Full SUPERMoon in Libra

April, 2020

As the full moon continues her journey through this lunar cycle, she pauses in the house of Libra. This is the sign of balance, and all energy is guiding us toward this topic. It’s time to reflect on everything that causes you stress, anxiety, and dis-ease. Use the full fire of this supermoon to burn away these distractions and let them go for good. Let go of what no longer serves.

Libra energy brings truth and justice, and you may find yourself battling with what’s fair right now. What’s unjust in your world? Where are the scales tipping out of favor.? Let the full moon guide you into releasing all of this. Stop fighting fights that are much bigger than you. When you learn to release where your energy is bring wasted,, you can better focus on your present. Stay mindful, stay breathing deeply, and trust in this time of transition. Your spirit is evolving with this new world. Be patient, and allow it all to come through.

MOONSCOPE for Full SUPERmoon in Libra 2020


Full SUPERMoon in Scorpio

May, 2020

As the moon continues her cyclical journey, she pauses SUPERbly expressed and fully illuminated in the house of Scorpio. This is the sign of life-death-rebirth, and we are being called to surrender to the process. It’s time to let go of the past, shed the old layers of ourselves and rebirth into someone anew.

It’s time to rise up out of the darkness and BLOOM! This full Flower Moon is encouraging us to blossom into our fullest authentic expression without worry or judgement. She encourages us to plant the seeds of our dreams with joy as the only motive. When we move forward out of higher vibrations, we cannot be denied the bounty of our labor. Hold faith in the unknown, tend your ground and water your intentions with your energy. When it comes to to harvest, you will find yourself abundant and plentiful.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Vishaka Nakshatra. This stands for “branched” or “forked”, and this Star of Focus can be represented by lightning. You might find yourself at a crossroads right now, stuck in the decision on which path to take. Remember that we are in karma energy. Have you been presented this option before? Several times before? Does the choice almost emit dejavu?

This is because The Universe continues to present you with the option to vibrate higher. This time around, walk the path less traveled. Make a choice to be different and do differently. Leave the masses behind. When you learn to rise up and blossom on your own accord, your true beauty and gifts will present itself, and others will notice, too.

The lightning of Vishaka reminds us to stay focused on the sparks of intuition, inspiration, and creativity that hit us spontaneously. These are catalysts for the changes you desire. The sting of Scorpio reminds us to take notice of what may be hurting and holding us back. These are what we need to let go of now. Use the full fire of this SUPERmoon to energetically burn away what no longer serves, and rise up from the ashes. When Scorpio energy is vibrating at its highest, it takes on the archetype of the Phoenix. Give yourself permission to reincarnate, spread your wings, and let the winds of change soar you into your new dream reality.

New Moon in Gemini

May, 2020

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins aligned with the sun in the house of Gemini.  This is the sign of the twins, and we are being asked by The Universe to not only take a good look at ourselves, but to see ourselves in those around us.

We are moving into warmer months.
As we emerge from sheltering in place and spend more time outdoors we will find ourselves once again engaging with society.

It’s time to set the intention to be yourself.

New moons are always about new beginnings. How do you want to you re-introduce yourself to the world?  How can you live authentically?  Can you support others to do the same?

These are the questions to ask right now.

Take the next few days to meditate on your truest expression. Set small goals to show up to your real self each day.  Encourage others to live from their authenticity as well. When we learn to truly accept each other for who we are, we feel safe and supported to continue to do so.

Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse

in Sagittarius

June, 2020

As the moon continues her cyclical journey, she finds herself fully expressed in the house of Sagittarius. This is the sign of the Huntress, and The Universe is calling you to follow your arrow wherever it points.

We’ve been in a state of limbo—shut down and placed in the in-between by a virus nobody seems to understand.
Many have shifted their entire lives and there really is no turning back from here.

This is retrograde season at its finest.

Today’s half moon brings a different energy.

Although we will remain in retrograde with several planets until September, this moon brings a partial eclipse, a reset to let go of what isn’t serving so we can find better direction.

This is also the beginning of Eclipse Season, a time for powerful change.

Retrogrades always guide us to reflect and learn big lessons.
Eclipses give us a second chance to be different.
And Eclipse Season combined with Retrograde Season gives us a potent opportunity to evolve and level up like never before.

A stirring up of energy is a good thing.
It makes release easier.
This chaos all around us right now is a wake up call.
As the full moon illuminates all that does not align, give yourself permission to fully cut the ties keeping you at a lower level.

Give yourself permission to shift into a new being.

Sagittarius is a wanderluster.
She travels so she can understand.
Navigate your emotions this full moon.
Alchemize what doesn’t serve.
Take all of the stuff that brings you down and use it as a motivator for change.

Be the catalyst.

Aim true the arrow of your heart, and follow through.
Go after what brings you joy.
Go after your passions.
Go after love.

For when you follow this path, darkness will never prevail.

Just like the moon, light yourself up so others can see and become the light, too.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse

in Cancer

June, 2020

As the moon begins her new cyclical journey, she unites with the sun for an eclipse in Cancer on Summer Solstice.  Cancer is the sign of The Great Mother, and we are are collectively going through a rebirth.

I’ve been saying it for months now—It’s always darkest before the dawn.  The shift our planet and society are making has been an intense one, no different than the intensity of a first time mother giving birth.  She may feel uncertain and even fearful about her future, not knowing what the transition will be like, yet she labors on.  We, too, have been doing so much work to birth a new society.  We have gone through the trials and tribulations.  We have learned to breathe through the energetic surges and the unexpected.  We have found our support systems to help us get through it all.

Now it’s time for the big PUSH.

It’s time to pass through the RING OF FIRE.

Eclipses always bring in a different energy.  They signify death and rebirth, a fresh start.  When the maiden gives birth to the mother, her old self is no more.  She can never be the same.  She has become stronger, more sure of herself, and more intuitive.  She knows things she didn’t know before.  She somehow just knows what she needs to do.  It’s part of the initiation process.

We know what we need to do now, too.  We have been working so hard to rebirth anew, to shift into becoming someone better.  The change hasn’t been easy, and the energetic surges that only seem to be getting stronger and stronger will make us feel like giving up.  But if we just believe in ourselves, if we keep laboring long enough to make it through, if we trust in the love on the other side of it all, we will succeed.  We must breathe and push on through the burn.  Let the fire and the discomfort be a motivator.  Let it be a reminder that you are almost there.  Just on the other side of that comfort zone is more than you could ever imagine.

Keep Breathing.  Keep GOING.  
We are all almost there.

Our sun has risen at the exact center of The Milky Way and our galactic cross, something it hasn’t done in 26,000 years.  There truly is a rebirth happening—a shift from our current Dark Ages to the Golden Age of Light.  We can feel the resistance and hesitancy.  We can see ourselves holding back for fear of the uncertain.  We don’t understand how we can possibly traverse this unknown territory of doing things differently, but deep down inside we know this is what we signed up for.  Now is the time to trust in ourselves.  We are capable of anything we want to challenge ourselves with.  With enough support and faith, we will get through.

The new moon’s energy can usually be felt 2-3 days after its darkest expression.  Eclipses push the energy even farther, extended the portal up to 5 days on either side.  We are still very much in the energy of both right now.  Use the next day or 2 to truly reflect on your past, see where you are shifting now, and find ways to meet your highest self on the other side. Mother your dreams and nurture yourself as you labor out of love for the whole.  Remember to make all efforts for the greater common good, and you will stay tied into this co-creative grid. Let this eclipse remind you to ignite your own spark, shine bright out of the shadows, and fully illuminate all of the good to come through.

Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse

in Capricorn

July, 2020

As the moon continues her cyclical journey, she brings a partial eclipse to her fullest expression in Capricorn.
This is the sign of the “sea-goat,” and although this is an earth sign, there is still a heavy water influence into our energy right now.
Everything continues to seem so uncertain. It’s as if we are on an island of sinking sand with no one around to save us. Yet the sure-footedness of spirit animal goat reminds us that we actually have the power to save ourselves. Embrace your power, stand your ground, and keep holding faith that not all will crumble beneath you. This washing away of the old is simply a restructuring or your new Earth-grid. Nothing will be as it was before, and anything can be built up from here. You have the power to establish your roots as you desire.
Another archetype for this moon is the mermaid. In Vedic astrology, this moon is in the Purva Ashadha Nakshatra and ruled by the water Goddesses Apas. These deities rule the rivers, lakes, and oceans, and are sometimes referred to as the mothers. We are being reminded to navigate the waters our own emotions. To really dive deep into understand who we are and how we handle it all. It is time to nurture ourselves gently as the mother does. Just as the full moon symbolizes the pregnant belly of the mother, we, too, now absorb this energy. It is time to truly be with the layers of ourselves only we know. It is time to learn to love it all, too.
It is time to mother ourselves.
This full moon brings in one final penumbral eclipse, sealing in the eclipse portal and leaving us on the other side feeling like we never have before. We have had time to reflect on our lives and our routines. We’ve noticed how our energy was pulled in different directions, and we’ve had an opportunity to shift how we give out our energy moving forward. We have had the opportunity to truly feel the interconnectedness of us all. We have learned so much yet have so much to go.
And we are learning more from within ourselves than we ever did before.
In Hindu traditions, this day is known as Guru Purnima, a time to honor our teachers, mentors, and others who have inspired our lives. Guru is Sanskrit for “Dispeller of Darkness,” and we are learning to find our own light just as much as others have helped us before. A true guru helps the student find their own light from within and the confidence to know it’s always there.
Trust the innate wisdom that rises up from inside of you. You always have everything you need to know inside. On this full moon, let yourself and all your know be illuminated. Let these powerful cosmic light codes activate the records from your generational and karmic DNA. Believe that the stardust you are made of contains all of the Universe’s secrets, and you will soon unlock them. The teachers you need will be attracted to you along your journey, but true healing comes once you know you can do it all on your own, too. Trust your journey, keep moving forward, stand your ground on who you are and what you believe, and don’t give up. You may wax and wane just like the moon in your process, but, also like the moon, you will eventually always shine full again.

Dark New Moon in Cancer

July, 2020

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she reboots again in the house of Cancer.
Although she has traveled with this energy for a full lunar month, she needs just a little longer to process what she has been through.

As Nayyirah Waheed says:
“If you need more time to understand how you feel about a thing,
give yourself more time to understand how you feel about a thing.”

When the new moon repeats herself in the same sign twice, she brings an energy of letting go rather than beginning again.  They are really the same thing when you view it from the life-death-rebirth cycle. Understand that new times cannot start without the end of old ones.  We must learn to release the past before we can embrace the future.

New moons are always a time of ultimate darkness.  You may feel lost at this time, searching, uncertain of where to go from here.

This is because it is time to turn within.

It is time to draw inward, be with ourselves, and truly focus on understanding how we operate.
It is time to look back on our past, our experiences, and what has shaped and molded us into who we are now.
It is time to shut off from the distractions and noises of the outside world and focus instead on what speaks to us from our heart and our subconscious.
This is how we figure out where to go from here.

Your past is resurfacing so you no longer bring it into your future into the same way.
It is time to embrace emotional alchemy and let go of the lower frequency attachments you bind to your stories.
When you let your past haunt you and weigh you down, you drain the energy you require to move forward.
When you let your past fuel and motivate you, you’ll find yourself in the reality you’ve always dreamed of.
The ultimate choice on what you do is up to you.

Cancer is the sign of The Mother, The Womb, and The Child.  As you regress and reflect during this new moon look into the memories of your childhood.   Reflect on your relationship with your mother.  Look back upon your womb journey and womb story.  If you are a mother yourself, reflect on how you embrace this archetype and look at your relationship with your own child or children.  If you are mothering a project, a business, a craft, or you are mother to our furry and feathered friends, you may also want to reflect on your energy around such.  Finally, look at how you mother yourself, how you treat your own womb and energetic sacral center, and how you cultivate your childlike innocence and creativity.  All of these themes have the power to come through now.

The Moon is ruled by watery Cancer, and you may find yourself ruled by your emotions during this dark moon time.  
This is normal, for gravity is stronger on Earth and you are pulled into intense apana energy.  Trust the grounding.  The heaviness is here to support you so you can let go.  Remember that we wax and wane just as the moon does, and our emotions do the same.  It is part of our nature.  As this dark moon energy stimulates your own dark side, embrace all that makes up who you are.  Remember that you would not know joy without sadness, satisfaction without frustration, contentment without anger…

…and you would not know your light without your shadows.

Your past is here to help you learn.

Embrace this statement.  The experiences you go through, the chapters of your life are all laid out to provide deep wisdom.  Each instance provides a lesson to help you shift and evolve.  Each time you find yourself in lower vibrations, you can understand how important it is to rise again.  

And each time you forgive yourself for your past, let go of the negative attachments, and find gratitude for what happened, you open up space for so much more.

Embrace the magick of Cancer’s water energy right now.  Allow stuck emotions to rise up to the surface.  Let them flow out of you with ease.  Be fluid and receptive.  Be contained yet not controlled.  Give yourself permission to be in whatever state serves you best.  Release what no longer serves and let it wash away.  Hydrate what you are ready to nourish and let it grow.  Be patient in the storms, knowing it will all settle.  Be content with the rain, knowing it will not last forever.  Stay strong against the current and crashing waves, known the tides will soon settle.  All endings have beginnings.  All beginnings have endings.  We cannot have change without letting go of what was before.

As we continue through this lunar cycle, give yourself permission to slow down.  Be ok with being more inward.
Reflect on everything that comes through and seek out the wisdom.  It is not always an easy process, but looking back at our past is how we learn not to repeat it into our future.  Treat yourself like the mother does with the child and go easy.  You have the power to change.  You have the power to move forward.  You have the power to be different.  You have the power to release.  You are always in control. 

Full Moon in Aquarius

August, 2020

Full moon in Aquarius

The sign of the Water-Bearer.
She who brings the sweet nectar of life to quench the thirsts of our desires.
Priestess.  Medicine Wombman.  Wisdom Keeper.
We feel her many archetypes rising to the surface now.

Every lunar cycle has an opposing energy that rises with the full moon.
The bold, outspoken, sometimes over-egotistical energy of Leo is now being soothed by the cool, collective, calm and contained energy of Aquarius.  This is a balance of masculine and feminine at its core.

We all have this duality inside.
The full moon in Aquarius is asking us to find harmony.

Recent times have shown our cry for unity.  
We are starting to learn that current ways of ruling and living are not the way.
Our increasing distance from nature has led to a division amongst our people.
This separateness is a result of brainwashing, manipulation, conditioning, social construct,  and “normalization”, but it is becoming a thing of the past.
Aquarius energy is futuristic.  We’re starting to see that our previous ways will not hold stable anymore.

It is time for change.
We can see the crumble of empires happening before us now.
Aquarius is the one who brings whisperings of other lands.  As she pours out her water she also shares her stories and witnessed accounts.  She brings new knowledge to be received by droughted minds.

Can you see all of the secrets, the whisperings of what was once just fallacy, now becoming truth?
Can you see how this Age of Aquarius—this dawn on the awakening of the Golden Age of Light—is now illuminating all of the darkness, all of the corruption, all that no longer serves?

Our planet is purging, and so are our people.
We can see and feel a shift away from it all—away from the patriarchy, away from selfishness and power, away from dominance and control.  

Masculine energy does not have to be this way.

We can live from Leo’s inspiration, moving out of our heart rather than our mind.  Knowing when it is time to roar and boast our own pride and when it is time to both protect and lift up the pride of those around us.

We can be strong and caring.  We can be loud yet nurturing.
We can hold a balance to rule with equanimity.

But it’s going to take change.  

BIG change.


It’s time to spark a fire of transformation.  It’s time to let everything that’s dead, everything that’s rotten, everything that we need to release burn to the ground.  Let the ash blow away on the winds of change so we can finally move into regrowth and renew.

It is time for deep healing.  It is time to start moving through the fires and passions of our heart.
It is time to start living on this planet with love.

One thing that has been coming up a lot for me through readings is this concept of power, and how it does not have to be a struggle.
I’ve been shown ancient times where all beings ruled alongside each other, regardless of gender.
How sometimes the Man or Chief or King or Pharaoh would take charge, using his skills and strengths to handle whatever scenario was most required.
Other times, it was the Woman/Wombmxn or Priestess or Queen or Mother that would lead the way, using their Divine intuition to sort through whatever was most required.

There was no separateness.  Only an understanding of unity and strength in numbers.

We can all be Queens AND Kings, ruling this Earthly world alongside each other.
We can all be sovereign to ourselves first, for when we ignite our heart center and rule ourselves out of love we will also do the same to those around us.
Shift into a faith that we all deserve love and a life filled with it.

This full moon is bringing in immense light and energy.
She is enhancing prana—life force energy—helping us to feel good and be social and do things that feel good.
She is encouraging us to take the lead toward cultivating our joy.

We get a little wild and crazy and daring underneath the full moon.
We put our energy towards what our heart wants—in food, drink, and bodily pleasures.

Remember that the act of sex itself is also called “making love.”
Think about it:  When you are in the heated passions of intimacy, you simply move and act in a way that feels good.
—You don’t think about it.

It’s time to do the same with our entire life.  
It’s time to start moving and living out of love, finding the ecstatic bliss in every experience.
To see the softness in others, to find common feelings and see what you love.
To live out of ancient sacred common heart chords rather than letting the mind and ego bring you into your engrained sense of separatedness.

There is a strength in numbers.  Remember how we are all connected.

We are bleed red.
We are all related through the ancient blood codes.
We are all part of the Holy Grail Rose Grid, laid by Magdalena and Yeshua themselves.
We are all spiritual Earth-Family.  
It’s time to move into the Christos-Sophia consciousness that our planet needs so desperately now.

The Age of Aquarius—The Golden Age of Light—The Age of Divine Love & Wisdom

It is time to not only recognize our own uniqueness, but the individuality in all.
What special innate gift do we each of us possess and how can that benefit the collective as a whole?

It is time to be open-minded.  To receive what we all are ready to pour out of us and share into the world.
Sharing our stories. Share our insights. Share our gifts. Share our wisdom.

The Universe is asking us to tap in and trust what we are feeling called to bring through.

We were all put on this planet to raise the collective frequency by being our true selves.
Let this Full Moon in Aquarius highlighting the LionsGate Portal enhance your own heart-coded frequencies of unconditional love, open-hearted reception, and ability to express yourself fully.

There is safe and sacred space held around you.
The Aquarian rivers protect you from the other side you no longer feel bound to.
Her waters encourage you to let go of what no longer serves your highest future.
Leo’s fires arrive and give you permission to burn away what no longer needs to be.
This Cosmic King & Queen both testify that this is how you begin to rule your own life.
Take hold of the fire.  Take hold of the filth.  Take hold of what’s dead.
Cremate it next to this sacred Aquarian river and release the ash to the waters
Let the rivers wash it away for good.

Nothing will be the same from here.
Let the heat be a catalyst that exalts you.
Let it fuel you and rocket you up to a higher evolution.
We are all here on this planet at this time for a reason.
We are all here to help ignite the great change.
We are all here to live out of love.

New Moon in Leo

August, 2020

As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Leo.

Leo is the sign of the lion, and we are being called right now to let ourselves ROAR!

The new moon is always a time of merging with solar energy.
Leo is also conveniently ruled by this fiery center of our Universe.
…Leos certainly tend to act like the world revolves around them, would you agree?!
I mean this in no offense!  I’m a Leo Rising, myself!

All in all, this new moon and next lunar cycle are ushering in an opportunity for us to SHINE!

You are likely already feeling selfish or low frequency right now.
New moons are a time of waning energy, and this leads us to move towards wanting to turn within.
This need to shift our individual energy within a routine and scheduled modern world can lead to conflict, stress, and even bodily discomforts/disease.

You rise up and out of this by setting an intention to have the world revolve around YOU!

This Leo new moon is asking you to move from your heart’s desires.
Start directing your energy, shining a personal spotlight, if you will, on the things and people and places and otherwise that bring you pleasure and joy.

Embrace lion/lioness courage to set boundaries around anything else that doesn’t move toward your happiness.
This Leo moon and sun are promising you are brave enough to do so!

…I don’t know about you, but the first thing that usually comes to my mind when thinking of lions is
“The Lion King”!
It’s a great analogy for the energy we currently in:

We were naturally born into this life whole and sovereign unto ourselves.
As we grew older and evolved, we found ourselves deceived by outer influences, convincing us that we had no power on our own.
This willingness to allow others to rule over us instead of ruling ourselves caused us to separate from our true identity.
In this separation we forgot that we were royal.
But, then, we began to find others.
We started to build tribes who lifted each other up.
We reminded each other of our power and who we are.
And as we’ve remembered who we are, we have decided to unify once again in our human story, rise up,
and reclaim our power.

The battle to take back what is ours is happening right now.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in the Magha Nakshatra, represented by star Regulus right at the heart’s center of the Leo constellation.
This lunar mansion is symbolized by a throne, again bringing in a royal energy and encouraging us to rule our queendoms and kingdoms, our individual lives, out of our heart’s truest desires.

This moon is reminding us that if we start here and get a little selfish by focusing on ourselves first, we will magnetically also move the collective forward.

By living in our truest form, we inspire others to do the same.
By taking time for ourselves, healing ourselves, and loving ourselves, we display another side others want to find as well,
and they begin the work, too.

The throne of Magha Nakshatra can also represent the seats of our Angels, Ascended Masters, and Great Risen Ancestors.
Our heart literally pumps and moves the energy of our bloodline.
During this new moon, is there a calling to heal something on your heart?
Is there something karmically or generationally you are ready to move forward from?

If you are being called to self-heal right now, know it is because you have been brought into this life to break deep patterns you’ve inherited that no longer serve your lineage.
You are being called to turn within this new moon and focus on self-care/self-love so that you can be a better person moving forward.
These patterns are not of you.  They are of your ancestors.  And you are strong enough to change your DNA.
Set intentions to make the shifts you need to in order to evolve not only your but your entire bloodline moving forward.
When you release these holds on your programming that are not of you, you make more space to breathe into the true, full, authentic you!

The last full moon in Aquarius reminded us that we are all sovereign to ourselves first, and when we can learn to live in this way, we can rule this planet equally as Queens & Kings together.

We are all ancestors of the Great Risen Ancestors.  We are all made of Goddess/God stuff, stardust, Karmic vaults full of inner wisdom to help us rise, too.
Chances for great evaluation within your star-coded DNA, for epigenetic changes in your human bloodline and, therefore, the entire human species.

What do you want to pass on?

Take time over the next few days to really focus on yourself and not only who you want to be, but who you NEED to be!

You Spirit is calling you to align with it.  Are you brave enough to let your true self shine through?

Imagine if you inspired your family and friends to do the same?
What if the whole world felt safe enough to live in this way?

It starts right now and it starts with you.
Set the intention this lunar cycle to find who you are and introduce it to others.
Give yourself permission to be prideful, and shower yourself with credit that’s probably long overdue.
Reflect on how far you’ve come, and where you want to go moving forward.
Find others who support you and want to both roar individually and with you.
Build their pride up, too.

It’s time to step into your power, step into the light, and radiate all you have to offer.
Even if it’s just for once, let The Universe revolve around YOU.

LIVE Replay:

Leo Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the August Leo ZOOM Virtual New Moon Circle.