Full Moon in Pisces

September, 2021

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she joins Mercury Retrograde in the house of Libra.
This is the sign of balance, but the scales are anything but, and they haven’t been tipped out of alignment in this way for some time.  This isn’t your typical Libra moon, full of beauty and grace.  This is a pull into the darkness—a lesson in fierce love—so we can reflect, realign, and remember the importance of peace.

We’ve been deep in the journey of retrograde season, but this lunar cycle brings a shift.
On October 6th, Pluto will go direct with the new moon, reinforcing us with a sense of control again.  Pluto is the Planet of Power and The Underworld, and if you’ve been navigating your own shadow lands you will start to find more light and clarity as the moon waxes again.  Do not let the darkness consume you.  Use it as an opportunity to search within and find your own way to shine.  You always have free will.  You can choose to fear your shadow side, or embrace it as a friend.

Saturn, the Planet of Karma, turns direct on October 10th.  We've been in his retrograde pull for several months now.  Have any big lessons or shifts from your past come up again?  Are you seeing history repeat itself, or an opportunity to break a pattern or cycle?  When Saturn goes direct we have the choice to choose the higher path and evolve, or stay in the same karmic loop to learn the same lesson.  There is no right or wrong.  There is simply a choice, and it is up to you to make.

Now, Libras aren’t the best decision makers, so you may feel challenged in your shift to do something differently.  It may be best to simply reflect on the options a little longer, and make a more mindful decision when the timing feels right.  Mercury, the Planet of Communication, and Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, both go direct on October 18th, just 2 days before the Full Moon in Aries.  As you approach the fiery energy of this lunar phase, you should start to feel yourself burning with desire to make a proper choice for yourself.  Wait until the ether is more clear, you head has quieted distracting chatter, and you can truly tune into what brings you joy.  By the full moon, you should be able to better embrace change and the letting go of what no longer serves you.

Ultimately, this new moon portal is a time to discover our inner truths and find how we can cultivate more inner peace.  Libra is the sign of fairness and justice, and we may have to radically accept both ourselves and our current state of world.  Although we surrender into being ok with what is, we also continue to stand for fairness and peace.  By choosing what feels right to you, you will inspire others to do the same.  When we all start living from our inner truth, we start to run our lives from our spirit rather than our ego.  This new moon asks you to voyage into your own darkness, accept what you have been through and who you’ve become as a result, and use the wisdom of the experience to level you up as you continue to navigate your life journey.  The more we do the shadow work to help and heal ourselves, the easier it becomes to traverse the darkness and confusion of the outer uncertain world.

Sun in Libra, Moon in Libra. The element of air is strong.  Add in a combust Mars, “Cazimi” at the center of the sun, and we begin to feel the blow onto exalted flames.  These shifts are all occuring in the cosmos simultaneously, and we may feel more fire or energy within ourselves with this new moon than others.  Anger, frustration, power struggles, and more may all arise in the new moon portal, and it’s important to move this energy through with shaking activations, dancing, powerful breath work practices, healthy rage, or whatever else you need to do.  Mars is all about taking action and building HEAT!  Use your fire to fuel your compost and decompose what no longer serves.

We also see solar energy coming through in Eastern star predictions.  Vedic astrology places this moon in Hasta Nakshatra. Known as the “Golden Handed Star”, and this lunar mansion relates to all things we do with our hands.  This could mean healing, writing, expressing, protecting, or nurturing.  Lean into wherever you feel called, for it is your nourishment.  Hasta Nakshatra is ruled by Savitur, the deity of the rising sun.  She is also known as Gayatri Devi, the “Mother of all mothers,” who gifted us with the Gayatri mantra.  This is known to be one of the oldest and most powerful mantras, and chanting it is said to remove all obstacles on our spiritual journey of growth.  This is a time to find out own light from within and let it shine through.  The next 9 nights after this moon will bring us through Navaratri, the 9 Nights of the Goddess, so we can discover our own inner demons, embrace our Divine essence of our fierce feminine power and truth, and rediscover who we are as a Goddess ourselves so we can shine our own holy light.  The new moon isn’t about fear of the darkness, it’s about embracing it to discover our inner truth.

Whether you look at it from an Eastern or Western perspective, it’s evident this moon is all about redirecting out of the sake of a greater love.  As we move into the season of autumn, we release what no longer serves and give thanks to the wind for the bountiful harvest before us.  Everything from the past has use, let’s remember this concept of collectiveness and karmic energy now.  As you navigate this new moon portal and this Libra lunar cycle, give yourself permission to redirect where you need to, so you can start working toward your intentions refreshed, re-energized, and renewed.

LIVE Replay:

Pisces Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the September Pisces Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Libra

October, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses half-way through while fully illuminated in the house of Pisces.  This is the sign of the fish as well as the entire ocean, and we are being called to go with the flow.

The only thing constant is change.  The two fishes representing Pisces, one swimming up and one swimming down, are a reminder that ebb and flow is inevitable.  As we find ourselves on the cusp of seasonal change, it’s time to lean into the river of time and trust in the shift.  Resistance is futile.  We cannot stay stuck in old ways.  We must move on.

This journey of transition  isn’t always easy.  Pisces energy deeply feels, and this moon is shining an empathetic light on our emotions.  The shift from summer to autumn brings a sense of letting go, but with that loss of light also comes grief.  We’ve been processing the death of our old life and ways for a little over a year now.  We can also all collectively sense that more change is on the rise.  We as humans and creatures of habit don’t like the shift, but It’s time to embrace it.  Full moons are always a time of release.  Over the next few days, give yourself permission to release your old life for good so you can fully align in this new era and evolution.

Water signs always bubble things to the surface, and this Pisces moon is no different.
Combine this energy with the current retrograde season, and the next few weeks are likely to bring up things from our underworlds.  Once Mercury shifts on the 27th and joins the party, even more will start to appear.  Our memories come up to reveal wisdom.  Pisces energy is heavily influenced by intuition.  Over this full moon portal and the rest of this lunar cycle pay heavy attention to what makes itself known to you.  Whatever comes up means more than surface level, and you need to dive deeper to heal and emotionally alchemize.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, which is currently in retrograde until December.
This is a time when the veil is extremely thin, and we can learn great things from the other side.
This full moon will especially shine light on what most importantly needs attention right now.  Notice what comes up in your meditations or dream space.  Pay attention to what you internally hear or the visions you experience.  The Universe is currently trying to get a message through, and with Neptune in retrograde, it’s a potent time to be paying attention.

This is also a powerful time to heal generational wounds or karma.
In Hinduism, this moon marks the ‘fortnight of our ancestors” known as Pitru Paksha, a two-week period of honouring and blessing our family members who have passed.  It is said these souls come back during this time to visit family and receive offerings.  With Neptune in retrograde, this means you may be visited by loved ones on the other side in dreams.  If this occurs, take time to receive what messages and wisdom they have to pass on to you.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Happiness and Success,” this lunar mansion is described as “blessed feet” or “lucky foundation” and refers to what we have received from our roots, history, and karma.  It is located in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, and the nakshatra itself is number 26 of 27.  Surrender, completion, letting go, new chapters—these are all energies this moon now brings, along with an ultimate emphasis on the life-death-rebirth cycle.  

Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Saturn, the Planet of Life Lessons and Karma.  This is a time to look back at generational experiences, learn from the stories of our past, and change the course of time.  We are only as successful as those that came before us.  As you stand on the current ground that was built for you, don’t forget to grow stronger roots for the next generation.  During this Uttara Bhadrapada, heal what is broken from your ancestral lineage and collective world so nothing unnecessary is passed onto your own bloodline or societal future.

Autumnal Equinox arrives just 2 days after this moon, bringing an overall theme of balance to our planet.  As we adjust to different weather patterns and ways of living, we are learning to let go of what doesn’t serve at the same time.  It is time to work toward more alignment.  How we navigate this full moon will set us up for the rest of the season.  Take the next few days as well as the last 2 weeks of this lunar cycle to set yourself up for success.  Ask your ancestors for guidance.  Learn from your own history and the collective’s.  Use this full moon to make your dreams come true and make your future family proud.  This lunar energy is supporting you!

LIVE Replay:

Libra Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the October Libra Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Aries

October, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Aries.
This is the sign of Cardinal fire, and it’s time to light our sparks of desire and fan our flames.

We are moving into the shadow season.  Darkness is coming, along with cold winter nights.
If we don’t begin working on our dreams NOW, we likely won’t until the beginning of next year.
…or longer!

The cosmic alignment of things has had us at a standstill.  7 cosmic bodies have been in retrograde, asking us to pause, reflect, and adjust our energy appropriately.  Just a few days ago, everything changed.  Neptune, Chiron, and Uranus will remain retrograde a little longer, but the main planets affecting us: Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto, have all shifted forward.  It’s time to take all of this time in reflection and use it toward our greater good.  It’s time to create a life that doesn’t repeat past karma.

Aries is sometimes known as the Cosmic Child, and we may feel like we’re in a growing period.  It’s important that you approach your experiences with childlike innocence, and let go of pre-conceived judgements or past-programming.  You must look at your life around you through a lens of love, of joy, and gratitude.  Holding negative attachments like regret, frustration, and anger only cause you to attract more of the same.  Embrace the Laws of this Universe and learn to bring in more abundance.  This full moon is giving you the chance to start living your life as if it was brand new.

Whether you’re setting new goals, or redirecting old ones, you may need to use this lunar portal to release and let go.  Full moons bring in fire-the element of transformation—and we can use this energy to burn away what no longer serves.  This may not be an easy process; Aries is the Cosmic Ram and holds a stubborn quality to their nature.  Think of how the mountain ram fights on even the smallest of crumbling mountains, simply because they want to dominate and win!  There is a time to stand your ground, and a time to concede and move on.  There’s a whole other side of this mountain we call life for you to build your foundation on.  Don’t hold onto what’s falling apart beneath you simply to prove a point.  Use this full moon to shine light on what choice you need to make, and use the power of the ram rather than its stubbornness, so you can put your head down, drop your victimizing ego, and charge through.  

Aries is an energy of quick change.  This is the first sign of the zodiac, and there is no hesitation to move forward.  It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve halted change in the past.  Now is the time to be spontaneous and embrace something new!  This full moon may shine light on new opportunities.  Give yourself permission to seize what comes your way!

In Hinduism, this moon celebrates the birthday of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, Luck, and Abundance.  In our cosmos, Jupiter the Planet of Joy, Luck, and Expansion, just went direct.  We are in a most auspicious moon for manifesting!  If we set intentions around joy, growth, and plentiness, we will reap what we sow.  This full moon is sometimes known as the Harvest Moon.  Remember to take note of all you’ve gathered so far.  Do not look at your past with darkness; let this full moon shine light on the gifts you received!  Every experience provides us with an opportunity for growth, if we learn to view it that way.  During this full moon, take note of what you are lucky to have, and continue to direct that energy of gratitude toward everything that comes your way.

In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra.  Symbolized by the head of a horse, this is the first of the lunar mansions, similar to how Aries is the first sign of the zodiac in the western world.  This horse can be a wild stallion, stomping out of control like a wildfire, untamed and untethered without direction.  If you’ve been feeling some of the same in your own energy, this moon is asking you to slow down, ground in, and get ahold of your emotions.

Ashwini Nakshatra can also be described as the head of a racing horse or running horse, taking lead of its life as it races forward on its path with intention, excitement, and much energy.  If you’ve been excited to go after a certain dream, or been feeling the need to make a change, you now have the motivation to do it.

On both sides of the world, the cosmos is pointing toward more health, vitality, and energy.  Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by the Ashwini Kumar, a set of twins that are physicians to the Gods.  In our galaxy, Mercury, the planet that rules all things throat chakra and wellness, also just shifted direct.  If you’ve been experiencing challenges with your sinuses, allergies, or respiratory system, this should all start to clear up more now.  It’s also important to remember that your health is of your own choice, and this full moon may shine light on unhealthy attachments that are not good for you. If it’s time to drop an unhealthy habit, use this lunar energy to motivate yourself and do it!

Aries is a very self-motivated sign, but don’t let that ultra-independence take over your ego!  This sign is also known for becoming easily frustrated, angered, or triggered in multiple ways.  If you’re feeling your fire overheat in a negative way, this may be a better time for you to isolate and process your energy before trying to operate in the collective.  You may need to use the next few days for lots of cardio-based movement, what I like to call “rage dancing,” or any other way to move your energy through.  When we feel overheated, it means something is unnecessary stuck inside.  Build your heat internally to cultivate your tapas, match that heated energy, and help it dissipate to somewhere new.

If you’re being provoked right now, this is also a time to be more passive and find your inner peace.  Aries is the sign of the Ram, and they can be easily pushed to fight back.  If this full moon is lighting your fire to lash out, do your best to restrain.  Remember your karma, and know that every action has a reaction!  The more you find the yin in you, the easier it will be to cool your fire in confrontation and keep your composure.

This is an interesting full moon for sure!  Combining it with this Libra/Mercury air is bringing in so much fire!  The element of transformation is a powerful one, but can be used to advantage if we want it to.  What are you ready to change?  Fire is also a symbol of magic.  You have the power to redirect your entire life if you want to!  Aries reminds you it is never too late to grow and evolve, but initiating the new beginning is always up to you.

LIVE Replay:

Aries Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the October 19th Aries Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Scorpio

November, 2021

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she pauses first in the house of Scorpio and the Samhain portal.  This is a time of darkness, a time to journey through our history and our shadowlands, so we can move forward creating a better self and a better future.

Scorpio energy is an interesting sign.  While most are familiar with the Cosmic Scorpion, this season actually brings in 3 archetypes.

First, we have the low-lying Scorpion, representative of our new beginnings and birth Earth-side, our learning phases where we’re still crawling through the sand, our lost seasons, lonely in our own emotional desert, and our ability to quickly sting when triggered.  It also represents times when we are stung ourself, from trauma or other challenging times.

The next archetype embraces Eagle spirit.  As we live and grow, we develop experience, hindsight, and a clearer vision of who we want to be moving forward.  As we take flight with new ventures and opportunities, we trust more in our ability to soar and coast over the obstacles.  We also develop an “eagle’s eye,” getting laser focused on our mission and taking advantage of our viewpoint as we can now see what’s behind, all around, and ahead of us.

Finally, Scorpio embraces the Phoenix.  This is the energy of rebirth and transformation.
This could come in death as a spirit moves on to its next evolution, or this could occur in life as we go through different spiritual deaths and personal challenges.  Just as the Scorpion sheds its exoskeleton from time to time, we must also rid ourselves of what holds us back from growth.  This molting period is not easy, and many times we go through loss and grief as we become someone new.  But if we can just breathe through it, if we can just keep going, we will rise up from that death of ourselves just like the Phoenix rises from the ashes of its own cremation.  And we will look back and be grateful for all we went though.

In the Celtic Wheel of the Year, we are in the Samhain portal.  This opened on November 1st and will close on November 7th.  Just as the Phoenix does, this is a time to honor death and both our ancestors and the versions of our self that came before us.  We look at our ancestors and what wisdom their lives had to offer.  We reflect on our collective history, and set intentions to make choices that better our generational futures.  We call on our relatives and spirit guides to be with us as we traverse through shorter days and colder, longer, darker nights.  And we embrace our gifts of intuition and inspiration to cultivate our own guiding light to shine a way through it all and keep us warm.

This is a time to not only hold our dreams close, but to also embrace our “why”.  Why are we working towards what we desire?  Why do we want to live the life we envision?  Why do we want to be this version of ourselves we see in our mind?  Our why is important, because it fuels our fire.  Our why keeps us going when we don’t want to do anymore.  Samhain is sometimes called the “witch’s new year”.  It’s a time to embrace our ability to co-create our reality.  Just as we plant things like garlic and flower bulbs now, we also plant our energetic bulbs trusting they will grow.  Our next moon cycle brings in eclipse energy and time of transformation.  The time to plant your energetic seeds and dreams is now.  Take time in the darkness of this new moon to really envision how you want to create your next season of life.  Use the light of your desire and your internal “why fire” to keep nurturing it all through winter.  As the ground thaws in spring and we see ourselves returning to more light, you will slowly start to see what you planted in the soil growing up and popping through.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Swati Nakshatra.  Known as the “self-going” star, this lunar mansion is represented by a small plant growing and swaying in the wind.  
Think about a young tree.  As it gets pounded with nature’s fury, it doesn’t break.  It simply sways and bends with the energy, adapting to it all.  We, too, can be like tress.  We can believe in our resiliency and bend but not break.  When we go through instability and “windy” times, we can find our inner strength and flexibility.  This is found when we truly believe in ourselves to make it through.  
Swati Nakshatra is ruled by the wind god Vayu and connected to PRANA, the life-force energy of our inhale.  We’ve all heard the expression “breathe through it”.  If this new moon brings you challenging, anxious, or emotional times, keep breathing.  Connect to your air element inside—your lungs and heart.  Find that heart chakra frequency to embrace gratitude for all you go through.  Breath is fresh air.  This change is something you need to go through.

In Hindu tradition we also use this moon to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights.
Just like the Pagan calendar is now celebrating a new year, this Hindu holiday also represents new beginnings.  This is a time when we move into winter and more darkness, it’s also a time we may move into our own shadows of sadness and despair.  Diwali reminds us to light our own fire and shine our own light and to call on higher power when we need assistance.
If you need help clearing away what no longer serves, or you need help finding your path, call on Ganesha, the remover of obstacles.  If you need help embracing joy, finding gratitude, finding light, or believing in luck, call on Lakshmi, the Goddess of abundance.   And remember, when you call on these energies you’re actually asking them to come from within yourself, for we all come from source energy.  Our light is always inside, but sometimes we need help finding it.  Use this new moon and Diwali to shine brightly through.

Speaking of fire, this new moon has both Mars and Mercury combust with the Scorpio sun.
When a planet is at the center of our energy source, it becomes exalted.  This new moon portal may bring feelings like a Mercury retrograde.  It is not a good time to travel, make last minute plans, or have deep communication with others.  This is more of a time to be with self.
With Mars exalted, we currently have all things war, work, and masculine at the forefront.  You may want to MOVE with this new moon.  If this is the case, use the energy to clean up your physical spaces where you will be spending more time this winter.  You could also use the energy to make a plan of action towards your goals and dreams.  This isn’t necessarily the time to DO anything towards your mission, but it’s a great time to get excited about it all!  Use this new moon to be more of a hermit, meditate and journal on what you want, and get inspired to start moving that energy through once light arrives again with the crescent moon.

This moon opposes Uranus, and we may be in for a few surprises.  The planet of shakeups and revolution doesn’t play, and we could see this new moon bring quick changes, new ways of doing things, or new inventions.  When we add this to the alignment of Mercury, we could see exciting announcements around technology or just new ways of communicating.  (Facebook changing to Meta, for example).  When we bring Mars into the mix we may see our original plan or line of work change.  You may find yourself shifting careers right now, or you may get inspired to work in a different way.  If you’re feeling inspired to do something different, now is the time to take action.  Bring all of this into the Uranus-Moon opposition, and we could find big aha moments overall.  Scorpio energy is about healing so we can evolve.  This new moon could bring breakthroughs in your own self-healing.  You may be introduced to new medicine or ways of treatment, or you may feel yourself wanting to finally heal some toxic emotional wounds.

Overall this is a powerfully healing new moon, if we’ll just take advantage.  It can be difficult to be with ourselves, to do the shadow work or learn to love the aspects of ourself we’ve hidden away.  It can be hard to just BE STILL, and not take any action at all.  It takes priority and practice.  Use the darkness of this new moon to be in silence, to be with your spirit and the energies that surround you.  Your guides are here to help you.  Your inner knowing is here to show you.  This new moon is here to HEAL you.  Believe in it all.  Breathe into it all.  Find your inner light, and let it shine through.

LIVE Replay:

Scorpio Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the November 4th Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

November, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses, eclipses, then returns fully illuminated in the house of Taurus.  This is the sign of the cosmic bull and earth energy.  It’s time to ground in.

It’s time to ground into the New Earth, ground into who we truly are, and ground into what we really want.  Eclipses are like second chances, and they provide us a portal of change to step through if we want to.  The world is continuing to change at hyper speed, and we must learn how to adapt with it.  Change makes us stubborn and we may be feeling anxious or uncertain with this moon, but if we learn to just trust in our strength, we will make the choice through free will to transform.  The key is, it must come from us and us alone.  The outer world may influence us, but it will never truly change us.  Evolution starts on the inside, and this eclipse is giving us the reset we need to truly grow.

Full moons are typically a time of release, and this moon is asking us to release the dreams that didn’t make it over 2021.  Taurus energy is ruled by sex and money.  We can also see this as creativity and abundance.  If you tried to conceive something in 2021 that didn’t come to fruition, it is time to let the dream go or reset your approach to it.  If you didn’t have the harvest you expected, or you’re not as successful as planned, it’s time to take note of what DID bloom.  This full moon is asking you to find gratitude as you search your shadows of regret.  The more you shift your aspect to a positive one, the more gold you will find from your past.  Use this eclipsed moon to look upon your shadows and find the light.  

In Vedic astrology this moon is in Krittika Nakshatra.
Represented by a razor sharp blade, this lunar mansion helps us summon up the energy to release things quickly.  There is also an energy of transformation here, as Krittika Nakshatra is ruled by Agni, the ancient god of fire.  He resides within Krittika, cultivating his tapas-the energetic fire that both burns away and purifies.  Agni is an alchemist, for whatever he touches turns into light.  Sometimes this light of awareness he shines becomes so intense it turns into heat, and we feel a catalyst for change.  Other times the heat of desire is already there, and it starts burning so strongly it turns to ash, and you are no longer the same.  No matter what energy you’re feeling right now, let Agni help you to rid what you need to for good with this moon.

This Krittika eclipse is placed in Taurus at what is called “the degree of deep exaltation”.
We’re about to find ourself in a most sacred pause—3 hours and 28 minutes, to be exact.  This eclipse is the longest we’ve had in 500 years, and it brings a very powerful and auspicious energy.  We will be held in the shadow of the blood moon longer than normal, and we may feel some anxiety or uncertainties arise.  This moon is bringing us BIG endings and true, new beginnings. Depending on where you are in the world and what type of astrology you follow, this is the last of the eclipses around Taurus after an 18 month series. In tropical/Western astrology, we are wrapping up the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series and moving into Taurus-Scorpio.  In sidereal/Vedic astrology we've completely the Taurus-Scorpio ecllipse cycle and we're moving on.  Either way, we’ve veen deeply focused on earth, how we thrive amongst one another as humans on this globe, and how we survive.  Food, clothing, shelter, money—change around it all may come up with this new moon.  We need to wrap our head around this and prepare.  In Native American tradition this is known as the beaver moon, because the beavers are finishing up their dams and preparing to nest in for winter.  During this lunar portal take time to slow down and see what you need to survive, both physically and energetically.  Take note of what really makes you feel “safe,” and continue to direct your energy there throughout the rest of the winter and into the new year.

In India this eclipse is known as Kartika Purnima and celebrates Lord Shiva’s victory over the demons Tripurasura.

What demons are YOU ready to overcome?  What darkness do you need to traverse?  Lord Shiva’s energy represents the destruction of darkness and the return to the light.  What do you need in order to shine through your own confusion and uncertainty.  Eclipses always make us feel a little restless, but we also always have the free will to come back to our center and ground in.  Energetically we’re returning to our internal sun—our solar plexus—when we do this.  In other words, the more we move from within, the more we find our inner truth and inner light.  Eclipses are about reflecting on our past and changing how we feel about it.  They’re about shifting our programming and redirecting our energy.  During this lunar portal take time to look back on the shadows of your past, notice when you overcame with victory, and, just like Lord Shiva, continue to trust in this ability to alchemize the darkness when you need to once again fight the good fight.

Speaking of battle, Mars is opposing Uranus right now.
This means the Planet of War is standing off with the Planet of Revolution, and we’re going to feel it.  On our own personal battlefield, we may feel shakeups or great awakenings that make us move through the evolution we’ve been needing.  On the external we may see great shifts on the collective and strong boundaries set around what we’re “prepared to go to war over”.  On the other hand we may just feel a need to take more action around the changes we’ve wanted to for some time now.  Mars is all about making things happen and striving for success.  Whatever it is you’re yearning for—whatever life you want to create or person you want to become—this moon is telling you to just GO FOR IT and DO THE DAMN THING!  No excuses now.  Eclipses represent karma and the coming around of things again.  If you make up a reason to again set your dreams aside, you’ll likely find yourself stuck through another 18 month eclipse cycle.  Mars energy plays to win.  The odds are at your advantage to find victory!  Believe in yourself and do what you need to in order to make true change!

The energy of transformation is intense now.  Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and the sun are all in Scorpio, the sign of alchemy and the life-death-rebirth portal.  Is it time for you to go through a spiritual death?  Is it time for you to be reborn?  Is it time for you to “birth” something or someone new into the world?  Scorpio is a sign of magic, and you have the ability to bring forth anything you want to right now!  During this eclipsed moon look back on all of the times you have done this before.  Look back at all of the times you’ve made your dreams a reality.  Look back at all of the times you have transformed into someone new.  Notice your victories.  Admire your strength.  Find your light and continue to let it shine.  You’ve done it all before and you can do it all again. As you move forward on the other side of this eclipsed moon, believe that all the above, including your magick, can continue to be true.

LIVE Replay:

Taurus Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the November 18th Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon & Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

December, 2021

As the moon begins her next journey, she first makes an eclipse with the sun in Sagittarius and then moves forward.  This is the sign of the Cosmic Archer.  It’s time to point our arrows of desire, aim true from our heart, and release our dreams into the world!

It’s time to go after our dreams relentlessly.  Just as the hunter needs food for survival, we, too, must track down what we want in this life and capture it.  It’s time for us to focus on what really NOURISHES us in this life—what brings us joy, love, support, and success—so we feel sustained when we go through harder times.  Prioritizing what makes us flourish now is important, because it’s what we need to survive these changing times.

We have been in a rebirthing process on the collective, and we’re all going to feel it this lunar cycle.  We’re only beginning an 18 month series of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses, and everything we choose right now will carry over into 2023.  While this new chapter is exciting, we’re still grieving the letting go of what’s behind us.  As much as we’re ready to move forward into a “new normal,” there might still be a piece of us holding onto our past.  During this new moon eclipse portal in Sagittarius, it’s time to fully let go.

Sagittarius is the sign of growth and expansion.  When we experience a Total Solar Eclipse in this sign, we gave the opportunity to really evolve.  Eclipses are like a second-chance or fresh start.  If you’ve been needing a reset, this is the ultimate new beginning you’ve been waiting for!

So many of us wait until January first to make change. The truth is, the energy and cosmos simply do not support us to transform during the first of the year, and it’s why we tend to drop our new year’s resolutions by week 3 or 4.  However, if you start NOW, at the beginning of December instead, you’ll be much more aligned to stay on track.  New moons are always about new beginnings, and this Total Solar Eclipse gives you a chance to reinvent yourself so you’re well on your way in 2022.

At the end of this zodiacal season, we will cross through Winter Solstice, a representation of the return of the light.  Sagittarius reminds us to hold faith, to believe that the warmer, brighter days will return no matter how dense, dark, and cold they seem now.  This season reminds us to hold onto faith in our dreams, and our own ability to be better and shine brighter.  Just as nature returns to her lighter and brighter days, so can we.

We have been navigating a Scorpio moon the past few days, bringing up all the feels.
The stuff that’s been rising up from past lives, our childhood, and any events that have caused us trauma have been in due timing.  With this moon now in Sagittarius, the season of growth, it’s time to change and redirect to prevent sadness and trauma from happening again.  With this solar eclipse in Sagittarius, it’s time to shed the layer of ourselves that holds us back, and step into a new version of ourselves where we are in control.

Mars is currently in Scorpio, where it rules with power and a little bit of ego.  We are feeling the need to go to war with things that are no longer just in our life and our world.  We’re ready to stand our ground and go to battle when we’re met with resistance.  This could mean with our past self or with the external.  Either way, this alignment is giving us the power we need to really step into our truth and be who we truly are.  Use this new moon to envision the self you want to become, then set the intention to meet that version of yourself on the other side of this eclipse portal.

When Mars is in Scorpio, we feel ready to take action around whatever we need to.
We are willing to go through a death of sorts to find victory, and we’ll do whatever it takes to seize power.
In other words, the alignment of the cosmos is giving us a second chance (or maybe 3rd, or 4th, or 100th!) to finally move forward where our spirit is asking us to go.

Eclipses ask us this:
“What would you do if you thought the world was going to end…but then you survived?”
“How would you live your life differently if you thought you weren’t going to make it, then you did?”

In pre-modern times, eclipses were seen as quite the omen, and even a sign of danger.
Although we go through a solar eclipse twice annually, we only SEE them once in a while.
Think about how you would feel if all of a sudden, the sun as you knew it DISAPPEARED?
And all of the animals and bugs started acting crazy?
You would probably think something bad was going to happen, and until people figured out astronomy, that’s what they DID think!
Most of the time, people thought the world was going to end!
Panic would ensue, then the sun would reappear, people would recover, and then they would shift their energy.
—Wouldn’t you do the same if you had just survived the potential end of your world as you know it?!

Eclipses are a time of second chances.
During the past full moon, we experienced the lunar eclipse.  The moon relates to our emotions and this was a time of learning how to FEEL differently.
This solar eclipse shifts to more of a yang energy.  It’s asking us to take action and move forward.  It’s asking us to redirect our focus and DO differently so we can BE differently.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra.
Known as the “Chief Star,” “Queen Star,” and “Royal Star,” this moon is about reclaiming your sovereignty.  You may feel the need to really fight for your freedom right now, or you may find yourself uncovering certain truths that help you redefine the foundation upon which you stand.  This will be much more philosophical and intellectual, as this is the energy of both Sagittarius and the “Holy” Consciousness we are now adapting to in this new Golden Age.  With this change there will be challenges, and Jyestha Nakshatra asks us to vibrate higher as we traverse through.

This lunar mansion sits within Scorpio at the red-colored star Antares.  Known to be a rival to Mars, this cosmic body sits on the other side of the red planet, bringing us a feeling of opposition. We may feel this effect until Mars shifts signs on December 30th.  Be careful as you navigate the holidays, as they may be a time when you feel more challenged or triggered.  Jyestha Nakshatra asks us to set an intention to start living from our crown chakra and moving from our heart.  And if it is not your way to move through life peacefully, use the power of this Jyestha Eclipse to break away from your usual response cycle.

Back in the western side of the world, we find ourselves in fiery Sagittarius energy and ready to burn away what doesn’t serve.  We’re ready to make the change NOW instead of making excuses and waiting around like we have been for the past 18 months or so.  Have you been feeling a sudden energy to do things differently?  Have you been feeling a sudden motivation to finally go after your goals?  Neptune just shifted direct and the signs are all there to do it!  Are you ready to finally turn your dreams into reality?  Are you ready to finally take charge and move forward?  This moon in Sagittarius cheerfully yells “GO FOR IT!”  If you are looking for a sign, permission, or push to move forward, here it is!   It’s time to redirect your energy.

Although actual Christmas Eve & Day aren’t within its season, Sagittarius is sometimes considered the “Santa Clause” of the zodiac.  This is a time of more celebration, festivity, joy, and cheer.  Just as Sagittarius’s ruling planet Jupiter shines bright, we, too, find ourselves lit up now amongst the darkness.  We see tinsel, glitz, and the holiday glow shining all around us as decorations are strung up everywhere.  This is also a time when we find ourselves in the energy of giving and receiving.  We let go of a lot of limitations or challenged money mindsets to open our hearts to the value of what we have to offer or to show how we feel toward one another.  This year I see a lot of people really shopping local, making gifts, or creating memories and experiences over the typical retail.  This is what the concept of true value is all about!  Money is just one way to exchange energy.  There are so many other ways for our concept of value to flow.

This moon is about shifting our focus toward growth, joy, and abundance.  This eclipse is about taking back our power and tapping into our solar plexus to redesigning our identity.  It’s time to break our cycles of limitation and embrace the concept of our infinite potential!  Just as The Universe is always expanding, so are we!  But, it’s up to us to do what makes us happy and go where we are supported.  It’s time to create a life we love so much that we feel fully abundant, no matter what number sits in our bank account.  It’s time to be so fueled by the fire of our dreams that nothing stands in the way!  This moon is also asking us to look upon our life and prioritize both what brings us value and what or who makes us feel valuable. Do you ever meet someone so important in your life, that you feel lucky?  Do you ever meet an idol or dream about spending time with someone you look up to or admire?  Someone feels that way about you, too!  This isn’t about surrounding yourself with those who stroke your ego—it’s about the people who see your worthiness when you are your most authentic vulnerable self.  The holidays tend to force us into a lot of energy, and some of it may not be for us.  Set an intention to break free this year and do different.  Above all else, prioritize what makes you happy.  Be with those who you love and who love you.  Surround yourself with joy.  Don’t let the darkness of others bring you down!  Embrace that royal energy of Jyestha Nakshatra and remember you are protected as you make choices and priorities that help you feel “royal”.  We are all trying to achieve a higher level and frequency in this life.  It’s time to lift ourselves up onto the pedastal where we are living from our highest, most authentic selves!  This is a season for evolution!  Surround yourself with the positive light of this Sagittarius cycle and shine light on your dreams!  Use the Mars energy of this eclipse portal to say “No More!” as you take back your power. And use the energy of this Royal Star Jyestha to finally, truly, rule your oncoming future life and next chapter with sovereignty.  The life you dream of is waiting on you!  Make the commitment to go after what you desire.

LIVE Replay:

Sagittarius Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the December 4th Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Gemini

December, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in Gemini.  This is the sign of the Cosmic Twins, and we’re being called to look at our relationships.  Whether it be with ourselves, with family, or with others, this lunar portal asks us to look at these energetic exchanges and make sure they serve.  Anything or anyone who is no longer supportive will need to be released.  With this being the final full moon of the year, the energy guides us to let go for good.  Anything we carry over into 2022 and the next lunar cycle will likely stick around for another year or two.  Make sure you prioritize accordingly.

Just one day after the full moon, Venus will turn retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th.  This is the planet of relationships and heavily related to our sacral chakra, and we may see shifts in this department over the next 6 weeks.  You might find yourself attracted to new people or developing a desire to surround yourself with someone different.  You will also feel a strong call to rid yourself of those who you no longer want in your inner circle.  If you find yourself cutting ties with this full moon, or making plans to, make sure you do it with as much grace as possible.  Venus is the planet of beauty and aesthetic.  Not every relationship ending has to be ugly.  We have the free will to consciously uncouple and cut the chord with as much peace as possible.

This full moon may also bring up the topic of money.  This is a time when we spend more than normal, but also receive more than normal, too.  Gemini is an air sign, and she understands that money is just one form of energy.  Add in a Venus retrograde, calling us to reflect on the concept of money and value, and we may find ourselves restructuring what we feel is “worthy” right now of our time, dollars, and energy.  The big push is to find out if we can continue to see money in a more flow state beyond this holiday season.  Use this full moon to release your limiting money mindsets and any relationships that drain your energy.  Use this time to shift your perspective and find what’s really of importance and value in your life.  The more you have to direct towards abundance, the more fulfilling and abundant your life will become!

Winter solstice approaches just on the end of this full moon portal on December 21st.  This full moon is also asking us to honor the light.  We use the lunar light to illuminate the gold in our life including people, experiences, and things that bring us joy.  We give thanks for what we have and all of the future light that is coming to us.  And we also learn to find gratitude for the darkness we have traversed, for it, too, has brought us back into the light.  During this full moon, take time for deep reflection so you can see how far you’ve come.  Embrace your own light that shines from within and set the intention to continue shining unapologetically for the rest of your future.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra.  Known as the “Searching Star” and represented by a deer or stag head, this lunar mansion encourages us to seek out our spiritual family.  Just as the deer returns to its herd, we too are returning to our homes, our childhood spaces, and familiar faces this holiday.  Do your best to honor this special time you have and put your efforts toward creating a positive and memorable experience.  Deep down inside, we are all searching for interactions that are supportive, loving, and meaningful.  Use this moon in Mrigashira Nakshatra to seek out those you really want to surround yourself with.

Mrigashira Nakshatra is ruled by Mars.  Combine this with the running stag, and we may feel a sense of urgency.  If you’ve been scrambling to get your to-do list done or take action on a project, this moon may give you the burst of energy and support you need!  You may also feel a pull to start working on your new year’s resolutions and the shifts you want to make now.  If you’re feeling this, create your new habits now so the holidays don’t leave you complacent.  This moon brings a powerful energy to set yourself up for success.  Take advantage!

The alignment of this moon just one week before Christmas asks us to let go of what’s no longer important.  Mrigashira Nakshatra guides us into taking action around change and Gemini’s influence encourages us to prioritize what is supportive.  This lunar portal is an incredible opportunity for you to start redesigning and restructuring your life, if needed.  If you’re good where you are, this moon will enhance all of the support you already have!  Either way, you will find yourself on the other side of this cosmic shift feeling different.  Ensure the feeling is a positive one by taking control now.  Use this moon to release what no longer calls to your higher frequency, and trust in what’s to come.  The more you detach and let go, the more space you create for the supportive, exciting, and new.

LIVE Replay:

Gemini Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the December 17th Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Capricorn


Purva Ashadha Nakshatra

January, 2021

As the moon begins a new cycle, she starts just on the cusp of 2022 in the house of Capricorn.  This is the sign of the Sea-Goat, and her energy calls us to concentrate our creative waters, embrace the New Earth rising up, and start structuring our lives in this 5D reality.

We have now moved out of the Age of Capricorn, but with this shift comes some growing pains.  On December 21st, 2020, we were met with the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, ushering us into the new Golden Age of Aquarius.  We thought it would be better in 2021, that things would go back to the way they were.  Unfortunately, The Universe had other plans.  We are on the dawn of this new age, and we’re still searching our way through the foggy haze of the rising light.  2021 breaks down to a number of “5,” representing  a learning period of expansion.  We have now wandered our way through this past year of growth, and it is finally time to start absorbing and cultivating that light beginning to rise up and surround us.

2022 breaks down to a “6” year, representing community, family, society, and relationship.  6 also stands for MAGICK, and I do believe we are in for a very magical, awesome, awakening year.  Just as much was discovered out of The Renaissance times, this new Age of Aquarius will likely also bring us new innovation.  You might also find yourself doing things differently in your own life, and creating what you never imagined before.  New Moons are a time to begin again, or start for the first time.  This Capricorn moon asks you to let go of the old ways that tie you down to an energy that no longer serves.  During this new moon on the 2nd day of this magickal new year, give yourself permission to evolve.

It’s time to live our lives differently.  It’s time to not only see our dreams and goals in our mind, but actually ground in and make them our reality.  Capricorns are known to be a bit stubborn, but that’s because their energy is focused on powering through.  There’s a reason we always set goals on New Year’s Day.  Capricorns are ambitious goal-seekers who always strive to succeed!  We have our best intentions at heart right now, and the New Moon in Capricorn gives us that extra boost that may just help us actually succeed this time around.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.  
Known as “The Invincible Star,” we again feel that drive for victory and success.
This lunar mansion is represented by the bow of Sagittarius, aimed at the galactic center.
It’s time for you to start doing the things that make you feel more aligned.
Use this moon to create healthy habits and really fine tune where you direct your energy.

This bow could also represent what’s holding your dreams, or what’s holding you BACK from succeeding.  Are your ambitions coming from your heart, Divine inspiration, or are they ego-driven?  You may need to take hold of your bow and re-adjust your aim accordingly.  If you’re the one holding yourself back from following through, it’s time to let go of your hesitations, limiting mindset, and self-sabotage behavior.  Pull back into the past for a moment if you must, but then let go and release the arrow of truth that is your unlimited potential for expansion.  If you believe in yourself strongly enough, your aim will follow through!

Purva Ashadha is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Love, Relationship, Pleasure, and Worthiness, who currently spins retrograde while conjunct with the Capricorn Sun and Moon.
When a planet is in retrograde, we are carried into a glimpse of our past where all things related to the planetary energy were out of alignment.  We also have to take into consideration the seriousness of this Capricornian influence.  When the Planet of Worthiness goes retrograde in the sign ruled by Karma, you may find yourself questioning your worthiness.  Mistakes and failures of the past do not define you!  They simply provide you with insight and wisdom for growth.  During this Purva Ashadha moon, set an intention to use what comes up in your memories as inspiration to walk down a new path.  Use the power of Venus to believe in your dreams, and use the energy of the Capricorn Sea-Goat to keep climbing up the mountain, out of your emotional, creative waters, and not give up until you reach the peak of your dreams!  You deserve to conquer whatever you put your energy toward!

Purva Ashadha is sometimes represented by the planks of a bed, and it carries a very masculine energy.  This could symbolize taking action toward new beginnings, new habits, new intentions, or new dreams.  It could also literally represent the act of conception, as Purva Ashadha is related to human qualities and the “6” of 2022 represents relationship and family.  Remember, the “6” also represents a year of MAGICK.  It’s time to believe that we can create WHATEVER we put our minds and energy toward!  This new year starting with an Earthy Capricorn moon will ground us into the new 5D reality!  Be prepared!  It’s time to really, truly, make all of your wildest dreams come true!

Other representations of this lunar mansion include a hand fan that circulates fresh air, a winnowing basket that sorts grain or separates husks from corn, or an elephant tusk/ivory.

In other words, we are sorting our energy appropriately, taking new direction, and getting things out of the way!
Purva Ashadha is related to Ganesha, the elephant deity known as The Remover of Obstacles.  During this moon we can call on Ganesha to help us remove blockages or ask him to stand in our way and make us take a new path.  Either way, we have the opportunity to embrace the new potential.

Purva Ashadha is also ruled by the Apas, water deities that flow through the springs of Earth bringing purification and new beginnings.  I see this symbolic of the water priestess energy herself, as Aquarius is the cosmic water-bearer, and we are in her age.  Bring in the priestess energy of Venus, and we are being called back into ritual.  Capricorns are big on schedule.  Use this moon to schedule in or plan your sacred time with yourself and spiritual practices over the next month.  Get back to time for yourself.  Remember how the Sagittarius bow is pointed at the galactic center?  It’s time for you to start doing what keeps you more aligned with The Universe!  The more you find balance for what you need and what brings you wholeness, the more complete you’ll be able to show up to this exciting new world and how you want to take action.

One more Vedic aspect with this new moon—Jupiter is now in Shatabisha Nakshstra.  That means the Planet of Growth and Expansion is in the Star of a Thousand Healers.  We are likely to see new medical advancements or discoveries amongst society.  You may also find acceleration in your own healing journey.  This could be physical, emotional, or energetic.  If you’re currently on a path to heal, take time during this new moon to meditate and ask for guidance on what you need.  Whatever you feel called to is your medicine.  Use this new year to make a plan to dose appropriately, and trust in whatever helps you.

If we go back to the Western side of the world, Capricorn energy is sometimes related to the mermaid/merman.  Similar to the Apas of the East, this archetype reminds us to take time to purify.  Water is cleansing.  Water is medicine.  Water is life.  Use this moon to take a nice long hot shower or soak in an Epsom salt bath to wash away what no longer serves.  Do a hair washing ritual or a deep face, body, and foot scrub.  And make sure to drink plenty of water to rid yourself of any toxins or stuck energy the inside.  You may also want to go on a water or juice fast for 1-3 days to help completely flush yourself clean.

Speaking of cleaning, Capricorns love to get their spaces clean and organized.  Use that purifying water energy to wash your bedsheets and blankets.  Mop your floors and wipe down your walls.  Organize your junk drawers and clean out your closets.  Use the energy of the earth element to get excited about making your home and sacred spaces sanctuary!

The more you show respect and gratitude for your material things, the more earthly things you will be given to be thankful for in the future.  This New Moon in Capricorn on the cusp of a New Year, influenced by Venus, has us re-routing the way we think about abundance, the material, and money.  If you’ve struggled with your finances in the past, you may have the opportunity to turn things around now.  If you’ve been wanting to make investments, or start a new business venture you also have luck on your side.  The key is to approach it all differently than you would have before.  Mindset is everything, and this Capricorn Venus/Sun/moon reminds you that your money mindset is a powerful one.  Another word for magick is alchemy.  Are you ready to embrace the “6 magick” of 2022 and turn your life into a golden one?  The Age of Light is here!  Give yourself permission to adjust your frequency accordingly.

LIVE Replay:

Capricorn Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the January 2nd Facebook Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Wolf Moon in Cancer


Pushya Nakshatra

January, 2021

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Cancer.  This is the sign of The Great Cosmic Mother, and it’s time to call ourselves back home.

Cancer energy is nurturing.  It’s the stuff that makes us feel good like our favorite worn out t-shirt or warm, fuzzy blanket.  It’s a bowl of hot soup when you’re not feeling good or your grandma’s homemade pie.  What makes you feel at home?  This moon is asking you to prioritize.

You may also want to spend more time at home during this moon.  Cancer is a water sign, full of feelings, and you could find yourself easily triggered right now or just overemotional.  If you’re feeling the need to retreat to your sanctuary, lean into it.  Spending time by ourselves during this moon will help us to process emotionally and release things that may be stuck.  You may want to spend time journalling your feelings, or just have a good cry in the shower. The key is to move that energy through, so it doesn’t carry over into the rest of the lunar cycle.  There’s also a chance that anything you do not release right now will stick around for the next months until Cancer season, or even longer.  If you’ve been dissociating or distracting yourself to avoid your feelings, it’s time to put everything aside and turn within.  Cancer energy is about taking care of yourself.  During this full moon, give yourself the nurturing energy you’ve been needing.

Turning within right now may also help you avoid conflict or buyer’s remorse.  Mercury is currently retrograde until February 3rd, bringing confusion with communication and a lack of reliability on technology.  This is not the time to be dumping your feelings online or to be a “keyboard warrior.”  You are going to be triggered more than normal, and your messages may be misinterpreted.  You may also fall on deaf ears when trying to talk to someone.  It’s best to spend more time alone right now if you can.  If you must be in the public, be aware of the temptation of shiny and new.  You may want to do a little “retail therapy” to handle your feelings, but purchases made during Mercury retrograde may leave you in regret once the planet turns direct.  If you’re feeling the urge to purchase something during the next few weeks, make sure that it has lots of value to you and will nourish your soul.

Venus is also retrograde right now, and won’t turn direct until January 29th.  This only enhances the confusion that Mercury retrograde brings, and you may find people from your past, especially romantic partners, popping back up in your life again. Venus is the Planet of Love, Sex, Worthiness, Pleasure, and Relationship.  People come back into your life during Venus retrograde so you can re-analyze and possible restructure the relationship.  This is a time to really pay attention to your energetic exchanges and ask yourself if they are fair and balanced.  Do your friendships and relationships bring you joy, feelings of worth, and love?  If not, it’s time to either set a boundary or cut a chord.  If someone pops back into your life for the better, nurture the relationship and let it bring you value.  Just take caution—after Venus turns direct even the best of relationships could turn sour again.  It could go either way, but make sure you’re prepared for what could play out.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Pushya Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Nourishment,” this energy also prompts us to take care of ourselves.  It’s time to prioritize what makes us feel good and safe.  Pushya Nakshatra encourages us to put our heart and soul first, and to make sure we’re surrounding ourself with whatever and whoever ignites our fire.  During this moon, make sure you’re taking a good look at who surrounds you.  Do they uplift your frequency or drag you down?   It’s time to make adjustments accordingly.

Pushya Nakshatra is the home of Brihaspati, the Vedic God responsible for being a Guru or teacher to the other Gods.  Wisdom, knowledge, and education are nourishment to us.  When we become more enlightened, we feel more complete.  If you have any important teachers or gurus in your life, this is the time to honor them.  Teachers of all kinds are exalted right now.  Show your own teacher some love and gratitude.

This is also a great time to find your inner guru.  We all need guidance and leadership from time to time, but ultimately, every single teacher in our lives simply leads us back to ourself.  Everything we need to know is inside.  We just have to discover it.  While the moon is in Pushya Nakshatra, take time for yourself to meditate, read sacred or personal development texts, and seek out what wisdom is coming from within you.

Overall, it’s time to RISE.  This water Cancer moon brings a sense of bouyancy.  It’s time to dive into the depths of ourselves and our feelings, retrieve what we can, and bring it to the surface.  When you let your emotions “air out,” when you give them validation and let them process, you feel lighter after.  When you dive into the world of wisdom you have to gain, you feel more safe and supported as you navigate unknown waters.  This moon is also known as the Wolf Moon, and it may be time for you to either do a little solo hunting, or form your official wolf pack.  Whatever you choose, make sure it supports you.  However you navigate this moon, make sure you feel nurtured along the way.

LIVE Replay:

Cancer Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the January 17th Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New "Black" Moon in Aquarius


Shravana Nakshatra

January 31st/February 1st, 2022

As the moon begins her new year of 13 cycles, she begins as always in the house of Aquarius.
This is the sign of the Cosmic Water-Bearer, and it is time to believe that we all hold value and gifts to share.

Venus just went direct on January 29th, on the cusp of the moon’s balsamic phase, and she now rises as morning star, fully seated on her throne.  She will increase in brightness alongside this new waxing moon, and we will see her at her brightest on February 9th.  In other words, both the moon and Venus are encouraging us to shine!

Aquarius is sometimes mistaken for a water sign, due to the vessel of water she holds and pours from and her general symbology showing water.  However, she is actually an air element, and fixed air at that!  Air energy is all about the intellect, and the water the Aquarius shares represents all she has gathered from story, wisdom, learning and insight along her journey.  She travels from culture to culture, person to person, gathering up what they have to offer her through information while she exchanges hers.  She is a storyteller, a news-bringer, and a space-holder.  She feels it is her life mission to gather, and so she must be air. All of that expansion is required to hold so much!

You may feel that same energy now.  New moons are always about new beginnings, but this sometimes means a time of letting go rather than moving forward.  This moon is called a "black moon" due to being the second new moon in a calendar month.  We are getting a second chance.  It has been a challenging few months and even years.  You may now be feeling all you’ve taken on.  If you’ve been holding almost too much space, it’s time to use this New Moon to set boundaries.  Another representation of air is freedom.  If you’re feeling tied down to energetics that hold you down, it’s time to cut the reigns and let yourself break away from what limits you.

Aquarius people like to do things differently.  They’re very spontaneous, and have no problem switching hats at the blink of an eye.  Whether you’re an Aquarius yourself or not, this new moon and lunar cycle is asking you to think about redirecting your energy.  If there’s something you’ve been wanting to do differently, it’s time to do it.  When we feel those pulls from our heart, it’s our soul calling us down our true path.  Maybe it brings you financial gain, maybe it brings you more community or connectivity, or maybe it just brings you more joy.  If something, someone, or somewhere is calling you right now, it’s time to switch gears and head that way!

It may also be time to switch your own gears and shift your perspective.  Aquarius energy likes to “turn things upside down” so to say, and think outside the box.  They tend to be very innovative, inventive, and a little “outer-worldly”.  Do you have a new idea you’ve been wanting to bring to existence?  Do you need to shift your way of thinking around a current problem or challenge to find a better solution?  Aquarius energy encourages you to use your brain in a different way, whatever that is!

While you’re doing all of that problem solving, this is also a time to take on the problems of the world.  Aquarius energy, having all of that air, is related to the atmosphere and everything beyond.  She sees this planet from a different perspective, and feels very connected to it.  If you have a certain cause that calls you, this New Moon is asking you to make a plan to give.  Whether you volunteer your time, give to charity, or just make a plan to engage in more selfless service this year, it’s time to schedule it all in.

Finally, make sure you are setting aside time for yourself to balance out all you do in the external.  Aquarius people are very connected to the human experience, and you may want to be more social right now.  However, you may also want to ask yourself if this is an act of dissociation or true genuine connection.  It is not fair to use others for your emotional dumping, processing, or numbness.  Make sure your energetic exchanges are genuine.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shravana Nakshatra.  In India this is known as Mauni Amavasya, “the dark moon of silence.”  This is actually a more appropriate time to stay in, isolate, and keep to yourself.  Some practice Vippasana or a vow of silence to help empty thoughts that don’t serve and make way for purity.  Think of it like a mind cleanse for the new year.  When we are silent, we really start to notice the darkness that comes through.  Air energy is sometimes related to speech.  If you find that your mouth gets you into trouble, a time of silence during this new moon portal might serve you.

Shravana Nakshatra is known as the “Listening Star,” “Star of Learning,” or “God’s Ear”
Again, the silence is being encouraged.  We cannot hear if we are always talking, even if it’s just in the mind!  If you need to calm down your internal chatter, use this new moon to not only meditate, but to schedule in more time for silence.  The intentions we set right now will carry over through the next 13 moons.  Make sure you take time to balance on the inside as much as in your external.

This Vedic lunar mansion is also associated with sacred sound.  If you struggle with complete silence, you could meditate using singing bowls, binary beats, chanting, or other high frequency vibrations.  If you prefer to chant or sing yourself, allow yourself to purify your throat and air energy with your voice.  You could also do some Ujjayi breathing to help purify through your airways as you connect to the grounding energy of this moon.  Alternate Nostril Breathing is also useful to calm the mind, balance the brain, and active your internal psychic senses.

On both sides of the world, this moon is encouraging us to lean into our gifts.  Our “listening ear” is our internal sensing, and this can come out in many ways.  Aquarius energy is all about moving beyond the limitations of the planet, and even this world!  She encourages us to embrace the gifts that might seem a little “alien” to others.  If you have any of the “Clairs,” or you just have a heightened intuition, this new moon is asking you to believe in it all!  And if you’ve been feeling a call to use these gifts to help the world, now is the time to make a plan and do it!  Your gifts and your callings come to you for a reason!  Find their purpose and use what you have to uplift your self and others!

Going back to Venus direct, she now rises as Morning Star and “Queen of the Heaven”
If you rise up early yourself on February 1st, you will see her shining bright with this Aquarian New Moon!  And no, the moon will not shine in this phase, but in a few days she will, and you can see Venus with her until just after the first quarter phase.  When Venus is in Morning Star phase, she feels more sovereign.  You may now have more clarity around your relationships and energetic exchanges in general.  This New Moon in Aquarius reminds you to set the appropriate boundaries this year so you continue to feel free.  

Venus also encourages you to prioritize pleasure.  This retrograde should have enlightened more around what you want when it comes to feeling good.  We have had a reset of the heart, and now as Venus moves direct we, too, are more direct with prioritizing what is worthy.  Our time, our energy, and our gifts are all valuable, but also is our ability to receive pleasure.  Maybe it’s a massage once a month.  Maybe it’s indulging in a piece of dark chocolate at the end of the night.  Maybe it’s making time to read more books or spend more time crafting.  Whatever it is, this new moon gives you permission to do it now!  During this lunar portal, let yourself be worthy of pleasure and prioritize what makes you truly feel sensual and good.

If you struggle to make those decisions right away, perhaps you wait until Mercury goes direct on February 3rd.  It will be easier to communicate at that time, if you need to speak out loud to arrange what you need.  It will also be an easier time to schedule appointments, make plans, etc.  

Overall, this first new moon of the lunar calendar pulls us right down to the ground, as she should!  This is a time of turning within, and being ok to do so.  We do not always have to be on the go!  We need to lean into the yin.  During this lunar portal, make time for the “non-doing,” make time to listen, and prioritize all that calls to you or comes through.

Full Moon in Leo


Magha Nakshatra

February 16th, 2022

As the moon continues on her first cyclical journey of the lunar year, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Leo.  This is the sign of the brave Cosmic Lion, and we are being called to chase after our heart’s desires.

Deep down inside, we know what we truly want.  We have 12 more moons ahead of us and so much potential, but we must cultivate our courage and embrace the hunt.  Lions and lionesses both go after prey.  They are both skilled in different ways, and they utilize their individual capabilities to succeed.  We, too, are being called to our gifts.  Remember, we are still in the sun season of Aquarius, a time of embracing our unique individuality.  The full moon now arrives to spotlight what we may be missing.  Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is also conjunct with the sun right now, enhancing our ability to shine.  During this lunar portal, pay attention to what shows up.  The callings that pull you are happening for a reason.

The more we learn to embrace our individualism, the more abundant we will feel.  Perhaps we will be rewarded with financial gain, or maybe it’s just a sense of more wholeness we find, but when we learn to express our fullest self we feel like we’re on top of the world!  This is true sovereignty.  The riches that come along with ruling your life in this way are just a bonus.  When you learn to live in your truest version of yourself, you simply feel like royalty!

We might feel a bit regal during this full moon.  In Vedic astrology the moon is in Magha Nakshatra, and sitting right at the heart of Leo with the star Regulus.  Magha means “great one,” “mighty,” “magnificent,” and “gift.”  Again we are being called to whatever lifts us up and makes us feel powerful.  We must learn to embrace the unique gifts we were blessed with.  We must learn to cultivate what makes us special.  And, like the Leo lion, we must learn to hold courage when expressing ourselves fully.

Magha Nakshatra is ruled by Ketu, the tail of the karmic snake representing our past lives.  Our soul has powers that are everlasting, but it usually takes evolution before it all comes forward.  If you’ve been feeling the urge to bring out something deep within, your time is now.  The Pitris, or original forefathers, also reside in this lunar mansion, bringing extra support from your ancestors.  You are supported to embrace who you are!  With this full moon, let yourself truly shine through.

No matter what side of astrology you look at, Mars and Venus are both playing into the cosmic mix.  These planets are now within one degree of each other, creating a “Graha Yuddha,” pr planetary war.  When planets are this close to each other, you could feel a strong cohesiveness or a battle between fire and ice.  This is the planet of War, Work, Yang, and the Masculine coming in contact with the planet of Love, Sex, Relationship, Pleasure, Yin, and the Feminine.  The energies could cancel each other out or they could lift each other up.  Make sure to pay attention to which side you are on.  This cosmic alignment hasn’t occurred for over a hundred years, and we’re going to feel it!  Until March 11th, make sure you choose to surround yourself with those that support you instead of undermine or try to go to battle with you.

It’s time to live like the lion.  Everyone has free will, and we have the opportunity now to choose how we rule our lives.  Do we continue to live in the shadows, muting our gifts and allowing others to overpower?  Or do we embrace our uniqueness, let ourselves roar with confidence, and find true sovereignty?  The choice is always up to us.  During this lunar portal, commit to your alpha.  Your heart is calling you to step up, step out, and be brave enough to express who you truly are.

LIVE Replay:

Leo Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the February 16th Facebook Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Pisces


Shatabhisha Nakshatra

March 2nd, 2022

As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she finds herself starting in the house of Pisces.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Dreamer, and it’s time for us to believe in our ability to co-create our reality.

Great shifts are happening right now.  Collectively we can feel it and we see it all playing out on our planet.  It may seem chaotic, but the best changes come out of times of turmoil and the most expressive art can arise out of clutter.  The key is how we utilize the energy.  We can lean into the chaos and let ourselves get disarrayed, or we can pick up the pieces falling apart around us and use them as material to rebuild our lives.  Pisces is sometimes known as The Cosmic Artist, as they’re one of the most emotional of the water signs and need to express it all.  We can get creative in troubled times.  When our energy is scattered and nervous and frantic we can reign it back in through the channeling of creation.  If you’ve been feeling a call to build, paint, draw, craft, or create in any way, this moon is supporting you to take all of that energy and channel it through.

When we learn to express our emotion, we make room for more energetic flow.  Sometimes new moon energy can have us feeling stuck in our feelings.  Heavier gravity weighs us down, and we feel ourselves pulled into the earthly, human experience.  This can be a challenging thing to come to terms with sometimes, and our ego just wants to perpetuate the problem by leaning into a victim story.  When we stay in this constant loop of sorrow and shame, sadness and blame, our energetic flow and ability to create gets stuck, too.  It’s ok to have these feelings, as they are a part of your human nature, but it’s important to remember the opposite end of the spectrum, too.

Pisces is the sign of 2 fish, one swimming up and one swimming down.  In nature, this represents the balance of both shadow and light, as this zodiac season brings us Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring.  Psychologically, these two fish represent our mood and emotional experiences, with us sometimes riding the highs and other times sinking into the lows.  The key is to look at how it’s an endless loop.  How there will always be a return to light, and, yes, there will always be a return to darkness.  Even if you’ve self-healed most of your shadows you will still always have to face the darkness of the world, and that requires a whole different level of emotional alchemy.  We learn to deal with these collective challenges by first dealing with the war within ourselves.  During this new moon, pay attention to your feelings.  If you’re in a low frequency, find what you are grateful for or what/who you love to help lift up your heart.  If you’re feeling a little too ‘sunshine and rainbows,” maybe a little disconnected from reality, give yourself permission to do some regression or shadow work in order to reflect on what all on this planet you have been through.  Find the balance between the two journeys, as each provides their own valuable lesson.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Shatabhisha Nakshatra.  Known as “The Healing Star” or the “Star of 100 Healers”. This alignment brings us support when it comes to self-tending, reflection, shadow work, self-care, and finding TRUE wellness.  Ironically, the beginning of the COVID crisis in 2020 was triggered by this lunar mansion.  It’s hard to believe The Healing Star would bring about a global pandemic, but didn’t it all, in a way, help us to heal?

Being home more helped us to reconnect to family and relationship, and maybe even disconnect from those that were unhealthy and toxic.  Having challenges in our work life pushed many of us to seek out working for ourselves, or find more time to create a life around our passions.  The pandemic also pushed the collective to start seeking out alternative healing and healthier habits, and, for example, more people have now started practicing yoga and meditation than ever before.

Again, we have to take the bad with the good, the good with the bad, just like those 2 pisces fish representing our experience of duality.

This is also a time to deeply navigate the other realms beyond this veil.  Shatabhisha Nakshatra is ruled by Varuna, the God of the Sea.  Just like Pisces in the western world, this energy is ruled by Neptune, our Planet of Dreams and Illusions.  We currently have Neptune aligned in Pisces along with the sun and the moon, bringing extra support for us to dive deep into the worlds beyond what we see.  In Hinduism, this moon is also the time of Maha Shivaratri, a time of fasting and meditation in honor of the God of Destruction, Lord Shiva.  In other words, this is a time of turning in to find reflection.  A time to break our bonds of limiting programming and lean into seeing our infinite potential.  This is a time of decluttering our bodies, our minds, and our energies in order to make space for our next evolution.  It’s a time to be still, be quiet, pay attention, and let The Universe guide us in our one true direction.

That direction may be challenging to focus on.  We are now in the most auspicious alignment, having a Graha Yuddha between Venus and Mars that will bring in Pluto one day after the new moon.  This means these 3 planets will be within 1 degree of one another, creating a “Planetary War” and likely a lot of collective tension.  When we have the planet of the Divine Feminine and the planet of the Divine Masculine being triggered by The Planet of Control, we are going to experience power struggles.  We can already see this on our own planet with the current state of war, but you may be fighting your own battles, too.  If you’re feeling tension with the opposite sex, it may be time to take a step back and save your energy.  Fighting will likely not be worth it, and you will probably feel more peaceful once these planets all move apart March 12th.

On the other hand, in true Pisces fashion, this close alignment could bring a cohesiveness that promotes cosmic procreation.  Despite what’s going on around us, we always have free will to be in control.  In this current cycle, you can make the decision to be triggered, leaning into conflict.  Or you can find new ways to come together with others to create something beautiful.  What are your current relationships and energetic exchanges supporting?  If anything is bringing you down into a lower frequency, one that would contribute to a collective frequency that doesn’t serve, it’s time to take charge of your life, set boundaries, invite in love and support, and believe you have the power to create your next-level evolution.

We have a second Graha Yuddha between Saturn and Mercury that started yesterday and will be complete by tomorrow.  This has created extra tension on Earth, especially in the realms of communication, expression, and karma.  Perhaps you’ve had a challenging experience rise up that tests your self-expression.  Maybe you made a decision yesterday or you’re going to make one today that sets you on a new, possibly terrifying path by tomorrow.  Perhaps it’s a decision that keeps you in the same karmic loop or frequency.  You may also experience travel delays and cancellations, literally redirecting your path to one your true spirit intended.  Many things can happen when these 2 planets come so close together.  Whatever you experience, you must believe in your ability to create from this new reality.  Mindset is everything, and the Law of Attraction will dose back to you whatever you put out.  If you go through challenging times during this new moon portal, find as much gratitude and excitement as possible, so to not limit the potential of your future reality.

Jupiter, the Planet of Growth and biggest planet in our galaxy, is also conjunct with this moon.  No matter what side of astrology you look at, we are in a time of expansion.  This can be as exciting or as chaotic as we allow it, but we must allow ourselves to move through the journey with awareness!  Don’t let yourself stroll through this life in a waking sleep!  Wake up to your true self, your gifts, your spirit, and WHO YOU TRULY ARE!  This new moon supports you to move forward toward your dream life and dream self.  Use the energy to channel and create beyond what you could ever imagine.


Pisces Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the March 2nd Facebook Virtual Pisces New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Virgo


Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

March 18th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the sign of Virgo and ready to usher in Spring.  Virgo is the sign of The Cosmic Virgin, and this represents the chance to begin again.

The word “Virgin” didn’t always affiliate with sexuality.  It once referred to someone who was “Whole Unto Themself,” and Virgins represented people of purity and resistant to temptation.  We are being pulled in all directions, tempted to hold onto old ways that no longer serve our next evolution.  This full moon is shining light on what we need to change, so we can call ourselves back home.  This full moon is helping us reclaim our sovereignty.
Virgo energy likes organization.  They like schedule, ritual, planning, ceremony, and tradition.  You can bring all of these aspects into your life now as you work to balance your time and your energy.  Full moons are always a time of release, and this moon is about releasing what stands in your way of feeling complete.  If you’ve been struggling to feel like yourself or show up to your goals, it’s time for a change.  With the new season of spring arriving with this full moon, make a commitment to get back to what makes you feel more whole.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.  Also known as the star representing the marriage bed, this lunar mansion brings in an energy of sacred union.  Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is the nuptial star for Lord Shiva and Shakti, and this is the perfect time for you to also unionize your inner masculine and feminine energies.  We all possess both sides of the gender spectrum.  We must learn to love both sides, use both sides, and balance energy between both sides.  When we find this union energetically, we also feel more harmonized and peaceful in the external world.  When we feel complete, we are able to truly co-create our reality.

This full moon is asking us to believe in what we can conceive. Lunar light now shines down on everything we’re capable of, including the inner harnessing of our own power.  On both sides of the world, this moon brings an energy of self-awareness, self-tending, self-pruning, and self-care.  This moon could also lead to deep self-healing, as it’s a particularly potent time to be working on the self in all aspects.  When we work on ourselves, we help work on the world without even knowing it.  Whenever we work to heal ourselves, find more balance, and create more personal peace, the more we can lift the war and chaos around us and help our collective heal, too.

Virginity aside, another reference for Virgo is The Cosmic Priestess.  This is a time to find deep holiness within ourselves and reclaim our purity.  No matter our background with physical relationship, we always have the opportunity to reclaim our energy and call ourselves back home.  During this full moon, give yourself permission to get back to yourself.  During this full moon, give yourself permission to heal both on the outside, and within.

Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2021
Moon Musings: Fall/Winter 2020/2021
Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2020