamy Pisces, making as all more optimistic than normal this time of year. With Capricorn being The Cosmic Realist, this alignment in Pisces pushes us to believe in the reality of our most extravagant dreams coming true. The key is to take the steps to get there. Before we take physical action, we have to trust in it to be true in our mind. Use this New Moon to dream BIG and embrace that “elephant mindset” as you make space for whatever is waiting to come to you when you move into next level of your life.
What I write about the moon and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New Black Moon in Capricorn & Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.
Capricorn Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the December 30th Capricorn Virtual New Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
Full Moon in Gemini
Mrigashira Nakshatra
December 15th, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she illuminates fully one last time this year, this time in the sign of Gemini. Ruled by Mercury, who is currently retrograde for one more day, this sign is going to bring a different feeling than normal to the holiday season.
Gemini is the most social sign of the zodiac. Known as The Cosmic Mirror, they love to both deflect and reflect energy. This usually comes in the way of sharing about themselves or sharing about others, and a full moon in the holiday season would typically mean a lot of chatty, gathering energy. However, with Mercury in Retrograde we feel more withdrawn. We may want to conserve our energy more than usual or engage with the public less. We may also feel the need to act spontaneously and get away. With this Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius during Sagittarius season, there is more spontaneity and more adventure than usual. If you decide to travel, just be patient! You may get rerouted or delayed more than once on your journey.
Despite the desire to interact less, there is still a need to prioritize joy this holiday season. Sagittarius is what I call the”Santa Clause” of the zodiac. Ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our galaxy, this sign loves to spread cheer to those they care about. Just like this isn’t your usual Gemini Full Moon, this is’t the Sagittarius season you are used to. Jupiter is currently retrograde, turning attention inward. This moon will want you to shower all of that love and support you usually give to everyone else, onto yourself instead. Don’t be surprised if you feel a little selfish during this lunar portal. The cosmos is encouraging you to give yourself both what you need AND want this holiday season.
You may also want to prioritize more self-care or self-spoilage, even! With Uranus, the rebel planet spinning backwards along with Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars, the planet of action, this moon wants us to be a rebel and maybe shop for ourself more than normal. If there’s something on your wishlist you’ve been wanting, maybe buy it now instead of waiting! The only exception would be more expensive, high ticket items. With Mercury in its post-retrograde shadow until January 2nd, it may be wise to hold off on spending larger sums of money or buying things that involve contracts a little longer.
Full Moons have a way of highlighting things. This full moon in Gemini will have us analyzing relationships and deciding what is really “fair” for our future energetic exchanges. Mercury Retrograde also has a way of bringing up people from our past, so we can decide if we want them in our future. As much as you’re tending to your relationships, also make sure that you’re “taking a good look in the mirror,” and developing a healthy relationship with yourself. Mars Retrograde encourages us to do internal work. With both Mercury and Mars retrograde this moon, it’s time to make sure we’re treating ourself the way we expect others to, instead of waiting around for others to do it.
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is Mrigashira Nakshatra. Known as “The Searching Star” and represented by a deer, deer’s head running, or antelope, this lunar mansion reminds us to tune into our senses and trust our intuition. If someone shows back up in your life and it just feels off, it is. If you’re invited to a social gathering and something tells you not to go, then don’t. This full moon reminds us to be more reflective, so that we don’t repeat mistakes or have regrets. Mrigashira is overseen by Soma, The Moon-God, and reminds us to be more of a spiritual warrior when it comes to our bliss and enlightenment. If there are people or relationships (not just with people, but with food, technology, work, etc.) that are blocking your ability to maintain peace, gain more wisdom, or feel more joy, then this moon will want you to let them go. Full moons are always a time of release. Don’t be afraid to use this last full moon of the year to separate yourself from what you no longer want to bring with you into your future or your next evolution.
Mrigashira Nakshatra is the 5th Nakshatra and sometimes symbolized by an arching bow. Known as “The Benevolent,” this lunar mansion is found from 23 degrees Taurus to 6 degrees Gemini and reminds us to always be seeking. Ruled by Mars who is currently retrograde for the first time in 2 years, Mrigashira typically wants us to engage in pursuits of learning. When we have Mrigashira’s ruling planet in retrograde, we’re encouraged to find more wisdom within. This full moons wants us to remember all we’ve been through. It wants us to reflect on the interactions we’ve had both on the external and within ourselves over this past year or so. What lessons have we gained in our mistakes? What wisdom have we learned in our relationships with others? Use this moon to spend more time learning from yourself more than anything else. Much can come to light at this time.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it’s all about giving yourself more attention. Winter is coming, and it is easy to detach and dissociate within the darkness. Use this full moon portal to recharge yourself for the work ahead, and do your best to take action around what elevates you. If you need to release and leave something with 2024, do it now. Anything lingering over with into the next new moon could stick around longer than expected into 2025. Make sure you hold onto who and what’s important, and let go of the rest for good.
New Moon in Sagittarius
Anuradha Nakshatra
December 1st, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses in the sign of Sagittarius. Although she isn’t “SUPER” or “micro” this time around, she still brings a unique energy to the cosmic table.
Mercury is currently in Sagittarius with the sun and moon, but is spinning backwards in one of its 3-4 retrogrades each year. Saving the best for last, it lines up with the energy of The Cosmic Archer AND the holiday season to help remind us of what’s really important. This sign is made of mutable fire. This means it can both burn and burn out. In a time when we exchange gifts, money, energy, and more with one another, this new moon reminds us to shift the focus and take care of ourselves instead.
New Moons set the tone for the entire lunar cycle. This last month of the year should be spent with our eyes on the target of our goals, with one of those objectives revolving around bliss. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, who is also currently retrograde and reminding us to focus on joy, expansion in multiple ways, and personal growth/development. This planet also becomes more increasingly visible to the naked eye from earth as it moves backwards. On December 5th, it will peak at its brightest while Mercury goes ‘combust” or aligns at the center of the sun in its Cazimi. This will be an especially potent day to focus on communicating your needs for more happiness in your life, or simply taking action on what your soul is craving. On December 6th, Mars will join the retrograde party, and help us to either take action in different ways or more internally rather than with the outer world. Focus on self-care and choices that make you joy"full" on this day, as much as possible.
The reason I lay out the next week now, is so you can set intention. New Moons are a time of manifestation and goal-setting, and if you have a certain practice or experience you need into your life in this next week, now is the time to ensure you carve out time for it. As we continue to navigate this Sagittarius New Moon over the next few days, this Sagittarius Season through December 21st, this Sagittarius lunar cycle lasting through December 29th, and this Jupiter retrograde lasting through February 4th, 2025, we will be given opportunities that help us both grow and move closer to the life we dream of. Use the new moon now to get intentional about what you desire, so you get the future gifts this season that you truly want.
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra. Located between 3-16 degrees of Scorpio, this 17th of the Nakshatras translates to “Another Radha” or “Subsequent Success”. This “Star of Devotion and Loyalty” is overseen by Mitra, the deity of friendship and alliances. Ruled by Saturn, this lunar mansion also reminds us that every action has a karmic reaction. Anuradha Nakshatra wants us to pay attention to ourselves and develop a trusting, loyal relationship to ourself most of all. Symbolized by a lotus flower, this moon is reminding us to push through the challenges and persevere through both the muck and the darkness of winter. This moon wants us to continue to bloom, no matter the circumstance. With enough focus and intention, many things can happen behind the scenes. By the time we reach the full moon in Sagittarius in June, we’ll either blossom from what we’ve worked on now, or we’ll continue to simply move in the direction of our goals. Where do you want to be? Make the decision NOW!
In the spirit of the Sagittarius arrow back in the west, let this new moon push you to take aim on where you want to be, and not stop until you get there. Sagittarius energy is very resourceful and innovative. Combine this with the energy of Mitra in Anuradha Nakshatra, and you may find what you need within yourself when it comes to the next step. Trust in your power and what you are capable of. Lean into your gifts. Reach out for help from others when you need it. There are many opportunities ahead this winter. Let yourself focus on where you want to go over the next year, so you feel confident when it’s time to make decisions to help get you there.
What I write about the moon and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New Moon in Sagittarius & Anuradha Nakshatra.
Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the November 30th Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
Full SUPERMoon in Taurus
Krittika Nakshatra
November 15th, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses in her last opportunity to become her fullest in 2024. This SUPERMoon aligns in 24 degrees of Taurus, and the Cosmic Cow arrives to remind us what we are capable of.
Usually depicted as a bull, the “bullish” nature of this sign brings more independence to the energetic table. You may find yourself seeking more freedom during this lunar portal, or you may feel more motivated to do things on your own. Ruled by Venus, this sign embraces both feminine and masculine sides, and it is sometimes known for its fertile qualities. In a time when nature seems to by dying all around us, the Taurus full moon reminds us that much is happening under the surface. For those of you who have planted autumn bulbs, you already know magic is happening within the earth, and all of us tend to trust that nature will start blooming again in the Northern Hemisphere 4-6 months from now. This is a time of hibernation. As we navigate colder times ahead, let yourself hold onto the dreams your are nurturing behind closed doors. Conception takes time. The birth of your new reality will arrive in the near future if you continue to believe in your creative nature now. When nothing seems to be happening on the outside, trust in what you feel on the inside.
Speaking of feelings, this moon may have you more connected to your body and your "humanness". Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and this element is connected to our earthly, human body as much as it relates to the earth itself. Don’t be surprised if you feel your body more than normal, or you really feel this human experience we’re collectively exploring. Full Moons are always related to us being more with the anxieties of our mind. If you’re feeling unsteady with this moon, do your best to slow down, and give yourself the attention and practices you need to find more grounding.
This moon is ultimately about supporting ourselves. We may need to lean into more self-care right now, or we may need to prioritize more time with ourself and the things that brings us pleasure. We are preparing to move into the holiday season within the next few weeks, and the tug of social and family obligations are likely to leave us feeling drained. Take advantage now in the “calm before the storm” to lead a more lackadaisical life. As much as the bull is related to anger and aggression, it actually prefers a slower, more docile and peaceful life. They enjoy long naps in the sun and slow chews on grass. Let yourself lean into life’s pleasures under this moon, too. Perhaps you treat yourself to a nice dinner and cozy time in bed with a book or movie after. Maybe you book yourself a massage or finally get that pedicure you’ve been craving. Taurus energy is related to more of a life filled with luxury. Use this new moon to motivate yourself to do more for YOU!
In Vedic Astrolgy, this moon also displays a nature of independence and self-sufficiency. Spanning from 26 degrees of Aries to 10 degrees of Taurus, this moon is in Krittika Nakshatra and reminds us of what we are truly capable of. Both Aries and Taurus are signs that prefer to do things on their own, and this lunar mansion encourages us to take more ownership over our lives. Krittika means “The Cutter” or “One who Cuts” in Sanskrit, and it is ruled by both the Sun and the fire deity Agni. The energy of Krittika can be represented by a flame, razor, axe, blade, or anything else that severs quickly. Metaphorically, this all represents our ability to make change quickly. Remember, we are still in between the final eclipse seasons of the Aries-Libra series, and there could be a lot of shifts happening over the next 5-6 months.
There is also a tendency to seek out more detox and purification under this moon. The energetic fire of "tapas" is also cultivated under Krittika, helping us to energetically burn away and release what no longer serves. You may also want to tend to your body more by addressing any health concerns, shifting your habits towards more wellness, or you may even need to make quick changes or severances to protect your energy. There are a variety of ways to embrace the concept of letting go under this moon. Full Moons are always a time of release. Let this last SUPERMoon of the year aid you in letting go for good.
Make sure to pay attention to relationships and digital energetic exchanges within the next few weeks. Mercury is already in its pre-retrograde shadow, and The Planet of Trade, Communication, Travel, & Trickery will officially start spinning backwards on November 25th. Considering this retrograde will end just before Christmas on December 15th, and its post-retrograde shadow will linger until January 2nd through the holiday season, it will be especially important that you navigate conversations with friends and family with caution and with as much mindfulness as possible. Also don’t be surprised if people from your past show up, as Mercury has a way of doing that in order to help you decide who is really worth your time and energy. The holidays also increase travel, and if you’re traveling during the next 8 weeks you will want to be extra patient. If you travel home, again, don’t be surprised if you run into people from your past. If you plan to book any travel, especially long-distance or internationally, I would suggest doing it before/or after the retrograde, or make sure you have travel insurance, receipts for refund, etc. And if you have any big purchases to make for the holidays, do it as soon as possible! Overall, don’t get too attached. As much as Taurus & Krittika both display independence, so does Sagittarius. Known as The Cosmic Hunter/Huntress, this Mercury retrograde will help us decide who we want to come along with us as we go on the next hunt toward our goals.
We also may be encouraged to become more sustainable with this moon, both physically and energetically. Known as "The Beaver Moon" in Indigenous cultures, this moon wants us to prioritize what’s really important and protect ourselves for possibly challenging times ahead. Venus also just recently moved into Capricorn, aligning into the same type of energy by helping us place value on what truly matters and encouraging us to support ourselves. We may feel more solidified with any changes and decisions we make after the full moon peaks. Saturn goes Direct in Pisces on the 15th with this full moon, helping us to redirect our karma and move it toward what makes us feel more energetically attuned. This full moon portal also illuminates Pluto shifting from its 16 year stay in Capricorn into its next 20 year vacation in Aquarius on November 19th. This is a BIG deal! Aquarius is another more independent, freedom-seeking sign, and with The Age of Aquarius now unfolding, many changes can happen. All of the things happening under this full moon encourage us to take back our power and free ourselves from anything that weighs us down. This lunar portal also encourages us to make change as quickly as possible, so we don’t get stuck anywhere or with anyone we do not desire in the future. Under this fullest, closest SUPERMoon of the year, give yourself permission to do as you please. We're about to put a lot of effort toward those in our external world. Just for now, give this valuable and limited pre-holiday time to YOU.
Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the November 14th Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
New MicroMoon in Scorpio
Swati Nakshatra
November 1st, 2024
As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins at 9 degrees of Scorpio. She also arrives in the portal of Samhain, Halloween, Die de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, AllHallows’ Day, Hallowmas, etc.! Scorpio is a sign that relates to the underworld, as it is ruled by outlying Pluto and Hades-related Mars. With this auspicious alignment, the veil is even thinner than usual, and we have the ability to seize our magick, even if we’re a beginner to the concept.
This is also a time to connect to our ancestors, and sometimes this is one of the best ways to rediscover our own magick within. By learning about my own lineages, I’ve been able to embrace the paths I walk on, and I continue to enhance my “powers” as I find out more about where I came from. This new moon and entire lunar cycle is a great time to learn more about your bloodline. You could also take this time to create an ancestral altar with heirlooms, photos, and other things that provide meaning to your family. I will be doing this personally, as my son showed a sudden interest in my own ancestral altar all of a sudden this week. He’s also a Scorpio Rising and has been attracted to Halloween from the beginning, and kind of doesn’t give much energy to any other holiday. Today, I spent the morning telling him of his namesake, which happens to come from both sides of his family.
Scorpio is a season when we dive in the depths of our past. Being a fixed water sign, time is ever-flowing, but also simply one form of understanding energy and something that can be both traversed and manipulated. Scorpio energy likes to study the bloodlines of their past and the history of the collective, as well as believe in the ability to redirect the future or even predict what could happen. This is a potent time to embrace divination. You may want to get a Tarot reading, have your birth chart read, receive energy work, or do you own practices around channeling and reflecting. Scorpio energy likes to isolate, and so does the energy of the new moon. Don’t be afraid to take more time for yourself during the next few days and during this entire lunar portal. You may need it in times ahead.
In Vedic Astrolgy, we also receive encouragement to spend more time alone. From an Eastern perspective, this moon is in Swati Nakshatra. Known as the “Star of Solitude” or “Independent One”, this lunar mansion is the 15th Nakshatra and represented by the sole star Arcturus (Alpha-Bootis). It also spans from 6-20 degrees of Libra. Our past few moons have shared a sign with another, but now it seems like we’re back on track with a more solo energy. This star is ruled by only one deity: the Hindu wind-god Vayu. Occurring in the thick of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, this moon reminds us that change is inevitable. It also shows us that HOW we change is in our control. Represented by a small growing bamboo shoot challenged by the wind, this energy gives us the support to keep growing, learning, and moving toward our highest self, no matter what we face in the external. This is a moon that also encourages flexibility, reminding us that we have to move on from older versions of ourself in order to achieve who we are aspiring to become.
Swati is sometimes represented by a sword, reminding us of the ability to make change swiftly. This nakshatra is also ruled by Rahu, or the “head of the dragon” and North Node of the moon. This “planet” keeps us moving forward toward our next evolution and encourages us to break free of the chains of our past—personally, generationally, and karmically. In Western Astrology, Scorpio is “The Cosmic Transformer” and related to the 3 archetypes of the scorpio, the eagle, and the phoenix. This sign encourages us to go on a path where we first molt or shed the hard shell we hold, then molt or free ourselves of the feathers that keep us from flying, then completely shed ourselves of the old self and rise up from the ashes anew. Remember, we have just moved through the eclipse season, and we are still in the eclipse SERIES of Aries-Libra from a Western perspective until spring. Just as many things happen behind the scenes of nature during winter’s slumber, we also have the ability to go through great change between now and the next 6 months ahead. Don’t sleep on your dreams and don’t hesitate to make big moves, even in a time when it seems like nobody else is. This moon brings an independent nature to help you move forward on your own. As you navigate this new moon and lunar cycle ahead, set intentions to keep your momentum moving toward your highest self and keep integrating what you need in order to get there. The more you dive into healing and "glowing up", the more you will grow and transform.
What I write about the moon and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New MicroMoon in Scorpio & Swati Nakshatra.
Scorpio Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the November 1st Scorpio Virtual Full Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
Full SUPERMoon in Aries
Ashwini/Ashvini Nakshatra
October 17th, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated as the largest supermoon of the year in 24 degrees of Aries. This is the first sign of the zodiac and known as The Cosmic Warrior. It’s time to go after our goals and not stop until we get there.
It may be strange to think of goal-setting at this time. As we move closer to the holiday season and the next year, we usually find ourselves reflecting during this time on all we’ve achieved or didn’t accomplish. However, autumn is also a planting season in the Western part of the world, and we can allow ourselves to continue to goal-set and goal-seek, even when it appears that all energy is waning around us. The key is to hold faith in what is brewing in the darkness. This is time when we plant bulbs to work their magic in the ground over winter. Fueled by the energy of the Aries Hunter Moon, what we plant now has a lot of potential to grow.
This moon is known as The Hunter’s Moon in Indigenous cultures, due to it being a time when hunting seasons begin. In fact, deer season has just begun in most locations in North America, and with this full supermoon shining bright tonight, the deer will definitely be rutting! It’s funny how nature has a way of aligning with the cosmos. If you’re driving at night in a place where deer and other wildlife are active, be alert over the next few evenings of your surroundings.
Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, meaning it’s both the fire starter and the one who continues to throw logs on the flames to burn. This is a very self-starting type of energy, so don’t be surprised if you feel motivated to attack your to-do list or start up a sudden project you’re inspired with. Aries energy can bring a lot of ideas to the table, and with all of that excitement in the air it will be hard to be stagnant. If you start to work on tasks make sure to have a way to stay focused and balanced. One thing about fire energy, is it tends to burn out. While this can be a time when you are more energetic, it can also be a time when you get more distracted. Aries energy doesn’t like to abandon work or leave things incomplete. If you get overwhelmed or lead yourself into exhaustion instead of staying on a steady pace to the finish, you will likely be disappointed in yourself. If this happens, as we move toward the next New Moon in Scorpio and Scorpio season, you could continue to dwell on any regrets. Seize the opportunity to utilize the energy at hand, but make sure to use it wisely.
In Vedic Astrolgy, there is also an energy to get “out of the gate” and get started. From an Eastern perspective, this moon is in Ashwini/Ashvini Nakshatra, and represented by the head of a running or racing horse. This is also the first of the 27 nakshatras, and uniquely aligns with the Aries energy we are experiencing from the West. Ashvini means “born of a horse” or “horsewoman,” and this “Star of Transport” gives us the energy we need to initiate ourself into new beginnings. Ashwini/Ashvini Nakshatra spans from 0-13 degrees of Aries, also creating a unique alignment globally with Astrology and Aries, no matter what point of view you take. We had a preview of this energy with the previous New Moon in Libra and Hasta Nakshatra, where the moon dangled on the outskirts of the Virgo constellation, very close to Libra’s zone. Now we're fully aligned on both East and West, initiating us into the wholeness we need to learn to hold.
Ashwini Nakshatra is comprised of 2 stars: Alpha Arietis & Beta Arietis. In Hindu Mythology these are known as the Ashwini Kumaras, and are depicted as twin physicians who are skilled surgeons and powerful healers. They are also known as the divine Horsemen and are sometimes pictured being pulled in a chariot by horses who never tire. This lunar mansion wants us to keep going, and trust in our endless potential. This is also an important time to make sure we are healing ourselves on any level, so that we have the health and energy we need to truly meet our goals to the end. This moon is bringing a swiftness to anything we put our efforts to. Give yourself the space, time, and whatever else you need in order to take advantage of the energy.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, there seems to be a push from somewhere bigger than us to get to our next level. Not only is this moon lining up in an auspicious way with Aries on both sides of the world, we also find ourselves under a Grand Cross at this time between the sun in Libra, the moon in Aries, Mars in Cancer, and Pluto in Capricorn. All planets are currently square to one another or opposing each other, which forms a sort of double T square and pushes the energy outward towards all four planets. A grand Cross is a rare occurrence in astrology. No matter how you view it, two planets are working together to push out towards another. For example, the sun and moon are working right now to push energy out towards Pluto and help us seize our wholeness as we hold more power and control over our life. There is also a coming together between Mars and Pluto to help us be assertive enough to own both what our Sun side needs and our Moon side desires. You can keep going around the wheel with the other relationships, but overall, all you need to know is there is great potential for transformation and growth in the very near future. Aries energy doesn’t like to wait around. If things are going to happen, they’re going to happen very fast! Remember, the new moon that rules this lunar cycle was also in a total solar eclipse, which brings more acceleration to whatever we are doing right now. Mars is the planet of taking action and getting things done, and it’s ruling us from all perspectives of the moon! Don’t let these last few months of the year get away from you. A true manifester knows there is always an opportunity to move mountains. Use this fullest, super moon of the year in Aries energy to find your power, and move it through you.
New MicroMoon/Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra
Hasta Nakshatra
October 2nd, 2024
As the moon begins a new cycle, she continues to journey through the eclipse portal. This time the solar-lunar reset occurs in the sign of Libra, helping us to place our heart at top priority.
A cardinal air sign arriving on the first day of Autumn, this moon will bring in the deep breaths we need to embrace as we navigate upcoming change. While usually a peaceful season, this particular time with Libra is a bit shaky, and we’ll need to utilize every energetic tool we have in order to maintain our center.
This year’s Libra New Moon brings with it an annular solar eclipse. While we won’t be able to see the total solar eclipse in most parts of the world, we still feel the energy. When we have an eclipse with a new moon it feels more like a full moon, so don’t be surprised if you feel a need to let go in any way right now. The change you crave could help you transform into another person completely. Eclipses have a way of accelerating our evolution.
To find more guidance around where to change or where to focus during this eclipse, refer to your natal birth chart at 10 degrees Libra. The whole sign house aligning here will give you insights on where you need to grow, make change, create more peace, or manage your energetic exchanges. Libra is ruled by Venus and is all about relationship. Make sure all of the people, places, and things that take up your energy right now are worth it.
It’s also important to communicate how you feel under this moon. Mercury is currently combust by the sun at 11 degrees, making it a key player in this eclipse portal. When Mercury is in Libra, we embrace a softer side. We allow ourselves to speak our feelings and we express ourselves creatively and/or artistically. Don’t be surprised if you need to speak on things right now! Mercury combust by the sun has a lot of power!
Heart-felt feelings and emotionally-ruled behavior will be in the spotlight under this New Moon. In addition to the eclipse, this moon also brings a Grand Trine between Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, and Venus in Scorpio. This excess water combined with loving Libra is going to bring an interesting energy. You might want to make love or cry your eyes out. You may want to dance and since and make art, or you may want to drown yourself in your sorrows, dwell on the past, or linger in regret. Don’t let low frequencies get the best of you! Eclipses bring to light things from our past sometimes, so we can let go of attachments and alchemize the way we feel for good.
In Vedic Astrolgy, this moon is also working to make things better and help us evolve. Known as Hasta Nakshatra, this lunar mansion is called “The Hand of God and represents our ability to use our human vessel, especially our hands, to uplift both ourselves and the collective frequency. Ruled by the moon, Hasta Nakshatra encourages us to get creative and let out emotions fuel the way we write, sculpt, paint, craft, and produce in general. The moon also represents our more internal self, and you might find yourself wanting to meditate, fast, or take a brief vow of silence during this lunar portal.
Hasta Nakshatra is also ruled by Savitar, The Sun God. This lunar-solar power comes in at the perfect time to match the total solar eclipse we will experience. This is a time to break patterns and habits that no longer serve and restore balance within our bloodline. With this moon initiating Navaratri, the 9 waxing days of the moon and 9 nights of The Goddess, we are asked to use this lunar cycle to restore balance to the world by healing our generational karma. Navaratri is about expelling the demons of darkness. Use this new eclipsed moon to let go of illusions and embrace what change can be welcomed in.
This lunar cycle will also bring in the thinning of the veil and an ability for us to connect to our ancestors with more clarity. This portal of liminal spaces opened with the Full Partially-Eclipsed Moon in Pisces just a few weeks ago. By the time we arrive under the next New Moon in Scorpio, we will also find ourselves on Samhain and the peak of shadow season. This moon is ruled by the hand and human body in the East and the energetic center of the heart in the West. It is time to create as much balance and peace as possible, so we’re fully prepared for the deep dive that is Scorpio season to come. Give yourself ample time alone over the next few weeks and go on a journey throughout your heart, your feelings, and your emotions. The more you develop a strong relationship with yourself, the harder it will be for the world to deter you from your dreams when challenging times arrive ahead.
What I write about the moon and what I say about it can be different. Check out the video below to gain even more insights around this New MicroMoon/Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra & Hasta Nakshatra.
Libra Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the October 1st Libra Virtual Full Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
Full SuperMoon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
September 17th, 2024
As the moon continues on her cycle, she becomes partially eclipsed while full in Pisces. Full moons are always a time of release, and this moon brings us supportive energy to truly let go.
Represented by 1 fish swimming up and 1 fish swimming down, Pisces is a sign that encourages us to ride the waves. They are also positioned at the end of the zodiac wheel, representing the transition of both endings and new beginnings. We always find ourselves under a Pisces moon at a time of year when seasons are shifting. While it will not always be eclipsed in the late summer, this “Harvest Moon” initiates us into darker, colder times. Although sometimes rising in October, the Harvest Moon comes early this year to help prepare us for what is ahead. By the time we arrive under the next full moon, we will have navigated a full solar eclipse in Libra. We will also be less than a week away from Scorpio season and less than 2 weeks away from all celebrations honouring the dead. Shadow season is upon us! Use this moon to get acquainted with the energy.
We will dance with this eclipse series through the spring of 2025. It originally started on April 19th of 2023 with a solar Eclipse in Aries, and it will end on March 29th of 2025 with its final solar eclipse in the same sign. Now that we’re on the end of this series, we’re preparing to shift to the next set of “work” we need to do on our evolution. Aries & Libra energy are all about war & peace. There are constant battles to maintain our idea of “harmony,” but every way must eventually transform and grow into something more. Perhaps it is time to approach our peace from a different way, less external, less physical. Aries is The Cosmic Warrior and Libra is The Cosmic Judge. The two together can bring a lot of force and pressure. Before this series we had Taurus and Scorpio eclipsing our moons from November 19th of 2021 through October 28th of 2023. That energy was all about horns down, charging forward, and a lot of stinging and poison/sickness in the process. Now, we begin to move into the next partnership: Pisces and Virgo. This partially eclipsed moon in Pisces softens the usual Aries blow we’ve found ourselves under for the past 2 years. While we will still need to do spiritual work to find our peace, it might be easier to do so than before. Pisces Is soft water energy. Let yourself be more yin under this moon. Give yourself permission to slow down, turn within, and listen to any guidance coming through to you. Let yourself lean into a state of “allowing” rather than trying to make it so. Maybe your process of healing isn’t as complicated as you’ve been trying to make it. Not everything requires our current collective concept of “doing”. With Uranus still retrograde under this moon, it's ok to approach things differently or push the collective norm.
There is A LOT in the cosmos happening with this moon to support us. Venus, our planet of yin, expression, creativity, and the feminine, is opposing Chiron, the asteroid that represents our wounds, traumas, and triggers. This makes it easier for us to tend to our wounds and navigate them without judgement. This opposition is also forming a T-square with Pluto, who is currently retrograde in Capricorn, a sign who likes to take control. In other words, the work we do right now on our inner self can accelerate our ability to hold power over our life, both internal and external. If you’ve felt like others have been taking advantage of you, or if you’ve been in a state of giving away too much of your power, now is the time to reclaim your energy through self-acceptance, internal & unconditional love, and validation in its fullest of how you feel. The past few moons have been about reclaiming our sovereignty. Now is the time to put it all into action by taking back our metaphorical throne.
This moon also brings a Grand Trine between Pluto in Capricorn, the Sun in Virgo, and Uranus in Taurus. The earth energy this trine shares encourages us to think and do differently than we have before, and either lay or re-lay new groundwork for where we are headed. There is also an urge to get more selfish under this moon, because both Uranus and Pluto are retrograde, and the sun is ruled by the ego. By tending to ourselves, our needs, and the desired life we dream of, we start to find more energy shifting to make this happen with more ease. We cannot always be focused on what's around us. While a full, eclipsed, watery moon may have you feeling restless, do your best to find rest, deep breaths, and slower state of pace to settle your nervous system by turning more within.
Not a Grand Trine, but still relative, Venus is also currently trining Jupiter. In other words, it’s one of the luckiest times of the year, and one of the luckiest moons we could have right now! Jupiter is our planet of fortune, growth, expansion, and joy. Venus is all about pleasure. It’s time to let go of what stresses us and lean into what nourishes us. Focus on fun under this eclipsed moon, and you’ll set a standard for much more bliss in even the darkest months to come.
In Vedic Astrolgy, this moon is ruled by Jupiter and harmoniously within the Pisces constellation, same as from the West. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra spans from the last 10 degrees of Aquarius to the first 3 degrees and 20 minutes of Pisces, and this is the lunar mansion currently housing our full moon now. Translated as “former auspicious foot” or “first auspicious step”, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is symbolized by the front legs of a funeral cot and ruled by the deity Aja Ekapada, a one-legged form of Shiva. This single pillared incarnation can be found within ourselves in the Sushumna Nadi, or our spinal column that houses the 7 main chakras. In true Pisces spirit, this version of Shiva is actually quite rare and not always found within Hindu tradition. Represented as a mystical pillar of life, the mythology here is a reminder of us to look within for our own guidance, and let go of the illusions on the external. Eclipses are always an opportunity for us to accelerate ourselves into our next evolution. This full moon and the eclipses to come will likely encourage you to tend to what’s within, so you can full grow and expand on the outside.
Also represented by a two-faced man, Purva Bhadrapada can represent the duality of shadow and light, conscious and subconscious, internal and external. We may find conflicting feelings over the next few weeks, or this full moon may bring to light something that’s standing in our way of true balance. Also represented by a sword, this lunar mansion can give us the wits to strategize how to make change or live differently. We again bring back the concept of the current eclipse series, and how we’re learning to shift from the warrior spirit of Aries into the softer, more introspective side of Pisces. It’s time to shed the old and invite in the new, but it won’t necessarily be easy. Just as Purva Bhadrapada represents the beginnings of death, it is time for you to also lean into the letting go of who you no longer are.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, the energy supports you to start stepping into who you are ready to be. Pisces energy is ruled by the throat chakra, and it will be important for us to start expressing our truest needs and nature. Use this moon to get comfortable with yourself. Spend more time within, as it is considered unlucky to be out underneath an eclipse. With that being said, perhaps you need to initiate a reset! Or maybe you were out under the crescent moon on September 4th, where Ganesha Chaturthi brought in elephant power to clear things out, and you need to reset what happened there! You could also prepare some eclipse water to drink during this time for the same effect. If you do not want things erased, though, make sure to stay inside and avoid the energy! Remember, Pluto is currently retrograde, giving us the power to take charge of how we work with things right now. Take advantage of this transit as you take hold of the reigns of your life. It’s about to be a bumpy ride ahead! Get yourself ready to stay in control as much as possible.
Pisces Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the September 17th Pisces Virtual Full Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
New Mini/Micro Moon in Virgo
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
September 2nd, 2024
As the moon begins her last lunar cycle of summer, she begins in Virgo and at a distance.
This particular moon is considered a “mini” or “micromoon”, and won’t impact us as strongly as usual.
Perhaps we don't need the pressure. Saturn, the planet of karma, “Father Time”, and hard knocks is currently retrograde along with Pluto, the planet of power, control, and the underworld. Both are encouraging us to take control of our life and quit blaming the external for our vices, failures, and shortcomings. We also have Mercury, one of Virgo’s rulers, currently in its retrograde post-shadow. Although now moving direct, the energy is lagging to move forward completely. Combine this with the increasing gravity of Earth that arises with a new moon and we may feel heavy, lethargic, unmotivated, and more. We may also feel emotional, as both Virgo and earth energy are connected to the earthly human experience. As much as we want it all to be blissful, occasionally, it can be a drag. Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion is currently retrograde in its home sign of Pisces, along with a backwards-spinning Jupiter, the planet usually perpetuating expansion. This journey into the cosmic ocean can make us feel caught up in an undertow, where the harder we try, the more we suffer. Luckily, this new micromoon gives us a slight break on the pull, so we can catch our breath, recuperate, use our mind, and learn to take control again.
This moon also welcomes Venus in Libra, which just recently occurred within the balsamic moon phase, or last few days of the previous lunar cycle. This is an ideal placement, giving us inspiration to bring beauty into everything we do and everywhere we go. There will also be a sense of justice and fairness starting to rise. Libra is responsible for relationships, so don’t be surprised if you feel a need to adjust any of your energetic exchanges accordingly. This new moon in Virgo is the initiation into eclipse season, where much change can occur much more quickly than usual. Don’t be afraid to make swift change if you need to. This moon may encourage you to go a different direction without the need for explanation.
Part of this spontaneity comes from the moon being with Leo from an Eastern perspective. In Vedic Astrology this moon is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, a lunar mansion spanning from 13-26 degrees of Leo. Ruled by Venus, yin energy is especially supported under this new moon. This nakshatra is also ruled by Bhaga, or the Hindu deity responsible for wealth and happiness. In the spirit of self-centered Leo, you may want to get more selfish over the next few weeks as you prioritize what makes you happy and what expands your own blissful, bliss-filled world. Similar to Virgo’s craving for sovereignty and independence, the energy of Purva Phalguni also encourages us to rule our lives in only the way that we want and can truly achieve on our own.
You may feel extra- creative under this moon or during this lunar cycle. You may also have new ideas that you can’t help but start working on. It may be just the beginning steps, but even putting the slightest energy toward your goals right now can create a great momentum. Virgo energy loves to move toward things mindfully and methodically, while Purva Phalguni is represented by the wedding bed or a ripened fruit and can be thought of as the initial steps toward conception or the slow but steady time it takes for something to be ready. Remember, Mercury is still lingering as it moves direct. Patience will be especially important for the next few weeks, likely until we find ourselves under the full, partially-eclipsed moon in Pisces on September 16th. If you feel like you’re making a solid, committed effort to get where you want to be, trust the process and stay in an uplifted, focused frequency. The more you both believe in your dream and take the steps to get there, the closer you will get to seeing it all completely come true.
*I always share MORE about the moon in my newsletter!
Virgo Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the September 1st Virgo Virtual Full Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join the membership and access a FREE TRIAL!.
Full 'Blue" SUPERMoon in Aquarius
Dhanishta Nakshatra
August 19th, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses as a “Blue” Supermoon, bright and full in Aquarius. This is the sign of the cosmic Water-Bearer, and we are encouraged right now to use stories of both our own and other to help propel ourself into a better future.
Aquarius energy is very independent. Sometimes known as the “freedom fighter” of the zodiac, this sign focuses on uplifting humanity above all else. They do this by going on their own journeys of change and understanding, and by working to become a better person themselves, they influence others to do the same. Aquarius is represented by the “water-bearer”. Shown as a person pouring a pitcher of water out, this sign’s symbolism is the sharing of mind and memory. The water poured and shared are the stories the person has collected over time and travel, along with their own insights, experiences, and opinions mixed in. Sometimes mistaken for a water sign, Aquarius is actually fixed air. Ruled by the intellect and philosophy of the thinking mind, Aquarius energy loves to “pour over” big topics of conversation and deep meaning.
Ruled by the rebellious and innovative planet Uranus, Aquarius energy pushes us to keep moving forward. This particular full moon is known as The Grain Moon, The Full Corn Moon, The Sturgeon Moon, The Blueberry Moon, The Wheat Cut Moon, and The Moon When All Things Ripen. Although we find ourselves now harvesting the fruits of our labors planted with the lunar new year, the new moon in Aquarius, and spring, we are also reminded that so much space is ahead of us to still expand into. This moon is both a Supermoon and a Blue Moon, bringing us a lot of lunar magic! Supermoons bring the moon into perigee, meaning it is as close as it can get to the earth. This heightens Prana even more than usual, bringing in a rush of life force energy to help us continue creating at waning summer's end. We also find ourselves under a “blue” moon this year. Typically, there are only 3 full moons in a 3 month season. When we find ourselves with 4 full moons, the 3rd is known as a “Blue Moon”. This is what we are under now, showing us that we still have one magical full moon ahead this fall and plenty more time to continue planting and growing what we desire.
Speaking of growth, Jupiter and Mars are currently in a T-square with Venus and Saturn, giving us the extra push we need to start prioritize relationships that both teach us important lessons and support us in our personal evolution. If you’re feeling the need to change or “do differently” right now, lean into it. Aquarius energy wants us to think outside of the box, shift perspective, and try new things. Use this moon and the current T-Square to develop a new relationship with this life you’re trying to live!
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is also auspiciously placed within the energy of Aquarius. Spanning from 23 degrees of Capricorn to 6 degrees of Aquarius, Dhanishta Nakshatra is now where our moon resides from an Eastern perspective. The rare placement of this moon in the same sign from both the East and West gives us the initiation we need to start operating differently. Ruled by Mars and represented by the Eight Vasus or 8 deities of the Hindu elements, this lunar mansion fuels us with the qualities of confidence, stability, reliability, hard work, energy, intelligence, empathy, and music. This moon is also known as Gayatri Jayanti, or the birthday of the mother of all gods and keeper of knowledge. Known as the “Star of Symphony,” “Star of Wealth,” and “Star of Abundance,” this label comes from the word ‘Dhanishta’ meaning “the wealthiest” or “the most beneficent”. When we find ourselves under the energy of Dhanishta, we are reminded to reach for the highest potential of who we can become, what we can create, and what this life can be.
We are also reminded to stay grounded through our process of expansion. Dhanishta is represented by the damaru, or drum that Lord Shiva played during his dance of destruction and creation known as the Tandava. This moon reminds us to keep in rhythm, stay in energetic harmony, and trust that when things are lost or given up they are always creating space for more.
Music, frequencies, binaural beats, sound healing, and any sort of sound, rhythm, or beat could be extra potent and medicinal right now. It may also feel therapeutic to dance, shake, bounce/rebound, or do anything else somatic or embodying under this moon. Try to keep your body in movement to align with the current state of heightened prana and prevent any anxious uprisings. The more you stay in perpetual motion right now, the less the vrittis (tornadic thoughts) will swirl in your mind!
You could find yourself lost in your thinking often right now. Mercury is still retrograde until August 28th, with the post-shadow ending on September 11th. Lean into practices that keep you centered, and don’t be afraid to lean into conscious rest like meditation, Yin/Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, etc. whenever life isn’t going as planned. Also pay special attention to people of your past arriving back in now. Mercury Retrograde and the Sun are conjunct in heart-ruled Leo, and both are opposing the moon. You may find the need to rekindle relationships but form the bond in a different way. You may also want to let the relationship go for good. Either way, use this influence of this conscious Aquarius moon to shed light on anything worth paying attention to before you make your decision. With Neptune in Pisces currently retrograde right now, there is an unveiling of things we currently need to know.
New Moon in Leo
Ashlesha Nakshatra
August 4th, 2024
As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Leo. This is the sign of the Cosmic Lion, and it’s time to find the balance between work and play.
We’ve spent much of our summer with Cancer and Capricorn energy. These are our cosmic parents, expressing both how we nurture, and how we maintain discipline. Leo is more of the cosmic child, and now we shift into an imaginative, playful space that pays less attention to responsibility. Leo season is about letting loose, embracing the light, and living through joy. If you’ve been navigating serious times lately, give yourself a break under this new moon to relax, let loose, and enjoy life.
Even if it’s just for a day, let yourself have fun in any way you can. Lean into your hobbies and heart’s interests. Do things to simply just DO them. If you have children in your life, let them lead for awhile and direct you into creativity, exploration, and wonder. And whatever you do, try to find the spark of light or happiness everywhere you go.
Leo is ruled by the sun and represents the peak of the summer season we are now in. This is also a time when we find ourselves in the Lion’s Gate Portal which opened in late July, peaks on August 8th (just past this new moon portal), and will close on August 12th. This was a time historically when the Nile River rose in Egypt to flood the crops and provide much needed hydration and nourishment. It is ultimately a time of fertility and creative space, where much is happening underneath the surface, and there is still much to gain. Use this new moon and this Leo lunar portal to embrace the time and space you still have to work with. The year may be halfway over, but solar energy is powerful! Continue to charge yourself toward your dreams so you can reap what is currently being nurtured and nourished know without your knowing.
This tendency to tend to ourselves and our heart’s desires comes out of Cancer energy continuing to influence us from the East. In Vedic Astrology this moon is in Ashlesha Nakshatra and found within 16 to 30 degrees of Cancer. This is also considered a “Gandant” Nakshatra, because it ends at the ending of a constellation. Gandant means “knot,” and this energy creates a bit of a cosmic tug of war between 2 energies. This is where we find ourselves now as we struggle to lean into Leo’s spontaneous, more juvenile tendencies while also maintaining the daily needs of personal attention that we have learned from Capricorn and Cancer. If we are to remain on course to success, then we have to learn how to find balance between both.
Ruled by the Nagas/Naga or snake deity, this “Clinging Star” is represented by the coiled snake of the Kundalini. It reminds us to stick to regular routine while also holding onto the faith that small, methodical changes will helps us move closer to our goals coming true. The Kundalini is our energetic life force, or Prana, in motion. When we balance both yin and yang, masculine and feminine, work and play, both energies move upward in harmony. The more our frequencies rise, the closer we get to that state of enlightenment our spirit side is trying to achieve.
One way we can achieve a more rapid spiritual evolution, is to focus on both the physical and spiritual practices our whole self needs. The snake in Ashlesha Nakshatra represents the poison of the venom, as well as the healing properties of the antivenom. In small doses, the poison of the snake can actually be what heals the body from larger exposures. The more we work into our practices and focus on the tough shadow work, the more resilient we will become.
You may find yourself going through a sort of shedding or healing process right now. It might be difficult for you to take time off or lean into a different life that revolves around more of your bliss. Shedding isn’t a pretty thing to go through. The snake's eyes become clouded, and its body becomes feverish and sick in the process. If you find yourself blindly moving into your next evolution, trust the process. Find safe space and a network of trusting people to help you through it. On the other side, you will feel better, but you must go through the pressure in order to burst out of what is no longer serving.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, find your guiding light in the process. Ashlesha encourages you to seek out the inner light, and Leo wants you to live in the light as much as possible. Use this new moon to get out under the sun as well as spark your inner fires. It’s time to shine the way you’re meant to glow.
Full "Blue" Moon in Capricorn
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
July 21st, 2024
As the moon continues throughout this Cancerian cycle, she pauses another time with Capricorn. This is considered a “blue moon”, and gives us a second chance to realign with our truest path.
Capricorn is the hardest working sign of the zodiac. With that being said, the previous full moon in Capricorn with the summer solstice portal reminded us to slow down, take rest, and reflect on all that we had gained so far. The New Moon in Cancer following also encouraged us to lean into self-care over productivity. After a month off, we should start to feel rejuvenated enough to get back into a routine that supports success. This may happen immediately, or it may still take some time. Be patient throughout the rest of this lunar cycle and stay focused. We are currently in a blue moon, giving us a rare opportunity to vibrate at the frequency of what we want our life to be like and actually make it happen sooner than later.
If you still feel the need to rest a little longer, do so! Sometimes a Full Moon in Capricorn wants us to let go of work in order to balance out such driven, yang energy. On the other hand, the same moon can also help you let go of what stands in your way of winning, and push you toward more time with your goals and the steps that it takes to get there. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is very karmic, and the Hermetic Principles state that like attracts like. If you want a life of constant work, by all means, continue to stay on task. If you want a life of leisure, perhaps lean into that, as well. However, we know a true life is balanced, with both sides contributing toward the greatest good. Use the light of this full moon to illuminate your daily work and regular care. Make sure that what you’re taking action on has purpose. Too much of anything is never good. Lean into your center, and the world will continue to revolve peacefully and productively with you and around you.
Just as we are encouraged right now to accommodate both wants and needs in the West, we also find ourselves placed between 2 different energies in the East. In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra. Spanning from 26 degrees Sagittarius to 10 degrees Capricorn, this lunar mansion translates to “latter victory” or “later unconquered,” and is sometimes known as the “Star of Victory’. Uttara Ashadha represents resilience, and most who are born under this energy find themselves driven with nobility and optimism. The gods of dharma, also known as the ten Vishva Devas in Hinduism, reside within this cosmic space, while the truth-bearing light of the sun rules the energy. We are reminded with this moon to be joyful in our pursuits, while also being realistic. The energy of Sagittarius, as well as the sun, encourages us to live life to the fullest. However, the energy of Capricorn calls us to our purpose and the tasks we need to accomplish to get there. Again, we call on the energy of the sun to light our path and give us energy as we continue on our voyage.
Represented by an elephant’s tusk, Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra also reminds us to either clear the path or get out of our own way. Either might be relevant right now, so take heed to what the moon is showing you. The elephant is related to Ganesha energy—the Hindu deity who remove obstacles, rides on a mouse, and serves his Mother. The mouse shows us that anything is possible and the service is a reminder to mother ourselves through the process. As you use this full moon to release what doesn’t serve your dharmic path, it may become emotional. Remember, Cancer energy still rules with the sun, and the sun rules this lunar mansion. Give yourself time to process what you lose if you need to, and give yourself permission to recover from the change if you’re being called. If this doesn’t resonate, perhaps a different view of the Mother needs to be embodied right now. Do you need to restore faith in yourself and what you are capable of? Do you need to tend to your wounds, love yourself, and get back up on your feet again? Do you need some encouraging words or actions of love to push yourself out of the metaphorical nest of your comfort zone? Let this full moon do this for you!
The July Full moon is also known as Guru Purnima, or the Moon of the Guru. The word “guru” means “dispeller of darkness,” and this lunar portal encourages you to do what you need to in order to find more enlightenment. Perhaps you need to find a teacher or actual guru right now, or maybe you need to lean into self-study. This is the moon to initiate any efforts toward education, learning skill sets, or becoming more self sufficient. Taking into consideration the Huntress/Hunter energy of Sagittarius, and the strong-willed determination of Cosmic CEO Capricorn, and there is a lot of energy revolving around us and pushing us to take responsibility for our life, ourself, and our actions. As you move forward throughout the rest of this lunar cycle, lunar year, and 2024, make sure you continue to expand your light rather than lean into your shadows.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, we continue to hold onto the Mother/Father energy that we’ve had for weeks now. This isn’t the typical energy of the summer, but have you ever heard of the expression “once in a blue moon”? This is a unique year for sure! Saturn and Pluto are currently retrograde and taking a step back from holding onto the karmic reins. Both of these energies are affiliated with Capricorn, and this blue moon gives us a unique opportunity to really set standards around what we want and set direction on where we need to go. We should always pause under the energy of a full moon. Use these next few days to look back at how far you’ve come, prepare for where you are headed, and do what you need to in order to build the faith to know you will be victorious on the other side.
Capricorn Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the July 21st Cancer Virtual Full Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership.
Click HERE to join.
New Moon in Cancer
Punarvasu Nakshatra
July 5th, 2024
As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she starts in the sign of Cancer.
This is the sign of The Cosmic Womb, and it’s time to call ourselves back home.
Cancer energy is sensitive. Represented by cardinal water, this is both the source of the water and the flow of it. In our energy body this fluid energy in motion is known as “emotion,” and with so much of this water ruling right now, we can’t help but address our feelings. The moon affects the tides, both on this planet and within us, and we will likely feel deep memories, traumas, or wounded behaviors rising up right now. The new moon also sets the tone for the entire lunar cycle, so don’t be surprised if your feelings continue to flux and flow beyond the next few days. Even when we move into Leo season on July 22nd, the waters of Cancer will still rule us on the inside until the New Moon in Leo on August 4th. Get ready to rock the boat and be rocked by the storms!
To add to these waters, we also have Saturn (the ruler of karma) and Neptune (The god of the oceans) currently retrograde in Pisces (the sign of the ocean) most of the rest of this year. When Pisces takes over two of our outer lying planets, we’re going to feel it greatly throughout the collective. With these transits happening just a few days before the New Moon, we are reminded to go within just as much as we desire to be social. Saturn retrograde gives us an opportunity to take matters of karma into our own hands, and it will be important to be extra mindful this Cancer season as you navigate triggers and glimmers coming your way. Walk away from what doesn't promote your peace and hold gratitude for your blessings.
Neptune retrograde gives us a blessed portal to really tap into our dreams and decide what our truest essence craves and wants. Don’t be surprised if you feel Divinely inspired over the next few weeks. Cancer energy has a way of nurturing our hopes and efforts more than usual, and you might feel a sudden burst of motivation to go after what you desire, no matter how grand it is.
Ultimately, this moon is asking us to pay attention. When there isn’t as much light on the outside, we find what’s shining within. Cancer is also known as The Cosmic Mother/Womb/Child, where one archetype cannot exist without another. We can use this new moon to connect to our inner child, creative vortexes, and inner mother. We can work to heal our wounds and nurture our dreams at the same time. We can tend to our feelings and be emotionally expressive simultaneously. We can also expand beyond our wildest imagination, for cosmic mother energy carries the potential for infinite abundance. This moon is a powerful one for both change and growth. Give yourself time to go through the process.
In Vedic Astrology, we also see this mother archetype shining through. From an eastern perspective, this moon is in Punarvasu Nakshatra and ruled by Aditi, the mother of the gods. Notice this exaltation to the mother, which I feel gets greatly ignored in the West. At the base of all conception, there must be an integration of both the sacred masculine AND feminine. Just as the womb, child, and mother cannot exist without each other in Cancer energy, both The Holy Mother and The Holy Father cannot perpetuate expansion without the other.
Punarvasu Nakshatra is within Gemini, associated with the star cluster of Castor and Pollux. Known as The Dioscuri/Dioskouroi in Greek and Roman Mythology, these twin brothers are sometimes mortal and sometimes immortal. They are also sometimes said to be born from an egg with their twin sisters Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra. Punarvasu Nakshatra reminds us of the wholeness we embody when we integrate both sides of ourselves. Represented by a quiver of arrows, presenting hope, abundance, and optimism, this lunar mansion gives us a sense of renewal.
We also find the same aspects of growth and expansion here through the Astrology of the West. Jupiter rules Punarvasu Nakshatra, bringing in the concepts of regeneration and regrowth, as well as new growth into unknown realms. Jupiter is also in Gemini from a Western perspective, bringing in a lot of energy for change. If you’ve been wanting to venture onto a new path like a different job, exciting investment opportunity, learning a new set of skills, etc. your are supported cosmically to do so now. Represented by the pearl, this is also a lunar mansion that reminds us of the potential prize for our efforts. If you’re dealing with challenging times (maybe because of that Saturn retrograde!), the pearl reminds you that eventually, something beautiful will be gained out of the challenge.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, there is a continuation of nudges to nurture that spillover from the full moon two weeks ago. This lunar cycle will be a time of tending to our wounds, carefully walking as if on sand with others, dishing out much needed grace to ourselves, and continuing to dream along the way. Treat yourself like an innocent, learning, growing child during this cycle, and you’ll find yourself morphing into who you truly need to become on the other side.
Cancer Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the July 5th Cancer Virtual New Moon Circle, recorded and edited from the LIVE event in the Thirteen Moons Membership
Full Moon in Capricorn & Moola/Mula Nakshatra
June 21st, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses as her first full moon of summer and the first of 2 full moons in Capricorn this season. This is the sign of The Cosmic “Sea-Goat”, a mix of creative waters and growing mountains, with earth energy ruling most of all. To have this full moon occur on the first FULL day of both summer and Cancer season is out of the norm, and the energy could play out in a variety of ways.
We might feel more of an internal push to focus on the work we need to do, whether that be involved with our professional life or related to something deeper from within. On the other hand, we might feel a need to let go of any work at all and take a much needed break, as full moons represent portals of letting go.
Most of all, both the Sun and Moon will work together to check us under this lunar light on both sides of who we are. When we have a full moon, the sun and moon are in opposition, shining light on both positive features and shadowy traits. A moon in Capricorn opposing a sun in Cancer reminds us to be responsible. Showing up the day after Summer Solstice, this moon gives us the message to have fun this season, but use our head and think about the repercussions of our actions. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, The Planet of Karma, and Pluto, our Planet of Power and Control, is currently retrograde. Make sure you stay in control of yourself this season, so you don’t end up going along with the decisions of others or a let a past wounded version of yourself lead you now. The MC in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus under this full moon, causing the energy to push out towards work we need to do around transformation. There is also a cautionary note to be careful how you “rebel” right now. Uranus energy is freedom-fighting by nature, and when it aligns with Taurus there could be frustrations and anger arise around your independence. Considering everything in the mix, it will be important to not lose your inhibitions, especially in social situations. This full moon portal could make you restless if you still have challenges to navigate or layers of yourself you still need to explore.
Luckily, the cosmos is positioned to help us in this process. In Vedic Astrology, this moon is considered to be in Moola/Mula Nakshatra and resides in the constellation of Sagittarius. Known as the sign with the most wanderlust, this energy supports us to journey as far as we need to go in order to find the deeper understanding we seek. This sign isn’t afraid to do what it needs to do or go where it needs to go in order to find the answers to its questions. When we bring in the concept of Moola/Mula, which translates to “root,” this “Foundational/Root Star” encourages us to go to the source in order to gain true wisdom and integration. Take into consideration the Cancer energy of the Sun in Western Astrology, which is represented by The Cosmic Mother, Womb, AND Child, and Moola/Mula Nakshatra is inspiring us to look into genealogy or family stories in order to find out more about who we are. Represented by a bundle of roots at the bottom of a tree, Moola/Mula Nakshatra also reminds us that sometimes we need to be replanted. Remember, full moons are a time of letting go. If you need to release patterns, behaviors, programming, or something else that you’ve taken on that’s not your own, now is the time to release it from your being.
The roots of the tree in this lunar mansion also remind us that sometimes we need to “uproot” and be replanted elsewhere. This could mean breaking generational karma or inherited emotions and energies in your bloodline, or it could mean you simply rewriting the story of your destiny. You may also need to look within at your own ways of developing as an independent human and determine what comes naturally from you. This is that Sagittarius side from the Eastern perspective telling us that we will be a better person if we accept who we’ve grown to become. From the Western side of Astrology, Uranus in Taurus opposing the MC in Scorpio also encourages us to see how hard we’ve worked to evolve and change into someone better.
Moola/Mula Nakshatra is ruled by Ma Kali, a Hindu warrior goddess of destruction who is created to fight the demons that no one else can conquer. In the stories of her battles, she finds victory with ease. Embrace this same warrior spirit now as you fight your inner demons and behead the “monsters” of your past. Remember that you come from pure light (In Kali’s case, she comes from the mother goddess Durga) and can return to it. Even in the story of Kali, she subsides her destructive nature the moment she is confronted with pure, true love. We will continue to repeat patterns of our past and live in a destructive way until we learn to love our inner demons, our shadows, and our enemies, both in our past and present. This moon reminds us to do the work we must in order to slay ourselves from the past, but also remember to love and nurture ourselves along the way.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, there is a strong parenting aspect shining through. Use the next few days to take care of yourself, give yourself grace and forgiveness for the behaviours your inner child brings through, and do the mature work you need to in order to get back into a more aligned reality that’s geared toward your evolution and growth. This moon arrives 1 day into the second half of our year. The energy is moving us forward, not back. Let go of your past, embrace your present, and prepare yourself to be more ready in your future.
New Moon in Gemini & Rohini Nakshatra
June 6th, 2024
As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins in the constellation of Gemini.
This is the sign of The Cosmic Mirror, and it’s time to embrace reflection.
Gemini energy tends to have two sides, and the energy usually picks one or the other rather than finding the middle. Despite this nature, the cosmos has been hosting a “planetary parade” with 6 planets in alignment June 3rd-5th. Now, underneath the moon on June 6th, we have the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the Midheaven and a Sun-Venus Cazimi all in Gemini. If Gemini can find attunement, then we can, too! Embrace the rareness of this cosmic transit, and let the planets inspire you to get back in touch with your center. If you were born at 16 degrees Gemini, hold Venus at 16 degrees Gemini or have those placements within 10 degrees on each side, you might be going through a radical transformation, too!
Venus Cazimi, otherwise known as ‘Venus Combust” is a transformational event where the planet is at the center of the sun and transforming from “Morning Star” to “Evening Star”. Having this occur during the celestial season of The Cosmic Twins is also in perfect alignment. Venus is the Planet of Pleasure, Beauty, Self-Worth, Sensuality, and Relationship. When a planet is “Cazimi,’ its qualities are exalted. We all have dual sides to the energies that Venus represents, and the journey of Venus between her two phases gives us permission to embrace both our light and dark sides. Gemini does the same! As you navigate this lunar cycle ruled by so much of the “both/and,” let yourself be less rigid and more flexible.
Venus also comes into play with the other side of Astrology, as she is the planet that rules the constellation of Taurus, where this moon is positioned from an Eastern point of view. In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Rohini Nakshatra. “Rohini” means “red’ in Sanskrit' known as "The Reddish One," this nakshatra is found in the red eye of the Taurus bull. This is the moon’s favorite lunar mansion to reside in, and it positions us to start bringing our intentions into fruition. Rohini is represented by a cart or chariot and is ruled by the deity Prajapati, a Hindu creator god. Our goals have been set, and nature should be starting to show the beginnings of the fruits of our labors. I’ve witnessed friends harvesting garlic scapes in the past few weeks from their fall plantings, and I’ve tasted fresh strawberries already harvested from spring’s first seedlings! Taurus energy embodies fertility. Take in what nature has to offer you right now!
Taking a moment to take inventory of what we have already gained will keep us motivated to keep moving forward. In the Tarot, The Chariot card gives us the option to choose a path or let The Universe choose it for us. We can decide to continue to work on our goals and produce even more bounty, or we can put our energy toward something new. Alternatively, perhaps the fruits of our efforts simply aren’t showing up in the way we expected just yet, and we have to decide if we’re going to give up or be patient and wait a little longer. Coming back to the cart symbolism, the saying “don’t put the cart before the horse” exists for a reason. If you are toiling your soil and fertilizing what you’ve planted, your crops will show up if they are for your highest good and for the best of the collective.
This moon is very karmic, and just like the previous full moon, we are encouraged to now give to charity, volunteer, or simply be mindful of our actions. Shani Jayanti, or the birthday of Lord Saturn, is celebrated under this moon in Hinduism, reminding us that every action has a reaction. Again, use the power of Gemini and the reflection of the bull’s eye to see your past self, your past experiences, and your previous trials and challenges in a different light. Without sadness we cannot know joy. Without loss we cannot know richness. Just as the birth portal contracts in order to expand more and eventually give life, Saturn compacts us and knocks us down, so we return with more fervor and strength than before. Similar to the way Venus is now transforming, you are also rebirthing yourself into a new life and a new version of who you are ready to become, IF you want it to be so.
*This may be a good time to check your natal charts for your Saturn return, if you do not already know about it. Whether it has already happened and you need to spend time in reflection, or you are about to go through it and need to prepare, the knowledge around this personal transit can be insightful.
However you view the Astrology and wherever you view this moon from, do it with a sense of openness. Gemini is an air sign, and with so many planets aligned here it’s time to embrace the potential of all that could arrive in our future. Mix this in with our now present Age of Aquarius, and this moon could be an initiation for all of us to embrace more of all that we have inside. In order to truly manifest, we must embrace both our masculine and feminine sides. In order to be fully balanced in our energy we must address both energies. In order to find our center we must go through the highs and lows. Everything is always working to bring us back into equilibrium. Underneath this new moon and throughout this lunar cycle, give yourself time and grace as you navigate your swings and work to level out your energy.
Full Moon in Sagittarius & Anuradha Nakshatra
May 23rd, 2024
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses at her fullest in Sagittarius.
This is the sign of The Cosmic Archer, and it’s time to aim high.
We’ve been navigating Taurus energy for awhile now, and even though the sun has now shifted into Gemini, this lunar cycle is still ruled by The Cosmic Bull. The new moon in Taurus two weeks ago initated a craving within us to want MORE. More luxury, more ease, more beauty, more food, more rest, more sex, and more of life’s experiences. We continue to receive this encouragement now as the moon shines with Sagittarius light. This is one of the most positive, jovial signs of the zodiac, and we are now pushed to prioritize positivity and pleasure no matter what we do. One of the ways we achieve this is by working on BIG goals and high aspirations. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our galaxy, which is now combust by the sun at 29 degrees Taurus. We also have Venus combust in the same position, conjunct with Jupiter and encouraging our lives to be full of everything we could imagine! While it may seem surreal to live in a magical world, or it may seem far-fetched to actually live out the life you’ve been dreaming of, this full moon wants to make it all happen for you. Use the next few days to assess where you are on your goal timeline, or decide if you need to set a new direction for your energy to focus. With Jupiter moving into Gemini in just a couple of days and staying there for the next year or so, we have ample opportunity to expand our dreams beyond even the boundaries of our imagination! So much excitement is headed our way!
We can begin to align with this fortune by taking in what we already have with gratitude. This moon is known as The Flower Moon in some indigenous traditions, representing the blooming of nature all around us in the northern hemisphere. This is the last full moon of spring, and we are now reminded of the fertile energy at hand. “As above so below” is a Hermetic principle and an absolute truth in our Universe. If nature is supportive of growth around us, then we are supportive of growth within us, too! Take advantage of the energy playing out. There is a lot to utilize to make our dreams a reality!
In Vedic Astrology, this moon also reminds us of flowers. Housing in the lunar mansion of Anuradha Nakshatra, this is a cosmic zone represented by a blossoming, fragrant lotus flower rising up out of the mud. This is also known as “The Star of Success” and symbolizes the gift that can be received when we push through the “muck” of life’s challenges. Residing in the constellation of Scorpio (remember, Vedic Astrology is always one sign behind Tropical), this energy reminds us to traverse the shadows and alchemize the darkness. Scorpio is all about transformation, and this moon will remind you of what you are capable of. The lunar light may shine on your past, reminding you of your resiliency and what you have already achieved. On the other hand, you may be inspired with a new challenge to go after. Anuradha is ruled by Mars energy, which needs to take action on whatever it feels called to do. This lunar mansion is also ruled by Mitra, a Hindu deity of friendship, harmony, and integrity who is one of the Adityas, or 12 solar deities. We are reminded under this moon to work hard where we need to, show up on a regular basis to our intentions, and don’t forget that help is always there when we need it. Going back to the West and combining Mars energy with that of Sagittarius, we may strive for more independence right now. If you find yourself in a struggle, feeling stuck, or in stressful spot, look to the resources and networks around you. If you seek assistance, The Universe will provide it to you.
One of the most powerful things you can do to manifest your desires right now is to meditate on them. While this may seem trivial, our mind is powerful enough to attract what we need in order to make our desires come true! Whether it be through insights and aha moments, creating a positive frequency that attracts more positive things, or simply meditating on the steps you need to take in order to receive motivation, the practice of meditation can be an integral part of the process that helps you find success. In the spirit of this moon being Buddha Purnima, or the birthday of the Buddha (the day he received enlightenment under the Bodhi tree), let yourself be inspired in stillness as you navigate the details of what your spirit is trying to make come true.
Another interesting note about Buddha: this moon was both the one he became enlightened under (reborn), and also the one he left his physical body under (reborn again). You may need to use this moon to shed old layers of yourself, release forced efforts, or separate socially from someone or a group of someones. Full Moons are always a time of letting go. Embrace the ease of release as you breathe through the transition.
Breathing is great advice for this moon, no matter what side of the world you view it from. There are lot of shifts coming, and the power of solar energy is increasing. Prepare for what’s ahead by taking a sacred pause just for now. Underneath this full moon portal, invite in all that you are asking for. The cosmos is aligning just so to make it all your reality.
Sagittarius Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the May 23rd LIVE Sagittarius Virtual Full Moon Circle from the Thirteen Moons Membership
New Moon in Taurus
& Bharani Nakshatra
May 7th, 2024
As the moon moves into her second cyclical journey of her lunar year, she begins in the house of Taurus. This is known as “The Money Moon,” and is considered the luckiest moon of the lunar year!
Represented by The Cosmic Bull, we see this creature and its energy represented on Wall Street. We even describe the stock market as sometimes being “bullish” where being stubborn, patient, and grounded can pay off heavily. We have now moved beyond the impatience of Aries. Taurus energy is all about a slower pace, where mindfulness toward stability is an ultimate endeavor. Represented by earth energy and Mother Earth herself, this sign want us to ground in, so we do not lose control.
Despite this intention to root, there are still lingering tendencies of Aries’ fire still present. This is the case with every sign—that each will carry a bit of the previous energy within its characteristics. In the case of Taurus, this fire can show up as anger, and this will be the hardest thing to manage right now. As much as the bull wants to laze in the grass and enjoy the afternoon, it will charge when provoked. With Mars currently in its ruling sign of Aries, we are prone to more triggering than normal. Despite the laziness of the bull encouraging you to relax right now, you may still catch yourself taking things personally and lashing out without control. Both of these behaviors will lead to more damage than you can imagine! “Mess with the bull, and you get the horns.” “Bull in a china shop.” “Bullheaded.” These are all words and phrases that relate to both the strength of the bull and its potential for destruction. Navigate the next few weeks with caution and restraint.
…speaking of “restraint,” this moon is in “The Star of Restraint” in Vedic Astrology!
I will talk about this more below.
One of the best ways we can shift our mood and transmute that anger or fire is through life’s pleasures. Taurus energy is ruled by Venus and shows up at the peak of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time when we start to see nature’s beauty all around us, from the blossoming flowers, to the baby animals, to the sunnier and more colorful sky. It’s time to stop and take in what this planet has to offer! One of the qualities of Taurus energy is the ability to truly enjoy the sensory nature of the human experience. Notice how the cow loves to lay right down on the ground, amongst the flora and fauna. Notice how the cow spends all day grazing and napping. We are being encouraged to do the same now. The earth energy that rules this season helps us to truly be in this earthly, human experience. Venus energy is all about pleasure, beauty, and bliss. Over the next few weeks, set a standard to find these feelings in everything you do and everywhere you go. Venus just moved into Taurus on the 29th of April, and will remain here until 3 days into Gemini season. Jupiter has also been Taurus since May of 2023 and is still here until May 25th of this year. That means the most expansive, joyful planet in our galaxy is teaming up with the themes of relationship, sensuality, art, and aesthetic. Take advantage of the energy! It’s time to beautify our life!
Looking at Vedic Astrology, this moon is also ruled by Venus. Found in the second nakshatra of Bharani, this “Star of Restraint” or “Star of Punishment” is considered to be one of the most dharmic and duty oriented of all lunar mansions. As much as Venus promotes beauty, she also promotes morality and ethics. We are encouraged to be in our spiritual practices under this moon, as well as behave in a way that is more out of our higher self. Venus represents our subconscious, beyond our ego. This moon gives us the power to ascend beyond our earthly, human chains and selfishly-driven behavior.
Bharani Nakshatra is ruled by Yama Dev, the Hindu god of death and rebirth. This lunar mansion is also found in Aries and symbolized by a Yoni. It is interesting how this moon embodies so much energy of the feminine, creativity, and transformation/transmutation, yet it resides amongst the constellation of the ultimate masculine and warrior! This is because we need both energies in order to truly conceive and create. We need to both take action and lean into the flow. We need to both have an intention and let go of the when or how it will come to fruition. We need to both keep our body moving and give it rest. It is all a balancing act. Bharani encourages us to find harmony now. When it comes down to it, the Yoni itself represents the cycles of the moon. We must have both a new moon and a full moon. We must have both a waxing and waning crescent and half phase on each side. We must have both yin and yang, ovulation and menstruation. Everything has a timing. Lean into your own cyclical nature and trust in your infinite loop of flow.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it is the first moon out of our intense Aries/Libra Eclipse cycle. This is also a moon to focus on earth’s pleasures and expensive, earthly, material things. We are no longer limited by the cosmic, karmic binding of the eclipse and with Pluto just going retrograde in Aquarius on the 2nd of May, we now have more power and control than ever to move toward true freedom and change. Whatever you want under this moon, The Universe wants to give it to you!
The key to receiving what you desire comes down to the way you are currently living. Remember, this moon is very dharmic, and how you behave will set a standard for what kind of life you want. Between now and the third day of this lunar cycle (known as Akshaya Tritiya in Vedic Astrology) we are in very auspicious times to both make investments for yourself and give things away. If you have a particular charity or cause you’ve been wanting to contribute to, now is the time. No matter how restricted you feel with your finances, find a way to give where you are called. The more you let go, the more you create space for the new to move in! Trust in this process of life, death, and rebirth/transformation. The cycles and circles of energy are looping around you and back through to you now. Dance accordingly!
Taurus Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the May 7th LIVE Taurus Virtual New Moon Circle.
Full Moon in Scorpio
& Swati Nakshatra
April 23rd, 2024
As the moon moves out of the eclipse portal and back into her usual rhythms, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Scorpio. This is a sign of transformation, represented by 3 different archetypes, bring a mystical mix to the energy at hand.
Scorpio embodies the transformation process of life, death, and rebirth. We may be feeling called to let go of old, stagnant versions of ourselves, old programming, or limiting beliefs in order to invite in the new. Remember, we have just moved into the season of Spring, which is the true new year. Just as the fertilizer of the bull is now being used to grow flowers, we are also being called to use our past muck to help the lotus bloom.
Taurus season is all about beauty and aesthetic. Ruled by Venus and peaking in the center of spring, this is a time to focus on fertility. When a full moon rises and brings in the opposite of this energy, we are faced with the tedious task of also beautifying the shadow. Don’t be surprised if you feel a little down or moody right now. These are tendencies of Scorpio energy. Being a water sign, this energy brings a lot of emotion and feelings to the table. It’s important to deal with what bubbles to the surface right now, so it doesn’t linger throughout the rest of your year. Ruled by Pluto, this sign is all about letting go when we need to while also taking back control when we are ready.
Under this moon, Pluto is square to both Sun and Moon. This can create a tug of war between our inner ego and psyche versus the outer world. You may feel a need to both show up and socialize, while also feeling a call to turn within. You may want to go and do while also wanting to stay and do nothing. This isn’t the typical energy of this time of year, so pay attention to the dynamics at hand. When both the ultimate Masculine and Feminine face off with the Planet of Power, there can be either a lot of volatility and conflict, or a lot of cohesiveness and conception.
How we navigate this energy is up to us, and it’s almost karmic right now. Since April 18th, Uranus and Jupiter have been conjunct in Taurus, creating a need for us to both be the rebel and revolutionize the way we are living. Taurus is about the finer things in life—exotic vacations, expensive cars, lavish dining, etc. Jupiter represents growth, fortune, abundance, and joy. Combine this with Uranus, the natural eccentric, innovator, and freedom-fighter, and we’re bound to get firm about what we truly want in this life in order to make the most of it. Not only will we be inspired to acquire more wellness, joy, material, and wealth overall, but we will also feel a need to make it all happen ourselves. This moon is meant to shift our mindset, for sure! Get ready for the transformation you could step into under this portal. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be with us through May 5th, just 2 days before the Taurus New “Money Moon”. Look to 21 degrees of Taurus in your natal chart to see what house this conjunction is influencing.
Scorpio is represented by 3 different archetypes: The Scorpion, The Eagle, and The Phoenix. Whether you have Scorpio influencing your chart or not, we will all feel a need to embody one of these projections right now. You may be more of the low-lying scorpion, stuck in the sand and feeling as if you are going nowhere. You may also be hard-shelled and feeling a need to sting at a moment’s notice. On the other hand, maybe you feel like the eagle, soaring high with newly-gained insights from hindsights. The eagle is independent and self-sustaining, but also needs social interaction from time to time. Yet again, maybe you feel like the Phoenix, truly rising from the ashes of your previous life/lives and self/selves to embody a new evolution. Wherever you feel you are on the Scorpio spectrum, embrace it! Each has their lesson to offer toward your death and rebirth.
In Vedic Astrology this moon is in Swati Nakshatra. Ruled by the wind God Vayu and represented by a small bamboo shoot swaying with the wind, this lunar mansion encourages us to be flexible. Housed in the constellation of Libra, this moon brings encouragement for us to find balance amongst the highs and lows. This ultimately arises out of our heart chakra, our energetic center where all meridians originate from. Notice how there is a heart energy in the east with this alignment AND in the west under Venus-ruled Taurus. No matter what we’re feeling around our past, our traumas, or our wounds, we always have the ability to alchemize it. Under this full moon, try to be as easygoing as a tree in the wind. Bend yourself to and fro if you must and be in your storms if you need to process, but do not break! Stand your ground in love and peace, and eventually, the storm will subside.
This moon is also celebrated as Hanuman Jayanti, or Hanuman’s birthday in Hinduism. The heart-ruled devotion of the monkey God enters into this cosmic dance seamlessly. Hanuman is a playful character who doesn’t take life too seriously. He likes to eat his sweets and swing from the trees, but when it comes to the devotion he has toward Ram there is no room to play. Anytime Ram is in need, Hanuman is there for him. Ram can be interpreted as sun energy, or the core truth and self within us. Hanuman can be interpreted as our heart. Under this full moon, we are to celebrate Hanuman by focusing more on our self, our spiritual needs and practices, and our joy. The dichotomy of work and play can also be found in Swati Nakshatra. This lunar portal is asking us to become more “go with the flow”. When we learn to live in our gratitude and joy, we learn to be more open to all that life has to offer. This openness and willingness creates a power within to always find gratitude and joy, in whatever we do and whatever we offer.
Back on the Western side, Scorpio brings in the water energy to also help us drift along. We have been with an intense eclipse portal, but we now find ourselves under a more normal full moon again. This is a time to embrace your magick, cultivate your crafts, and tend to whatever you need to do in order to connect more to both yourself and the spiritual. You could also charge your crystals, make up some moon water, or get out under the moon yourself and absorb the energy! What you cultivate and work with now will propel you toward the next lunar cycle where all potential riches wait! Taurus season can be an exciting time of growth and an important time of care and nurture. As you dance under the lunar light, give yourself permission to receive the offering of prana at hand.
Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Aries
& Revati Nakshatra
April 8th, 2023
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey and her first full journey of spring, she holds one of her longest total solar eclipses in 50 years at 4 minutes and 28 seconds in 19 degrees of Aries. This is the sign of The Cosmic Warrior, and this is the pause we need in order to prepare for war.
Eclipses are powerful energy. The symbolism of the light moving into dark and returning again also ignites within us a new path out of our shadows. Typically related with our karmic path, these moments give us an opportunity to learn the same lesson again, or move forward into a different journey. With the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, most will need a change. In fact, getting under an eclipse can completely wipe energetic slates clean, and with so many people planning to get out under this one, maybe a collective change is for the best! However, if you’ve personally been on a journey where you prefer to keep the momentum you’ve built and the progress you’ve gained, it may be best to stay inside and draw the shades! No matter your choice, one thing is for certain. There will be challenges ahead for you to battle. New moon portals are always a time to pause before taking action—a chance for us to strategize, consider our approach, and plot our next move. Take advantage of the down time while you have it. Soon you will need all of the energy you can gather!
This is also a time to slow down, because Mercury is in Retrograde throughout the rest of this Aries season. This could create restlessness and a sense of impatience within you, but if you can learn to wait in faith it will be worth it. Much of the cosmos is conspiring in our favor to help us move out of old programming and limiting behaviors, but the stars are still working to align just right in order for us to truly evolve. Trust the process that is happening behind the scenes. With a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, EVERYTHING can happen and change at a moment’s notice!
In Vedic Astrology this moon is in Revati Nakshatra. In Sanskrit, “Revati” means “rich” or “wealthy,” and this lunar mansion residing in the constellation of Pisces encourages us to both move toward our next dream life while also holding gratitude for past and present. Represented by a fish, Revati reminds us of what we are capable of catching if we simply go after it. There is also an aspect of patience that comes into play, as both the sport of fishing requires much waiting time and the story of the Lord of the Fishes in Yoga represents patient waiting, learning, and revealing when ready. New moon portals always slow us down for just a moment, so we can fully prepare ourselves for the rest of the lunar cycle to come. With this particular Revati Nakshatra also occurring with a total solar eclipse, we are being encouraged to slow down even more. Eclipses always spark a new fire and ignite a new energy within us. Get ready to receive what is to come by resting, releasing, and opening yourself up now.
We are also encouraged to slow down right now because Revati is actually ruled by Mercury, and with this planet of communication, expression, and commerce spinning backwards, it may be difficult to move toward anything! Mercury is also in a “Gandanta” or karmic knot in Vedic Astrology as it lingers between the signs of Pisces and Aries. This could cause us to be emotionally heightened and responsive out of our uncontrollable feelings more than our logical mind. We may also struggle with the concept of patience, as Mercury is the fastest moving planet in our galaxy and Aries is the fastest moving sign of the zodiac, but Pisces detaches from time completely. Mix in the retrograde of Mercury and this planet could really live up to its “Trickster” archetype. Expect weather patterns to be weird, technology to go haywire, and all sorts of logistics to get off track. I think it’s especially interesting that we have so many people traveling for the eclipse right now in North America, while the astrology of any side of the world tells you to stay home! Eclipses are considered inauspicious to be under or look at in the Vedic world. If you do plan to get out under the energy, be prepared to feel very different on the other side! This is one of the longest eclipses we’ve had in some time. The shadow is lingering for a reason! Pay attention to what rises out of the darkness, what types of internal dialogue you experience, and how you feel as you go through it all. Use the spark of light as the sun returns to symbolically reignite the fires of your heart and spirit and let your flames clear a direct path before you to follow. Eclipse energy or not, Revati is ruled by Pushan, who is known as “The Nourisher” and who is one of the 12 Adityas or Sun Gods. This moon also brings the Vedic New Year! Let yourself celebrate all of the abundance to come, and let this eclipsed new moon’s fire burn away what you need to remove in order to receive.
If you’d like to know specifically how you may be impacted by this eclipse season, refer to 5 degrees of Libra and 19 degrees of Aries in your natal chart. The whole sign houses that align here give you an idea of what you need to focus on in this eclipse portal. Lunar eclipses are more about the change that needs to happen coming to light. You may have found out key information or just had an “aha” moment under the previous Full Eclipsed Moon in Libra that caused you to have a change of heart around a certain energetic exchange. Perhaps this was with people, food, work, or yourself, etc. Relationships can play out in a variety of ways. The eclipsed full moon showed you what to pay attention to.
Solar Eclipses are more about making the change that needs to happen. On April 8th we should feel fully ready to take action on anything we need to shift. If you received insight under the full moon, or if something has come to light over the past two weeks, treat your life as a strategic chess games and make moves mindfully. Although the Aries New moon and fire of the eclipse will both push you to move forward, Mercury is still in retrograde throughout most of the month and it is not a time to make haste decisions. Just for a few days, give yourself permission to simply be where you are instead of needing to “go” or “do”. Once we hit the ground running in May the energy will be in full swing for you to create, craft, make, accomplish, and work yourself toward a new goal and victory! Normally we do not get such an opportunity to rest at the beginning of spring or the Vedic New Year! Take advantage!
I believe this eclipse is an initiation into more of the balance between work and rest, action and non-action, etc. Although Aries fire burns strong right now from the perspective of the tropical zodiac, this year the heat is more about what is conspiring and cultivating within us. What passions of our heart are being ignited right now? What drive from our core self is ready to push us? What are we building out of our energy right now? Fire needs to have a purpose and path, or it will burn out of control and, eventually, burn out. You don’t want to start this spring and new season/new year with so much force that you cannot sustain over time. We are no longer in an era of hustle and grind. We no longer have to work 24/7/365! It is time to start living out of leisure, bliss, and balance. As you move forward into this next lunar cycle, let the balance of shadow and light with this eclipse give you permission to also embody all facets of yourself, what you want, and what you need. The more harmonious you can make your life, the more it will become a standard for you over time.
Full Eclipsed Moon in Libra
& Hasta Nakshatra/Holi
March 25th, 2023
As the moon peaks at her fullest in the house of Libra, she also holds shadow for just under four and half minutes under a penumbral eclipse. We are being initiated into a portal of change, and it’s time to prioritize which way we will go.
Full Moons are always a time of letting go, but this specifically full eclipsed moon asks us to let go of everything we don’t want to carry into our most fertile season. This particular eclipse series started back in the fall of last year and will last until spring of next year. The energy doesn’t last the whole time, but each actual lunar cycle and portal of the eclipse will have their part in helping your future play out. Go back and ask yourself what was happening around October of last year. Is there anything rising back up now as a result of anything then? The same type of pattern will play out this fall from anything we set up this lunar cycle. Make sure you navigate mindfully right now! Your future is in your hands!
Speaking of hands, in Vedic Astrology this moon is in Hasta Nakshatra. “Hasta” means “hand” in Sanskrit, but when we refer to the lunar mansion it translates more to “The Blessing Hand” or ‘The Blessed Hand of God.” Found in the constellation of Virgo and composed of 5 separate stars, this is an energy that encourages us to work toward our greater good. Whether you’re using your hands or your whole body, let your vessel be a blessed mudra in everything you do. Ruled by Savitar, the god of the rising Sun, this full moon portal calls us to the cosmos and asks us to start living out of the “Atma” or space where our soul returns after death. We can embody this truest essence of ourselves when we live in our “Atman”. Learn to find the joy and purpose in eveything you do. If you are not fulfilling your dharma right now, the eclipse season might divinely intervene and give you an opportunity to learn!
If you’d like to know specifically how you may be impacted by this eclipse season, refer to 5 degrees of Libra and 19 degrees of Aries in your natal chart. The whole sign houses that align here give you an idea of what you need to focus on. Lunar eclipses are more about the change that needs to happen coming to light. You may find out key information or just have an “aha” moment that causes you to have a change of heart around a certain energetic exchange. Perhaps this is with people, food, work, or yourself, etc. Relationships can play out in a variety of ways. This eclipsed full moon will show you what to pay attention to.
Solar Eclipses are more about making the change that needs to happen. On April 8th we should feel fully ready to take action on anything we need to shift. If you receive insight under this full moon, be patient. Treat your life as a strategic chess game and make moves mindfully. It is not a time to make haste decisions. With indecisive Libra ruling this full moon, give yourself permission to simply be where you are instead of disrupting peace. Give yourself the rest you need so you can make your changes when you are ready and more supported under Aries rule.
It’s also important to be patient. Mercury is currently in a karmic knot between Aries and Pisces energy. This causes communication to be troublesome, so be careful of how you converse. We also have Mars, Saturn, and Venus very close to one another under this full moon, causing strain in relationships between the opposite sex and karmic repurcussions around anything that happens. Ask yourself how you can create as much peace as possible without engaging or contributing to the escalated energy.
This moon is all about relationships, for sure!
Eclipse energy lingers for 3-5 days after its peak. Let yourself resonate with the energy and see what comes about. If there is a stir within you for change, start making plans to shift. By the time we reach the solar eclipse, you will be supported to move in the direction of your drishti.
As the moon begins her last lunar cycle in winter, she embodies the energy of Pisces. Rather than show up as your typical dreamy moon, this lunar cycle tells us to rest before the battle.
There is a sense of calm before the storm, yet we still feel the waters beginning to churn and the winds beginning to turn. Pisces energy is usually represented by two fish, but can also embrace the archetype of the entire cosmic ocean. There is an unpredictability that comes with the sea, and Piscean energy is no different. This lunar cycle is setting us up for BIG changes, and we must be ready at a moment’s notice. Just as new moons are always a time of turning within, this particular time around we are encouraged to slow down more than normal.
Taking a sacred pause won’t be the easiest thing to do right now. Between these unsettled waters we sense and the restlessness of Mercury moving into Aries just one day before the new moon, we may become impatient around the changes we expect to come our way. This feeling was sparked just this past week as Saturn and Mercury joined up in a rare dual Cazimi with the sun and Saturn continues to remain combust until March 18th. Add in this tug-of-war between winter’s end and spring’s ignition, and we can’t help but feel the anxiousness of nature’s ending and beginning. Despite this, remember that Pisces rules this lunar cycle and water encourages us to let go of time. Everything will happen when it is due time. Trust in the process and take care of yourself so you’re ready to receive what is coming to you!
Another important aspect of this new moon includes Mars and Uranus. These two planets will square off throughout this new moon portal, creating both resistance to change and an urge to fight for it. Uranus is the Planet of Rebellion and Revolution and is currently moving through Taurus. Mars is the Planet of War, Work, and Taking Action and is currently in Aquarius. Combine the two in a conflicting alignment and we may find ourselves approaching battles, but in a different or unique way. There will be a sense of freedom rising with this moon. If you feel the need to break free, do your best to separate peacefully. The ego will want to do almost anything but resolve passively right now!
By the time we come around to the next New Moon on April 8th, we will experience a total solar eclipse under the energy of Aries, along with Mercury and Venus also in the sign of The Cosmic Warrior. With so much fire on the horizon, it’s no wonder The Universe is telling us to cool our jets while we can! Spend this new moon and the next few weeks in a state of mindfulness, so you’re better prepared to handle any triggers that are headed your direction.
In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Purva Bhadrapada. Symbolized by a cremation pyre and/or the soul’s journey, this lunar mansion encourages us to let go of what no longer serves. The night before this new moon also celebrates Shivaratri and acknowledges Lord Shiva’s control over both destruction and creation. With this moon arriving on the cusp of spring, we are encouraged now to release the shadows of winter and any darkness that came along with it. When we arrive into the crescent moon in 3-4 days, the light will symbolize what we always have inside. Even in the body’s death it serves. When we decay and decompose we feed the earth and recycle our energy. Trust that whatever you release in this lunar cycle is going where it is needed the most as it leaves.
This is also a time for spiritual devotion. On Shivaratri many people perform “Tapasya,” or a sort of religious restriction through fasting, long-spanning meditations and more. These journeys through the discomfort are for “the good of all”. If you have the ability to meditate for a longer time than normal, spend time in yoga poses longer than normal, or have a way to cultivate more stillness and presence in your life, let this new moon inspire you to do so.
Pisces is an anxious energy and Purva Bhadrapada is restless for change. It will not be easy to slow down under this new moon and Piscean lunar cycle, but it will benefit you greatly if you do. Once we hit Eclipse season, there’s no turning back! Rest now while you can, tend to yourself and your inner peace, and prepare for what’s coming ahead. Exciting shifts are working in your favor! Get ready to dive into your transformation!
Pisces Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the March 9th LIVE Pisces Virtual New Moon Circle.
Full Moon in Virgo & Magha Nakshatra
February 24th, 2023
As the moon works around her first lunar cycle of 13, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Virgo. This is an earth-ruled sign full of practicality, and it’s time to do a check-in.
There’s something about this moon that’s slightly different. For one, it’s a “micro moon,” meaning it’s as far away from the earth as possible, and also meaning this particular full moon won’t impact us like most. Opposite of that New Super Moon in Pisces that we felt for nearly 5 days before and after, this lunar portal will be sensed for 24 to maybe 48 hours after the fullest peak. Combine this with the grounded nature of Virgo, and we should be more reserved than usual. Sometimes known as the “Priestess Moon,” or, in this case the “Dragon Priestess Moon,” this full moon encourages us to get back into the sacredness of both routine and ritual. If something is out of alignment with how you should be structuring your day, this full moon will shine light on it. Pay attention to what comes to the surface during this Piscean lunar cycle. Under the full moon many things could rise!
Things are becoming bouyant within us so we can clear space. Full moons are always about release, and with this being the last moon of winter it’s time to make BIG room for what’s ahead. Utilize the energy of this moon to go deep within yourself and move out what no longer serves. This moon is related to purification. Sanctify your inner voice, detoxify from impurities, and get your soul back in alignment with its truest nature. It’s time to come back to feeling whole again.
Cleansing is always good to do under a full moon, but with this being the “Snow Moon,” you may want to rinse and purify. This is a powerful moon to take a long shower or hot bath under, and even more auspicious if you can dip into natural waters. It is said under this moon that the holy properties of rivers, lakes, and more are enhanced. Give yourself a sort of baptism as you submerge under water. No matter how you dive in, let it by symbolic of you moving into a new state of redemption and renewal.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Magha Nakshatra and ruled by the Pitris, or ancestral spirits that guard over Earth. This is a powerful time to focus on breaking generational karma and healing ancestral patterns. If you feel like it’s time to make a change in your bloodline, now is when to do the work. Use this moon to really set yourself up for the success of transformation and make a plan for who you truly want to become.
The word “Magha” means magnificent. This lunar mansion resides in the heart of the Leo lion constellation and is represented by a royal throne. There is a sense of sovereignty that comes with this moon. As much as we are pre-destined to end up in certain circumstances, this full moon reminds us that we always have free will to play things out in this life as we want. If you’ve been feeling out of control, or if you feel like you’ve been giving away your power, it’s time to take it back. Use this full moon to reclaim your life and your energy, and give yourself permission to rule your life in complete control.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it brings an urge for wholeness.
Mars and Venus are both in very close proximity with one another, forming what we call a planetary war or “graha yuddha”. This brings interesting energy to our current state of the cosmos, causing masculine and feminine energy to both gravitate toward one another and polarize. I believe this will mostly be felt internally, as we all struggle to embrace both sides of ourself, but we may also see conflict in opposite sex relationships on the external, whether it be platonic, professional, or romantic. Be careful with your exchanges, and mind when you’re with a gender different than your own. If you feel tension rise, try to exit the situation as gracefully as possible. If you can’t leave when temperatures boil, keep yourself as composed as you can.
While this war between planets can cause conflict, it can also be an extremely complementary situation. We need both male and female energies in order to truly conceive. Utilize the power of both Mars & Venus to catalyze the momentum of your dreams toward your reality! Also make sure to harmonize the masculine and feminine within yourself. This moon is all about alignment. Check in with your Kundalini, balance your chakras, and find ways to get back to your most free-flowing self, so you’re ready to take on what’s truly in store for you!
Virgo Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the February 24th Instagram Virgo Virtual Full Moon Circle.
New Moon in Aquarius/Lunar New Year &
Dhanishta Nakshatra/Mauni Amavasya
February 9th, 2023
As the moon begins her first lunar cycle of 13 more this lunar year, she begins in the house of
Aquarius. This is the sign of The Cosmic Water-Bearer, and it’s time to share what we have to offer and create our legacy.
This also may be a time to write a new story, start a new chapter in the book you’re currently writing, or completely flip the script! This Aquarius New Moon also brings us Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, and we’re beginning a whole new round of 13 lunar cycles! With this event happening during Aquarius season, we’re ready to shift our energy and move forward with different ways of doing, thinking, and being.
If you haven’t felt the need to shift your energy with January and the new year, you may start to feel a difference now. Many people, myself included, consider the Lunar New Year to be the TRUE new year, especially if you’re more of an astrology person. On the contrary, if you align with both astrology and nature or pagan rhythms more, you may still feel the need to be in your hibernation phase until winter thaws and we transition to spring in March. Even so, this first new moon of 13 brings a unique energy that nudges us to start moving forward wherever we are!
Even if you don’t feel like shifting your habits or ways just yet, this moon will definitely ignite change within you. Perhaps you start shifting your mindset, seeing things in a different way, or giving yourself permission to make a plan toward your desires. Aquarius energy is known for flipping our perspective, shifting our point of view, and showing us something new. Embrace whatever innovations come to you under this lunar portal! They are arriving to help you get closer to where you want to be!
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Dhanishta Nakshatra. Known as “The Star of Symphony,” this lunar mansion is represented by a drum or the Tandava, Shiva’s dance of destruction, creation, and preservation. Being the first new moon of the lunar year, this energy of Dhanishta encourages us to move our energy, release what we don’t want to carry over, and stay where things feel right and comfortable. “Dha” translates to “wealth,” and this moon will encourage you to prioritize what is of true value. Take time to slow down, reflect, and release during this new moon portal, so you can move forward fully focused on your future and free of what is no longer serving you.
February 9th is also considered Mauni Amavasya. Translated to “Silence in the Last Day of the Lunar Cycle,” this particular super new moon encourages us to take more rest and time with ourselves. Supermoons are closer to the earth than normal, intensifying the energy they bring. With a New Moon in Aquarius activating our minds and overwhelming our thinking, it might be supportive to practice “mindlessness” through single-pointed focus, meditation, conscious rest, or more sleep.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, do it with an anticipatory nature around the potential. Aquarius is a magical sign and Dhanishta Nakshatra is extremely creative. If you’re feeling extra moody right now, tap into art to help express and process. If youir body is talking to you loudly under this moon, make sure you listen and take your medicine to heal. New Moons have a way of nudging us to pay attention to the internal more than anything else. Let the darkness of this lunar portal attune you to a slower pace. Tend to yourself in whatever way you need, so you’re fully ready for what’s to come. Aquarius energy brings great potential! You don’t want to miss out on what’s ahead!
Aquarius Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the February 9th Instagram Aquarius Virtual NewN Moon Circle.
Full Moon in Leo &
Pushya Nakshatra
January 25th, 2023
As the moon shines in her first full phase of 2024, she illuminates in the house of Leo. This is the sign of The Cosmic Lion, and it’s time to fully ROAR.
Normally Leo’s expression holds intent to grab attention, but the energy under this year’s full moon is different. Although we are now in Aquarius season and the full moon opposes this solar season’s energy, this particular lunar cycle we’re navigating is ruled by Capricorn. We also have Mercury, and Mars currently in Capricorn, and Venus aligned with the sign of the sea-goat just 2 nights ago. This causes Capricorn to rule our energy right now more than other signs. When you mix this energy with Leo, it impacts our expression. The lion’s roar can be used to gain attention, but it can also be used as a form of boundary setting. The rest of this lunar cycle will be all about expressing what we will and will not tolerate, and the next few weeks will have us feeling the need to prioritize what is valuable and important. Don’t be afraid to roar out your needs and wants when you feel the call. Opening your throat chakra now helps set your standard for the rest of the year.
The expression Leo embodies is also displayed through celebration. This particular full moon brings reasons to party! Just 2 days after the full moon’s peak, Uranus goes Direct in Venus-ruled Taurus, bringing innovation to beauty and a rebellious nature around what’s actually important and valuable. It will be important to utilize the fire of this full moon in Leo to burn through tethers that hold your energy where it no longer needs to be. This is also a potent moon to embrace your most authentic self and desired outward expression without holding care to what others think about you anymore. Finally, on February 8th, one day before the beginning of the Lunar New Year and Aquarius New Moon, the asteroid Vesta will go direct in reflective and adaptable Gemini. This celestial body has been spinning backwards since November 2nd, first in Cancer and then in Gemini. Over the past 3 months or so we’ve likely been called to slow down and look at both what we’re obsessed with and what actually needs our dedication. This has also been a time for us to really think about the true purpose behind any of our efforts and intentions, and with Venus ruling this entire last lunar cycle of the year I believe our dharma is at the forefront of everything we do now. Mix in the Capricorn energy that rules this lunar cycle, and we’ve probably felt a need to shift our focus toward work that produces valuable results for both ourselves AND the collective. All of this is preparing us for what’s to come. When we move into both this next lunar cycle in Aquarius and this dawn of the new era or “Age of Aquarius,” selfishness simply won’t do. As you prepare to make plans toward your projects this year, don’t forget to come back to your purpose on a regular basis. The results of your efforts should raise both you and the environment around you in some way.
The eastern side of the world shares this same perspective right now.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Pushya Nakshatra. Known as “The Star of Nourishment,” this lunar mansion is represented by a cow’s udder. This is a time to embrace the humanitarian in you and give of yourself to your causes in whatever way you can. This can be out of your personal pursuits or professional projects, as mentioned before, it could be with the call to give an actual charitable donation, or you may want to simply volunteer your time. Many places are battling challenges with weather right now and many organizations could use a helping hand. If you’re feeling a need to do something for the better of all, reaching out to your local shelters is a great start.
Pushya Nakshatra also encourages us to nourish ourselves. Formed by the stars Theta-Gamma- & Eta-Cancri in the constellation of Cancer, this celestial house holds the energy of the Mother, the Child, and the Womb. This moon may give you the energy to let go of what holds back your creativity or imagination, or you may feel a need to embrace childlike environments or activities that you missed out on when you were young. Alternatively, you may feel the need to “grow up” right now, and parent yourself in the way you know that you should. Embracing spiritual practices like meditation right now, or finding mentors to help you personally develop could help you evolve to the person you’re striving to become.
You may also want to self-educate or focus on self-healing. This moon is ruled by Brihaspati in Hindu mythology. Known as the teacher of the gods, this is a time when a wealth of information is available. Even more influential, Pushya is also ruled by Saturn. Karma plays into whatever you do right now, so don’t sleep on the power of this moon! Use the lunar prana present to move yourself toward who you’re trying to be.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, celebrate its fullness with a sense of lightheartedness and love. Leo energy rules from the heart, and anything you do right now will have to come from heart-ruled intentions. Use the next 2 weeks to wrap your heart around everything you do, and create more love within yourself and through your pursuits. By the time we arrive to the next New Moon, you should feel open, ready, and free to move toward the higher possibilities and purpose coming to you.
Leo Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the January 24th Instagram Leo Virtual Full Moon Circle.
New Moon in Capricorn &
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
January 11th, 2023
As the moon begins her first cyclical journey of the year, she starts in the house of Capricorn. This is the sign of the “Sea-Goat,” or Cosmic Mermaid/Merman, urging us to set our ship asail toward our dreams and don’t stop until we land on our new reality.
Capricorn is one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac. With its energy ruling this first lunation of 2024, it’s time for us to also get to work and do what we need to in order to succeed. If you didn’t feel the need to change with the turn of the new year, you may now feel a stronger urge to shift your habits, your behaviors, or your direction. It may happen with this new moon portal, or it may take the entire lunar cycle before you’re ready. Mercury is still in a post-retrograde shadow until January 20th, and the Lunar New Year in February is sometimes the benchmark for people to start making moves. Whenever you feel the call to change, answer it. There is a lot of support this lunar cycle to help you build up the momentum you need for the rest of this year.
This first new moon of 2024 is auspiciously falling on 1/11, bringing an extra bit of magic to the beginning of our journey. In numerology, the number “1” can symbol source energy or consciousness, connection to the unity of all, or the whole power of The Universe existing within. The number “11” is a Master Number, symbolizing ascendence and higher wisdom. Double digit Master numbers like 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, etc., are all higher frequencies and evolutions of their simplified digit. In the case of 11, we look at 1+1=2, and the evolution of the binary or duality. We’ve been in a time of separation. Society is splitting into sides on almost every topic, but what most don’t realize is the higher powers at be need that division in order to keep in power. When we revolve the concept of separateness and move into both acceptance and harmonization, we find more unity and sovereignty at the same time. Anything we intend to work toward under this moon will need to be for the good of all. The number 11 represents the elevation of humanity, and manifesting on 1/11 requires a responsibility to help with this evolution of all. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to have intentions to help a lot of people or a big cause. It simply means to wrap your highest frequency around whatever you pursue. If victory means you become a better person in society, then that’s a win for all!
This need to uplift the collective also stems from cosmic alignments with Venus and Jupiter. Both planets prefer a society where beauty, grace, joy, and abundance for all thrives, and this particular new moon in hard working Capricorn is both aligned with Mars in Capricorn and forming a trine with Jupiter in Taurus. We also have a unique connection to Venus, because this moon aligns at 20 degrees of Capricorn, or what we call the term of Venus. In addition, Venus is in Jupiter’s sign (Sagittarius) and Jupiter is in Venus’ sign “Taurus”. In other words, we have a Moon motivated by Mars to be structured and rigid, but influenced by Venus and Jupiter to flow more with what truly aligns. As you work toward your 2024 intentions, ask yourself if they have true purpose. What is the value of the outcome if you succeed? What will victory give you? Is it something selfish or something that will uplift the frequency of all? Are you driven for the good of all, or just yourself? Even if your intention this year is to plant a flower garden to enjoy solo, you will be sure to tend to a space that nurtures nature and beautifies your surroundings. As you work toward new goals and resolutions, make sure your energy is directed toward improving both yourself and the environment around you.
Finally, we have to consider this New Moon and Mars in Capricorn in a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, the most emotional sign of the zodiac. Not only will our new year pursuits need to be purposeful, they will also need to have our hearts in them. Saturn in Pisces sends us a protection message and guides us to use our feelings as an indicator of whether we need to stay where we are or change. It’s also important to reflect on past experiences and lessons we’ve already learned, to ensure we don’t experience the same lower frequency feelings again. Capricorn energy has a tendency to bottle up what it feels instead of letting it flow through. Don’t let the stubbornes of this lunar cycle keep you on a path you are no longer meant to travel. If your heart is no longer in what you do, it’s time to let go and move on.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra. Represented by a group of stars depicting a hand-held fan in the constellation of Sagittarius, this lunar mansion is represented by an elephant tusk, a fan, or a winnowing basket. All three symbols represent a separation of what needs to be released, or a movement of the air to freshen up and bring in new ideas. Ruled by the Apas, or gods of water, there is a calling to purify underneath this new moon. Just as the winnowing basket is used to separate the grain or rice from the chaff, we move into this new year separating ourselves from what tethers us where will wither. All plants teach us that there is a time to release from the source of growth, as the energy to sustain life will not always be there. The apples a tree lets go of do not go to waste. They feed nature, and the seeds recycle into the earth to continue the life cycle of the apple tree generationally. As we also disconnect from what doesn’t serve us under this moon, we trust that the energy will be recycled or used for the greatest good of all. When we learn to release in this more pure and spiritual way, we create a sacred container for all energy to vibrate at a higher frequency and love.
As much as Venus rules the western astrology of this moon, she also shows up in the east. Venus is the ruling planet of Purvashadha Nakshatra, and this moon is encouraging us to both clean up and beautiful our life in all aspects possible. Despite the feminine reign of this lunar mansion, the energy is more associated with the masculine. This nakshatra gives us a unique boost to get the things we need done so we can move forward toward the things we desire. Take advantage of the energy! Separation and cutting ties will be easier during this lunar portal.
(Btw, did you check out my 2024 Tarot Reading? We talk about cutting ties A LOT, and the Queen of Swords is the highest action we can embrace. I believe Purva Ashadha Nakshatra could be represented by the Queen of Swords in the Tarot! Go check out my reading HERE, and see what conclusions you draw!)
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, do it with a sense of grace and dignity. You don’t have to walk away from situations in the typical harsh style that Capricorns usually do. As much as you will need to still make change, Venus and Saturn both ask you to consider the long-term consequences and the emotions involved. Do you best to shift your energy under this cycle with positive vibrations, and use the momentum you build this lunar cycle to propel yourself into the hard work you need to carry out in order to make your dreams come true.
Capricorn Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the January 10th Instagram Capricorn Virtual New Moon Circle.
Full Moon in Cancer &
Ardra Nakshatra
December 26th, 2023
As the moon continues on her last cyclical journey of the year, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Cancer. This is the sign of The Cosmic Crab, Mother, Womb, and Child, and all archetypes encourage us to return back to home.
“Home” can mean a variety of things. Perhaps it’s where you grew up, or where your family gathers now. Perhaps it’s your own safe spaces and sanctuaries, or perhaps “home” is really safe people who hold space for you and help you feel comforted in times of need. No matter the definition to you, this moon will draw you back to the places you tend to retreat to for safety, processing, recovery, and deep healing.
You may also feel a need to retreat underneath this full moon. Occurring one day after Christmas, this can be a time when you start to decompress from the chaotic and energizing holiday season. The Cancer crab also represents home because of its tendency to retreat when waters get too high or there’s a threatening feeling. You may have had to become vulnerable over the past few days, you may have had to hold your guard up, or you may have had to put yourself in positions that were emotionally challenging. If this was the case, use this full moon to turn more within, and rid yourself of any unnecessary energy you may have taken on. With Cancer being a water sign and related to the oceanic crab, this may be a good time to take a salt bath or a dip in the ocean for cleansing if you have access. if you do not have a bathtub or the ocean within reach, you could simply soak your feet in a tub of Epsom salts, or you could find a sensory deprivation float spa to experience a full Magnesium absorption! You could also gargle with salt water to help purify your throat with mercury spinning retrograde right now. Remember, salt creates a magnetic attraction, and it can absorb any negativity around it. Use salt water as a simple way to purify yourself under this last full moon of the year, so you’re clear and ready for 2024.
You may also need to experience the salt water of tears during this full moon portal. These could be tears of joy or from laughter, as the holidays tend to be a time when we gather with others for joyful reflection and storytelling. However, this could also be the tears of deep sadness, loneliness, frustration, anger, or another low frequency feeling. Cancer energy has a tendency to feel a lot of emotion, but isn’t the best at displaying or expressing it. Tie in Mercury Retrograde right now, and none of us will want to really let our feelings loose. Regardless, full moons have a way of pulling things up and making them more buoyant, and with the pressure of Mercury coming into play we might even experience emotional explosion if we do not handle things in a timely manner. If this full moon has you facing certain feelings that you’ve been avoiding, now is the time to fully process and alchemize the frequency so it doesn’t continue to hold you back from your future.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Ardra Nakshatra, or the “Star of Storms”. This lunar mansion is ruled by Rudra, a God who uses both teardrops and lightning to cause storms of destruction. Rudra lets tears flow as a result of grief after losing his beloved. Upon her death, Rudra floats over the entire earth crying, and everywhere a teardrop lands the Earth is flooded. Before long, his tears cause so much destruction that the other gods have to step in and help him heal before more damage is caused to humanity. This story is a metaphor for our own experiences of grief. Whether the holiday season has you missing loved ones, or you’re grieving what wasn’t received or accomplished over this past year, your frequencies can cause great damage if they are not uplifted in a timely manner. If you are healing deep wounds underneath this full moon, give yourself the space, tools, and anything else you need to fully process and heal, so things don’t faster or rise up again unnecessarily in the future.
Rudra’s lightning bolts are also a powerful tool for both causing destruction and sparking new insight. Sometimes we have to let things go, or sometimes things need to be destroyed in order for us to truly detach and move on. Rudra’s lightning strikes through ignorance, and helps us to see the truth. Similar to the way Capricorn energy checks us into our proper reality, and in the way that Cancer energy pinches us when we’re dreaming/sleeping too much or acting too “delulu,” Ardra Nakshatra and Rudra have a way of waking us up so that we can pay attention. If this full moon illuminates anything that you were previously blind to, or if this moon combines with Mercury to bring up people, memories, or triggers in general, make sure to handle whatever comes to light. This moon is helping us release what we don’t want to bring into the new year!
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, It’s a time to pause, reflect and process.
Chiron goes direct on the same day as the full moon, encouraging us to heal old wounds, and alchemize what triggers us into a state of intensity. With this alignment occurring after the holidays and at the end of the year, we are being pulled into a different type of year now. The challenges we experienced in 2023 were meant to push us into our next evolution, and 2024 should be a more peaceful and easy road to navigate. What journey we go on is up to us now. Use this full moon and the last few days of the year to release old patterns, detach from generational behaviors, and even give yourself permission to let go of traditions that no longer serve, apply, or spark joy. It’s time to create a new life and a new “home” worth living in! This Cold Moon in Cancer is asking you to create the safe spaces, places, and network of people you need in order to thrive at your highest frequency yet, and when Jupiter goes direct on December 30, everything you wish for will start to come your way! Get ready! This last lunar cycle will give you the last preparations you need for what’s to come.
Cancer Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the December 26th Instagram Cancer Virtual Full Moon Circle.
New Moon in Sagittarius &
Jyestha Nakshatra
December 12th, 2023
As the moon begins her last cyclical journey of the year, she begins in the house of Sagittarius. This is the sign of The Cosmic Archer, and it’s time to take aim at our goals and desires.
Despite us being half way through Sagittarius Season now, we’ve been navigating an intense, dark, moody, and heavy lunar cycle in Scorpio. As the new moon rises, we will feel a shift in the energy. If you’ve been traversing the shadows lately or harboring feelings of hopelessness, get ready for a change. The Fire of Sagittarius energy brings a glorifying light to dispel the darkness. Look all around you this time of year! Despite it being one of the darkest times, we see holiday lights all around. This is because Sagittarius encourages us to find our inner light when we can’t see on the outside. As we move through this last lunar cycle of 2023, you are being encouraged to glow up and let your shine as bright as possible.
You find your spark of light by finding your joy. Sagittarius is a sign ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in the zodiac, and the energy here encourages us to be big, too! Think about big wishes, big love, big celebrations, and big belly laughs. Even the food, drink, and dessert is in excess right now! This is a lunar cycle to take it all in and enjoy. There is a time for work and a time for rest. Rejoice in the shadow work you’ve completed now with a treat! It’s also good to fuel up now on positive vibes as much as possible, so you’re ready to attack the new year with optimism and a rekindled sense of hope.
You also create more hope within yourself. You do this by setting BIG exciting goals for the upcoming year, as well as “S.M.A.R.T.” attainable goals you can achieve along the way to keep your hope for success meter full! You also surround yourself with positive, supportive people who can help you believe that you’ll get there. One thing about Sagittarius energy is it’s friendly! The light of this sign isn’t just related to the light from within. It’s also symbolic of the true blessed light you can surround yourself with through friends and family! Make sure to spend time with the people you love this lunar cycle, and tell those who are important to you how much they matter. Maybe even share a story about how that person has helped you. Sagittarius energy is all about compliments! Make sure to let the important people in your life know how you feel about them under this lunar cycle. Knowing we matter is one of the most important gifts of all!
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra. Known as the “Eldest One,” this lunar mansion is found in the heart of the Scorpio constellation, as the brightest star Antares. Vedic astrology is always one zodiac sign behind tropical/Western, so this moon will also still bring some of Scorpio’s lingering qualities. The heart of the scorpion represents the most vulnerable space within ourselves. It is time to let our guard down with those we love and simply be more cautious with those we do not known. Jyestha is represented by a ring—a sign of commitment and holy, unconditional love. Make sure that your relationships are pure this lunar cycle. With this one carrying us over into the new year, it will be especially important to focus on our surroundings and our inner circle. Anyone we feel the need to protect ourself around will have to go. If we continue to keep them around for the future, there is a chance we could be taken advantage of.
There is also a sensitivity that comes with the heart of the scorpion. Scorpio energy feels deeply and on such a level that it cannot be put into words. You will need people in your life moving forward who hold empathy and sensitivity to both your wants and needs. You need people to help nurture you in times of low frequency, people who help keep you in check and make sure you’re taking care of yourself, and people in your life who want MORE for you and want to cheer you on along the way. When you surround yourself with these kind of lighter beings and frequencies, you can’t help but to GLOW UP!
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, energetic exchange will be a top priority of focus. Mercury goes retrograde one day into this lunar cycle, and from December 13th to January 1st we will need to be absolutely clear on communication and agreements. We will also need to focus on flexibility around consumerism and travel. We could also battle health challenges due to the holiday hangover and Mercury ruling throat chakra. Use this lunar cycle to look over your energetic exchanges like a pie chart, and see if any slices are out of proportion. Maybe you need to bake a new pie altogether! Whatever you’re creating, use these last few weeks of the year to adjust your recipe and ingredients to ensure you’re moving toward the manifestation of a life full of positivity, support, high hopes, and plenty of light! The momentum you put forth now will carry over into much of the future of this next year!
Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the December 12th Instagram Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle.
Full Moon in Gemini &
Rohini Nakshatra
November 27th, 2023
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Gemini. This the sign of The Cosmic Mirror, and we are now in a portal of reflection.
Full moons always have a way of shining light on things. Whatever is being illuminated now on someone else—whatever draws you attention—is a reflection of something within you. Take time to notice your surroundings over the next few days and its influence. Pay attention to the way you your energy is impacted. If you are uplifted, pay attention to why. If you are deflated, pay attention to why. Both experiences have wisdom to offer.
Contemplation will be at the surface right now, so don’t be surprised if you have an overactive mind. Gemini energy likes to think on things and use their mind A LOT, and even if you aren’t a Gemini you will still be affected by this energy. Mix this with the heightened prona of the full moon, and you can’t help but be restless in both you body and with your thoughts. If you mind seems out of control right now, write things down to get more organized, or find someone to talk things out with or “bounce things off of”. Airing out your thoughts in some way or giving them some sort of voice/expression will help you to ease anxieties and discover more clarity.
On a completely different note, the restlessness of this moon may also have you in the shopping spirit. If you plan to buy any technological gadgets, purchase something digital, or make an expensive purchase, now is the time to do it. The Black Friday-Cyber Monday specials are a great thing to take advantage of this year, because when Mercury goes retrograde on December 13th odds won’t be so much in our favor anymore. It’s best to make your purchases over the next couple of weeks, to prevent buyer’s remorse by waiting until last minute before Christmas.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Rohini Nakshatra. Known as the “Reddish One,” this “Star of Attainment” or “Star of Ascent” is found as the red eye in the constellation of the Taurus bull. This is said to be the moon’s favorite lunar mansion, and this moon is said to be one of the most auspicious of the year. It is especially fortunate for marriage, relationships, and other bonds to be formed right now. The Universe supports longevity of these partnerships.
This is also an extremely creative star. If you find yourself inspired under this moon with new ideas for ventures, it’s time to write them down and start taking action! This is the last “planting” moon of autumn, and once the next new moon arrives we’ll move into tending our intentions. If you have plans for 2024, now is the time to start using your energy toward manifestation. When it comes to your relationships, everything you seed now will likely take root through into the new year.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it’s important to get in tune with SELF. Mars has now moved out of combustion with the sun, release inner conflict and external triggering energy. Venus is crossing over Ketu and giving us the opportunity to reset karmic ties. If we find ourselves disturbed by the external, it is simply a reflection of something we are disturbed of within ourself. Treat everything like a mirror under the rest of this lunar cycle. You are being revealed what you need to truly give attention to.
Gemini Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the November 27th Instagram Gemini Virtual Full Moon Circle.
New Moon in Scorpio &
Vishika Nakshatra
November 13th, 2023
As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she pauses newly formed in feminine, sensual, mysteriously taboo Scorpio. This is not only the sign of the cosmic scorpion, but also the cosmic eagle and Phoenix. Energy under a Scorpio New Moon is powerfully potent, and more magical than most. If you are ready to start manifesting for your new year, now is the time to start setting intention.
As my Reiki master referred to it this weekend, it’s time for us all to step into our "BDE", weather we have the specific genitalia or not! Scorpio energy is incredibly expansive, and if we can learn to harness the potential of infinite growth, we can learn to let go of our limits for good.
Although sometimes mistaken for an earth sign, Scorpio is actually a water sign. This can be related to the fluidity of money energy, but can also be representative of the deep intense feelings this archetype experiences. Scorpios can both sense and express energies and emotions that have yet to be explained by science or depicted by word, so they seek beyond the limits of modernized limited thinking. Water energy cannot be contained. It is in a constant cycle. Depending on the magnetism around it, it can either shrink or expand. In either case, the energy continues to move on, because what has decreased has let go for something to move on and what has increased has pushed out something that also needed to move on. The cycle of life/energy is always truly in constant expansion. Trust in your ability to move beyond veils that shroud your internal guidance and wisdom, so you can move into the ever-expansive being you already embody.
Water can also be related to medicine or healing. On the Eastern side of the world, this new moon arises just after Sri Dhanvantari’s birthday. The Father of Ayurveda and a personal lineage of mine through Vedic Thai Yoga Bodywork, this Master of true Medicine is now celebrated through this new moon portal. If you have been seeking alternative ways of healing beyond the Western world, now is the time to move beyond your boundaries. Coincidentally, Lakshmi’s birthday also occurs on November 10th, celebrating the birth of true wealth and health on the same day! But is this coincidence, really? On a deeper level, we know that health IS wealth, and without it, we can never create more. Eastern or Western perspective, this moon is asking you to take the steps toward improving your spirit, your psychic senses, and your physical manifestation of your energy (your body).
Scorpio energy is an interesting one. It embodies three archetypes, because it is truly always expanding. And this process of growth isn’t necessarily an enjoyable one. The exoskeleton molting process initiates a sort of sickness within. Look at any creature that molts, sheds, peels, etc. Even look at us when we experience a burn and the process after. We know the shedding is a sign of healing. We know if we just surrender to the process, and take our medicine along the way, we will return to health again. Perhaps we even return stronger than before! This particular New Moon holds Mars combust, and The Planet of War rules Scorpio energy. This is a time to go through what we need to in order to both become stronger and harder at the same time. This doesn’t mean with our spirit, but more with our sword. It’s time to grow into a version of ourself that can set boundaries with strategy, cunning mindset, and wisdom—and learn how to hold up the stinger/beak/fire when we need to.
Scorpio is represented by the archetypal scorpion, eagle, and phoenix, depending on what stage of evolution they are currently in. In Vedic astrology, this moon is ruled by the Wind-Fire energies of Indra-Agni. Again, is it any coincidence?! I found it also interesting that Scorpio season is a time when death comes to the forefront more with ancestral celebrations like Day of the Dead/All Souls’ Day and celebrations like Halloween, and both wind and fire are enhanced—which are the elements for cremation. It’s time to release old versions of ourself that no longer serve and truly let them die. Use the fires of your passion for change motivate you to move into a different, more expanded version of yourself, no matter how challenging it may be. The urge to move forward and the resistance to stay stagnant will eventually pick up momentum. With the winds of a Gemini Full Moon and the fires of Sagittarius season on the horizon, we have powerful energy to propel us forward if we can first spark the catalyst to both build and boost our own engines.
Circling back to the concept of healing, this isn’t just about taking our medicine when we are “sick” or at “dis-ease”. This is about taking our ritualistic and energetic “supplements” to also support our spiritual wellness. Just as we are unable to be productive when physical unwell, we are also evolutionarily halted when we are spiritually off-track. Vedic astrology places this moon in Vishaka Nakshatra, or The Star of Devotion. This moon is about devoting to yourself, your practices, and what you need for true balance. If you’re not sure what this is, take time in the darkness of this new moon meditate, dream, practice scrying, or simply breathe with stillness to see what comes through. If you already know what direction you need to take, use this moon to set intentions to show up to what you need daily.
“Coming” back to the mention of sensuality at the beginner of this channeling, you may also seek out sexual healing underneath this new moon. Scorpio isn’t just related to the death part of the life cycle; it also embodies the conception stage of the life cycle. Taurus is a fertile sign of the spring and we just ignited that energy with the previous full moon. Now, the Scorpio New Moon continues to nurture the growth of what we want to bring forward. There is a planting season in the fall and time of Scorpio that results in harvest under springtime and Taurus influence. Whatever you put intention toward now, whether it be actual conception of human life, a new version of yourself you’re ready to come into, or something you’re ready to bring out of your creative sacred sacral cauldron, The Universe will work to incubate the life of your near future with your influence in mind. Sex magick can be powerful right now, both with a partner or when practiced solo. Use the sensuality and taboo of this Scorpio moon and the devotion to pleasure Vishaka Nakshatra embodies to convince yourself you are worthy of feeling good in this life on all levels. When you envision a life full of bliss as your are literally experiencing ananda/orgasm, you can tap into a magnetic attraction of indescribable joy to be at your fingertips at all times.
On a final note, this moon ignites the season of Diwali. November 13th is said to be one of the “darkest” times of the year energetically and astrologically, and in Hindu tradition this initiation into the darkness is also an encouragement for us to find our own light. The story of Diwali is an interesting one, and not the “fairy tale” type of fable we tell on the western side of the world, but when you look past the the typical Hindu depiction of multi-headed demons, bloody battles, and other less acceptable views of spirituality from the North American point of view, the message is a beautiful one. You can take your own time to learn about Diwali, but know the theme of the story is about beautiful devotion to love, the destruction of ego, and the ability for all of us to find inner light, truth, wisdom, and healing inside. Under this new moon, light a candle to represent the light you also always have inside. Meditate on this light and trust in its existence in others. Shadows will always exist, but the more we learn to stop dimming our shine, the less the darkness will have power over our energy.
Scorpio Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the November 13th Instagram Scorpio Virtual Full Moon Circle.
Moon Musings are taking a short break!
If I didn't write about the moon, did it even happen?!
I joke, but I know many of you tune into this site for guidance with the cosmos, and I'm aware I haven't written anything about the Aries Full Moon. This was both accidental and a bit intentional at the same time. I am currently on a sabbatical from my usual work to spend time with family, realign my intentions, and celebrate my turning 40 under the New Moon and Solar Eclipse October 14th. While I intended to write about both Libra season and this Full Moon in Aries, I accidentally left my laptop while traveling away for the weekend. It's funny, because I've spent the majority of this year working to focus more on myself and rebalance my time between the "me and we". I set intentions on my 39th birthday to really make this year about me and what I both need and want, and The Universe has helped me to meet my goal without realizing. As I wrap up my last month at 39, my subconscious clearly wants me to rest, turn within, and let go of the need to report to anyone.
I was recently asked what this Aries full moon is about--if I could pass on just one message from it, what would it be? I responded "this moon wants us to let go of our fucks". It's the typical fiery Aries attitude, but this moon is also surprisingly one of the tamest moons we will get in awhile. That's saying something! We have just finished a challenging retrograde season, and now we get a short break before moving into both eclipse and shadow season. This moon wants us to embrace the art of no longer giving a fuck about what doesn't really matter in the present. Aries energy is extremely impatient. This moon doesn't want us to spend time worrying about the future or dwelling in the past. It wants us to act with fullest intention RIGHT NOW with what's at play. Nothing healthy stays stagnant. This moon reminds us that change is necessary. As we move into a new journey of transformation and a new elevated consciousness, it is time to let go of a need to stick to patterns "just because". Our time on this planet is precious. This moon wants us to make the most of every moment.
I am using this Aries moon and this Libra cycle to also restructure the way I do things around my work, the astrological guidance I provide, and more. I have dreamed of creating something new around my offerings, but I haven't been able to truly give myself the time to focus on what I want to bring to fruition. With the nudge of this Aries moon, I'm releasing the need to report on the cosmos until I am fully ready to do it in the way I envision. Don't worry! Once I return from my hiatus I still plan to show up every 2 weeks to report to you just as I have been. But for those that want to dive DEEPER with me, for those who want to move into deep ritual with me on a regular basis, I have something very magickal coming soon!
Thank you for your patience as I take this short break to go "under construction". I am excited about what's to come!
New Moon in Virgo &
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
September 14th, 2023
As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she moves out of her “super” perigree position and normalizes in the house of Virgo. Although we’ve been under Virgo season for several weeks now, we’ve only started to feel the influence of The Cosmic Purist for about a week. Both the energy of Leo and the super full moon in Pisces ruled most of this past month, but now we’ll level out and find more stable ground.
Virgo is an earth sign, and when we combine earth energy with the grounding apana energy of the new moon we really feel it. Virgo energy tends to be associated with the human body, so don’t be surprised if this lunar portal or entire lunar cycle brings you deeper communication with your body. You may feel discomforts, experience dis-ease/sickness, or simply feel more drained than normal. All of this gravity is weighing down right now, and we feel even the most subtle changes deep inside. This lunar portal and cycle may also bring you deep into your feelings, due to being pulled down into your earthly body and human experience more than normal. Be gentle with yourself over the next few weeks and pay attention to how your body speaks to you. Do your best to give it the medicine it needs.
This lunar cycle will be focused around routines, habits, and commitments that support a better, more pure version of yourself. This is a time to pull out your calendars and start making commitments to your schedule around health and wellness, ritual and spirituality, and you’re bigger goals. If you’re working toward a big change of big goal, it’s best to find baby steps you can work into your life as you adjust to get there. Virgo energy is especially adept to following directions, so this is a good time to make methodical plans toward where you want to be or who you want to become.
This is also a time to embrace pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality. Virgo is sometimes known as The Cosmic Virgin, and although usually relates to wholeness, may sometimes relate to virginity and sex. You may find yourself more turned on this season, or more turned on with yourself! You may also find new passions for things you’re trying to “conceive” or create in this world.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Known as “The Star of Patronage” and represented by a marriage bed, this lunar mansion also encourages a sense of commitment toward what we’re trying to achieve. The key is to realize both the act of making love and conception itself should be pleasurable experiences, and not forced or stressful ones. Whatever you work on right now should be a joyful process and happen with ease. Let this new moon initiate you into a life where pleasure is the priority and success becomes second nature. Uttara Phalguni reminds you that life can be a blissful act in whatever you do!
Between the bed energy of the east and the virgin energy of the west, this moon definitely brings a sense of sensuality. If the topics of sex, self-pleasure, or personal body acceptance and body positivity make you feel uncomfortable, this moon is asking you to turn within and meditate on this. Why do you feel as if these topics are taboo? Is there something deeper underlying the influence? Virgo energy is extremely blunt and truthful, and this moon may help you to face breakthrough epiphanies around your behaviors, thoughts, and operations. Both Virgo and Uttara Phalguni and about stripping down to our rawest forms in order to get in touch with who we are. Use the darkness of this new moon to take time with yourself, your body, your feelings and more, and find ways to bring more bliss into every aspect of your natural being.
Full SUPERMoon in Pisces &
Shatabisha Nakshatra
August 30th, 2023
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated and at perigree in the house of Pisces. This is the second full moon we’re experiencing this August, and it’s appropriately named a blue moon because of this. Have you ever heard the phrase “once in a blue moon”? Now you know where the reference comes from! The moon doesn’t actually turn blue, but it’s uncommon to have two full moons in a calendar month. The rarity of this moon in combination with it being a super moon, brings a potent and auspicious energy for us to truly release and let go for good.
We’re currently witnessing this in nature in North America as hurricane Idalia makes landfall under the peak prana of this Pisces moon. This sign is usually known as the cosmic fish, but it is also known as the entire cosmic ocean. Combine this Pisces super moon energy with the retrograde season we are experiencing, including Neptune retrograde, and we were destined for a few tropical storms this year! We can always attune to nature and learn the lesson she’s trying to teach us right now. Do you feel like you need something washed away completely? Do you feel like you need divine intervention in order to shift direction? Saturn, the planet of karma, is aligned with this full moon and opposing the sun, bringing in powerful opportunities for us to completely change our lives. Combine this with the Sun season of Virgo that we’re currently navigating and it’s the perfect time for new beginnings. Virgo is known as The Cosmic Virgin or Purist, and prefers to arrive to things clean, proper, and prepared. Now that you know what’s coming with the energy, get ready! A whole new chapter could be unfolding in front of you under this moon!
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shatabisha Nakshatra. Known as “The star of 100 Healers or 100 Medicines”, this lunar mansion uses the full moon’s light to reveal crucial information we need to know about our health and well-being. Shatabisha translates also to “The Veiling Star”, meaning that great secrets could be brought to the surface under this moon. Answers to great mysteries or long-term quests will also finally be found. While full moons are usually a time to be more active and social, this particular moon is asking us to invite in more stillness and pay attention to what is being shown. Many things now will have deeper meaning, so don’t shrug off the signs if they come your way.
This moon is also known as the Shravana Purnima and honors Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and liberation. Sometimes we needs things to crash down or fall apart in order to get back to square one and back to our core truths and being. Embrace what you can burn away with ease under this moon! If you need a reset, now is the time to take advantage!
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it will be a powerful lunation to release what you no longer want to carry over to the next season. We are in the last full moon of summer, and with it being a super blue moon, we have even more energy than normal to detach with ease. Use these next few days to heighten your awareness, and use the moon’s guidance to help you align for the rest of the lunar cycle ahead.
New SUPERMoon in Leo &
Ashlesha Nakshatra
August 16th, 2023
As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she begins at pedigree in a Leo Supermoon. This is the sign of the Cosmic Lion, and it’s time to get brave about setting boundaries, facing our fears, and letting go.
Lions are usually associated with courage, and this new moon occurring at the peak of summer asks us to be brave when it comes to the changes we need to make. We have moved past the peak of our growth this year, and although we may still expand, most of the remaining year is about harvest. Think about an actual garden. Whether it be flower, vegetable, or something else, once we start to see the fruits of our labor appearing we do not ignore the surroundings! We continue to de-weed our garden, fertilize our soil, and find ways to keep pests away. The same is happening in our spiritual garden. If you find yourself peaking at your success, yet still distracted or limited, it’s time to seek out the shadows that hold you back from expansion. Use the power of this super new moon to assess how you exchange your energy, and make adjustments if any relationship needs tending to.
All things relationship will come to the surface under this new moon, as Leo deals with energetics of the heart, Venus is currently retrograde and combust behind the sun, and Vedic astrology places this moon in “The Clinging Star”. This is a time to look into matters of love, family, friendship, and maybe even business since Venus deals with money and Leo is ruled by the sun, which is our work-oriented planet. If you’ve been especially feeling tension with the opposite sex, it’s because of the extreme contrast we now experience between the fire of the Leo Sun and the waters of Venus and the moon. Add in the “gandanta,” or “karmic knot” that this moon navigates in Vedic astrology, and we will certainly feel tension! All things are transitioning and changing now as we move beyond the sun’s peak and start to journey into autumn. There is always a tug of war with our energy at the ending and beginning of new seasons. Do what you can to find peace as you continue through.
As mentioned before, this moon is in the “Clinging Star” or Ashlesha Nakshatra from the view of Vedic astrology. This lunar mansion is represented by a snake and ruled by the snake energy of both the Kundalini, and the general Naga, or healing spirit of the snake. A snakes venom is both poisonous and produces its antidote. This lunar portal is about detoxing the poison within, but maybe also ingesting a small amount of it in order to do so. This may point you to actual remedies of healing like homeopathy, or you may simply need to “take a dose of your own medicine” as you face your own shadows under the darkness of this moon. This may be a time when you reflect on the relationships in your life and either the choices you’ve made around them or the ones you need to. The Clinging Star calls you to notice what connects to you, and Leo energy asks you to surround yourself with people you take “pride” in and bring out both your leadership and joy.
This moon will create an interesting contrast within you to both isolate and socialize. Leo energy loves to party AND be the center of attention, but with the moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra, it all may be too much for us right now. Listen to your energy and follow what guides you. If you feel like hanging out with others, do your best to be with others that match your frequency or elevate higher than you. If you lean toward lower vibes, you may succumb to the energy. The poison of the snake under this moon also represents addictions or losing inhibitions. Be careful what you medicate with and dose right now. It is likely to be more potent than normal.
If you feel like embracing hermitage under this moon, lean into the call. Your body is likely seeking rest and reflection in order to either heal or simply evolve. The molting/shedding process of the snake is not an enjoyable one for the creature. It goes through a fever, pain, and lots of discomfort. If this is your life right now, know that your are shedding what no longer serves and outgrowing who you are. Embrace the transformation. Evolution is not always easy, but it IS necessary.
Full SUPERMoon in Aquarius &
Shravana Nakshatra
August 1st, 2023
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses in her fullest expression and at perigree as a SUPERMoon in Aquarius. This is the sign of The Cosmic Philanthropist, and it’s time to do what you can to uplift the frequency.
The full moon of Leo season is always one that promotes socialization. With this one being a supermoon, meaning it’s closer to the earth than normal, you may want to get out and truly party! With so much prana being activated, it’s going to be hard to resist movement. Just make sure you celebrate life in moderation under this moon and do it with people who will support your limitations. Aquarius is air energy, which knows no bounds. Mix in that Leo fire, and it may be hard to slow yourself down or be mindful of your boundaries.
You may also want to “get weird” or do things differently under this moon. I like to call Aquarius the “alien of the zodiac,” because they bring a different perspective to life. In fact, they’re so fascinating with this planet and the humans that live on it, that they can never truly focus on one thing for good! You may be inspired to pursuit a completely different path under this moon, or simply do things differently around the way you’re already operating. Either way, a shift in perspective or a change of scenery is always a good thing. We can’t stay stagnant if we want to grow!
Speaking of growth, you may find more amplification of your own self and energy under this moon. While we’re under the Aquarian moon, we’re still in Leo season, and that combination of air and fire just makes MORE FIRE! This moon may have you really putting yourself out there publicly or it may inspire you to be more bold in the way you express yourself. No matter how you let the energy burn through you, don’t be surprised if it’s on another level then you’re used to!
With all of this external energy elevated, make sure to take plenty of time to also slow down and ground.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shravana Nakshatra. Known as the “Listening Star,” and represented by “God’s ear,” this lunar mansion encourages us to listen to our internal dialogue, guidance, and heartbeat above all else. The world is full of noise, and Leo is one of the nosiest, most exciting seasons of the year. But all of that chaos leads to a a spiral of energy that can easily spin out of control. Amongst all of your socialization, your influencing, and your times of expressing yourself, make sure to find ample time to also be with yourself and the cosmic choir that sings to you from somewhere else than this planet. Shravana Nakshatra encourages us to find our passion and seek out our next steps through the internal guidance of what we sense and feel. Under this full moon, make sure you also have time to yourself to simply be with this universe and see what it says to you.
This is also a time to really listen on the inside and evaluate what is worthy to us. Venus is currently retrograde and Chiron just joined the backwards party 1 day before this full moon. Wounds around your relationships, your boundaries or inability to set them, your pleasures, your hobbies, and anything around your feminine yin energy may get stirred up right now. Again, take time under this moon to truly pay attention to what’s calling you. If you’re feeling a need to make change in order to increase your value or make your feel more worthy of your dreams, now is the time to do it.
Remember, full moons are always about letting go. It’s a check-in midpoint through the lunar cycle to help us decide if we want to keep going in the same direction, or make change and follow a new path. Shravana Nakshatra wants us to elevate our own frequency in order to uplift the world, and Aquarius wants us to uplift the collective by uplifting ourselves. No matter what side of the world you look at it from, we are being guided into a more harmonious system of self and a more fluidly supportive society. Use this full moon to find where you can fit into the formula for the highest grace of good, and do what you can to elevate yourself into that necessary and most needed position.
New Moon in Cancer &
Purnarvasu Nakshatra
July 17th, 2023
As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she lingers at 24 degrees Cancer. This is the sign of The Cosmic Crab, and we may feel the need to shell up at home.
Cancer season can be a moody time. Water seasons always play with our emotions, and when we find ourselves moody in the middle of summer it can be even more troublesome. This is a time when we’re supposed to be joyful, playful, and excited for life. However, we may feel more down, frustrated, and annoyed. Part of this comes from the tendency of Cancer energy to bottle up its emotions. This sign is known for acting like things are fine when they’re not. When we contain all of this emotional turmoil instead of processing and releasing it, pressure builds up from the inside. Add in the solar amplification of summer, and you can end up with a lot of HEAT! Don’t be surprised if the world or people are getting to you right now. Irritations, impatience, and feeling “people’d out” are all common feelings to navigate right now.
This moon is also a SUPERMoon, meaning the moon is at one of its closest points to Earth and affecting our energy more than normal. A typical new moon is felt around 2-3 days before and after its peak. A super moon can be felt up to FIVE days before and after! Add in the fact that Cancer is RULED BY THE MOON, and we have likely felt this energy all weekend and will continue to during the week ahead. This may make you want to retreat into your safe spaces and isolate from the world. Crabs are known for “shelling up” and digging themselves into the sand. It’s important for you to balance out external interactions right now with time in solitude and sanctuary. Take time at home to be with yourself without distraction, so you can process anything you’re feeling and return back to emotional harmony.
This is also a good time to balance the energy in your home or any spaces you hole up and hide in. Cancer is the energy of the home, and you may have an urge right now to tidy up your spaces or tend to any projects you’ve been setting aside. Personally, I’ve been feeling a major urge to clean my walls this Cancer season! With all of the fire smoke surrounding the Midwest, I’ve been using the energy of this Cancer season to literally mop and wipe down every wall in my home! Remember, dust and dirt hold energy, too! Don’t let toxic energy linger in your sacred spaces!
This moon will very much be about who and what has power. Lunar energy now opposes Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, causing a struggle between feeling overpowered and feeling powerful. If you feel like other people or situations have been stealing your energy, now is the time to make adjustments and reclaim your sovereign throne. This moon also trines Neptune retrograde in Pisces, pulling us back into our dreams and the bigger visions we want to create. Part of this urge to clean up our spaces and be at home more right now is due to the creative energy that needs to flow through. We also have Mercury trine Chiron in Aries under this moon and the nodes just shifted to the Aries/Libra axis. This sets us up to actually confront our wounds and traumas and possibly talk or write about them in order to process. Overall, we’re working to rid ourselves of the muck this season, so we have more room to gestate and grow whatever we desire! This Cancerian Supermoon brings grand opportunities to shift our direction, but we have to take charge ourselves and initiate the transformation.
This Cancerian Lunar cycle also brings the annual Venus Retrograde. Contrary to other planets, Venus actually becomes more powerful in her backwards spin, because she does it behind the sun, fully exalted. Over the next few months Venus will bring us urges to burn away what doesn’t serve our pleasure, what doesn’t nurture us, and what doesn’t feel worthy. When Venus retrograde starts on the last day of Cancer season and first day of Leo season, it can be extremely potent. Matters of the home, family, childhood past, love, and career may all bubble to the surface right now. Pay attention to what comes up in front of you. It grabs your attention now because it needs to change and possible heal for good.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purnarvasu Nakshatra. Known as the “Star of Renewal,” this lunar mansion is represented by the light at the end of a storm. Cancer season is always a challenging time emotionally. Add in retrograde season and many challenges can come our way. If you’ve been navigating a storm of emotions lately, this moon may bring a sense of calm. Nothing is the same after a major storm or hurricane passes through. Keep breathing through the windy times and trust the results are for your next evolution.
Purnarvasu is ruled by Aditi, a Mother Goddess that rules the Adityas and nature. Like Cancer energy, this lunar mansion brings a Motherly energy. We are encouraged to nurture ourselves now as we prepare for our rebirth. Perhaps we need to midwife the birth of new dreams or projects. Or maybe we’re just coaxing a new version of ourself to emerge. “Aditi’ means “boundless,” and this moon brings potential for endless creativity. Use the next few days to meditate on what you want to bring forward in this life, then trust in your ability to actually gestate it and make it all happen.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it’s encouraging us to take care of ourselves. Use this moon to find balance amongst all of these planets spinning backwards, and use the beginning of this lunar cycle to set intentions of more stability moving forward. The more you create the “rules” and regulations for your life, the more likely they will become your truth.
Full Moon in Capricorn &
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
July 3rd, 2023
As the moon continues through her cyclical journey, she pauses full illuminated in SUPERMoon status in the house of Capricorn. This is the sign of The Cosmic “Sea-Goat” guiding us to take back our power and ground into dry land.
Cancer season is always a watery time. If you’ve been navigating tears, screams, and waves of emotion you’re not alone. The Cosmic Crab tries to harden their shell, but inside the mush still moves around. When we contain our emotions like a ship or a message in a bottle, eventually something will rot, erode, break, or arrive on land to be discovered. If you’ve been trying to hide something or contain emotions yourself, this full moon in earth-ruled Capricorn may now expose what you’ve been going through.
Controlling our emotions isn’t an easy thing. This is a science we’re still trying to discover and understand. If you’ve felt out of control, it’s ok. Perhaps the energy of this Capricorn moon will start to make sense of all that you’re going through. The earthy Sea-Goat is a very determined spirit. If you’ve been challenged lately, it is likely that now this moon will give you new courage, strength, or gumption to carry on and move forward. You may not find the solution or the healing right way, but this Capricorn energy nudges you to keep trying to get there.
In some Indigenous traditions of North America, this moon is known as The “Buck” Moon. This is typically the moon when the buck’s antlers are on full display before their shed. This is also the brightest and most illuminated moon of the year due to the sun being at its peak solar energy. This may create a new amplification within you to “buckle up” or “buckle down” and get things down, heal for good, or simply make the changes you’ve been trying to make for some time now. You may also experience an urge to take back your power around something or regain control on your life if you haven’t had it. When the buck deer are in their “prime antler” season, they also tend to fight each other for power and control. If you feel the need to stand your ground or show either yourself or someone else “who’s boss,” now is this time!
Ironically, Capricorn energy is about structure, government, and rules, and this full moon in Capricorn falls on the most patriotic week of the year in North America. Rising in its fullest on July 3rd, this moon peaks in between Canada Day and American Independence Day. Pluto & Saturn, Capricorn’s two ruling planets, are also retrograde right now, bringing in all kinds of questions around who’s in control and who has power. We see this in America right now as the country is currently navigating its Pluto return and we witness the shifts in government regulations and policies. There is also high political tension in America right now, which only aligns with the current cosmic placements at hand. If you’re particularly heightened or driven around political issues right now, it may be best to keep such topics to yourself this weekend. The full moon will have everyone patriotically escalated, and opinions will likely be too strong and stubborn to convince to change.
If you’re feeling triggered under this moon, it might be a good time to ask yourself why. In the eastern side of the world this moon is known as Guru Purnima and represents teacher energy. Representing when Lord Shiva became the Adi Yogi and when Lord Buddha presented his first sermon, this is a moon where deep wisdom can come through. When we learn to embrace philosophy like these great teachers and ask ourself why we behave in a certain way, we start to become our own guru. Setting an intention to start doing this under the Guru Purnima moon is a wonderful way for you to learn to manage your energy. However, if you need guidance this is also a great moon to seek out a teacher, guru, or spiritual advisor. If you already have gurus and teachers in your life, this is a great moon to honour them and say thank you! If your gurus or teachers have already passed on, or they’re a more well known guru that you never personally met before they left this planet, you can honour their energy through prayer/meditation, writing them a letter, or simply placing a picture of them on your desk or altar.
This moon is also in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra in Vedic astrology. Known as “The Invincible Star,” this lunar mansion reminds us that we can achieve anything we put our intentions and energy towards. Ruled by Ganesha, this moon can help you get rid of blockages toward your success or help you re-route a different, more efficient way to make your desires and dreams come true. Use this full moon to bring Lord Ganesha to your side, and believe that nothing can stop you as you work toward your destination!
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, the lunar energy is encouraging us to check in, release what holds us back, and find our way. This full moon is the first of 4 full SUPERMoons, and by the time we reach the last one at the end of September we will also have traversed through 8 planetary retrogrades. It’s going to be an interesting rest of the year! Remember, the climb to the top of the mountain isn’t always easy, but this full moon tells us it’s possible to get there! Use these next few weeks to do get organized and get grounded, so you’re ready for what’s coming your way.
New Moon in Gemini &
Mrigashira Nakshatra
July 17th/18th, 2023
As the moon moves into her next cyclical cycle, she begins in the house of Gemini and brings an airy feel to the usual watery moon.
This particular new moon is quite auspicious. We have Sun, Moon, and Gemini all in Mercury, squaring off with a Neptune in Pisces and a Saturn stationing. While all new moons are a time to turn within, this particular moon almost feels like a great pause.
We are moving into the first week of summer and the mid-point of the year. This is a time to check in with ourselves. How are we feeling right now? Where are we headed? What are we working on? What’s blocking us? These are all great questions to ask under this moon. Gemini is an air sign, encouraging thinking and philosophy. Make sure to use this new moon portal to spend plenty of time in meditation and reflection, so you’re aware of what’s going on in your current present.
Gemini is sometimes known as The Cosmic Mirror, and then energy tends to be reflective by nature. This could mean reflective towards self or reflective of others, and it’s important to pay attention to the latter right now. New Moons tend to reveal shadow sides of signs. One of Gemini’s shadows is the tendency to deflect or place attention on others rather than self. When things aren’t in alignment in their own lives, a Gemini will start to point out everyone’s else chaos to distract. While they enjoy attention, when things aren’t right they want everything but the light on them! If you’re going through challenging times right now, Gemini or not, it’s especially important to stay present. Focus on yourself rather than the outer world. If you don’t, things make get worse before they get better.
At the time of this new moon, Saturn is currently stationed and preparing for his retrograde journey. This new moon also occurs on the night of Saturday, or “Saturn’s Day”. With both the Orb of Emotion (the moon) and The Planet of Karma (Saturn) standing still this weekend, this is a potent time to shift our destiny. If you’ve been going through struggles, it’s especially important to work on self and finding more harmony. Once Saturn starts spinning backwards, he does so for 6 months and brings all matters of power, control, and hard knock life lessons to the forefront. Make sure you do what you can to hold control and stay in power right now.
This is also a potent time to take back control on your dreams, visions, ambitions, and pursuits. The new moon is squaring Neptune in Pisces, bringing a dreamy, creative, artist, watery aspect to this lunar cycle. Remember, a new moon’s energy doesn’t just linger for a few days—it sets the standard for the entire lunar cycle ahead! The cosmic alignment of this moon is helping you to find more energy to focus on what you want in this world. If you feel especially inspired this moon, take advantage of the energy and start working on your desires!
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra. Known as the “Searching Star,” this lunar mansion encourages us to seek out a structure in our days that supports our dreams. This moon is asking us to slow down and take a good look at our current life. We need to evaluate what and who is important, as well as focus on where we need to get more organized. Use this moon to focus on the aspects of your life that seem messy. Whether it be finances, wellness, relationships, or even how you approach your professional pursuits, make sure you use this lunar cycle to get more logical and strategic around how you focus and operate.
Mrigashira Nakshatra is represented by the head of a deer. If this was a full moon, the deer’s head would be running with its body, and we’d feel more of an itch to get going on what we want to work on. In the case of the new moon, Mrigrashira’s deer head is more like the fawn. When baby deer are first born, they cannot easily walk in move their legs. This is why you see so many baby fawns all around in public places right now. Mother deer leave their babies in safe places while they go feed and keep predators away. Meanwhile, the baby fawn stays mostly in place, and usually just moves its head around. We are the baby fawn right now. Saturn’s stationing with this new moon encourages us to also find stillness, faith, and trust. Do the work on the internal—focus on your dreams, believe they can actually happen, and start masterminding a plan to get there. Energy flows where intention goes, and the more you contemplate everything in meditation and stillness, the more Mama Universe is out around you making it all happen and leading the negativity, or “predators” away!
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, the lunar energy is encouraging us to slow down, check in, and pay attention to self above all else. Both Summer and Gemini energy are very social. It’s ok to want to get out in the world, but make sure to balance it out with the internal. The more we focus on ourself and our harmony, the easier it is to interact with others who may not be as balanced and together.
Full Moon in Sagittarius &
Jyestha Nakshatra
June 3rd, 2023
As the moon continues through her last cycle of spring, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Sagittarius. This is the sign of The Cosmic Archer, and it’s time to take aim on what we want in this reality.
We are already moving into June, and Summer Solstice will be here soon. The Full Moon in Sagittarius now rises as a check-in point to ask us what we’re working on and how we’re feeling about it. In some cultures this moon is known as The Strawberry Moon and represents the first fruits of the season. As we look back to the goals we set back in the new year or lunar new year, we now check to see if any “fruits” are available for picking. Or do we have plants at all? Did we have the dream but never plant the seed? Did we plant the seed but never water and nourish the seedling? There is no judgement here, but if you find yourself revisiting old dreams under this moon that never ripened, now is the time to repeat the opportunity and refocus your energy.
Sagittarius is a very positive sign. I like to call it “The Cosmic Cheerleader,” because it’s so supportive of others’ ambitions. If you’ve fallen off track from a goal or fallen short of a dream this full moon is very nurturing, supportive, and forgiving. It encourages you to find the lesson learned in the failure then embrace the concept of “failing forward”. When I think of the Sagittarius Moon I think of that animated movie Meet the Robinsons and their “KEEP MOVING FORWARD!” motto. Failure is always temporary. We still have an entire summer and an entire rest of the year (and more!) to make our dreams come true. But sense of urgency is important and fire doesn’t hold back from burning. Under this fiery Sagittarius moon give yourself permission to start moving in the direction of making all you desire come true.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra and brings an opportunity for both endings and new beginnings. Ruled by a fertility goddess of both misfortune and abundance, this lunar mansion teaches us to embrace possibility. When we let go of something, we make space for something new. The same goes when we switch career, cut ties in a relationship, move to a new location, etc. Every time we let go of something, it’s for our growth.
Known as “The Elder Star,” “The Queen Star,” and “The Eldest Queen Star,” this nakshatra brings qualities of sovereignty, assertiveness, and power. Pluto has been spinning retrograde this lunar cycle and causing challenges with control. We may have realized recently that we’ve lost our power over something or we’ve lost control when it comes to making a certain dream come true. Jyestha Nakshatra reminds us that we are always in charge, but we have to act that way if we truly want the power. If you’ve been feeling distracted from your work lately or if you’ve lost focus on your goals, use the light of this full moon to charge yourself up and get excited to start working on yourself and ruling your life again.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, the lunar energy is preparing us for what’s ahead! We’re preheating for summer to come and we’re working to sustain ourselves through the upcoming watery Cancer season of late June-mid July. Use the light of this moon to amplify your positivity, release any rage, and burn through any cords that are holding you back from expansion. Your ultimate potential is just waiting within to emerge!
Sagittarius Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the June 3rd Instagram Sagittarius Virtual Full Moon Circle.
New Moon in Taurus &
Krittika Nakshatra
May 19th, 2023
As the moon moves onto her next cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Taurus. This is the sign of The Cosmic Bull, and their energy is something we’ve been navigating already. The sun moved into Taurus on April 20th and will move onto Gemini on May 21st. We begin our Taurus season with a rare black moon in Aries just 2 days in. Now, we wrap up a New Moon in Taurus 2 days out. Yet still, the sign a new moon is in will continue to set the energy for the lunar cycle about to play out. With this unique mix of Gemini sun and Taurus Moon, we will work to balance between self and other.
This isn’t in the sense of showing up or exchanging energy. This lunar cycle is about selfishly focusing on ourselves above all else. Gemini energy tends to be reflective and deflective, while Taurus energy tends to be self-assured and self-isolating. The Cosmic bull is also ruled by Venus, encouraging more of a Yin energy to slow down and relax. Taurus energy is about being “bullish” by enjoying big things in this life. Think nice cars, expensive homes, lavish vacations—we all have access to it if we believe we do! The bull doesn’t question it’s ability to take up space. It doesn’t hesitate on what it wants—it takes charge and goes after it! We, too, can embrace this determined quality with this cycle of the moon. Over the next few weeks start going after what you want, no matter how big the dream!
Taurus season is also a time of fertility. The bull is typically used for it’s “seed,” and this time of year also encourages the planting of seeds and flowers into the earth. It’s also a time when nature reflects this fertile energy, as we see the next generation of creatures and critters around us. As a prenatal yoga teacher, I also know this is one of the times that both pregnancies and births boom! When working with manifestation, it’s always best to align with nature. Use the influence of what expands and flourishes around you to also believe in what you can grow. Plant your dreams and energetically take action toward their nourishment and growth every day by taking small steps toward the life you desire. The Taurus New Moon is sometimes known as the “Money Moon”! Take advantage!
In Vedic Astrology this moon is in Krittika Nakshatra. Represented by a blade or sword, this lunar mansion guides us to continue toward our dreams with great pursuit. It also encourages us to use our swords to both cut cords and set boundaries. In Hindu mythology, this moon is celebrated as Saturn’s birthday. The Planet of Karma appears to remind us that what we do now—what we plant, what what we tend to, and where we direct our energy—will carry over 6+ months now into the harvest season. Make wise choices about what you think about and where you take action. Energy flows where intention goes!
Krittika Nakshatra is ruled by Agni, the God of Fire. Similar to how the Taurus moon brings in a bullish energy we’ve already used over the past month, the lunar mansion of Krittika continues to stoke the fire the previous moon in Ashwini Nakshatra lit for us. We have worked over the past month to shift our energy, take control of our life, and race toward our dreams with great ambition. Krittika Nakshatra now arrives to remind us to burn away what’s left behind. It can be easy to fall back into old ways when you surround yourself with old relationships or energies that no longer serve. Make sure to use this Krittika moon to shield yourself from what you need to while cutting the cords of what you no longer need to attach to,.
Whetever side of the world you view this moon from, this is a time to work toward our dreams with great passion, positivity, effort, and faith. The Taurus moon even lets us get a little greedy and work toward the material things we’ve wanted. It’s ok to want to be fruitful. It’s ok to want to have things. It’s ok to be abundant. You are in charge of what you want to acquire! And it’s not just about believing in it, it’s about doing what it takes to get it! The bull doesn’t mess around. When it’s on a mission, it puts its horns down and charges forward! Embrace this energy now as we move forward. Navigate this lunar cycle with boldness, conscious assertiveness, and a desire for change. You deserve what you desire! This moon says GO AFTER IT!
P.S. Jupiter also aligns with this new moon, bring in extra fortune and abundance! This is an EXTRA LUCKY MONEY MOON!
Taurus Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the May 19th Instagram Taurus Virtual New Moon Circle.
New Moon in Taurus &
Hasta Nakshatra
with a Total Solar Eclipse
April 19th/20th, 2023
As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses one more time in the house of Aries. She also eclipses with the sun before she moves on to Taurus season, just a few hours later. This moon repeating signs is known as a “Black Moon,” and it’s time to decide what we want to begin again.
Although it doesn’t always align in this way, this particular Black Moon also brings a total solar eclipse to be seen in parts of the Middle East and southeast Asia. Eclipses are symbolic of a reset. When you combine this with the new beginnings of a new moon, we have a powerful cauldron of cosmic support ready to help us shift our entire state of being.
Aries is a Cardinal fire sign, ruled by Mars and full of motivation and energy to get things done. When we align this sign with an eclipse, we may find previous projects or ideas resurfacing and attracting our energy. We may also have opportunities or crossroads appear before us that have come our way before. Fire can either burn with force or help us detach with ease. This eclipsed new moon is asking us to make a decision on where we want to go and what we want to do from here forward, so The Universe knows where to direct our destined and directed energy.
It’s important to know there is no right or wrong choice. When we come into an eclipse we are given a decision to repeat the same lesson we’re currently learning or take on a new adventure. Each will have their own set of challenges and potential to help us grow, so all choices will work for us at the time we feel. We’re in the beginning of spring and our energy will only start to increase as time moves on. Whatever choice you make under this moon or during this eclipse season, prepare for the journey ahead!
New moons are a time of pause and rest. Represented by The Cosmic Warrior, Aries energy keeps us on the go and fighting for victory, but even soldiers need rest! Eclipses can bring intense energy and a Black Moon can be extremely grounding and heavy. Give yourself plenty of time over the next few days for sleep, conscious rest, and stillness. You could also start to map out a plan of what steps you need to take in order to succeed. The key is to take a day or few to recoup your energy. You’re going to need it for your next adventure!
In Vedic Astrology this moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra. Represented by the head of a horse, this lunar mansion is guiding us to put our head down and charge forward toward our dreams with ambition. These past few weeks have cultivated a lot of momentum for us to harness, and now the energy of the moon gives us one last push to power through and propel ourselves into our next evolution. Horses are extremely fast animals, but can also stop on a dime. Before you start your next ‘race,” make sure you’re rested and ready. In Vedic astrology we’re being asked to slow down a bit and let The Universe take the reigns. Even if it’s just for a few days, if you’ll simply be patient with the flow of what plays out naturally you’ll end up arriving to a place where you can choose to take control or continue without hold. Horses know when the path ahead is clear and the water is safe to drink. Embrace horse energy now as you move forward into this new lunar cycle with your intuition guiding the way. When it comes to what you’re consuming (food, drink, tech, and more), let both your inner spirit and your guides/guardians/ancestors help you make proper choices.. And don’t forget to shift direction or halt when your senses light up and something ’spooks’ you. There may be times when you have to make the swift decision to change or walk away from whatever or whoever you were pursuing as eclipse season usually makes us experience some type of separation.
Ashwini Nakshatra brings a passionate, fiery energy. Being the first of the lunar mansions, it doesn’t like to wait around on things to happen. Mars thrives with this nakshatra, and just like Aries, we find ourselves being pushed to do more around our dreams, hopes, and visions of the life we want to have and who we want to become. Add in Jupiter currently transitions from Pisces to Aries and stuck in what we call a “gandanta” or “karmic knot,” and we’re being pushed to grow beyond our current emotional intelligence and expand into a place where we no longer limit ourselves out of influence from our ancestral or personal history. It’s time to shift our patterns and redirect our bloodline toward a mindset of limitless potential! We are new beings in a new space in time! The New Earth is calling us to believe in what we can create and become!
This growth we're feeling now relates to us healing not only our emotional and energetic karma, but also the wellness of our physical bloodline. Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by the Ashwinis—a set of twin brothers known to be physicians to the gods. This lunar mansion brings rapid healing energy! Our past full moon in Hasta Nakshatra brought the potential for healing deep-seeded wounds and traumas and/or long-term “dis-ease”. The Ashwinis now arrive with this new moon to help us heal for good. That’s not to say this will happen instantly. Although both Ashwini Nakshatra and Aries rule this moon, when they arrive at the new moon they rule the entire lunar cycle. Time is relative in the sense of things. If you’ve been working to heal something for some time now, it may take just a few weeks longer. Luckily, eclipses are like fast forward portals and between two eclipses and a Mercury retrograde this month, you have the opportunity to not only change quickly but change FOR GOOD!
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it brings the potential for swift and supportive change. If you’ve been wanting to shift your habits or the way you structure your day, both this New Moon in Aries and the energy of Taurus arriving tomorrow will help you to start designing the life you truly dream of. The key is to do things differently if you want to experience new adventures or become a new version of you! Eclipse seasons and black moons both give us a chance to reset our energy and make swift decisions to do something different. Use the fire of this eclipse to burn chords or bridges with ease if you need to, and use the fire of the returning moon’s light to spark a fire of force within you to create what you want to design in this life and become who you truly want to be.
Aries Virtual "Black" New Moon Circle
Recording of the April 19th Instagram Aries Virtual Black New Moon Circle.
Full Moon in Libra
Hasta Nakshatra
April 5th, 2023
As the moon moves into her first full moon after the astrological new year, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Libra. This is the sign of The Cosmic Scales, and it’s time to find balance in everything we do.
We are officially in the season of spring in the northern hemisphere and with the increasing light and warmth we also feel thee need to get our energy going. Add in the high intensity of this Aries season, and you may find yourself wanting to go and do more than normal. Before you get too far ahead of yourself, the Libra moon arrives to remind us to slow down, take a deep breath, and make sure we’re ready for what’s to come.
In some Indigenous cultures, this moon is known as the “Pink Moon” and represents the pink moss or phlox that starts to appear in nature this time of year. Full moons are a mid-point through our lunar cycle, and this Pink Moon reminds us to stop and “smell the flowers”. With spring in full force, so much is happening in nature! Take time out of your busy day to take it all in.
This is also an important moon for planning. Libra energy focuses on relationships and the energetic exchanges we have day-to-day. This Libra moon is calling us to schedule time for both the external and internal, for the collective and the personal, so you don’t get overwhelmed, drained, distracted, or taken advantage of. Use this lunar portal to check in with your relationships, and ask if the energy exchanged is fair and supportive. Also pay attention to the energetic exchanges you have with food, spirituality, technology, etc. All aspects will need to come into balance if you want to have a productive and fruitful year.
You may also want to focus on your work or professional/career path. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign ruled by both Venus and heart energy. This Libra moon asks you “do you enjoy what you do”. We are meant to live a life of joy and abundance! If what you’re doing currently to bring in income isn’t also bringing in joy, it may be time to make a shift. This moon calls us to bring more energy to our hobbies, our creativity, and the things that light us up inside. If you can’t support yourself doing what you love yet, make a plan to commit more time to it anyway. Energy flows where intention goes, and the more you focus on your joy, the more time you will have to cultivate it.
In Vedic astrology, we are also called to work with our hands, This moon is in Hasta Nakshatra and known as the “Golden Handed Star’. Ruled by Savitur—the golden hand of god and ruler of the rising sun—this lunar mansion calls us to find the gifts we were born with and use them to not only enhance our own life, but also the collective’s. If you work with your hands in any way—if you’re a writer, artist, musician, Reiki’ healer, massage therapist, etc.—this moon is calling you to hone your craft and dedicate your time to it. We were all given some magic by source. Give yourself permission to start living in yours.
In Hinduism, this moon is known as Hanuman Jayanti, or Lord Hanuman’s birthday. Similar to the heart-driven energy of Libra in the West, Hanuman’s mythology teaches us about devotion. This moon is not only about finding our truths within ourself, but it’s also about spending more time in our faith on a regular basis. We cannot cultivate our own “hands of God,” if we don’t take time to connect to the Source form which it all comes! As you spend the next few days committing to a more balanced life, make sure plan for plenty of time in stillness and connection.
No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, it’s a time to move and breathe through our heart. We must commit religiously to doing what supports our energetic stability and upgrades our joy. We must find balance between what we do in the outer world and how we tend to ourselves in our inner worlds. This full moon is one of the calmest lunar portals we’re going to get for awhile! Take advantage of the peaceful energy and align with the harmony.
Libra Virtual Full Moon Circle
Recording of the April 5th Instagram Libra Virtual Full Moon Circle.
New Moon in Aries
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
April 21st, 2023
As the moon moves into her first moon of the spring season, she begins in the sign of Aries. This is the sign of The Cosmic Warrior, and it’s time to take charge toward making our dreams a reality.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and holds cardinal fire energy. This is an initiating sign, and the Aries moon may call us into a new energy of getting sh*t done! Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries holds a lot of momentum and a lot of energy. They DON’T hold a lot of patience. You will no longer want to remain stagnant on your goals. If you’re feeling a sudden pull to start checking off your to-do lists and taking action toward your dreams, it’s the moon calling you! Use the next few days to make a plan of action if you haven’t already, and take any step you can toward your intentions.
The new moon also sets the energy for the entire lunar cycle. Peaking so close to the transition into Aries season, this new moon in Aries will set the standard from now until we shift into Taurus season on April 20th. We’ll even experience a rare second new "black" moon in Aries & Total Solar Eclipse on April 19th, giving us a second opportunity to take action on current goals or new dreams. This means you have an entire month to manifest! And with the year 2023 being a 7 year and representing evolution, this is the perfect time to open yourself up to more than one potential.
Fire can burn in many directions. It can burn wild or it can burn in a controlled fashion. It’s all about how we plan in advance and how we handle the process. You may have many different dreams and ambitions right now. Aries energy tells you to go for all of the things you desire! You don’t have to limit yourself to one path or one focus, however, you should have everything work together. If your fire burns in all directions without structure, you will end up both causing damage and burning out unexpectedly. If you find ways to blend all of your fire together toward one direction or purpose, it will burn longer and with more intention.
Fire can represent sparks of inspiration, a drive for change, and ambition to do the work to get where you need to.
However, every energy also has a shadow side, and fire’s is displayed in frustration, jealousy, rage, and anger. New Moons are a time when we are in more darkness. It’s also a time when Earth’s gravity is stronger, pulling us down into our human bodies and our ego-driven human experience. You might feel some of the lower frequencies of fire show up under this moon or with this entire fiery season of Aries and lunar cycle. These tendencies will be especially potent with the new moon, due to a conjunction with Mars. This is the ruling planet of Aries energy, meaning the planet of war is conflicting the god of war with this moon. Aries is also sometimes known as The Cosmic Ram and turns to fight horns down. Triggers will be heightened and conflict will be escalated this season. If you’re a fire sign or have fire energy ruling your chart, you may want to spend more time inside and alone with this Aries New Moon.
You may also want to turn within and spend more time resting, sleeping, or in meditation. This new moon is conjunct both Neptune and Mercury, enhancing communication within alternative brainwave states. New Moons, connecting us to gravity, also make us sometimes feel more tired. However, the conjunction with Mars combined with the moon being in Aries fire cultivates a restless energy. This can be moved through actual conflict and more negative behaviors, but when we harness it within meditation or dreaming we can fuel the fire into states of creativity or activity. You may have very vivid dreams under this new moon or deeply experiential meditations. Try to find stillness to connect to the energy of the new moon and become one with the grounding, apana energy. The more you try to settle and channel your restless energy, the more it will move into a flame instead of sparking up chaotically around you.
In Vedic astrology this moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Known as the “Star of Death/Transformation,” this lunar mansion guides us to let go so we can create space for what’s new. Every death or loss will initiate change. Just as winter’s darkness leads to the cultivation of a new season’s bloom, we are now trusting in what we have let go of and what is to come. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is represented by a funeral pyre or cremation ceremony. Notice how even on the eastern side of the world we still bring in that Aries fire! This element detaches with ease. When things are burned away they are no longer the same. Their energy is freed and open to transfer to wherever it best serves. This moon is also known as the Vedic New Year. It always occurs when the new moon is in Pisces. (Remember, In Vedic astrology, we are one sign behind the western zodiac.). The water of Pisces is related to our dreams. When we move into the fires of Uttara Bhadrapada we are burning away what’s holding us back. We are actually taking action to create space for our dreams to move in. With this lunar portal, take time to reflect on what may be holding you back from what you desire. Use the fire of Uttara Bhadrapada to have a funeral of sorts for this release, then use your energetic fire to burn it away for good.
This moon may have you wanting to do a fire ceremony. It’s a good time to write down what we want to release, or physically burn away any photos, documents, or items that we’re ready to detach from. As always, please practice fire safety if you engage in a fire ceremony! If you simply want to invoke in fire you could light a candle and gaze into the flame (a tratak practice), or you could pull up fire, lava, etc. on your digital screens and meditate on what you see.
However you honour this new moon, do it with intention. Aries energy isn’t about wasting time. Make sure you’re efficient in your days and aiming your energy towards the intentions and practices you desire. Aries energy is independent and a bit selfish at times, but in a good way. They know what they want and who they want to be around. They also tend to choose what makes them the happiest. If you’re not an Aries or fire sign, use the inspiration of this fiery energy to start prioritizing YOU.
The more you set your dreams at the forefront, the more you’ll blaze a trail toward your ultimate reality.
Aries Virtual New Moon Circle
Recording of the March 21st Instagram Aries Virtual New Moon Circle.