Full SUPERMoon in Libra

March 28th, 2021

As the moon continues her journey through the first sign of the zodiac, she pauses fully illuminated and closer to the earth than normal in Libra.

This is the sign of the Peacemaker, and we are being asked to find balance as much as possible.

This particular Libra moon is an auspicious one, as Libra is ruled by Venus and currently combust or conjunct with the sun in what we call a cazimi.  Energy around love, sex, relationships, and even money can be illuminated right now.  With a cazimi, we hold the most ideal energy around these categories, and as we navigate this full moon we ask ourselves how we can have more of these ideal situations in our current life right now.

Anxiousness.  Jealousy.  Anger.  Frustration.
These are all energies that arise when fire energy is escalated.
The super air energy of this Libra supermoon combines with the fire of Aries season to create flames that may get out of control.

You must learn to breathe through the intensity, and create your own calm.


Libra energy is all about balance.  They want fairness and justice and peace at all possible times, and when things get shaken up otherwise it can create discomfort.  It’s important to know right now that we are ALWAYS in control.  Even when chaos is brewing around us and the whole world is burning, we can still choose how we react.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now take time out to calm yourself and regulate your energy.,

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Hasta Nakshatra.  Represented by the “Golden Hand of God,” this lunar mansion reminds us that we are also made of “God-Stuff” and have the same power to create this world and life the way we want it.  Hasta Nakshatra reminds us to take a look at our own hands and what they can do.  Embrace your artistic gifts and healing abilities right now.  They are supported and they are strong.  It is time to trust in your magick and let your joy and essence flow through your hands like it was always meant to do.

Our hands are also an extension of our heart chakra, and this moon is all about the love!  In India this moon welcomes in the celebration of Holi, representing the divine love between Radha & Krishna with the festival of love, spring, and colors.  This is a time to celebrate joy in our lives and find that same excitement we feel in love with our every day lives.  In other words, you have the ability to paint yourself a life full of color!  You just have to believe in it!

Libras love color.  On the western side of the world where we’re back in the full moon of Libra, we also find ourselves drawn to the magick of the rainbow.  Ruled by Venus, a planet of aesthetic, this is a good time to brighten up your spaces with new decor, start planning your outdoor garden, or freshen up your altar for the new season.  It might also be a good time to focus on your internal “colors” by doing some chakra balancing.  Where do you feel a lack of energy?  Where do you lack the motivation to display yourself radiantly?  What is preventing you from showing your true colors?  Give yourself permission with this full moon to let go of what’s dulling your shine!  This is a moon of creativity, independence, and an Aries dash of “no fucks given,” so let yourself be who you truly want to be!  The more you step into who you really are and what you really want to do, the more supported you will become and the easier it will be.

New Moon in Aries

April 11th, 2021

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins just on the cusp of Aries.
This is a sign of Cardinal fire, and we are being called to ignite!


Aries is an independent and stubborn energy.  They like to do things themselves and their way and it’s hard to convince them otherwise.

Have you ever observed the mountain ram?  Notice how they will fight on even the smallest and most unstable ground.  They are resilient.  They do not give up.

You may be holding onto this same type of resistance right now.

Are you forcing something unnecessarily or fighting stubbornly against what you do not need to?  Or are you holding yourself back from taking charge?
This moon is calling you to make change.  To absorb the wisdom of the Aries Ram and apply it to your own current experiences and programming.

How do you let go of the shadow aspects and hold onto the positive?
How do you use your strengths to your advantage?  How can they help you evolve?

These are the questions to ask now.

As you continue throughout this next lunar cycle, set a goal to start living out your life with both independence and alignment.  Cultivate the courage to spark your own fire, and stay steady on the path that lights you up!  This moon is calling you to live out your day to the fullest, while also aligning with your goals and higher self.  Over the next few days of this new moon portal, make a plan that helps you make true change moving forward.

In Vedic astrology, we are in Revati Nakshatra, a star of nourishment and protection.
It is ruled by the deity Pushan, who is a spiritual shepherd that guides wandering souls home.
If you’ve been feeling lost lately, It is time to listen to your inner wisdom—the voices of your spirit guides and ancestors.  Tune out the external world and listen to what whispers to you from within.

We are under heavy protection as we move forward into the next year and our next personal evolution.
The Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, Star Communities, and MORE are watching over us.  If we invite them in and ask them for guidance, they will spiritually nudge is in the direction we need to go.  No matter how independent you are on this journey, you will still need help from the higher powers that surround you.  Trust in your heart and your gut.  Listen with your psychic senses.  Go where you feel truly called and you will never go down the wrong path.

Revati Nakshatra is the last of the 27 lunar mansions, a part of the cosmos where we find ourselves in the deepest oceans of Pisces and just on the cusp of Cardinal Fire Aries energy.
In Vedic astrology, this is known as a gandanta, or karma knot.

What BIG lessons are you learning right now?
What do you nee to alter with your programming?
What do you need to epigenetically change within your ancestral DNA?

This is a time to connect to your spirit guides.  Look for signs and symbols that give you answers or guide you on your journey.  Pisces is all about symbolism.  Remind yourself that even in the darkest waters of your emotions, there is still a light shining from above.  There is still air to breathe.

Swim toward it.

This new moon in Revati Nakshatra is the beginning of the Vedic New Year.
It is also the beginning of Chaitra Navaratri—the springtime celebration of the 9 nights of the Goddess.
Over the next week or so the power of the Divine Feminine on Earth will grow.

Recovery is coming.  This is the message now.  If you have been suffering, the time will shift.  If you have been wandering in the darkness you can now return to the light.  Rise up from the depths of the underworld and blossom into this new year and New Earth!

When we complete Chaitra Navaratri, we will find ourselves at the beginning of Taurus season in the Western world.  This is the literal sign of Mother Earth and Mama Gaia.  We are already starting to see glimpses of her as the trees begin to blossom and green pops up all around us.  Your own fertility is flourishing, too.  As without, so within.  As above, so below.  Allow yourself to absorb the lushness of this season and feel yourself growing from the inside out.  Whatever you have been trying to blossom, this Goddess energy is now supporting it to spring forth!

This is a moon of deep creativity.  It is time to embrace your passions and cultivate your gifts.
Doesn’t any goal in life include doing more of the things that make you happy?
Trust that it’s time for you to live that life now.
Over the next few days of this new moon portal, dream deeply and meditate on the life you truly want.
…not just the big things, but the little stuff, too.
What do you want your average morning to look like?  Your average day?  How do you want to block off your time and direct your energy?  What habits do you want to develop?  Who do you want to surround yourself with? What do you want to do for work or for a living?  What do you want to do in general?


This is really what it breaks down to.  Take this time to ask your guides for help.  Call on your guardians for protection on the journey.  Thank your ancestors for their wisdom.  Show offering and gratitude to Source Energy for the potential to create anything you desire.  This is the programming we are being asked to step into.  This is what this new moon is guiding us to do.  This is The Universe’s sign of saying “This is the way.”

Full Moon in Scorpio

April, 2021

As the moon continues on her journey, she pauses in the sign of Scorpio. This is the sign of the Scorpion-Eagle-Phoenix Tri-Archetype, and we are being called to transform so we can evolve.  


Scorpio energy is all about alchemy.  They are the only sign represented by 3 different energies, and the trinity aspect of this design is linked to the birth-life-death-rebirth cycle.  Every time we surrender to the death of something we trust in the future life of something else.  Every time we let go of this earthly life and human body our spirit rises up to be reborn and renewed.  It’s the same lesson:  Every time we release we create space for new.  

But we must trust in letting go.

Full moons are a time of release.  They are a checkpoint midway through the lunar cycle for you to slow down and notice where you are on your life path.  
How are you showing up to your goals right now?  How are you supporting your growth?
The fiery energy of the full moon gives us an opportunity to energetically burn away what no longer serves.
When we bring in the Scorpio influence of this moon, we are being asked to release what stands in the way of our evolutionary process.  It’s time to let go of what holds us back, because truly, it holds us into lower frequency.  

Ever heard the expression “weighing you down?”
This is what these hinderances do!
When we detach from what pulls us away from our growth, we give ourself room to rise up.  When we elevate to these higher frequencies we adapt a new level of consciousness where we trust our magick and embrace what’s ahead with a surrender into faith.  But we can only trust this higher energy when we learn to relate to it.
And we simply cannot do that if we do not first rise.

This particular moon is a supermoon, meaning it is closer to the Earth than normal and impacting our energy more than a typical full moon.
You may feel restless, anxious, overwhelmed, or exhausted right now.  This is all in natural alignment.  Find a way to move stuck energy through or slow down and recharge if you’re feeling too much.  Anytime you feel out of balance is a sign to take time for yourself and what needs to come through.

This is a great time to do ancestral work or work with divination tools.  The veil is thin under Scorpio energy and you may find yourself connecting to the astral realms through your dreams or mediation.  Lean into where your spirit goes, for it knows where you need to travel to find healing.  You may have messages speak to you at this time that seem to come from elsewhere.  These are both your personal guides and your intuition helping you.  Take time to really listen to what comes through, and apply it to your life with reverent faith.  This is how you survive the darkness of current times.  This is how you return to the light from your own shadows.  Trust the other side.  It knows more than our society gives credit.

If you have intuitive or psychic gifts this is a great time to use them.  Do a Tarot reading or look into your runes for wisdom and answers.  Use deep meditation or Yoga Nidra to tap into 5D consciousness.  Call upon your angels.  Use mediumship to connect to your guides.  Seek out your Akashic records.  All of these spiritual paths are strongly lit with this full moon portal.  Find what works for you and trust it is calling you for a reason.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Swati Nakshatra.  Represented by a growing sprout bending but not breaking in the wind, we are being reminded of our resiliency.
You are a part of nature; look to it for motivation.  Even when we go through the coldest of winters where everything seems to die, spring still returns again.  Even through the windiest of storms, the trees and plants survive.  They simply lean into it all.  By going with the flow and growing through the bend they become stronger.  Every time we survive a challenge in our own lives we do the same.  Become like the trees.  Become like Swati.  Bend strongly, and refuse to break.

Swati Nakshatra is represented by the wind God Vayu.  Winds of change are among us and it’s time for us to also lean into the shift.  Vayu is responsible for the breath of life known as PRANA, or “life force energy.”  We are being supercharged with this supermoon to prepare for our journey ahead.  Swati reminds us of our endurance, and how we need to continue to trust in this everflowing life force as we carry on.

In Hinduism this full moon is celebrated as Hanuman Jayanti, or Hanuman’s birthday.  This monkey deity is the son of Vayu and represents devotion.  Hanuman is known for serving the sun God Ram on a number of occasions, and this moon is calling us to embrace the same energy within ourselves.  It’s time to show up with deep devotion to our spiritual practices, our ancestral gifts, and our own unique magic.  It’s time to devote energy to our body temples and our Earthly lives as much as we devote to God or a higher power.  As above, so below.  As on the outside, so on the inside.  When we love and treat ourselves with deep devotion, we honor the God/Goddess/Creation energy within us.  We connect to that source prona that all other life comes from.  When we direct energy toward honoring ourselves, we support the higher frequency life the Universe laid out for us.  We align with our highest self and highest evolution.

This Supermoon energy will be felt for 3-5 days after the full moon’s peak Monday evening.  Take time for yourself during this portal to find and cultivate your gifts, talk to the other side, and do what you need to do to continue to evolve.  Let go of what breaks you and refuse to let it stop your growth again.  The more you live this life with grace and surrender, the easier the process will become.

Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

May, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully expressed, then eclipses blood red in the house of Sagittarius.  This is the sign of the great cosmic adventurer, and we are being ushered through a portal of transformation where our next journey begins.


Full moons are always a time of illumination.  This particular Flower Moon is occurring as a SUPERmoon, and is closer to the earth than normal, magnifying what we need to bring our attention to above all else.

What is “setting you on fire” right now?
Is it a desire or goal you are ready to achieve?
Is it a passionate relationship you’re ready to dive into?
Is it an adventure you’re ready to embark on?

We are in elemental fire energy, and this full moon may highlight what your heart is desperately yearning for in this life.  Sagittarius is also known as The Archer, and it’s time to start setting your eye on the target.  Pull back your arrow of focus, take aim, and don’t let anything stand in your way as you release yourself with full force and follow through.

...you may also find yourself burning in a different way right now.

Restlessness, jealousy, frustration, anxiousness, even anger can come through strongly right now with this fire.  If this is your experience it’s time to seek out what is fueling your flames, and use this energy to burn away what is disrupting your peace.  Sagittarius is a “larger than life” energy, and it’s time to truly release anything standing in the way of your ability to expand.  

Eclipses are a portal of transformation, a sort of way for us to fast forward our journey and level up but it’s up to our free will to take the step and walk through. This total lunar eclipse is inviting us make TRUE change with an “all-in” type of energy.  The energy of this eclipse began in December 2020. Look back from that time to now and see what continues to pull you out of alignment.  If you set the intention to truly release this barrier this time around, and continue this lunar cycle in that new shift, you will close  a karmic loop and finally rid yourself of a past that keeps haunting you.  If you’re ready to move on and move forward for good, now is the time to truly commit.

In Vedic astrology this moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra.  
Symbolized by the lotus flower and known as the “Star of Success,” we are in an energy to truly evolve and transform into a life made for our greater good.
…but we must first push through the mud and GROW!

Anuradha is ruled by Mitra, the sun god of friendship and love.  With Venus aspecting this full moon as nurturing “evening star,” we are being reminded to rule our life with peaceful relationships.  How we relate to our family, friends, strangers, animals, the Earth, and, most importantly, ourselves, is all illuminated now.
Where is love lacking?  What needs to change?  Sometimes a simple adjustment in a relationship can make all the difference.  In other times, we must give ourselves permission to cut cords.  Not every relationship has to last forever.  Embrace the cycle of life, death, rebirth, and transformation.  During this full moon eclipse portal, take time to be with yourself so you can reflect on your relationship with the other world.  Use the power of this cosmic energy to move forward only exchanging your energy with who and what supports you, the collective higher frequency, and the overall greatest good.

We are already in Saturn retrograde, and we’ll find ourselves beginning Mercury retrograde at the end of this full moon portal.
This is not a time to be external.
Use the next few weeks to SLOW DOWN.
Take time to nurture yourself, your goals, and your relationships.
Get back into your sacred practices if you have drifted away.
Find discipline where you need it and ease of release where you need to let go.
If you truly believe change can happen, it will.

LIVE Replay:

Sagittarius Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the May Sagittarius Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse in Gemini

June, 2021

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins in a ring of fire, fully eclipsed in the house of Gemini


While Gemini is typically a chatty and social sign, this particular new moon brings a different feel.  Mercury has been retrograde since May 29th, ushering in a need for more silence and inward reflection.  Gemini is ruled by this planet, and with most of the season in retrograde energy we’re feeling a little backward.  If you’ve been experiencing brain fog, anxiety, troubles with communication, relationship issues, or other feelings of misalignment, know that this is happening for a reason.  New moons are always a time of turning within, and this is the perfect time to reflect on all that seems upside down.  When we take time to illuminate the darkness with our own light, we start to find true understanding.  When we bring our awareness to the things we need to address, we create an energy for transformation.

Mercury is the planet of communication and expression, and these areas of our lives will be highlighted as Mercury transits across the eclipsed sun Thursday in what we call a Cazimi.  In other words, this planet will be “in the heart of the sun” and is sometimes referenced as riding on a protective chariot or seated on a royal throne.  This causes a planet’s qualities to be exalted, and with Mercury in retrograde we may experience even more confusion, information overload, lots of tech breaking down, and more.  This is a cosmic lesson in patience.  If tech like cell phones and social media don’t work, it’s a Universal sign to log off and disconnect.  If relationships or conversations seem strained, it’s time to spend more time alone in meditation.  If you’re struggling to express yourself, this is a call to slow down, turn within, and discover who you TRULY are!

There is a lot of focus on the sun in this new moon portal.  In astrology, we view our sun sign as our true nature.  It is who we are at our core.  With this new moon bringing a solar eclipse, it’s time for you to pause, reflect, and get back to your original roots.  Who were you before the world molded you into someone else? Use this eclipse to reflect on the past, all that you’ve been through, and how far you’ve come.  Then set the intention to move forward from this point with a new beginning, living out your most authentic self.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra, also known as the “searching star”.  Represented by a stag and deer chasing one another, this is a symbol of us going after our desires.  Eclipses are a bit of a reset.  If you’ve found yourself falling off track from your dreams and aspirations, this is the time to start over or trust a new beginning.  Use this time of darkness to go within and seek out what is in your heart.  Set your course on this and use your internal compass to guide you as you move forward.  The intentions and actions we take in an eclipse portal can be very potent, with results showing up for even years after!  This isn’t your average new moon.  This is big manifestation energy!

Mrigashira Nakshatra is ruled by Soma, the deity of the moon.  With the solar eclipse also occurring here, we are being called to start living out our life aligned with the cosmos.  The moon’s rhythm vibes with our own, and when we utilize this flux and flow of energy in our own lives we can find what truly works for our alignment.  Just as the moon holds the Earth in orbit, she also keeps us emotionally stable.  We are not meant to be the same all the time!  Use the inspiration of Soma and the moon to remind you that you, too, are a cosmic being, fully connected in these shifts of the Universe, and it’s important to tune into what’s going on in order to understand your role in it all.

Soma is also known as the “nectar of immortality,” and you may feel called during this new moon to seek out a life worth really living.  
Many times we get stuck on our spiritual journey, and we forget to live our life out to the fullest.  When things don’t work out the way we expect, we get discouraged and many times find ourselves “stuck”.  We get complacent and settle for a sub-par life.  Before we know it, a year, or a few, or even a lot of years go by before we hold regret on all we “should have done.”  Don’t let this energy take you over!  Soma reminds us that our life is immortal, that we will have many lives to live and many chances, and to honour this life journey by seizing what you already can!   With this new moon solar eclipse, light a new fire under yourself!  Let this be your new beginning!

Saturn, the planet of Karma, is currently retrograde with Mercury.  With both retrogrades and eclipses being a window into the past, this might be an intense time.  If anything is bubbling up to the surface it’s time to take a good look at it.  With Gemini ruling relationships, it is especially important to notice the people that show up in your life all of a sudden right now.  Are these people you need to strengthen bonds with, or do you need to cut ties?  Do you need to “start over” with this person?  There are always many options, and the choice is up to you.  Just known the choices you make in regards to relationships right now will have a butterfly effect for quite some time down the road.

Overall, this is a time to pause.  It is a time to reflect and learn from our past.  It is a time to set our sights forward on something bigger and better.  It is time to embrace our true selves and this sacred life we’ve been offered.  During this new moon eclipse portal give yourself permission to step into the ring of fire yourself, burn away the layers that are no longer needed, and cross the threshold of a new beginning with the burning desires of your heart.  You will gain what you pursue if you truly believe.

LIVE Replay:

Gemini Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the June Gemini Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Midsummer Moon in Capricorn

June, 2021

As the moon continues on her journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Capricorn.
This is the sign of the sea-goat, embracing the global Earth energy of both water and land.


Capricorns are hard workers.  They’re constantly aiming for stability and the organization to get there.  As we find ourselves halfway through 2021 and stepping into the season of summer, we may see things around “work” illuminated.

If you have unfinished tasks or projects looming over you, it’s time to release them with this full moon and either complete the job or dump it completely.
When we let go of mundane tasks that aren’t necessary, we free up more time for creativity and imaginative thinking.

If your tasks are complete, but you still find yourself distracted from working your best, it’s time to set boundaries.
This full moon reminds us to let go of what stands in our way, so we can finish out the rest of the year fully focused on our dreams and intentions.
When we set boundaries around our true work and passion, we find ourselves more efficiently reaching our goals!

This full moon is all about expansion.
It’s time to release old ways that no longer work, so you can grow and move toward your greater potential.
The Capricorn Age ended with The Great Conjunction of winter solstice 2020.  We have now moved into the Age of Aquarius, and it’s time to think differently.
If you find yourself still caught up in doing things “in the usual”, it might be time to pause, reset, and open yourself up to doing things in a different way.
When we give ourselves permission to be flexible, we grow and expand with more grace and ease.

Mercury, the planet of communication and expression, just went direct with this solstice portal.
But,Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, has now just gone retrograde.
Does that mean we’re being held back?  Actually, quite the opposite!
Jupiter ironically grows in brightness the more it spins backward.
That means this “Guru Planet” now brings in more energy and light for our wisdom and expansion!

This is a time of new illuminations!

You may find yourself wanting to work differently now.  Start a new project.  Or rekindle a fire that once burned out of your life.
You may also find yourself encouraged to do more inner work, as this portal illuminates our shadows and wounds still needing to breathe and heal.
When we talk about Capricorn energy encouraging us to “DO THE WORK,” that means the hard work of self-healing, too.

In Vedic astrology, this full moon is in Mula Nakshatra.
Known as the “Root Star” or “Foundational Star,” this is an energy of going back to our roots to heal, and building a new, stronger foundation moving forward.
Mula Nakshatra is represented by a bundle of roots and found mysteriously near the black hole in the center of our galaxy.
When we move through Mula Nakshatra, we are being called to unravel attachments to old ways of suffering and re-establish our roots amongst more fertile soil.
When we let go of the rotting, contaminated energy within us, we make space to bring in what we need to re-grow.

During this Mula Nakshatra moon, make the commitment to change your old ways and embrace new ones.
Ask yourself what foundation you want to set for yourself, and start to dig into the energetic dirt!
Once you’ve cleared out what clutters your energy, you can replant a forest that withstands seven generations and more.
This full moon is giving you permission to break your ways.  This full moon is giving you permission to really GROW.

Neptune also spins backwards during this solstice portal, going retrograde one day after the peak of the full moon.  When Neptune goes retrograde, we are being called to remember the mystical.
Mermaids/Mermen are another archetype of Capricorn energy.  During this full moon portal, believe in the existence of sea-creatures, dragons, unicorns, fairies, and more!
…and I kid you not, during the Reiki’ session I did with a client today, a spirit dragon showed up for the first time ever in my practice!
Magick exists, MoonSisters & MoonBrothers!  We just have to remember it!

Neptune is also the planet of dreams and its retrograde is a spaceholder for us to connect to our ancestors.
The God Neptune rules the ocean, and we are currently navigating Cancer energy.  This is a mothering, nurturing energy, that also focuses on family.
This energy is one that reminds us of where we came from, both within our human existence and possibly beyond.
Neptune retrograde thins the veil of illusion, so we can gain access to other realms, and let go of the concept of time.

As you navigate this full moon portal, come back to your ancestral foundation.
Lean into the guidance of Mula Nakshatra.

Come back to what naturally guides you.
Come back to your generational wisdom.
Come back to your roots.

Both Mula Nakshatra and this Capricorn influence are requiring us to look at the structure and concept of “family” in our lives.
This means relations within our bloodline, and also our culture, race, society, and even our Global Family as a whole.
This solstice full moon is asking us to RECONNECT.
This will be an underlying theme interwoven within the survival of our species in the future.
We must learn not only to relate to one another, but to fully connect.

It is time for us all to see we are family.

During this Capricorn Full Moon, let go of what pulls you away from this concept.  Trust that when we all give each other love and support, we collectively lift each other up!
The more we can lean into this way of living, the easier we can remove the blockages from our own creativity, growth, service work, and success.
The more we learn to live within the truth that “We’re all just walking each other home,” as Ram Dass would say, the easier our life will flow.

LIVE Replay:

Capricorn Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the June Gemini Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


New Moon in Cancer

July, 2021


New moons are always a time of slowing down, and this new moon in Cancer tells us it’s ok to be alone.

Summer is a time of socialization.  
But sometimes solar light codes flare and the heat becomes too much to bear.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the energy around you, feeling overscheduled, or just feel overheated, it might be time to turn within and spend more time at home.

Remember, energy is contagious!  Take time to tend to your own and shed what isn’t yours!

You may also need to spend more time alone right now to deal with your feelings.
We are deep in Cancer season, a sign of water and pure emotion.  If you’ve been spending time with others to ignore spending time with yourself, let go of the urge to run away from your pain.  Use the darkness of this Cancer new moon to navigate your shadows and nurture them with love and gratitude rather than ignorance and remorse.
We are in the sign of The Great Mother.  During this new moon, give yourself permission to mother yourself.  When the child is upset, the mother holds and consoles.  As you journey through your emotional waters, hold yourself safely as the mother does.  There is no judgement here.  Give yourself permission to process and feel.

Speaking of Mother energy, this may be a portal to do deep work around healing your mother wounds.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purnarvasu Nakshatra.  Know as the “Star of Renewal,” this new moon supports us to begin again.  We are halfway through the year, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on how far we’ve come, envision our ideal future, and take action in the present to grow into our best self.

Punarvasu means “the return of the light”, and just like in Western astrology, we are being called back home to ourselves.
The true light is within US.
In times of darkness, we must find it to heal.

Punarvasu is ruled by Aditi, a Mother Goddess of infinite expansion and creation.  In fact, she’s THE Mother Goddess, representing the para-shakti, or creative life force from which ALL has been born including the rest of the Gods and deities.  Aditi means “boundless.”  This new moon reminds us that the same energy of infinite potential runs throughout us, and we are safe to explore it..  From the maternal energy of the moon, to the grounding, nurturing energy of Mother Earth, to the Divine Feminine herself, right now and always we are safe to explore this life and its magic while being protected, held, and loved.

The moon itself is always there for us.

In my own journey of healing, I’ve had to heal a DEEP mother wound, and one thing that has helped above all else is the medicine of the moon.
It’s something I’m still working on, but the impact of my mother wound is shallowing with time.
Slowly the scars are starting to disappear, and with each lunar cycle I find new ways to be comforted as I heal.

When there was no one else to mother me, the moon was there.
When I learned to tune into the cycles of the moon and how they could nourish me, I felt a love and support I had never felt before.
If you are experiencing an estranged relationship with your mother like me, let this new moon in Punarvasu nourish you the way you’ve always wanted.

The Great Mother is here to hold you.

The Great Mother will always love you.

The Great Mother will provide you with the security you need.

Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is retrograde right now and aspecting this moon.  
This is a potent portal to make shifts and changes around your own evolutionary expansion.
Use this moon as a pivot point to develop new habits and heal old energetic wounds that may be keeping you down.
When it comes to generational wounds, Neptune is also in retrograde, and you may have more contact than usual with family members that have passed, especially in dreams.
Use this new moon in Cancer to rest, possibly meditate or do a Yoga Nidra practice, and connect to the wisdom you need from your ancestors to heal and make positive change for good.

Most importantly, use this new moon in Cancer as inspiration to mother yourself.  This is a time to slow down, apply self care, and do what you need in order to protect your energy.  Give yourself permission to release trapped emotions, so they no longer weigh you down.  Use the creative force of this Purnavasu moon to paint a picture of your dream reality.  Channel your own shakti to move the dream into action and reality.  Cancer energy is sometimes also represented as The Child.  Use your childlike imagination to believe you can be who you want and have whatever you desire.  However you honour this new moon, know the entire Universe is supporting your intentions, endeavors, and goals.  7 is the number of ascension, and this new moon of the seventh month of July gives us permission to combust with the summer heat, embrace new beginnings, and rise again.

LIVE Replay:

Cancer Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the June Gemini Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Aquarius

(#1 of 2)

July, 2021

As the moon continues on her journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Aquarius for the first of two times this year.
Aquarius is the sign of the water-bearer, and we are in an energy of renewal, redemption, and expansion.


Aquarian energy is cultured, and some would even say it’s out of this world!
What we’re really experiencing under her influence is a different perspective.
The Water-Bearer travels from community to community, sharing her stories and providing new insight and wisdom.
The vessel she pours from is a container of emotions from all of those she has heard before.  Because she has an outside, more neutral perspective, she can hold space, transmute the emotions, and pour them out now alchemized for the gaod.

We all have a dark side.  We have all journeyed through shadows.  We all probably even have regrets.  But instead of living in remorse, we can learn to become the author of our story rather than the victim.  We always have the ability to shift our perspective and chance the narrative.  It’s all about how you spin it from your point of view.

How do you want your story to be told?

During this full moon, use Aquarius influence to look back upon your life’s experiences with love, empathy, grace, and gratitude.
If the lunar glow is shining down on any particular darkness or experience, the moon is now guiding you to heal.
You will likely always have the trauma in one way or another, but you can still take back your power and do your best to look at things in a positive light.

When we are thankful for our stories rather than shameful, we can share with openness and vulnerability.
And when we do this, we might just help prevent someone else from making the same mistake!

Storytelling is medicine!  Embrace this!

This Aquarian Full Moon is also calling us to embrace ALL possibilities!
If you’ve ever met an Aquarius, they’re incredibly spontaneous.
They have an expansive energy that simply cannot be contained!
We may also be feeling this way right now.

If you’re feeling stuck, trapped, held back, or held down, it’s time to BREAK FREE!

Aquarian energy loves to be free.  During this full moon portal, give yourself permission to embrace your wild spirit and go where it leads you.
Explore a new place, sign up for an adventure, or just be openly spontaneous to whatever comes!
When we break free of our typical choices, patterns, and conditioning, we open up the potential for new ways of living!
And when we give ourselves the possibility that everything moving forward will be great, we allow ourselves to go on this life journey with more excitement and ease.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.  Translated as “later victory,” this is a star of truth, justice, and willpower, and is ruled by the Vishvadevas, gods who teach us Universal truths.  This full moon may bring a great awakening either in your personal life or on the collective.  We are being called to start making choices that are just for all.

This star is also ruled by the sun itself, and we’re receiving powerful light codes of leadership for the collective.  Just like Aquarius, Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra calls us to look at both the self and the collective.  We are being guided to learn our life lessons, improve and grow from them, and influence others in society to do better as a result of our improvement and healed behavior.

Uttara Ashadha is represented by an elephant’s tusk, bringing in the energy and influence of Ganesha, The Remover of Obstacles.
Ganesha is the great elephant deity who boldly and bravely swings his trunk without hesitation to move things out of the way.
Full moons are a time of release, and if you’ve been need to remove something in your way of healing, you may want to call on Ganesha at this time.
When we recognize this archetypal energy, we summon our own inner elephant, and find the strength to move forward no matter what stands in our way.

In Hinduism, this moon lands on Guru Purnima, a celebration of the gurus and teachers of our lives.
Just like Aquarian energy invites us to see beyond this planet, Guru Purnima also guides us to look beyond into other realms.

We do not just have human people on this planet Earth as gurus. “Guru” means “dispeller of darkness”.  What or who has helped you to see the light?

We are taught by many things in this life, including nature, the stars, the planets, etc.
We are also led by angels, archangels, spirit guides, spirit animals, ancestors, other cosmic races, and more!

But we must open up to the acknowledgement of such existence in order to be led by it.

During this Guru Purnima moon, show gratitude for the gurus that have come into your life, and invite in any other guides and guardians that are wanting to be with you to help you now.  Ask for their guiding lights to shine on where you need to do work and where you need to go.
When you learn to believe and trust in these greater energies and higher consciousness, you find your path without as much struggle.
And you stay on your path with more peace.

Don’t forget to recognize and acknowledge your own inner guru during this time!
The reason we can internally “hear” or “see” the messages from these other light beings, is because the energy of all of them exists within ourselves.
We are made of the stardust we turn our attention to in the skies!  As above, so below!
This full moon is a time of shining your inner light to uncover the great life lessons you have learned.  It’s a time to acknowledge the wisdom you have gained from your experiences, and how you have helped your own self rise up, grow, and heal.
While others may have helped you along the way, YOU are the true teacher, healer, and guide.
You have it all inside of you, you just have to believe!

…and don’t worry!  If you don’t figure it out with this full moon, Aquarius will be back around AGAIN with the next full moon to shine light on what you are missing.

During this full moon portal, find closure around your past, peace with your story, and a strength to believe you can move forward with ease instead of powering through.
The light is with you now and always.  When you show up and shine it no matter what, the Universe gives you more reasons to glow!
This Aquarian moon reminds you that all possibilities are in the potential.  Every choice to get there is up to you.

LIVE Replay:

Aquarius Virtual Full Moon Circle (#1)

Recording of the July Aquarius Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Leo

August, 2021

As the moon continues on a new cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Leo and at the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal.  This is a time of Divine, royal, solar light, and we are being called back to ourselves now more than ever.


Leo is the sign of the lion, a prideful animal full of strength, courage, and leadership.
He is a masculine energy ruled by the sun itself, and, because of this, tends to have a lot of power.  If you’ve been feeling misaligned, overwhelmed, or powerless, this new moon is guiding you to take back control.

We take back our power by taking charge of our life.  That means waking up every day with an intention to nourish ourself, motivate ourself, and believe in ourself.  When we seek validation from others instead, it leaves us in a co-dependent relationship of energetic exchange.  While we definitely need social interaction in our lives, we don’t need to RELY on it to make us happy.  Leo energy is all about cultivating your own light.  You can join in on the party or you can be the life of it!  Either way, when you step into Leo energy you allow yourself to make the choice for you.

This Leo moon is also asking us to step into our authenticity.  It’s time take off our masks and start showing up to our lives and the world as who we really are!  

You may have been bullied, ridiculed, or even punished for who you’ve tried to be in the past.
Don’t let the darkness of your experiences consume you.  Leo is reminding you to shine your light!  This New Moon and Lion’s Gate portal is all about rising up and becoming the person you truly want to be.  When you put limitations on yourself and your identity, you limit your energy and your potential.  When you break free of restraint and step into who you really are, you become boundless!  Let this Leo new moon inspire you to ROAR!

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.  Known as the “Snake Star,” or “Naga Star,” this is an energy of poison, medicine, and healing.  When it comes to the poison, the darkness of this new moon is asking you to navigate your shadows and find what’s toxic.  What’s holding you back from being happy or feeling good?  Are you attached to old stories, or do you let your past consume you?  Give yourself time to sit with these shadows and do emotional alchemy so they no longer dull your light in the future.  When it comes to the present, if anything or anyone is toxic to you it's time to set a boundary or let go completely.

In regards to healing, this Ashlesha moon may guide you to the medicine you need.  The sign of the snake can be found in our current universal medical sign, and if you’ve been craving a certain food, herb, person, crystal, book, etc, it may be just what you need to heal.  Alternatively, this is also a good time to start any naturopathic or homeopathic remedies if you’ve been trying to address a specific issue in your body.

The snake can also represent the coiled energetic snakes at the root of Earth’s core as well as the Kundalini coiled within the base of our spine at root chakra.  This is the potential of both ourselves and the collective as we move forward into a new age and new way of living.  When we live in alignment, the snakes rise up and energies come together in harmony.  This is the intention with this new moon.  Over the next few days take time to meditate, do supportive breath work, and maybe get some Reiki’ or energy healing to open up your energetic flow.

No matter what side of astrology you look at, we are being called with this new moon to honor ourselves.  It’s time to make choices that support us and follow the path that brings us true joy.  We need to find what sets us on fire, and keep directing our energy toward what fans our flames.  This isn’t your typical new moon!  This is a potent time of transformation!  During this new moon, this Lion’s Gate Portal, and the rest of Leo season, keep doing YOU above all else,  and don’t let anyone take your energy, or your power away.

LIVE Replay:

Leo Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the August Leo Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Aquarius (#2 of 2)

August, 2021

Talk about the dawn of the Age of Aquarius!
We’re under our second Aquarian moon this year!

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of the Cosmic Water-Bearer for the second time.  An Aquarian way of life is on the rise for the long-term now, and The Universe is making sure we are all ready.


It’s time to activate our throat chakras, ignite our solar plexus, and start pouring out of our heart.
Storytelling is medicine, and Aquarius energy holds space for everyone’s experiences.  She collects emotions in her sacred vessel where they are safe to rise, ebb, and flow.  She is also an alchemist, able to take the emotional water from a neutral place and turn it into wisdom.  When we share our stories and experiences, we also share or discover the important lessons we’ve gained.  When we can’t find the “gold” ourselves, others step in and find it for us.  When we tell our story out loud, or write it down, we hear or see it differently and take on a different perspective.  This is the medicine we need to change we we feel.  Sometimes the medicine comes simply from telling the story itself, for even if it doesn’t help us right away, it falls upon ears who need it, and helps others heal instead.

When your share with the intent of healing, whether it be for you, the collective, or both, the shift your vibration creates reverberates back to you, surrounding you with positive energy resulting from your initial interaction.

This is why we feel better when we talk things over with others or learn that others are going through the same experience.  But we cannot find any of that out if we do not first become brave enough to open up and share.

Aquarian energy is all about the collective.  She travels from culture to culture, family to family,  individual to other individual, and gives from her vessel wherever she goes.  The water she pours from is her own emotions as well as others, along with collections of myths, fables, and even history she has written and interwoven into her own life along the way.

In modern times, we can use Aquarian energy as motivation to look upon our own history as well as that of the collective to learn our lesson and make a shift for a higher good.  This full moon is shining light on issues we must evolve, including global health, climate health, communal health and equality, social justice, and personal freedoms.

There’s also a strong light on emotional stability and mental health right now, including the need to heal imbalances like addiction, anxiety, and depression.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Dhanishta Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Symphony,” this energy guides us to utilize vibration, frequency, and sound for deep healing and genetic/light-code reconstruction.  Dhanishta Nakshatra is represented by the the drum Lord Shiva played during his tandava, or dance of destruction.  Sometimes, we let our own “dance” destroy the world around us.  We get carried away with the party life or maybe even lean into addiction to numb ourselves, and we end up destroying the world around us that we’ve built up.  This full moon in Dhanishta Nakshatra is the perfect time to bring in drumming medicine, shaking medicine, binaural beats, or even dance itself to integrate reprogramming and regain control of your actions if they’re spiraling out of control in tornadic, destructive fashion.

The dance of Lord Shiva can also represent the way we must dance through the chaos.  We can find ways to be grateful for the world crumbling around us, for we know it must break down in order to build back up again.  We can find the bliss and, like Aquarius, the “gold” in the experience of the decay and letting go.  We can remind ourselves that we are making room for better, for more, and we can dance in joy and excitement as we anticipate our next evolution.  Do not hold dismay for what is going on—for the loss and the change.  Grieve the past, then let the emotion move through.  Be excited for your ability to detach, and dance with bliss for what is ahead.

Ultimately, this moon is about freeing ourselves—from our past, from our shadows, from our demons, and from anything else that holds us down into a lower frequency.  Lord Shiva dances his tandava without hesitation.  Aquarius is a freedom-lover without boundaries.  It’s time to break out of our boxes and boundaries and adapt an “outer-worldly” attitude.  It’s time to take on an alternative way of thinking and living.  It’s time to use the release of the moon to destroy our old world and outdated patterns of conditionings.  This full moon is shining light on the possibility that we can do things differently.  Let your world be shaken up for the good.  Let it be the catalyst you need to shift your perspective.

Aquarius is an intellect, thriving on information, technology, and socialization.  We are in the Information Age, and it’s time to start taking it all in, thinking for ourselves, and developing our own truths out of our personal hearts and minds.  This may seem isolating at first, but if we all started living out of our beliefs, we would create the magnetic attraction to find others like-minded.  Aquarian energy gets along with everybody and everything!  Use this full moon to commit to your authenticity so you can find your tribe.  Use this moon to move toward your medicine, your support circle, your own ability to heal and shift your perspective, and, ultimately, move toward your freedom.

LIVE Replay:

Aquarius Virtual Full Moon Circle (#2)

Recording of the August Aquarius Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Virgo

September, 2021

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins in the house of Virgo.  
This is the sign of the Cosmic Virgin, and it’s time to trust the start of new beginnings.

The word “Virgin” didn’t always mean sexual purity.  At one point in time it defined someone who was “whole unto themself”.  This usually referred to a priestess or temple-dweller, but could also be the label for someone who could not be tempted or swayed.  To be named a Virgin in ancient times was quite an honor, for it showed you had power and sovereignty.  In modern times, we can “reclaim our virginity” anytime we are ready.  Just like the moon, this life is a cyclical journey, and we are constantly given the opportunity to begin again.


Summer is ending, and it’s time to get back into our Earthly bodies and reality.  Virgo energy is all about calling us back to ourselves, and you may be feeling the need to create new habits, rituals, or routine.  Virgos also love organization.  When you get back to yourself and prioritizing the things that make you feel aligned, you feel more whole.  New moons are always about new beginnings.  During this Virgo New Moon, set an intention to reclaim yourself.

You may be struggling right now to connect to your body or prioritize choices that support it.
Virgo energy has a bit of a perfectionist side, and their constant need to step into the role of “wholeness” can actually leave them feeling more incomplete.   If you find yourself drawn to your flaws right now rather than your strengths, it’s time to slow down and let love in.  Remember that perfection simply does not exist.  It’s a fallacy of the ego.  Even the cosmos itself is messy!  It’s constantly in chaos as it self-destructs and reconstructs into a greater evolution and expansion.  You, too, are always growing and expanding.  Allow yourself to break down or have imperfections along the way.

If you are in discomfort or. “dis-ease” in your earthly body, this Virgo New Moon is asking you to get back into your body by reclaiming your health. This is a time to look at the self-destructive habits that may be perpetuating your misalignment and make a commitment to do better.  You may want to do a detox or cleanse to first break down what’s built up or gotten stuck over time.  Women could also benefit at this time by doing a vaginal steam.  Ultimately this is a time to get real with your health, your body, and your life, and start making choices that make you feel better.

This healing also pertains to the energy of your earthly life as much as your body.  
Is there anything else that’s “wounded” or out of alignment right now?
Is your life “sick” when it comes to money, relationship, family, professional life, etc.?
Remember that your experience is a direct reflection of your energy.  How you treat yourself is how the world will treat you.  If you show up to yourself with love, respect, and non-judgement, you will do the same to others and they to you.  If you prioritize spending choices that support your higher frequency, The Universe will continue to shower you with abundance to continue to make these choices.  It’s all connected.  Virgo is an earth sign, but she is also mutable.  This means she can sometimes lose her way.  The darkness of this new moon is bringing you into your shadows so you can confront them, learn to love them, and use them as inspiration to make change.  Use this portal to soak in the wisdom of your past experiences, then set the intention to move on.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.  This “Star of Development and Creation” reminds us that we are a constant work in progress.  This is one of the most auspicious nakshatras, as it is represented by a ripe fruit or marriage bed, and can be a potent time for both fertility/conception and birth/harvest.  What are you ready to bring into this life?  What do you have the urge to create?  This new moon is telling you the time is now to take action and bring it forward.

Sometimes we get super excited about what we desire, yet have no idea how to take action.
Purva Phalguni is ruled by both Venus and the wealth deity, Bhaga.  Venus is the planet of sensuality, aesthetic, and pleasure.  She invites us to approach creation with love and joy.  Bhaga is a blind deity, bringing good luck and fortune.  When we feel our hearts ignite toward something, when we are filled with passion to pursue something, sometimes we must dive in without knowing what’s ahead.  This new moon is a time of darkness.  Give yourself the freedom to explore and go soul-searching.  When you let go of attachments and structure, you may find yourself lost.  But if you continue to trust and explore amongst it all, you may become inspired to find a path that’s new.

Purva Phalguni can also bring forth destruction and dissolution.  This is the darkness before the dawn, and the reminder that before we can create we must make space.  If this new moon is bringing in a loss or breakdown, trust in the timing and auspiciousness of the new beginning.  This nakshatra is sometimes represented by a hammock swing.  If the world is too much right now, or you simply need to rest, give yourself permission to slow down so you can take care of your energy in this powerfully transitional time.

Whether you view this moon from the eastern or western side of the world, our intention right now is to trust in the cycle of something new.  You always have the opportunity to start over, no matter where you are.  You have the opportunity to break down or build up, depending on what you need with this chapter.  During this new moon portal, sit with yourself in the stillness and darkness.  Let go of distractions so you can tune within and see where to go from here.  Look to what inspires you, excites you, and invites you.  Then set the intention to answer the call.

LIVE Replay:

Virgo Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the September Virgo Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.