Full Moon in Pisces

September, 2020

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses in full expression in the house of Pisces.

We are in the Sun season of Virgo—the earth sign of all things practical, organized, and logical.
We’ve been working to ground into our current reality and Earthly situation, making plans best we can and trying to figure out what steps to carry out next.

Pisces encourages us to take a break, dip our feet in the water, and let our head drift to the clouds.

We cannot have the same energy all the time.  
There is a reason we have both a Sun sign and a Moon sign!
While our masculine energy likes to stick with a routine, our feminine is ok with waxing and waning.

..It’s in her nature!  It’s what she does!

Although we’ve been navigating this strong Virgo season with full on Yang, go get ‘em energy, we will eventually burn out if we don’t let ourselves find balance.

Every zodiac sign has an opposing sign and energy.
When we are in our full moon, we are experiencing the other side of our Sun.
This Pisces full moon is giving us permission to rest and cool down for awhile.

Full Moons are also a time of release.  This brightest illumination represents a spotlight, shedding light on the things we need to be aware of, while the Sun’s fiery source energy gives us the strength we need to burn away what no longer serves.  This is a general concept with every full moon, but when we take into account the current planetary alignments, we can get laser focused on what we really need to let go of.

Every moon has a theme.  The Pisces full moon revolves around your dreams.


It’s time to let go of excuses and remove the road blocks on your path to freedom.
Your dream life is waiting for you once you cut ties with what’s holding you back.
Don’t let the past and the weight of the world weigh you down.
It’s time to rise to the surface, and beyond.

Pisces is typically represented by two fish, but she is also the entire ocean.
Her energy is boundless, she cannot be contained, and she holds depths still unknown.
Pisces people are DEEP.  They have a wide-range of emotions and their minds know no limits.

Allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling right now.

You might feel energized, ready to crash into your future with full force.
You might feel calm, peaceful and content just as your are.
You might feel like you’re at “high tide” whether that be with your emotions or even with your menstrual flow.
You might feel sad, frustrated, depressed, angry, confused, lost, weak, tired, anxious, jealous or more.

Anything can happen right now—that’s the Pisces way!

The ocean’s essence is cyclical.  Her waters rise up, evaporate, and then fall back down again upon her.
Look at your own energy right now and how you give of yourself.  Is it reciprocated?
Do you give to yourself as much as the world?
Does the world give to you as much as you give to it?

This full moon in Pisces reminds you to stop wasting your energy, and start giving of yourself where you will get your greatest return.
Stop putting your energy toward things you don’t want to and start focusing it toward creating a life of happiness instead!

One of my favorite things about the ocean is it has depths still unexplored.
We know more about the surface of the moon than we do about the ocean floor.
So much mystery, yet so much rises up from the oceanic depths.

Your creative energy is just like the ocean.
There are pieces of you still undiscovered.
You have dreams, but how to get there is a mystery.


Look at all you’ve created so far!  
This full moon is also known as the Corn Moon or Harvest Moon, and you are being asked to take into account what you’ve grown so far.
Look at the life you’re living now, and all you’ve manifested!
Look at how far you’ve come just this year, despite everything around you!
Look at what has come to you in times of positivity and great confidence!

There’s so much more of it waiting.

So how do you create a life worth living?
You do more of what you want to do in the future, NOW!

During this full moon, take time to day dream and journal your most perfect day, or perfect life.
Maybe you just write about your ideal vacation!
Notice what comes up in your mind naturally.
Read over what you write and ask yourself what pieces can you bring into your regular everyday now!

Our dreams will always be dreams if we never interweave them into our reality!
It doesn’t have to all happen at once, just take it one good thing at a time!

If you're struggling to tap into your imagination, here are some other ways you can honor this Pisces Full Moon:

Create a vision board featuring all of your dreams and desires.
PLAY!  Find your childlike imagination or find some kids to play with!
Dance spontaneously and intuitively.  Move your body like fluid water.
Color!  Draw!  Make Art!  Let yourself be inspired!
(You could also make the commitment to truly work toward your dreams by signing up for my signature manifestation program Conscious Creatress!  We start with the next new moon!
Find out more here)

Ultimately, take time off from your usual “work” and work to create something out of nothing for fun, instead!
When we learn to make something from nothing, we learn to embrace our own creative power and magick, and we begin to exponentially grow in our own lives.

A great word to associate with Pisces energy is EXPANSION.
She asks us to travel beyond our practical, logical, human selves and believe in what is beyond.

There are so many things in our Universe that the human eye cannot see, so much mystery, just like the depths of the Pisces ocean itself.
Can you believe in what seems unreal?  What you can’t touch or see right in front of you?
Will you believe that your ancestors, Spirit Guides, Spirit Animals, angels, and other entities are with you?
Will you trust in the Law of Attraction and your own manifestation magick?
Will you open yourself up to the moon, the planets, and the astrological influence they have on your life?
Will you go outside of the box with your “woo”?

This is Pisces “101”!

The more we learn to trust in the things we cannot see or understand fully yet, the more we learn to trust that our future dream life is actually on its way to us!
This is how we expand into this world and create our 5D reality.
It all starts with faith.
Cultivate it now.

P.S. With all of this Pisces ocean energy I want to take a moment to remind everyone of the immense impact disposable masks are making on our environment. 
https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/zero_waste_boxes/safety-equipment-and-protective-gearConservationists are already finding way too many masks in our oceans and they’re already saying it will be a bigger problem than straws are.  
Terracycle is a recycling company dedicated to a zero-waste future.
They are currently accepting masks, gloves, shoe coverings, and other protective gear for recycling.
You can find out more here:
Terracycle also has a program for recycling cigarette butts, as they are the number one polluter of our oceans currently.
If you cannot recycle your masks and must dispose of them, please CUT THE STRAPS before doing so!
Our wildlife will thank you!

P.P.S. This Virgo-Pisces energy is the perfect season for starting to go after your dreams!
My signature manifestation program Conscious Creatures is open for registration ONE MORE TIME THIS YEAR!
We start with the next New Moon in Virgo on September 17th.
Spend the last 4 lunar cycles of the year working on YOU!
Find out more here:

LIVE Replay:

Pisces Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the September Pisces ZOOM Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New SUPERMoon in Virgo

September, 2020


The sign of the Virgin, not necessarily in the sexual sense, but originally one who was “Whole Unto Themself.”

Purity arises when you recognize that everything you need and everything you desire stems originally from deep within YOU.

YOU have the power to create your reality.

2020 has been one for the books, and it may seem like you have been spinning out of control.
Know that you only feel as out of alignment as you allow yourself to be.

In a time when all is uprooting and shifting, find simple ways to ground yourself and come back to the present.
This is what Virgo energy is all about.

This Virgo SUPERMOON is asking us to get back to the basics.
To find ways to declutter and organize our home and our life so we can feel more control.

It’s interesting that the last moon we had in Virgo was the SUPER Full Moon in March, when the world began to lock up and turn upside down.
As we reawaken, reopen, and adjust to a “new normal” Virgo’s energy reminds us to not repeat destructive patterns.
She guides us to keep our lives calm and aesthetic, so our own world is the peaceful one we need.
This new moon is aligned with this intention.

During this particular moon, Virgo is also asking us to remain within our own pure, inner knowing—
our own truth.

So much information is circulating about, and it’s hard to take it all in, organize, and process.

Do not let yourself become overwhelmed.
Set the intention this lunar cycle to only focus on what you truly feel drawn to, and spend just as much time turning within and contemplating your own inner wisdom.

This is not a time to lean into fear, lack, and despair.
This is time to embrace a new beginning.

New SUPERMoon in Virgo Mantra:

While this may seem like a misaligned mantra for the pure and innocent energy of Virgo, right now there are other astrological influences that are asking us to not only organize our life and our home, but to also organize our energy.

Mars has been retrograde in Aries for a week now, enhancing the fire element all around us.

We can see it in Western North America, with all of the wildfires currently ablaze.
We can see it in Washington, D.C. with election season in full swing.
We can see it all over the world with the awakening of corruption surrounding our elite and those who rule.

Temperatures AND tempers are rising, and it’s not stopping anytime soon!

With Mars in retrograde until November 13th, it’s time to truly ground in, get ahold of ourselves, and decide how we can grow within such chaotic and seemingly dark times.

It’s starts now with this Virgo New Moon.

In these darkest of times, ask yourself how you can shine your own light.
…and by light, I mean your spiritually guiding light, not your internal fire!

Understand it may be difficult to navigate between the two over the next few months.

We can easily get caught up in our causes.  So much is pulling our energy, and we’re being called to stand up for what is right in this world.  The issue, as human beings, is that we have an ego, and it’s hotheaded disposition tends to tip us over the edge when it comes to what we are fighting for.

During this time, be sure to focus on where and how you battle when it comes to bettering the world.

How much time to you spend arguing with other people?  Or labeling them as less than?
How much of your time do your spend organizing and moving forward with your cause?
How much time do you spend in sarcasm to filter your frustrations?
How much time to you direct toward doing research and spreading the truth?

All of these are behind the same cause, but some are much more in alignment with your spiritual light than others.

Virgo’s innocent essence reminds us that we can always begin again, and we can always reclaim our purity.
No matter how you’ve reacted to the past 6 months, no matter your thoughts or feelings or opinions or truth—you can always shift.

In fact, our whole world is going through THE GREAT SHIFT right now, and as we arrive into the dawn of light and a new awakening, shifts will come along the way.


Things are not going to get clear anytime soon.

The lotus will eventually rise and bloom out of the mud, but, for now, we must trust and have faith that all will be as well as we allow it to be.

When everything seems murky, clean up where you can.

Get rid of what pulls you into your own chaos.
Separate from what causes you distress and anxiety.
Create sanctuary for yourself.
Open up space for creativity and masterminding.
Open yourself up to living in a new world.

In the sense of “The Virgin,” this Virgo New Moon is reminding us of the potential for new life.
For the ability to create a family full of our spiritual Sisters and Brothers.
This Virgo moon reminds us we can rule with the pure light, rather than the fire.
That we can begin again, and be as we should be.  
That we can live as we once did, with peace and harmony.

It begins now.
It begins in the darkness.
It begins with YOU.

Give yourself room and permission to truly begin again.


P.S. This Virgo energy is the perfect season for starting to go after your dreams!
My signature manifestation program Conscious Creatures is open for registration!
We start with this new moon!
Spend the last 4 lunar cycles of the year working on YOU!
Find out more here:


P.P.S. Do your desires and future dreams include becoming pregnant?
My holistic fertility program *BABY MAGICK* is also open for registration!
Find out more here:

LIVE Replay:

Virgo Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the September Virgo ZOOM Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Aries

October 1st, 2020

As the moon pauses halfway through her journey, she fully illuminates in the house of Aries.
This is the sign of the Ram, and we’re feeling an extra sense of stubbornness as we navigate current times.

Everything seems chaotic.  We are restless.  It is frustrating to try to deal with it all.


One of the messages that recently came through to me from The Universe relates to the symbology of Autumn.

We always talk about how the trees teach us to “let go of the dead things,” and we usually use this time to let go of the past spring and summer, harvest what we have planted, and move forward.

The problem is, when we work to move forward, we tend to move TOO MUCH into the future.

We can see it all around us.  The moment September hits we see the evidence of fall in our shopping stores and on the front porches all around us.  But it doesn’t stop there.  Go into any retailer right now and although it is not even Halloween, there is already evidence of Christmas and the winter holidays ahead.


This is the message that came through to me the other day to my yoga students as I set up our class with the theme of fall and the intention of letting go.

In yoga, we can apply this to letting go of expectations in our practice.  We can let go of how we hope or expect our bodies to perform and simply breathe into the present moment and however our bodies naturally respond.  In a group yoga class we can let go of expectations of what we want in the class or how we think it should go.  Yoga is a practice of non-attachment.  When you allow a teacher to lead you through your practice, you set the intention of surrendering to whatever comes.

Off the mat and in our everyday world, we can apply this concept to the very events playing out now.

The season of Autumn prepares us for the darkness.  The awareness of dead things is a sign of the deader, colder, darker months to come.  Although we must prepare for what we know is coming ahead, we must not let it overwhelm or get the best of us.


Winter is not here yet.  Fall has just begun.  Allow yourself to take in the colors of the foliage around you and show gratitude for these warmer days.  The past is not here yet.  It is a dead thing worth letting go of.  The anxiety of worrying about the future does not serve you.  Instead, breathe into the present and find the gold that surrounds you right now.

Other “dead things” to let go of with this full Aries moon:  anger, rage, jealousy, frustration, restlessness, dissatisfaction, stagnancy, defensiveness, anticipation.

Mars is currently retrograde in Aries, adding to the blazing cosmic fire burning in our energetic spaces right now.
This is a time you may be in “hotter,” lower frequency energies, and this full moon won’t help you in cooling them off!

Make sure to watch your temperament right now, and do you best to move from a proactive stance rather than a reactionary one, especially with what triggers you.

Mars will be in retrograde until November 13th, meaning this fiery energy will be with us all the way through the United States election and voting day.  If you are in North America, you are likely to be influenced by the heated debates happening amongst everyone around you.  If you find yourself disagreeing with someone, remember to not fight fire with fire.  It will do no good at this time.  The stubborn Ram energy of Aries will simply fight back, and you will feel as if you are trying to communicate with a brick wall.  If you feel called to argue in any situation, save your breath, save the conflict from arising, and preserve your peace.

The Libra light of this full moon reminds us to stay balanced when our emotions want to boil out of control.
If anything, pause and take a few sacred breaths whenever you feel your own temperatures rise.
Stay cool, calm, and collected now, and The Universe will continue to set up an attraction of things to keep you in this state.

Even when things are out of control and wildfires are burning all around you, remember that you always control your peace.

If you’re feeling stuck or frustrated around this full moon and need to release some energy, this is a good time to really move your body.  You could dance, workout, go for a run, garden/harvest, or maybe even pick up a hammer and build something!  Whatever you do, find ways to move the energy completely through, and don’t let your activity of choice create more tension in your body.

Speaking of your body, make sure you honor it now.  Aries people tend to get so caught up and distracted with all of their go-go-go energy, that they forget to slow down and take care of themselves.  If you’re diving into projects, set a timer to stop every 15-20 minutes for light stretching and a few drinks of water.  If your’re working out your body physically, make sure to take time for deep stretching after and maybe a hot epsom salt bath to recover.  If you’ve got a day full of errands or a busy agenda, make sure you’re taking time out to eat nutritious food to keep you fueled and focused.

You get the point.  Slow down, take a few deep breaths, reclaim yourself in the present moment, and honor what makes you feel good.

It’s crazy how I can witness this chaotic energy in my 17 month-old, Aries son.
Even at such a young age, all I’ve done over the past week or so is remind him to take deep breaths and relax!

We could all use the same guidance right now.

Give yourself permission over the next few days to find balance.  Look at where you’ve spun out of control and make a commitment to come back into alignment.  Move your energy through properly so it doesn’t pull you off track moving forward.  When you learn to stay in constant awareness of the present and how you can peacefully thrive in it, nothing will stand in the way of your growth.  When you make the commitment to go with the flow, no matter what comes, you evolve into the future without resistance.

LIVE Replay:

Aries Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the October 1st Aries ZOOM Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New SUPERMoon in Libra

October 16th, 2020

As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Libra and closer to the Earth than normal.ā€Ø

We call this a SUPERmoon, and we are finally feeling more stable.

Libras naturally want to keep the balance.  Represented by the scales, this sign ushers in a need for us to find stability while the world is crumbling beneath us.  Mars & Chiron are currently retrograde, bringing in strong fire energy.

Mix in Mercury Retrograde & Libra season, and all of that air is only fanning the flames.

This new moon is asking us, if only for the next few days of the new moon portal, to slow down, turn within, and prioritize what helps us feel grounded.

Gravity is stronger than usual right now.  We can meet this energy with resistance and stay on the go or we can lean in and let it assist us as we release tension and relax.

ā€ØWhen you feel anxious, frustrated, angry, jealous, depressed, or other low frequency, it is because you are out of balance.  Your true nature knows your alignment, and when you fall out of it, it shows.  New moons are always a time of darkness, both physically and energetically.  As you are pulled to the Earth more, it is common to also be pulled down into you’re Earthly human emotions.  If you aren’t vibrating at your highest right now, ask how you can emotionally alchemize and self-heal.

“I am my own Peacemaker.”

There is a lot of outer influence right now.  Libra is an air sign and so is Mercury.  Information is coming out faster than we can process it.

Remember that our air element is our heart chakra, and this is where we must filter it all.

You know what’s right to you.  You know what feels off and what doesn’t.
It doesn’t matter what others think and feel.
Stick with your heart, and you cannot go wrong.

While Libra season is usually a time of great wisdom and insight, this Mercury retrograde is making us feel otherwise.  Nothing will be as it seems right now.  If you turn to the ether, the internet, to do your research, understand that this will not be a great resource.  Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio brings a dark magick to our planet right now, and know that deception runs rampant right now.  Stick to sources you trust for knowledge, and, most importantly, trust your inner knowing on what is true.  People and gossip will also not be a great way to communicate or seek knowledge right now.  Everyone is overwhelmed and overthinking and their tornadic thoughts, what we call “vrittis” in yoga, are out of control.  Everyone is doing their best to ground and root in right now, which leads to most feeling strongly about their inner truths.  If you do not align or disagree, conversation will only lead to conflict.

You are your own peacemaker.  Remember this.  If you feel like you have been at battle lately, slow down and analyze where you can make a shift.  Maybe you need to set up boundaries.  Maybe you need to redirect.
Whatever you do, make sure you are focusing on it all being for the betterment of you.

New moons are always a time of new beginnings.  This SUPERmoon means this is an ultimate fresh start.
Its not a time to necessarily take action, but to simply dream and plan. When we put our energy toward the end result, the steps to get there show up through Divine inspiration.  Stay focused, beam your light toward your dreams, and keep following the path that lights up before you.

LIVE Replay:

Libra Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the October 16th Libra ZOOM Virtual New Moon Circle.



Full "Blue" Moon in Taurus

October 31st, 2020

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses in full expression a second time in October, in the house of Taurus.

This double lunation in a calendar month is known as a “Blue Moon,” and this is a most auspicious time.

In North America, Halloween is celebrated today, a time of honoring witches and wizards and all things of sorcery.
It is a time to believe in our magick, for right now the things of the otherworldly are not wrapped in ridicule!

It is not always so easy to express the things that others do not understand.

Taurus energy is strongly grounded.  Represented by the bull, Taurus people are sure of themselves and what they desire. 

When they see what the want to go after, they put their focus on the target and charge forward.

It is time for you to embrace this same energy and start living a life you fully believe in.

Who cares if others think you are weird?
What does it matter if they do not understand how you interact with The Universe?

Do not let others dull your magick.

Many times, the Earthly energy of Taurus brings in an attraction to material things.
Can you embrace and honour your collection of material “woo”?
Do you have crystals, or smudging sticks you use in ritual?
Do you use pendulums or oracle cards to seek guidance?
Do you use sacred water, or dried herbs & flowers, or essential oils and resins?
Bring it all out, and it let it shine in this Taurus moonlight!

Full moons are a wonderful time for charging and cleansing all of the tools you use in your spiritual path, so set it all out under this lunar shine!

*If you do not want to set your precious things outside, or the weather is not supportive, you can simply leave things inside in front of a window, so the moonlight streams in.  If it is cloudy, no worries!  The energy to charge is still present!

Taurus is ruled by the planet of Venus, the ruler of money.

When it comes to material things, what “gets your rocks off?”
..in other words, what sets your heart on fire?

If you’ve been putting some metaphysical or spiritually related items on your wishlist, now may be the time to spend some money on yourself and buy them.
Just hold back on buying anything expensive or electronic until Mercury Retrograde is over!
And speaking of Mercury Retrograde, with this sign currently being in Scorpio, there is a strong energy to listen to what calls to you from the other side.  Give yourself permission to purchase or collect what you need to in order to connect to your spirit guides and navigate this shadow season with as much support as possible.

Some full moons are times to withdraw, others call you to be more external.
This Taurus Full Moon is all about being social!

Halloween brings an extra excitement to this full moon, and we may be feeling a wilder than normal.
Be careful with any “tricks” you try to perform, as more people end up in the Emergency Room during full moons than any other time!
When it comes to treats, this is a time to indulge!
Spoil yourself with holiday snacks that make you happy, and take in life’s Earthly pleasures with fun and joy!
Taurus people like to live this live to the fullest, and they want to enjoy as much of the human experience as possible.  They are especially lovers of food, which is why it’s the perfect time to enjoy delectable treats!

Venus is also the planet of love, sex, and relationship.
This is a great time to hang out with friends, or get a little crazy with your lover.
Get naked under the stars, howl at the moonlight, dance with the lunar glow, or get frisky under the midnight fog!  This is a time to party and enjoy pure ecstatic bliss!

Get those witches brooms out, Sister, and RIDE!

It’s important to stay light during this time.  Mars and Mercury retrograde are still influencing our communication and interactions.  Full moons are always a time when we’re more in our head than normal, and we could experience heated conflict if we lean into triggers.  If you’re feeling anxious, angry, or more low frequency than normal during this time, it’s especially important to do things to make yourself feel good during this lunar portal.

Remember, you vibration affects your magnetic attraction.  When we think about the modern day concept of magick, many times we refer to the creative process of manifesting our dreams and creating our 5D reality.  What we forget is that magick does not spontaneously happy on its own.  It requires a CATALYST.  You are that spark of energy.  You are that light that fuels the fire of transformation.  

This light comes out of you raising your frequency.  Your light arises when you learn to lift the veil of darkness around yourself and the energy around you.  You do this by having fun.  You do this by loving each other.  You do this by laughing and finding the bliss in every moment possible.  You shine your light when you learn to honour this human life, and enjoy all that this planet has to offer you.

This moon brings an extra “money magick”, and how we react throughout the rest of this lunar cycle could impact how abundant we see ourselves in the future.  Make sure you are holding an attitude of gratitude for all you currently have, and keep a positive mindset about all you desire and know you deserve.


This full moon is reminding us to take in the pleasures this planet has to offer.
Let your human self have a fully-embodied human experience under this energy.

With Scorpio bringing us down into our shadow side, this full moon is the break we all need to let go and LIVE!

LIVE Replay:

Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the October Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New SUPERMOON in Scorpio

November 14th, 2020

As the moon begins her next journey, she pauses very close to the Earth and aligns with the Sun and Mercury in the sign of Scorpio.

This is a very magickal sign, and we are being called now to trust our own intuition and inner knowings more than anything else.

We are moving into dark times, both seasonally and energetically.  
This is the shadow season, a time to turn more inward and work on who we next want to become.
As we shed away old layers of ourselves, we might fall back into patterns of lower frequency.
We might feel anger or frustration with ourselves.  We may hold regret.  We may even feel pain.

Breathe through whatever comes, give it air to heal, and move forward self-healed.

Scorpio is a sign of alchemy and transformation.  Her emotions are too intense for one representation.
Scorpio energy holds the entire life cycle, all feelings included.
She is the cosmic womb-space.  The grid of life-death-rebirth.  Earth-Wind-Fire.

She also holds within her 3 archetypes:

The low-crawling scorpion is grounded to the Earth.  She carries with her a bit of a sting, for she lives out of her Earthly, human body and it’s egoic, human-driven ways.  She is the energy of Life.  She roams the sands of the unknown on pursuit of new discovery.  She carries within her a toxic poison—the leftovers of traumas both and her ancestors have experienced.  Sometimes she stings out of protection for not wanting to get hurt again.  Her hard shell has made her resilient, and many fear her or draw away from her approach.  Deep down inside, she is only trying to survive.  At the core of Scorpion energy, she is simply trying to explore this world and figure out her role within it all.

The soaring eagle has risen above her earthly ways.  She sees the bigger picture now, having had time to reflect,  process, and take a higher perspective.  She prefers independence, and loneliness gives her power, but she also knows cohesiveness with others is the key to continue to survive.  She seeks out ways to break her generational karma so that her energy will carry forward in a different way.  She finds justice in the way of balance and peace when it comes to her past and the way she now feels about. The Eagle brings wisdom, both collected by herself and through ancient, inner knowings.  The Eagle trusts her instincts and goes after what she wants.  She no longer lets gravity and the weight of the world hold her down.  She learns to spread her wings and coast high.

Rebirthing from the ashes of transformative flames, The Phoenix rises up and flies high into both this realm and beyond.  Her cycle will at some point return here—back to the death of her old self, back to the flames, back to the ashes to rise up again, and back to another beginning—but she is now at peace with what this life is. Phoenix energy holds great loyalty—to her pursuits and to her relationships with others.  She holds equanimity and space for all to be themselves just as she has always wanted for herself.  In return, she feels this reciprocity.  The Phoenix is an energy of cosmic connection.  A feeling of peace as energy merges with the eternal grid.  The Phoenix knows every time she allows a life and piece of her old ways to die, she transforms into someone more high frequency and renewed.

Which energy are you embracing on this new moon?  Whether you hold Scorpio energy in your chart or you’re just feeling the intensity of this Scorpio moon, embrace whatever you discover.  Understand everything that comes to you is guiding you toward your higher self.  Believe in your inner wisdom, and trust what you feel your intuition has to offer you.

Do you have certain tools you use on your path toward evolution?
Do you ask your guides for support as you seek out understanding?
The veil is thin, magick is strong, and it’s time to tune into it all!
During this new moon portal, call upon what you need to help you. This is a time to turn within.
Let go of external judgements, expectations, and even traditions, if you feel called to.
Let this new moon be a restoration of your newest self and a symbol of all you want to create in your own world.
As we dive into the darkness and work to survive amongst our shadows, lean into what calls out to you and let go of what no longer serves you.
The more you release the heaviness of your past, the more space you open up for your highest, lightest frequency of a reality.

LIVE Replay:

Scorpio Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the November Scorpio Virtual New SUPERMoon Circle.


Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

November 30th, 2020

As the moon continues along her cyclical journey, she pauses in full illumination, eclipses partially, and then lights up again in the house of Gemini.  

Gemini is the sign of The Twins, and we are been asked to take a good look at ourselves in the mirror right now.

Let’s be honest—our actions got us here.  We can try to put blame on everyone else around us, but, the truth is we must face facts that we are the creator of our reality.

Eclipses are always time loops, bringing us back around to the same lessons and same choices.
Things seem a bit “Dejavu” right now, eh?
It’s been a year with this virus traversing the world, and we find ourselves in a bit of a twilight zone as we deal with it all.

If you find yourself in the same place right now as you did at the beginning of all of this.  If nothing has changed in your life.  If you thought you would’ve gotten a lot done.  If you thought things would be completely different….

Give yourself credit.  These things take time. Galaxies aren’t created in an instant and this new Earth we are all being welcomed into will take some growing pains.

Learn the lessons from your past behavior and experiences, and commit to moving FORWARD this time around.

Geminis have big aspirations.  They get what they’re into and put A LOT of energy into it.
You can do the same now with your dreams!

How do you want 2021 to go even if all stays the same in the world?
How can you create your own reality?

What about the unforeseen future?  Can you trust it’s all glitter and gold?
Geminis are air signs, and they want us to live in expansion!


Can you believe that?  If you can’t, commit to trying to asap, for your frequency will determine all of your future!

In Vedic astrology, we are in Rohini Nakshatra.  This is the red eye of the Taurus bull.  A star that shines with the fires of our Earthly desires.

It’s time to stop checking out of your body and life and come to terms with your current reality.
As you ground into the present, start living your life RIGHT NOW!

Rohini is a star of passion.  There is strong creative energy right now.  Embrace what inspires you and what runs through you.  Don’t let it all get stuck right now.  Don’t doubt yourself or hold back!  This creative energy is your life force!  It’s waves will carry you to your future destiny!


Rohini is the moon’s favorite nakshatra, and she represents the Ojas, or sweet nectar of life.
We absorb these Ojas under the moonlight, and they also flow through our fertile waters.
Whether it be creative, sacral energy, life-supported womb waters, or the fluids of sexual Amrita, now is the time to embrace what is flowing out of you.  We are cultivating fertile energy for whatever you are ready to create.
Trust in your magick and ability to bring it all through.

The partial eclipse happened around 3am, and has now passed.  Eclipses are a time of reprogramming, and you may feel different this full moon than others.  You may feel different in general!  If you happened to be out under the eclipse at its peak or under much of the moonlight last night, it is beneficial to take a shower to reset.  It is also not a time to set out crystals, as the lunar light may wipe them all clean.  If you set out anything without knowing, now is a beautiful opportunity to reprogram your healing tools and trust the cleanse was what they needed.  The same goes for you.

We are in “Wild Card” cosmic energy where the world seems a little upside down.  We are in a portal of endless possibilities!  There are still many events to come both on the collective level and within our own personal lives.  2020 has primed us for our journey, and it’s up to us to decide what the future has in store.  We’ve seen how we can react to everything around us.  We’ve witnessed the results of our energy.  Now we must ask ourselves how to carry on into the unforeseen future.  Is the way we react and respond supportive of our growth and evolution,  or is it a detriment to our purest frequency?  Take time over this full moon/eclipse portal to reflect on where you’ve come from, take note of any repeating patterns, and make the commitment to make a shift for good.  Your future world is depending on it!

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

December 14th, 2020

As the moon begins a new journey, she begins in the house of Sagittarius.
This is the sign of The Huntress, and it’s time to go after what we want.

Sagittarius holds a wanderlust energy, and you may be feeling restless or frustrated that this year hasn’t turned out the way you planned.  Travels have been put on hold and plans for the future seem somewhat pointless right now.  That doesn’t mean you can’t take an adventure in your mind!  It’s time to use your imagination now more than ever.  Read a book, watch a new docu-series, or escape in your meditations and astral-travels.

Sagittarius people are known for having to go to the source of their interests.  You may have to get innovative in the way you research or learn right now.  This is a great opportunity for doing things differently and expanding your mind to new possibilities.  Maybe you just let your creative energy flow in general!  You never know where it might lead if you let it have freedom…

Speaking of freedom, this is something a Sagittarius craves.  The holidays tend to be a time when we’re more social or smothered with family.  Whether you’ve got big plans or socially-distant ones, this can be a time when you may feeling the need to go your own way.  With the world changing all around us, why not use this as an opportunity to establish some new traditions?  It’s important during this new moon portal to set the intention to live this life the way you want to, and start right away.

This particular new moon brings with it a total solar eclipse.  Although you will likely not see this eclipse, you can still feel its energy.  You may have been feeling weird since the new moon, but haven’t been able to place why.  Traveling through an eclipse portal feels this way.  I describe these times like “Mercury retrograde on fast forward,” because you may have people or memories from your past rising up again.  This is because it’s time to take a different path or redirect your energy around what’s coming through.

Eclipses are like second chances.  I mentioned the traveling nature of Sagittarius, and right now you may find yourself traveling back around to the same scenarios or choices.  You may feel at a crossroads or lost altogether.  It’s time to listen to your heart and follow through.  The heart wants what it wants, and if you pay strong enough attention, you will know where you are supposed to go or what you are supposed to do.  If you feel a bit stuck during this new moon, give yourself permission to follow your instincts and trust what’s guiding you from within.

Typically we look to the new year to start setting new goals and intentions.  This year, it’s more astrologically aligned to do it now with this new moon or wait until February with the Lunar New Year.  January 1st falls within the edge of the full moon portal, a time for release and letting go.  As you guide yourself through this lunar cycle, ask yourself how you can set yourself up for success in this upcoming new year.  What goals and dreams did you have in 2020 that didn’t play out?  Do you need to set the same intentions or different ones?  How do you want 2021 to go, knowing you are in control?  

Use this new moon to ask yourself these questions, and push forward toward your dreams without inhibition!
The Sagittarius Huntress/Hunter goes after what she wants.  She sustains herself no matter the circumstances.  She trusts her instincts and allows herself to follow her truth along the way.

It is time for you to do the same.

When you learn to aim true from your heart and follow through with that same energy, you will never be lost along your way.

Full Moon in Cancer

December 29th, 2020

As the moon continues along her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Cancer.
...Or maybe, she submerges here, for that’s what the lunar energy may feel like right now.

Emotions are strong and prana is heightened.  If you feel like you are drowning, stop fighting so hard and you’ll float to the surface with ease.

Cancer is the sign of the crab, a water sign, and has a deep connection to the womb and mother energy.
If you have a mother wound or parental wound, it may rise quickly to the surface during this time.  If this happens, it’s time to deal with this wound for good, and let it air out. We are making great changes right now on the collective, and you don’t want to bring any baggage from your past with you.

Speaking of the past, it’s time to let go of old ways of thinking that no longer support our evolution.
Let go of judgements and separations. Let go of abusing yourself, either verbally or physically.
Cancer is the sign of The Mother, and the mother does not feel any of this toward her own child.

Treat yourself the same way.

This lunar portal is a time to be gentle with yourself.  You are going through great shifts and doing deep healing right now along the way.  Nurture yourself the way the mother does, and give yourself the love and support you need above all else.

This self-prioritization is important as you move into your own future.  At some point, you must leave your own spiritual nest or comfort zone if you want to truly fly.  You must learn to navigate the darkness and unknown on your own.  If you give yourself the same love that you would expect a mother to give a child, you will never truly feel alone.  Use this Cancer moon to illuminate your strengths and burn away your weaknesses so you can fly into 2021 with grace, excitement, and ease.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Ardra Nakshatra and represented by a teardrop.  This is known as the “Star of Storms,” and you may be feeling intense emotional energy right now.  Ardra Nakshatra also beings about feelings of regret.  You may find yourself caught up in the end-of-the-year grief we tend to hold when we didn’t do all of the things we wanted to do or didn’t make the changes we set out to make.  Give yourself credit this year for simply being here and let go of disappointments around the way you thought it all should go.  If anything, this year gave us the opportunity to re-discover ourselves!  What did you gain this year?  What did you learn about yourself?  How did you level-up in times of let down?  Take time during this full moon to reflect on how far you’ve come and how exciting this year has become for you rather than attach yourself to what could’ve/should’ve/would’ve been.

We are moving forward into a New Earth.  If we hold onto old ways we will never create space for the new.
This full moon is about cleaning out, releasing, and letting go.  The Mother energy of Cancer brings in a need for us to find generational healing and let go of toxic traits and patterns.  It’s time to give ourselves permission to embrace our most authentic selves and let go of the pieces we’ve absorbed from others’ energy and behaviors.  We are not the external.  We are the internal interacting with the external, and our outer world is simply a view of our own perspective.  Paint this life with glitter and gold.  Dash it with bliss and blot it with joy.  When life gives you junk, refurbish it or create a collage.  There is always a way to create a treasure.

This full moon may bring about creative energy as an outlet for restlessness or anxiousness.  Whatever you feel like doing—painting, dancing, writing, crafting, cooking, etc.—give yourself permission to do it!  It’s important to let your energy flow like water as much as possible right now, so you do not become stagnant during such drowning times.  The water can bog us down or float us up.  It can leave us sopping and miserable or cleansed and refreshed.  The choice is up to us.  How do you want to use this watery full moon to your advantage?  Embrace what this Cancer energy has to offer, and show thanks for all this year has offered you as you prepare to move forward into a year that’s new.

New Moon in Capricorn

January 12th, 2021

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Capricorn.

This is the sign of the “sea-goat," or mermaid, and we are navigating unknown waters more than ever before.

Capricorns love structure, order, and government.  It’s apparent that none of these things are thriving right now, and this leaves us feeling a bit anxious.  Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, and anything falling apart amongst Earth’s society right now can wreak emotional havoc, especially if you are a Capricorn or earth sign yourself.  It’s important to understand that not everything can stay the same all the time, and, at some point, re must restructure what isn’t working.

Capricorn is a stubborn energy.

So stubborn, that we’ve been in it for nearly 800 years!  But now, we shift to the Golden Age of Aquarius, and it’s time to lighten up.


I keep hearing this message in my head as if it’s a booming spiritual intercom from The Universe.
Things cannot stay the same as they have been.  It simply isn’t sustainable.

Our ways have not be sustainable.
We have not been living in a seventh generation mindset.
It is time to shift.ā€Ø
I will write more on Aquarius once the season arrives, but understand that this energy is all about the collective.  We are moving from “Me” to “WE” as we learn to not necessarily shed ourselves of our human egos, but learn how to understand them.  Aquarius is air energy—knowledge, wisdom, intellect, etc.

It is also an energy of what I’ve coined “remembories”.  Think “remember” and “memory” together.
These are the inner instincts and knowings we have inside that tend to guide us through this life in the most beneficial direction.

Ever heard the phrase “trust your instincts”?
These are your REMEMBORIES!

Akashic records, star-coded DNA, generational trauma/karma/wisdom, past life reconciliations, shadow memories…these are all things in ourselves that only we have truly experienced and understand.  Every time we visit one of these places deep in the file cabinets of our essence/spirit, we start to adapt to our current surroundings with more peace and ease.  In other words, if we earn to understand ourselves first, we learn to have empathy and understanding for others, too.

New moons are always a time of new beginnings.  At this first new moon of the new year of 2021 and the new Golden Age post Great Conjunction, it is time to give yourself permission to move forward anew.  This isn’t full-moon-release-the-past energy.  This is a time to pause, reflect, and learn the wisdom in your past and your lifetime.  Take this wisdom as inspiration.  Use it to create this next year unlike the one from before.

It is time to let go of attachments that bring you down.
Capricorn is the sea-goat, half earth-half water, sometimes leading to mud.

Do you feel stuck right now?
Are you struggling to lift yourself up and rise?

You must let the mud dry out!  Only then can you use your strength to break free!

Air out your wounds, Sisters & Brothers.
Be vulnerable.
Share your stories.
Influence others for greater change.
Trust that you are supported.
Trust that you are loved.
Trust that this all comes without condition.
The New Earth is welcoming you!

Spirit wants you to know that you are worth so much more than a monetary value.
You are PRICELESS, in so many ways!

Capricorn energy is heavily attracted to money.
Notice that last ditch effort in the Age of Capricorn to put out a higher stimulus than what Americans received?
Notice how it got shot down?
Capricorn energy can be a little stingy…
If you are in America, and you are relying solely on money for your survival and quality of life, you must understand that this energy is in a stalemate right now and will likely not go any where for another 2-3 lunar cycles.
We are shifting.
We are changing.

ā€ØWe are learning to understand things differently.
Our governments, are too.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
This is also known as the lunar mansion where the “Star of The Final Victory” resides.
Take note of what you have conquered over this past year!
As you move forward into what seems like history repeating itself, how can you use your memories as an advantage to help you conquer and rule your life this time around?

Uttara Ashadha is represented by Ganesha, or his tusk.
Ganesha is the remover of obstacles.
Like Capricorn, he is half man-half something else: an elephant.
He uses his size in two different ways.

First, Ganesha can use his great trunk to sweep any obstacles out of our path.
Alternatively, he can stand in the way and make us go around in a different direction.

You may be presented with one of these energies right now.

Do you need to embrace your inner elephant power, and casually sweep away what no longer serves?
Or do you need to block your own way and force yourself to shift direction?

Side note: If you’ve been feeling as if you’ve been getting in your own way, maybe that’s intuitively for a reason!

This Capricorn season, do things differently.
Use your stubbornness as a way to move toward what you want, not stay in your comfort zone.

ā€ØUse your desire for structure and organization to organize your own life and energy.
Use your stabilizing strengths to hold onto your own truths instead of letting the crumbling world around you instill fear and uncertainty.

You’ve got this!

During this new moon portal, give yourself time to reflect on how far you’ve come and where you want to go from here.  Embrace Capricorn energy and start to “govern” your life the way you want it to be.

The outward changes will come in time.   Do the inner work first.

When we can learn to understand that our choices, ways of living, and emotional processing affect the collective, we will intuitively point our energy toward raising the frequency of the greater good.

Full Moon in Leo

January 28th, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses in full illumination in the house of Leo.  This is the sign of the lion, and The Universe is calling on us to ROAR OUT louder than ever.

We’ve been focused on the collective for some time now, but just for this full moon portal we are being asked to shift our energy to ourselves instead.

Leo energy is big-hearted.  They love to love themselves, others, the things they’re into…really ANYTHING!
But with all of that heart expansion comes consequences.  We can’t constantly worry about others and focus on the world without prioritizing ourselves first.

It may seem selfish, but if we aren’t happy, nobody will be.

In Native traditions, this is known as the Wolf Moon.  Whether it’s roaring or howling, the message is consistent of us tuning into our throat chakras and enhancing this energy center by living at our LOUDEST expression.

It is time to be who we truly want to be, say what we want to say, and do what we want to do!

This is full-on Leo alpha-big-cat, wolf-alpha-big-dog energy at it’s finest!

This isn’t about seeding the ego.  Leo energy focuses deeply on both the physical heart and our Anahata energy center.  We can use our throat chakras strongly, but we can filter it all through the heart first.

Courage.  Confidence.  Self-Sovereignty.
These are all energies of solar plexus, another place activated right now with this Leo influence.

We’re becoming braver to speak our truths.
We are becoming strong enough to stand our ground in the way we design our lives.

This will be important as we move forward, for we must all learn how to be sovereign to ourselves before we learn how to rule over others.

Energy is contagious.  When we can focus on working on ourselves and finding the true inner light, the collective energy starts to vibrate higher and others do the same.  It happens simply through Law of Attraction.  Nothing is forced.  The rising happens with ease.

It is time to love ourselves more than ever, knowing that intention spills over.
When we learn to unconditionally love ourselves, we start to do the same toward others.  When others are loved unconditionally, they pass the gift back to you and onward.  The shift becomes organic.  We all start to beat with the heart of our planet and beyond.

But it starts with ourselves, and this is what we must pay attention to right now.

Leo is big energy.  The full moon shines down in all of her majesty now.  Let her projection be a spotlight for you to stand in.  Just for now, give yourself permission to shine.  Just for now, notice what happens when you truly start to focus on yourself instead of everyone else.  Notice how it shifts your perspective moving forward.

From here the moon will wane and so will our energy.  It’s time to tap in and harness what we can in this most opportune time.  Absorb these light frequencies and set the flames of your heart on fire.  Embrace your inner sun and cultivate your drive to show up to yourself every day, no matter what phase you are in.  Continue to prioritize your joy, and the world around you will continue to give you nothing but light.  Even in the dark times, you always have the ability to tune within and shine through.

LIVE Replay:

Leo Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the Leo Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle, January 28th, 2021


New Moon in Aquarius

February 11th, 2021

Aquarian Energy.

This new moon ushers in not only the beginning of a new lunar cycle, but also the beginning of this next Lunar Year.

This is also a time of most auspicious alignment, as the moon, 5 other planets, and two asteroids line up with Aquarius in a potent stellium.

Aquarius is the Water Bearer.  Many mistake her for a water sign, but the vessel she pours from is simply a symbol, a representation of the emotions that pour out when she shares her stories.

Aquarians are ALL AIR.  
They like to talk, share, and help guide others.  They believe in the power of spoken word.  
They thrive in the ether.

These are times of spontaneity!  When we must learn to seize the day and take charge of our life!

Aquarian energy does not hesitate.  Just like the metaphorical water they carry, they “go with the flow.”
Can you learn to do the same now?

Nothing is as it was before, and it will never be again.
We have graduated into the next Golden Age, and the Age of Aquarius has officially risen!

This isn’t your usual Aquarian New Moon.
This is BIG energy!

It’s time for you to truly believe in your dreams and start setting things in motion.
Use this new moon to visualize the future you want, and use the energy of this first lunar cycle of the year to shift your energy toward taking action.

In the air we find the cosmos.  In the cosmos we explore infinite potential.
These qualities of The Universe reside in you, too!

Believe in it.
Take flight with your dreams and soar above the human-ness that tries to bring you down.
This Aquarian New Moon is lifting you up!

Air energy is almost overactive right now.
Communication, technology, and other ways of interacting may be challenged until Mercury goes direct on February 20th.

This is a time to also remember the energy of air in our breath.
Be patient in times of anxiousness, frustration, and triggering.  Take deep breaths, reflect and process in your mind first, then, if you must, respond from your heart, where the element of air resides within you.

We are at a pivotal point in our evolution, where we are learning to live more heart-felt and heart-centered than we ever have before.  We’re using our power of air through voice and through the portal of the ether to spread awareness and make change for the better.  But as we move to inspire the collective we must first remember to focus on ourselves.

The Water-Bearer must fill her vessel, before she is able to share!

You want to share the good stuff.  The happy endings.  The positive results that came out of the struggle.
You an only do this if you learn to move from the graces of your heart.

Use this New Moon to find gratitude for your past, and set the intention to continue to be grateful for your future.

No matter what.

That’s the excitement of Aquarian energy!  You never know what you’re going to get!

Believe that you can have anything you desire!

As you continue to navigate this New Earth, prioritize the fact that you truly are the creator of your reality.

LIVE Replay:

Aquarius Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the February Aquarius Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Virgo

February 27th, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Virgo.
This is the sign of “The Virgin,” and it’s time to truly claim your sovereignty above all else.


The word “Virgin” used to mean “one who is whole unto themself,” and usually applied to a priestess or other spiritually sovereign Sister.  This moon is reminding us that we always have the right to claim this life as our own and rule it so.  It’s time to let go of external pressure and other’s opinions and start living out of your own found truth.  During this full moon portal, give yourself permission to release all that no longer serves this mission.

Virgo energy is PURE.  It is clean.  It is untouched.
We always have the power to reclaim this same innocence.
Just as the priestess washes herself before entering the temple, use this full moon to cleanse yourself of all impurities clinging to your holy self.  As the lunar light shines down on your body temple, honour it with unconditional love and adoration.  Virgo energy is complete just as she is.  Give yourself permission to shower yourself with the love and light you so often seek elsewhere.  During this full moon portal, remind yourself that everything you need to support you is already inside.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.
Most often symbolized as a “marriage bed,” this lunar mansion reminds us to save ourselves for those most worthy.

This could mean in the chaste sense, or it could mean your energy as a whole.
…sex is just one way to exchange energy after all!
During this full moon, ask yourself if anyone may be taking advantage of your energy.
Where are you being called to give yourself unnecessarily?
Where do you feel forced?
It is time to set boundaries around all that doesn’t make you feel completely safe.
It is time to remind yourself that you are VALUABLE, and you should only exchange energy with those who feel the same.

Purva Phalguni is also rumored to be where Surya, the daughter of the Sun, and Soma, the God of the Moon, were married.
ā€ØYeshua & Mary, Christos-Sophia, Shiva/Shakti….
….Holy Love is radiating right now!  Receive it!

Venus, the planet of Love & Relationship, is strongly ruling the cosmos right now.,
Love is literally in the air!
This is the perfect time to refocus your heart if it’s been directed to places it shouldn’t.

Fertility is strong and supported during this full moon.
In fact, it may be one of the most fertile moons of the entire year!
Whether you’re trying to conceive a baby, or bring a different project into the world, this is the perfect time to direct your action towards becoming pregnant with your dreams!

Lean into your creativity.  Allow yourself to flow.  What comes through when you simply surrender and trust?
So much will reveal itself to us when we allow it to.

All of the guidance and support you need to rule this life is already here!
During this full moon portal, give yourself permission to own it all and sit on your holy golden throne without hesitation.

New Moon in Pisces

March 13th, 2021

As the moon begins her next journey, she finds herself in the shadow season of Pisces.
This is the sign of The Fish and also The Whole Ocean, and it’s time to ask yourself if you want to keep sinking and drowning, or are you ready to swim and find dry land?


All zodiac signs contain two energies: shadow and light.  When a moon is full, this sometimes means the shadows are illuminated, and other times it means we are full of light itself.  When a moon is at the newest phase, we tend to already be in our shadows, seeking out the light.  This is where we are right now.

We are at the end of a previous lunar cycle and beginning again.
We are also in the last sign of the zodiac, a time to let go of the entire past year.

We are in the darkness, and it is inviting us to seed in.

We recently celebrated Imbolc, translated as “In the Belly,” and celebrated as the midpoint between winter and spring.
We have been the same, quietly hibernating and storing our energy to prepare for the next phase of this new life.
As we now edge towards Ostara, or “Easter”, and also Vernal Equinox, we are inviting in the light increasingly more with each day!

This is the time to celebrate all that is about to come!

Pisces is the sign of The Dreamer, and we have been planting our seeds of intention with excitement and maybe a little side of anxiousness and uncertainty.

What will this year be like?
Will we repeat the past, or move toward a better future?

It’s ok to feel nervous about the unknown of what is to come.
What helps is remembering that you have the ability to create your future, if you truly focus your energy.

This moon is conjoined with Neptune, which rules Pisces and enhances the mystical realms where we can create.  You may feel more tired or inclined to spend more time in your dream world, or you may feel a need to tap into your psychic senses.  Sink into this calling.

This is a time of both dreaming and interweaving that dream into reality.
It’s a time to think about what you want while also making a plan to get there.
Even if you only know one step toward it all, you must take it!
With each intention you set your compass.  Each time you take action you move forward.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
This lunar mansion is represented by the two front legs of a funeral cot, and means “the early blessed one.”
It may seem ironic that death would bring fortune, but we must move beyond our human fears of actual death and take note of the metaphor.  Endings are new beginnings.  Letting go makes space for new.  Without destruction cannot come new creation.  We must embrace the changes along the way, for if we cling to the shadows of our past and the depths of our own underworld, we will never find air and grow.

Purva Bhadrapada is ruled by ether energy, and we are being encouraged to slow down and meditate to tap into this vast consciousness where all creation lies.  This nakshatra is also ruled by the deity Aja Ekapada, which is sometimes depicted as an ancient fire serpent, or a dragon, or a fierce form of Lord Shiva himself.  This fire-air energy brings about the concept of combustion, and just as the funeral cot reminds us of death, the funeral fire can remind us of what rises from the cremated ashes.  It is time to embrace your inner Phoenix and let your old self die.  There is always the chance to reincarnate and evolve.  There is always a chance to begin anew.

During this new moon portal, it is time to bury the past, seed your intentions, and feel yourself grow and blossom into a new self.  See it in your mind.  Meditate on it.  Dream about it.  Envision it.  Then, write down a plan to take action toward it all.  Just as the current of the ocean can shift, you have the ability to embrace your inner fish and navigate this life through whatever channel you choose.  Just as Purva Bhadrapada is known as the “One Footed Unicorn Who Goes Wherever He Wants To” give yourself permission to prance around this amazing world (and others beyond) with a magical spirit and point of view.  This life is truly what you make of it and this world responds to how you program it.  Embrace the no-limit mentality of the Piscean mystical mind, and use this lunar cycle to consciously create the joy and excitement you know you deserve.

LIVE Replay:

Pisces Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the March Pisces Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.