New Moon in Aries


Revati Nakshatra

March 31st/April 1st, 2022

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she begins in the fiery house of Aries.
This is the first sign of the zodiac, signaling a time for new beginnings.

New moons bring darkness and a stronger gravitational force on Earth.  We typically feel tired, moody, sad, depressed, unmotivated, lethargic, and other “slow” low frequency feelings.  
However, we must always consider the new moon’s zodiacal influence, and this Aries moon brings more heat than usual.  We may feel any of the feelings mentioned above, but we may also feel anxious, frustrated, impatient, angry, jealous, or generally “fiery” at this time.  Aries energy has a tendency to lean into rage above all else, so if you’re feeling overheated with this moon, know that it is normal.

Theses emotions are showing themselves now, because it is time to move them through.  Aries is sometimes known as The Cosmic Athlete, and this moon is calling you to get active in order to unblock stuck energy.  We are at the beginning of the zodiacal year, and if we want to start fresh we must clear out!  Use this weekend to move your body in any way that feels good.  You could work out, lift weights, run, do a power or hot yoga flow, or just sweat in general.  You could also channel the energy by doing demolition, working in construction, or just breaking things in a safe space. This is what I call a “sacred rage” practice, and these types of movement may also be useful now in helping you to move through what no longer serves.

We want our energy at its optimal flow right now, as this new moon is the perfect time to really set goals, shift habits, and make true change.  Aries energy is Cardinal Fire, meaning they are both the fire starter and the flame.  Aries people have no problem starting projects on their own or taking charge to make sure things get done.  If you’ve been struggling to show up to yourself that may now change.  Embrace the fiery drive of this new moon to cultivate your own ambition and willpower to finally become the person you truly want to be!

In Vedic astrology, this is the first new moon after Vernal Equinox, symbolizing the Vedic New Year.  This moon is in Revati Nakshatra, known as a star of guidance and transition located just at the end of Pisces.  Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and Revati Nakshatra represents the ending, the new beginning, and the space in between.  You may feel yourself coming to a crossroads with this New Moon.  Revati Nakshatri is encouraging you to turn within and ask your inner guides and guidance system for direction.

This lunar mansion is ruled by Pushan, a deity offering guidance and protection during great transition.  We are witnessing many refugees from the war, and Pushan now appears to help guide everyone to their new home.  Transitions like this are never easy, but Revati Nakshatri usually makes things easier along the journey.  This moon also marks the beginning of Chaitra Navaratri, or the springtime “9 nights of The Goddess”, and signifies a chance for rebirth.  Labor and birth aren’t always easy, and we’ve certainly been contracting and surging down the universal birth canal as we make a collective shift into new evolution.  The energy of The Goddess now comes in to soften the transition and midwife us into the final push.  No matter what symbology you relate to, this moon is inviting us into the potential of something new and exciting.  We now have the opportunity to step into a new life and a new collective, and we are fully protected and guided as we journey along the way.

I’ve been saying it since the beginning of 2020, or maybe even before—We are HEAVILY protected by all source consciousness beings and energy right now.  In my Reiki’ sessions, meditations, and other energetic exchanges, I have seen the angels, archangels (especially Archangels Michael, Raphael, Azriel, and Gabriel), deities, and yes, even other cosmic races (especially The Pleiadians) forming a strong, protective, golden-white light around our planet.  I can sense the guidance they are offering to each and every one of us, and we can see the collective shift and awakening happening all around us as others start to tune within and listen.  It is always darkest before the dawn, and there must always be demolition before reconstruction.  We can feel this transition happening now as we navigate global sickness, the greatest shift in power and wealth exchange in history, and, unfortunately, war.  As we navigate what seems like darkness we must hold faith that we are protected and provided for.  The more we lean into lack, the more we will suffer.  The more we lean into abundance, the safer we will feel.  The choice is up to us to make, and this new moon is guiding us to lean toward the latter.  Just as every dark moon soon illuminates and waxes again, we, too, will rise out of our darkness and find our new light.  In times of uncertainty we must remember that everything is a cycle.  Even when we feel like we our in the lowest of lowest, we must trust that we WILL collective rise vibrationally higher again.  Lean into the journey, and let Spirit guide you through the adventure along the way.


Aries Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the April 1st Facebook Virtual Aries New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Libra


Chitra Nakshatra

April 16th, 2022

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she illuminates in the house of Libra.
This is the sign of The Cosmic Scales.  It’s time to find more peace and balance.

This moon is also known as the “Pink Moon,” but the moon won’t actually be pink.  April’s full moon was named by the Native Americans after the Pink Phlox subulata that blooms this time of year.  This plant is native to North America, but other pink wildflowers also tend to blossom underneath this moon, and it’s a time where many pink flowers start to bloom globally.

This moon brings enhancement toward all things beauty.  Libra is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Art and Aesthetic, and this full moon invites us to bring in much of the same.  This is a good time to beautify your spaces, clean up your image, or organize your professional spaces so you have more creative flow.  In the spirit of spring, you may also get a whim to redecorate your home or switch out your wardrobe.  Wherever you’re feeling called toward color and creativity, go there.  Libra energy is all about that artistic, beautifying flow!

Speaking of flow, you may find yourself wanting to practice yoga or move your body with this full moon.  Some moons drain us or call us to rest, but this moon is opposite a sun ruled by Aries, the Cosmic Athlete.  If you’re feeling the need to move with this moon, focus on activities that bring you more balance.  If yoga isn’t your thing, you could ride a bike, jump on a pogo stick, do some Stand Up Paddleboarding, or just jump on one leg (alternating, of course!).  Whatever you choose to do, let it move out stuck energy.  Libra is Cardinal Air energy.  Aries is Cardinal Fire.  No matter what sign you’re leaning toward with this moon it’s time to sigh, breath, scream, sweat, and burn away what no longer serves.

If yoga IS your thing, make sure you practice Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) & Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose/Splits).  This full moon celebrates Hanuman Jayanti, or Lord Hanuman’s Birthday.  Hanuman is a deity representing deep devotion, commitment, unconditional love, and other matters of the heart.  Practicing the poses devoted to this monkey deity will open your heart as well, while helping you to also release any physical stress you may be holding in your upper body during this stressful season.

*Opening your heart will also help relate any stuck “Kapha” energy, a combination of earth and water elements thriving during this time of year.

…and if you don’t feel like practicing yoga, you can still honour Lord Hanuman by reading stories about him, meditating on an artistic depiction, or chanting/listening to The Hanuman Chalisa!

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Chitra Nakshatra. Known as the “Star of Opportunity,” this lunar mansion is represented by a grand jewel or diamond.  When we consider this energy under the full moon, we illuminate what we have also created under immense pressure.  If you’ve been feeling stuck lately, reflect on the wins of your past.  Look at what you’ve created and what you are capable of, and use it all as motivation to keep moving forward toward your intentions, goals, and next evolution.

Chitra Nakshatra is ruled by Vishvakarma, the architect of the gods.   This deity is in control of the Maya, the material, which is also part of “the Illusion” of the earthly, human experience.  Over this weekend, let the full moon shine light on how you are exchanging your energy with the material world.  If you are accumulating anything unnecessarily, or in excess, use the power of this full moon to get rid of it all, including any excess thoughts or attractions towards the material that do not serve.  If you’re feeling lack in your life, let this full moon shine light on where you feel creative, where your heart ignites, and where you find joy.  Vishvakarma has a tendency to enhance our artistic abilities or bring out our gifts.  He shines light on the things that both bring us and set our heart on fire.  If you find yourself called to craft, create, or direct your energy in an creative way, trust that Vishvakarma is highlighting it for a reason.  During this full moon, give yourself permission to use your creative abilities to bring yourself more joy, and trust that continuing to fuel your gifts will bring you more abundance and fortune.

When it comes to fortune in general, the planets are on our side right now!
Jupiter and Neptune joined up in Pisces this lunar cycle, and perfected on June 12th just a few days before the full moon.  Pisces is the sign of The Cosmic Artist and Cosmic Dreamer.  She is also sometimes known as The Cosmic Psychic.  When we combine this energy with Jupiter, the Planet of Joy & Fortune and Neptune, The Planet of Dreams & Illusion, everything is set up for us to dive deep into the unknown.  If you have certain “Clairs” or other psychic gifts it’s time to cultivate them.  This new world brings us an opportunity to live through our gifts like never before.

Jupiter and Neptune haven’t been conjunct in Pisces in 166 years.  This alignment won’t occur again until 2188.  It’s hard to tell what’s going to happen over the next month or so, but one thing’s for sure—we’re aligning toward more peace, positivity, and prosperity.  No matter what is occurring on the external, Pisces encourages us to turn within.  Anything we do on the internal will impact the external, and we must trust that.  This Libra full moon shines light on our relationships with others, but also makes us come to terms with our relationship to self.  If war in the world disturbs you, are you at war or peace with yourself?  If global sickness makes you worry, are you doing your best to prevent sickness within yourself?  Everything is related, and energy is contagious.  If you’re feeling out of alignment in any way, now is the time to adjust accordingly.  Another word for alignment is harmony, and another word for harmony is peace.  Use this weekend and the energy of the peacemaking Libra full moon to release where you need to and return to your most supportive equilibrium.

Our next lunar cycle brings eclipse season, a time of the past coming around again.  Our next few moons will be about resolving anything parasitically lingering or causing energetic infection.  This full moon in Libra will set up how you move through the ecliptic journey.  Over this weekend, take a good look at where you exchange your energy.  Libras aren’t always good at making decisions or cutting chords.  As natural peacemakers, they want transition to happen as easily as possible, but it’s important they make change no matter what to protect their energetic flow.  If you’ve been struggling to make a decision, cut ties with someone, or choose a different path, now is the tine to let go of fear or hesitation.  Vishvakarma and Chitra Nakshatra bring you new opportunities.  Jupiter and Neptune are supporting you to make change for the better.  It can be as easy as embracing that Libra air energy and letting go of a breath.  If you need to make change this lunar cycle, use this Full Moon in Libra to truly, finally, exhale and let go for good.


Libra Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the April 16th Facebook Virtual Libra Full Moon Circle.


New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus


Bharani Nakshatra

April 30th/May 1st, 2022

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she pauses with a partial solar eclipse in the house of Taurus.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Bull, and this is a season to ground in, charge forward, and move with faithful power toward the life of our dreams.

This eclipse will only be seen in parts of South America and Antarctica, but we will feel it across the globe.  Taurus is sometimes symbolized as Mother Earth herself, and this new moon is bursting light onto new innovations, new inspirations, new ways of living, and higher forms of Consciousness.  Some say that this eclipse brings in Pleiadean light codes to helps us break free from our ancient Antlantean programming.  With Jupiter and Neptune currently conjunct in Venus, I have no doubt this eclipse is making waves for a flood of energy to up level our collective evolution.

Jupiter and Neptune have been conjunct in Pisces since March 27th, and they perfected on April 12th.  This opened a gateway of expansion, and we now have more potential to go after our visions and ground them into our reality.  Now, anytime we work on ourselves or our dreams we tend to run into blocks, and this eclipse may be that road construction along your spiritual journey.  Be particularly aware of the energy during the Taurus new moon portal, as Jupiter and Venus will be in a Graha Yuddha, or “planetary war” from April 29th-May 1st.  When the Planet of Growth meets the Planet of Pleasure, you may find yourself challenged with finding moderation.  When this “planet grab” occurs during an eclipse, you have a more potent ability than normal to break the toxic cycle.  If you’ve been wanting to make changes that support a healthier you, now is the time to get laser focused and act on the shift daily.

After May 1st, Venus moves into Aries, but Jupiter and Neptune will remain behind in the sign of The Cosmic Fish.  This will return you to more peaceful waters, and you will likely feel “in the flow” until this conjunction is over toward the end of May.  If you are an artist or a creative, you may feel especially inspired to move forward with your passions and projects right now.  If you are sensitive, intuitive, or empathetic, you will find your gifts and skills elevated during this cosmic alignment.  Both Neptune and Pisces represent a veil that is thin.  Their water energy encourages us to dive deep into the unknown of the metaphysical and where spirituality is unbound.  When Jupiter gets involved in the mix we have extra encouragement to journey into these shadows without hesitation.  Bring this all into Taurus season, the sign of Earth itself, and we are being asked to discover our inner magick.  We are all upleveling as a society now, it’s time to embrace your unique gifts, use them to help others discover theirs, and collectively come together to support each other in our co-creation of the New Earth and our new reality.

This Taurus solar/lunar energy is also encouraging us to find more emotional regulation, especially when it comes to anger management.  Taurus people are sometimes reactive, and like a “Bull in a China shop,” they can be quite destructive when provoked and triggered.  Just like our planet, Taurus energy holds a core fire within their center, and if someone pokes and digs enough, they will blow up like a volcano.  On the other hand, as much as the stigma portrays otherwise, the bull actually prefers to spend its time peacefully taking a sun-nap in the fields rather than charging without control.  If you find yourself triggered during this eclipsed moon, when fire tends to ignite more energetically than normal, make sure you take plenty of time for yourself so you can prevent any need for future damage control.

Speaking of ‘holding back,” In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Bharani Nakshatra, or the “Star of Restraint” or “Star of Desire”. Represented by the Yoni, or womb, this is an energy ogaikn finding moderation.  We efer to this in regards to sexual pleasure, as it is the most relatable and the hardest to resist, but this could also represent any Shakti or feminine energy that’s allowed to be let loose.  We all have both masculine and feminine energy inside.  We need the energy of Shakti to lean into softness, pleasure, emotion, and experience.  We need the energy of Shiva, or masculinity, for discipline, action, strength, and grounding.  Both are equally important.  When we allow too much feminine, too much pleasure, we find ourselves disconnected from reality.  Bharani Nakshatra asks us to use this new moon to face our shadows, come to terms with where we are imbalanced, and set intentions of restraint so we stay on our true path where we move toward our truest desires.

Eclipses are potent for change.  They usually highlight things from our past or we may even have history resurface and present itself.  It is not abnormal for people, memories, and opportunities of the past to repeat itself.  We may also see ourself falling into old patterns or reacting out of old programming more than usual.  These are all instances for us to become more aware of how we’re living out this human experience.  If life is feeling a little like “dejavu” right now, ask yourself if you want the pattern to keep repeating, or if you want to make true change.  The option is always up to you thanks to free will, but you WILL have to make one choice or the other during this moon.  Whatever you choose will put you on an extended path moving forward, as eclipses always set up our next cyclical life journey.

Bharana Nakshatra houses Lord Yama, the deity responsible for guiding souls through death and rebirth.  In Sanskrit, “Yama” also means restraint, and refers to the ways we find moderation in our life to live more spiritually.  When we align all of this with an eclipse ruled by Rahu, the “head of the cosmic snake,” we are being given an opportunity to really break addictions and restraints on the rising of our Kundalini.  Learning to have control resides mostly in chakras 1 & 2.  If we can find more balance within these energy centers, we will find our own inner snakes rising closer to our truth (chakra 3) and our heart (chakra 4).  This Bharani Eclipse brings us the opportunity to evolve.  Set yourself intentions of disciplinary action with this moon to help yourself get there.

No matter what side of the world you view things from, this is a time of GROWTH.  Taurus seaso occurs in the fifth month of the year and holds the auspicious date of “5/5”.  In Numerology, 5 is the number of growth, money, wealth, fortune, luck, and abundance.  Our fifth planet is Jupiter, also influencing this lunar portal with it’s conjunction in Pisces, an auspicious alignment that hasn’t occurred in 166 years.  This Taurus new moon is also an auspicious “Black Moon,” meaning it’s the second new moon in a calendar month and provides us extra support for new beginnings.  Bring in this Taurus/Scorpio eclipse series, and we have no choice but to be squeezed through the birth canal, experience our growing pains, and evolve with the collective around us.  We can resist by attaching to old ways and old responses, or we can lean into the flow of possibility and do things differently.  During this new moon portal, Taurus lunar cycle, and Taurus season itself, make sure you are aligned in the right direction.  It is only when you follow the compass of your spirit, that you will find the path most aligned on this planet for you.


Taurus Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the April 329th Facebook Virtual Taurus New Moon Circle.


Full Blood Super Moon

with a Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio


Vishaka Nakshatra

May 15th/16th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully eclipsed as a Super Blood Moon in Scorpio.  This is the sign of transformation, and we will find ourself on the other side of this moon with things not as they were before.

Scorpio actually holds 3 archetypes: the scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix.  Each embodiment has it’s own lessons, and during this scorpio moon we have the opportunity to see where we are most aligned.  If you are a Scorpio yourself, you will be extra affected by this moon and the eclipse energy, as this is likely a point for to level up to a new archetype and journey.  If you’re feeling like nothing is working out right now, it’s time to make adjustments accordingly.  Just as the Scorpion sheds it’s exoskeleton, it is time for you to outgrow what no longer serves.  This moon brings new opportunities and the chance for a completely new life.  Take advantage!

This moon is closer to earth than normal, bringing a Supermoon and an intense blood hue on the eclipsed moon.  It is not recommended to view this moon, as the lunar energy can cause a reset on your own.  The same goes for the memory of your crystals, cards, and other divination tools, so be careful if you choose to charge anything with this lunar energy.  Sometimes we need that complete reset, so listen to your intuition, but if you’ve been working diligently on your spiritual journey and feel like things are good as they are, it’s best to stay inside and keep your woo there, too.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Vishaka Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Purpose or One-Pointed Focus”, this lunar mansion is encouraging us to stay the course of our truest nature.  Distractions are all around us, especially with both Pluto and Mercury in Retrograde, and we may feel pulled in multiple directions.  We may also feel anxious, confused, or uncertain about where we are headed.  If you’re feeling this way, it’s time to call yourself back home.  Get back into your spiritual practices and regain your purpose.  This moon is helping you get back to your center if you need to.

Vishaka means “branch,” and Vishaka Nakshatra is represented by a flash of lightning branching across the sky.  You may receive Divine inspiration during this lunar portal, or you may hear a calling from somewhere outside of yourself to make change.  These flashes in our mind and energy don’t happen without reason.  Pay attention to what rises to the surface right now or comes up out of nowhere.  This eclipse energy is asking you to tend to whatever comes your way.

This lunar mansion is ruled by Indra the storm god, and Agni, the fire god.  The fires of this eclipsed moon bring us flames of transformation to burn away what no longer serves and spark our heart’s desires.  If you’re in a whirlwind of Indra’s chaos with this moon, it’s because you need to find more balance.  The Universe has a way of divinely intervening when necessary.  Let the storms of this moon sweep you up and place you where you truly need to be.

If you’re struggling with \what you need to do, where you need to go, or who you need to become, spend some time in meditation.  This moon is known as Buddha Purnima, or Lord Buddha’s birthday, and turning within is a great way to celebrate.  When we take time to slow down, breathe, and be with ourself, so much can come through!  Use this moon to meditate on your dreams and intentions, and leave a little “free dreaming” time for The Universe to show you things you couldn’t even imagine!  This is a potent time for inspiration, but we must be open to receive.  The more you take time to seek what’s calling you, the more answers you will find.

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, this is a powerful time to shift and transition.  We are currently at a spiritual crossroads, and we can choose to evolve or stay the same.  The course is always up to us thanks to free will, but we WILL have to make a choice regardless.  Eclipse energy doesn’t allow you to stand still.  Lean into the lunar pull to transform, and give yourself permission to grow.


Scorpio Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the May 15th Facebook Virtual Scorpio Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Gemini


Rohini Nakshatra

May 30th, 2022

As the moon begins her next cyclical journey, she pauses in the house of Gemini.  This is a mutable air sign, and the energy of The Cosmic Twins is more debilitated than normal due to a Mercury Retrograde that started in Gemini, but has since shifted into Taurus, Gemini’s zodiac predecessor.  While we usually feel more sociable, communicative, and philosophical in Gemini season, this particular cosmic alignment now leaves us feeling more isolated, quiet, and dissociative.

These are all energies that come with the new moon phase, but we may feel these frequencies enhanced more than normal.  Add in a planetary war (Graha Yuddha) with Mars & Saturn, combining all of that expansive fire with the air of free-thinking Gemini, and energy is not as it usually seems.  This is simply an awakening to our new world, and it’s time to shift our approach, change our way of thinking, and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

Sometimes new moons trigger us, because we need to become more aware of situations and the reality at hand.  It’s easy to dwell on the past or ponder the future, but facing the present is a challenge.  This is also a struggle with Gemini energy, as they would rather deflect their energy onto others instead of seeing the reflection back onto themselves.  With Mercury in Retrograde this Gemini season, communication and relationships may struggle more than normal.  If you are dealing with such matters it is a sign to turn more within and notice if you are the root of the issue.  It’s also important at this time to listen and reflect rather than respond and react, in order to gain better understanding of anything that’s feeling confusing.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Rohini Nakshatra. This lunar mansion is ruled by the moon itself, and we are under powerful lunar energy for creativity and change, especially within our earthly, human reality.  Rohini also means “Reddish One,” and this nakshatra resides in the red eye of the Taurus bull.  This brings in strong earth energy with a Venus influence and a drive to make this life the best we can.  Both Venus and Mercury Retrograde are also in Taurus, causing us to notice our relationships with material things and how we use them to express ourselves or cultivate feelings of connection, worthiness, and pleasure.  With so much creativity flowing this moon, it may be a good time to reinvent your image, redecorate your home, or change up your workspaces.  Anything mixing up the material could bring in new energy.  Just don’t make any big purchases until after Mercury goes direct on June 3rd!  If you need new furniture, a new car, etc, it’s best to wait until Mercury is moving forward so there is no buyer’s remorse or lingering technical difficulties.

Rohini Nakshatra is known as “The Star of Ascent,” and we are now influenced to rise into a new life and new opportunities. Spring is always time to make change, and this particular new moon is the last of this season before we shift into summer. Whatever you seed under this moon will be your final planting for the year.  Make sure you’re ready to grow in bountiful new ways!

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, this is a time of change.  We can feel it in the air around us and we can see it in the ground beneath us.  Reflect on how far you’ve come, what you’ve planted and harvested in the past, and what you’re ready to reap in the future.  Become deeply engrained into the present as you focus one step and one breath at a time toward your dreams.  Gemini moons are an excitable time for creation.  Embrace the new beginnings unfolding in front of you!  With the right approach and the right mindset, anything is possible.  Use the power of this moon to believe your thoughts CAN become your reality.


Gemini Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the May 30th Facebook Virtual Gemini New Moon Circle.


Full SuperMoon in Sagittarius


Jyestha Nakshatra

June 14th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses closer to the earth than normal and fully expressed in the house of Sagittarius.  This moon is also known as a “SUPERMOON,” and its closer proximity to Earth will make it appear both larger and brighter than normal.  In North America, this moon is also recognized Indigenously as the Strawberry Moon, representing the strawberry harvest that typically peaks around this time of year.

This is the last full moon before Summer Solstice.  We are about to be ushered into the season of light, and the strawberry moon is asking us to embrace the sweetness this life has to offer.  This is something Sagittarius energy struggles to balance, as they tend to shine more light on the “we” versus the “me”.  I sometimes call this sign the “Santa Clause” of the zodiac, because they love to shower others with gifts, support, and affection, but forget to do the same for themselves.  This can sometimes lead to burnout or getting burned and taken advantage of.  This full moon may shine light on these relationships if they exist, as this lunar portal always calls our attention to what we need to release.  We are also still in Gemini season, a time of relatability and reflection, and as we peak with the moon opposite this energy it’s time to reevaluate where we connect our heart chords.

Summer is related to the sun and therefore related to our solar plexus energy.  This is where our ego resides, and you may feel this side of yourself shining through more than normal right now.  If you feel your ego calling attention back to yourself, really pay attention as to why.  Do you need to actually tend to this piece of your personality?  Do you need to build your confidence and support yourself?  Or are you focusing too much on yourself instead of others?  There is no judgement here, simply reflection.  Notice where you’ve placed your energy over the past 6 months, and ask yourself if you want the same exchanges for the rest of the year.  If you need to make adjustments, give yourself permission to cut ties, set boundaries, and let go for good where you need to.

This moon may also have you energized more than normal.  Supermoons do this to us, bringing heightened feelings of excitement, anxiety, and anything in between.  Sagittarius energy is also very philosophical, so you may be in your overthinking mind during this lunar portal.  Be careful with how far your thoughts stretch or what stories you make up that aren’t actually true.  Another quality of Sagittarius energy is its ability to explore.  Your mind will want to think a lot right now and possibly make up scenarios that haven’t happened yet.  Make sure you tame the monkey thoughts that bounce around and don’t serve you, causing distraction.

Speaking of exploration, this is a great moon to broaden the expansions of your mind!  Sagittarius is known to be a knowledge seeker, and they love to study cultures when they can’t actually visit other worldly places.  If there’s been a certain non-fiction book you’ve wanted to read or documentary you’ve wanted to watch, now is the time to start doing it!  This is also a great time to simply do any type of research you need to, as Sagittarius energy prefers to dive in and uncover truths for themselves, rather than take things at hearsay.

Wisdom is the theme of this moon, both on the western and eastern sides of the world.
In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra, the “eldest star” located at the heart of Scorpio and next to red star Antares, one of the largest stars in our galaxy.  700 times larger than the sun and burning bright red, Antares translates as “not Mars,” and points more towards the feminine rather than masculine.  This is also where Jyestha Devi resides, also known as one of the eldest and most respected of the Goddesses.  This lunar mansion is bringing us deep wisdom from the heart of The Universe itself, and it’s time to lean into our own heart’s truths as we continue to navigate the unknown of the future.  This is also a time to seek out more ancestral wisdom, as there is likely ancient knowledge you need to uncover from your own bloodline right now.  Use this Jyestha moon to do deep ancestral work or deep research and see what important truths you can uncover.

From a Vedic perspective, this lunar portal brings us potent opportunities to either untangle karmic knots or tie up new ones.  The moon is currently at the 29th degree of Scorpio, just on the cusp of Sagittarius and creating what we call a “Gandanta”.  This is Sanskrit for “knot” or “karmic knot,” and happens when the moon cusps between water and fire.  If you are a water or fire sign you may especially feel this energy.  If so, pay attention to challenging circumstances that keep coming around in your life, especially if they are showing up now.  This is a crossroads for you to keep learning the same lesson, or make a different choice and evolve.  This is also a time where you may feel like you’re part of a family “curse” or you see a negative behavior rising up in you that you’ve witnessed in your bloodline.  If this is happening, know that your awareness alone shines light on your desire to change.  Use this full moon at Scorpio Gandanta to truly rewrite your story, change the ways of your ancestry, and transform your lineage.

Jupiter, the ruler of positive Sagittarius, trines this moon and brings encouraging aspects to change for the good.  Whether you view things from this eastern point of view, taking in Jupiter’s drishti to the moon as a sign of fortunate times, or from the west with Sagittarius and the strawberries bringing in juicy, good vibes, this is a midsummer moon worth celebrating!  Get out under the moonlight and have fun with friends or simply hold your own feel-good ceremony to honour the light coming through.  Whatever you do, know that this moon wants you to have fun!  This life truly is a “Lila” or play, and we must learn that we have the power to create a tragedy or a comedy.  Over the next few days, use the fire of this Supermoon to energetically burn away whatever blocks your joy.  The season of summer is upon us!  It’s time to give ourselves the opportunity to take in what the light and this life truly have to offer.


Sagittarius Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the June 14th Facebook Virtual Sagittarius Full Moon Circle.


New SuperMoon in Cancer


Ardra Nakshatra

June 28th, 2022

As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she pauses in closer proximity to the earth as a SUPERmoon in Cancer.  This is the sign of The Cosmic Crab, and it’s time to develop that tough outer shell of boundary.  Cancer energy is related to water, full of feelings and emotion, but their energy is also protective, displayed by their hard shell.  The interesting thing is, without the shell, the crab is just mush and water.  It needs it’s shell for both containment and structure.  We also need safe space to manage our “mush.”  We need places where our waters can move about, but not overflow or leak out dangerously.  This new moon is asking us to manage our internal tides just the same as the crab and smooth the sailing waters of our own emotional ocean.  If things have been locked up inside like a message in a bottle, the pressure for someone to find the bottle and open it will only rise.  It’s better to take control yourself.   It’s time to let everything that needs to bubble to the surface and flow out, so you can come back to equilibrium and regulate your energy.  You won’t be able to manage yourself effectively moving forward if you leave things behind.  New Moons are a time of new beginnings. It’s time to air out old emotions, molt your crabby, peeling shell that no longer serves, and move forward into the rest of this year with more room for growth and potential.

Cancer is also the sign of The Cosmic Mother, or Cosmic Parent.  This new moon is asking us to mother ourselves in the way we need it most, especially if we don’t have a mother or parent in our life.  This is also a potent time to work on healing mother wounds, parental wounds, or anything ancestrally that’s been holding back your evolution.  If your relationship with your parents is a positive one, use this lunar portal to let them know how much you love and appreciate them.  If you have trauma in your heart and struggle to show love for a human in your life, find gratitude for Mother Earth.  No matter what your childhood situation, the Earth has always been your home and your place of protection.  If you struggle to honor family during this time, honour the ground your feet stand on instead.

Speaking of our childhood, sometimes Cancer energy is referred to as The Cosmic Womb or The Cosmic Child. Both are relevant energies at this point in time. Like the womb, we can feel the potential of the rest of this year and what we could possibly “birth” into the world and into our lives.  But, like the child, we may feel limited right now in where we can go or what we can do.  If you’re in the USA, you may especially feel like a child under the roof of arguing parents.  And you may feel like throwing a tantrum when the government imposes rules on you that you don’t agree with.  Again, it is not a time to bottle up such frustrations.  Just like water, let your feelings flow and be heard.  If you need to throw a temper tantrum right now, that’s ok, too.  Just do your best to practice sacred rage and channel/release your energy in a way that isn’t destructive to your outer world.  Learning to manage our emotions is the name of the game this Cancer season, and it will be up to us to decide how we feel our way through everything that triggers.

This is an especially potent time to both heal traumas and break addictions.  If you need to do inner child work, I highly suggest bringing it up now.  With Neptune going retrograde in Pisces under this moon, we may have stronger abilities than normal to regress back to our childhood in meditations or dreams.  Between this new moon and July 13th, all but our 3 outer planets will be in their home sign, giving us auspicious alignment to move forward on our proper path and toward our next stage of evolution.  This energy also makes it easy to break patterns, habits, or behaviors that don’t serve.  If you’ve been dealing with the waters of addiction connected to trauma, it’s time to break free.  Use this lunar cycle to make the true changes you want to make, and ask for help if you need to.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Ardra Nakshatra.  Known as the “Star of Storms,” this lunar mansion brings intensity and passion.  Combine this with Neptune retrograde, and we may even see oceanic tropical storms.  This moon also arrives at the start of Monsoon season in India.  Represented by a raindrop, Ardra Nakshatra signifies all types of water.  Remember: “as within, so without”.  If we’re all raging and storming internally, the world is going to do the same.

Ardra Nakshatra is also represented by a teardrop, symbolizing the grief Rudra felt when his love and partner Sati self-sacrificed her life.  Rudra is an incarnation of Shiva that resides in the lunar mansion of Ardra, and he represents the deep heart-felt emotions we experience when we go through loss.  His tears represent frustration, and just like the salt water energy of Cancer in the West, we are being cued with this new moon to let our feelings out.  In fact, “Rudra” is sometimes translated as “The Howler,” as Rudra roamed the earth howling and sobbing in grief after his loss of love.  We, too, are being cued to howl, scream, and release whatever we feel inside.  Winter and Spring are over.  We no longer need to keep things locked in.  We no longer need to be a hermit.  During this Ardra moon you have permission to express your emotion in whatever way you need to make yourself feel better.

Ardra also represents lightning bolts of awareness.  He is the father of the storms, and can control when he initiates watery chaos.  The key is, he only calms down once he is named.  In other words, when he is actually SEEN and HEARD and empathized with, he settles and finds more peace.  Take in this wisdom of Rudra now.  It is not beneficial to hold ourselves and our feelings back at this time.  Having a space to channel the energy, or, even better, having a space to be seen and heard will greatly help us process what we are going through, find more peace, and find more ability to channel our frustrations into something positive and effective toward the changes we want to see.

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, we are in for a stormy season!  Cancer is the sign of the mother and this sure has been a mother of a season so far!  Do you best to anchor in by holding onto your truths, carving out space to be in your feelings, and channeling your energy for change.  All of this water can drown you or nourish you for growth.  It is up to you how you receive and utilize the energy.


Cancer Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the June 28th Facebook Virtual Cancer New Moon Circle.


Full Midsummer SuperMoon in Capricorn


Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

July 13th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated and at her closest proximity to earth as a SUPERMoon in Capricorn.  This is the sign of the Cosmic “Sea-Goat” and it’s time to put our head down, focus, and power through the rest of this year.

Capricorns are hard workers.  Think of the mountain goat who stands their ground no matter the fight.  We also have the ability now to push through the hard work it takes in order to find change.  The journey won’t always be easy—as climbing a mountain is almost always a challenge—but if we hold faith and steadfastness, we will eventually find ourselves at the peak.

This full moon is sometimes known as the “Midsummer Moon,” arriving half-way through our year.  Full moons themselves arrive half-way through the lunar cycle, and we are at a point in 2022 where all is being illuminated as we check in.   Capricorns are not only earth signs, but realists, and this supermoon in the sign of the sea-goat is making us face the harshness of reality.  Whether it’s on the collective or within ourselves, if things are not as you feel they should be, it’s time to make a shift.

Capricorn energy loves structure and organization.  With that being said, full moons are a time of release, and we are being asked to let go of constant division.  We’ve done nothing for the past few centuries under the dark Age of Capricorn but label ourselves and put ourselves in more and more boxes.  While it’s important to have containment and a sense of importance or belonging, we humans also have an inherent need to have freedom. This constant separation is no longer serving.  In December of 2020 we shifted into the Age of Aquarius and an energy of more openness.  While we can’t always make or see change on a global scale right away, we can certainly work on changing ourselves right now.  If your life has been a bit too rigid lately, it’s time to become more fluid.  Capricorn is sometimes described as a mermaid/merman, and brings us a little bit of dry land amongst the opposing salty, Cancerian, emotional and stormy waters.  Capricorns can be both rational and flexible, stoic and sensitive.    If you’re not ready to let go of structure and labels completely, start embracing MORE.  Separation is an outdated concept.  Embracing the “Both/And” within all of us actually helps us feel more in control.

Speaking of control, Capricorn energy also relates to government and how we rule over ourselves.  Saturn, the Planet of Karma and one that rules Capricorn, is currently retrograde in its home sign, having shifted there just a day before this full moon.  From now until the new moon in Capricorn in December (on the day before Christmas Eve) we will likely see karmic repercussions over government decisions.  We might also see our own life lessons popping up.  Add in Pluto, who is also currently retrograde, and all matters of power and control are coming to light.  Again, we can always rise up collectively and fight what we feel is unjust, but the most important work starts with ourselves.  How is your own sense of power?  Are you in control, or is someone taking advantage of your energy more than they should?  Are you ruling your life with ease and flow, or do you feel struggle?  This Full Moon in Capricorn is asking us to take our power back wherever needed so we have the energy to carry through the rest of this year with more ease.

Other ways you can make your life easier right now include embracing organization around chaos.  If instead of being too rigid you are too open, it’s time to find more structure.  Start with your home spaces and organize any clutter.  From there, clean up any spaces or energy that seem stagnant or dirty.  Then look at other aspects of your life that may be messy, like your relationships.  It’s also important to pay attention to your finances with this moon.  Anytime we’re in earth energy we pay more attention to the material.  If your money management has been a bit all over, it’s time to get more diligent about staying within a budget or paying more attention to your funds.  On the other hand, if you’re too rigid/tight/cheap with money most of the time, it’s time to treat yourself and spend a little frivolously!  And if you’re too OCD about cleaning, let the mess go for a bit, or let someone else handle the job!  This moon is all about releasing what you need to in order to find more stability.  You may need more of something, or less.  They key is to slow down right now and really figure it out.  Use the energy of this moon to find your medicine.

In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.  Known as the. “Universal Star,” this lunar mansion brings great wisdom to our philosophical table.  Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is ruled by the Vishvadevas, gods of dharma who bring us universal truths and wisdom.  Just like Capricorn energy, the eastern side of the world also views this moon as one that checks us into reality.  We will likely discover hard truths within ourself under this moon yet also gain deep wisdom to shift away from such intense life lessons.  It’s all about how we reflect on the experiences that have already come.

This moon also celebrates Guru Purnima, the celebration of the gurus and teachers in our lives.  The word “GURU” means “Dispeller of Darkness”.  Who has brought light to your own life?  During this full moon, honour your teachers and thank them for their guidance if you can.  This is also a wonderful time to set up pictures of your gurus on your altar or anything else that reminds you of them.  If your guru has passed from this human life, take time to honour them in meditation or prayer.  And remember, if you consider someone a guru that you haven’t personally met, that’s ok!  I personally feel like Dr. Wayne Dyer was a great guru in my life, even though I never personally met him.  His writings and teachings helped me find my spiritual way, and I will honour him under this moon by placing his teachings on my altar and reading them again.  You can do the same for any spiritual teacher that’s influenced you for the better.  It’s also important to know that anyone or ANYTHING can be a guru!  Your gurus could include pets, relatives/friends, and even aspects of nature.  I certainly know the moon has been a great teacher to me, and without her I would not have the wisdom and insight I have now!  If the moon is your guru, too, make sure to honour her this week with a personal full moon ritual or ceremony.

Uttara Ashadha is represented by an elephant’s tusk and is also ruled by Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant deity.  Ganesha is known as “The Remover of Obstacles,” and his energy can be called upon under this moon to help you feel more “unstuck”.  Sometimes Ganesha will use his powerful trunk to swing and push obstacles out of the way for us.  Other times, he stands in our way to make us redirect our path.  Either way, his metaphorical energy is one we can embrace if we’re dealing with any road blocks right now.  If you’ve been challenged or restricted on the journey towards your goals, chant to Ganesha with this moon to cultivate your own elephant power to move things out of the way and see where you need to go from here.

A similar energy surrounds this moon on the western side of the world.  While the east points toward elephant spirit animal, Indigenous tribes of North America call this the “Buck Moon.”  This is the time we see young bucks starting to fight with each other and discover their power.  We are also being asked now to put our head down and power through to victory.  Pluto retrograde encourages us to take back our power and Capricornian influence tells us to stand our ground at all costs.  Whether you look at the moon through this buck energy, the elephant, or the sea-goat, it’s clear that PERSISTENCE is the lunar theme.  We still have 6 months to go before we wrap up this year!  Find your strength, embrace your energy,  and use your power to keep navigating things step by step until you find success or a sense of completion.

The energy of this moon can be “mucky” for sure!  The earth-water-mudlike energy of Capricorn is always an interesting one to navigate, but it can bring us much wisdom and growth if we learn to push through all of the mud.  Both Cancer and Capricorn energies can be tough to deal with at times, but they make us stronger individuals and better humans on the collective.  Use this full moon to dilute down whatever’s causing you stress and give yourself permission to go with the flow more.  Remember, energy is contagious and like attracts like!  Whatever energy you focus on right now will set you up for the rest of year.  Stay mindful and aware of your behaviors, and set the standard to continue climbing your evolutionary mountain, no matter what gets in the way.


Capricorn Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the July 13th Facebook Virtual Caprucorn Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Leo


Pushya Nakshatra

July 28th, 2022

As the moon begins a new cyclical journey, she pauses fully on fire with a cycle themed around Leo’s solar energy.  This is the sign of the Cosmic Lion, and it’s time to decide what rules our life for good.

Fire is a transformative energy.  Whatever it touches will never be the same, and whatever it burns away has a chance to be reborn.  We can feel Leo’s heat now as the planet experiences record high temperatures, wars begin to escalate, and human tempers heighten.  Combine this energy with that of Mars aligning with the stubborn-headed Taurus bull (or cosmic warrior Aries in Vedic astrology), and it can be easy to lean into fiery feelings above all else.  Be careful where you are triggered right now, and set intentions with this new moon to know when to tame or fan your flames.

Above all is, it’s time to prioritize joy.  Leo is ruled by the sun, and our internal sun is found in our 3rd energy center—our solar plexus.  This is a place where we cultivate joy and a drive to go after what brings more happiness into our lives.  Our Solar Plexus is also a place where we harbor empowerment and the courage to put ourselves first when it comes to making ourselves happy.  We previously navigated Cancer season, the sign of The Cosmic Parent and an energy of saying yes to others and no to ourselves.  Now, we shift into ego-driven Leo, where we tend to find it easier to put ourselves first.  Use this new moon to set intentions around doing more of what makes you happy, surrounding yourself with people who support you and pump you up, and making time to put your interests and joy FIRST.

This is a potent time for transformation.  The Lion’s Gate Portal opened with this new moon energy on July 26th, peaks on 8/8, and will close on August 12th.  In ancient times, this was when the Sirius star aligned over the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Nile River began to flood.  It’s interesting that right now we are experiencing record flooding in the Saint Louis, Missouri Area, and we experienced the same at this time on the American east cost last year!  This rising up of the waters also represents expansion within ourselves.  In modern times, we can look to the Lion’s Gate Portal as a time to break free of limitations, step into our power, rise up to our potential and believe that we are plentiful, abundant, and co-creative enough to have the life of joy we desire!

We all come from stardust, and we all shine light from within, just like Sirius.
During this Leo New Moon, in a time of external darkness, let your inner light rise up and shine.  During this Lion’s Gate Portal, take back your power and gain confidence to live your life as you please and just as you are!

This is also a powerful time to be brave enough to set boundaries and say “NO” when you feel the need to.  Leos love to be in the limelight, and you may find yourself spending more time on the social scene this season than you usually do.  If this is the case, make sure to balance out all of that party and “we” time with “me” time.  In Vedic astrology, this moon is in Pushya Nakshatra, The “Star of Nourishment.”  The energy of this lunar mansion encourages us to prioritize self care and joy, because it ultimately leads to a life of agape and bliss.  Represented by the cow’s milk or the cow’s udder, this moon is asking us to slow down, nourish ourselves, and make sure we are taking in proper soul medicine and nutrition.

Is there something, some place, or some person that you’ve been “craving” lately?  This is something your spirit needs, and it’s time to lean into the calling.  Leo energy says “this is what I need, and I’m going to have it!”.  Use this new moon to set intentions around your fun factors.  Make sure you are finding bliss in all possible moments, and doing what you can to stay in control of a life full of light.  Jupiter, the Planet of Joy, turns retrograde with this new moon and will stay spinning backwards until November 23rd.  The holidays are a time when we usually tend to others instead of ourselves.  Until then, make sure you put yourself at the forefront.  Use this new moon, this Leo season, and the rest of this lunar cycle to make life a party and make sure you’re having fun and feeling good in whatever you do.


Leo Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the July 28th Facebook Virtual Leo New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Aquarius


Dhanishta Nakshatra

August 11th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey she pauses halfway on her journey, fully illuminated in the house of Aquarius.

This sign is often mistaken for water energy, because Aquarius is known as “The Water Bearer” However, the water that she pours represents the stories, wisdom, and reflections of her mind, the vase that contains and holds it all.  She pours from her heart and soul as she shares her experiences and reflections. These are the realms that hold both air and ether, and Aquarius is an air element with expansive potential.

While a new moon in Aquarius asks us to embrace our stories, a Full Moon in Aquarius encourages us to detach and let go.  Sometimes we let our past define us TOO much, and it ties us down, holding us back from what we can become.  While we absolutely cannot change our past, we can redefine how it impacts us.  This Full Moon in Aquarius is asking us to release any stories that attach to our ego’s victim story, and embrace the possibility of how we could define ourselves in the future.

Remember, although we are in an Aquarian Full Moon, we are still in the sun season of Leo.  The energy of the cosmic lion carries a fire to help us born away what no longer serves.  When this shines upon the moon and reflects back onto the earth in her full lunar phase, we feel encouraged to make the changes we need to free ourselves from a past that no longer supports us.  Use the next few days to embrace this lunar energy, and release anything that holds you back from ruling your life with joy, power, and ease.

This is also a good time to release any blockages on your dreams or any intentions that continue to not work out.  We are halfway through the Lunar Year, as the Full Moon in Aquarius arrives 6 months after the Lunar New Year.  This is essentially our peak point for manifestation this lunar year, and when we combine this with the amplified light codes of the current Lion’s Gate Portal it’s time to really decide what we want to work on the rest of the year.  This is your last time to plant seeds until 2023!  Use this time to tend to your spiritual crops, your seeded dreams, and prepare for both the harvest and release that will occur between now and January.

In Vedic Astrology, this moon is in Dhanishta Nakshatra.  Known as “The Wealth Bringer” or “The Wealthiest,” we are again encouraged during this time to embrace our abundance and ability to receive more.  Dhanishta is also known as “The Star of Symphony,” and represents the Divine Music, Rhythm, and Timing of The Universe.  Currently, the moon is aligned with Saturn, The Planet of Karma, and square with both Uranus and Rahu, the head of the cosmic karmic snake.  This brings in an energy of necessary force or change, and we may experience natural disasters both in our own lives and the collective.  We are already seeing this with the record rains and flooding that have occurred across our planet under this Lion’s Gate Portal!  Although inconvenient, destructive, and sometimes traumatic, we must trust that these events are happening to clear out space for the better.

Dhanishta Nakshatra is sometimes represented by the drum Lord Shiva plays during his Tandava, or dance of destruction.  This star is also ruled by the eight Vasus who were born of the River Gange’s water’s of life, which reside in Lord Shiva’s hair.  All of this destruction is happening with the intent of nourishment.  Sometimes we need a shakeup or awakening (Uranus Squares) to figure out where we are headed in this life (Uranus aligned with Rahu).  Sometimes, we also need Divine Intervention to help us truly break our karmic patterns and evolve for good (Uranus/Rahu opposing Ketu Square Saturn/Moon).  Essentially, this moon is “The Tower” card in The Tarot, and I have no doubt that why I pulled it under the energy of this moon!  (See my Tarot Reading on my website).  Anytime we experience a naturally destructive experience, or anytime it feels like a chaotic event has happened out of our control, we must trust it is for our greatest good.  Remember, Dhanishta represents the creation of abundance just as much as the destruction, so trust in what’s being cleared out and what’s coming your way once there’s room.

No matter what side of this world you view the moon from, we need to use this lunar energy to embrace openness.  Just like air itself, we have limitless potential when it comes to what we can create.  Let go of your limiting mindset and trust that there is enough for all.  Aquarian energy is always about changing the collective for the better, and making this life more equal and abundant for all.  She’s also a sign of swift change!  Don’t be surprised with what comes your way in a very short amount of time!  We are in a time of vast evolution!


Aquarius Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the August 11th Facebook & Instagram Aquarius Virtual Full Moon Circle.


New Moon in Virgo


Magha Nakshatra

August 27th, 2022

As the moon embarks on a new cyclical journey, she begins in the house of VIrgo.  Much like our previous Full Moon in Aquarius, this sign is often misunderstood.  Virgo is the sign of “The Cosmic Virgin,” but her description goes far beyond her sexuality.  Virgo energy is about wholeness.  Virgo energy is complete just as it is.

The word “Virgin” didn’t always refer to sexual purity.  This title was once reserved for those on a more holy frequency, for those working in the temples or serving as priestesses.  Do be a “Virgin” meant you could not be tempted.  Virgins were satisfied with themselves and their lives, and they didn’t need external influence.  Because of this, they could not be swayed in their beliefs or persuaded to behave in an unspiritual way.  To be a Virgin was actually quite the honor, and those with the title were respected and held at most high.

Virgo energy is about purity.  They’re sometimes known as “The Cosmic Perfectionist,” because they prefer a life without mess.  Virgos are known for managing chaos.  They like to take the wild, free, energy of summer and Leo season and give it a reality check.  Virgo energy likes to get everything organized, in its place, and back on a schedule.  If you’ve been living without structure lately, this Virgo season may be the reality check you may need.

This particular moon has Mercury in Libra flanked on one side and Venus in Leo flanked on the other.  While Virgo energy is typically more direct and sometimes even a bit harsh, these neighboring planetary influences help to soften to blow.  Venus in Leo is love-driven, helping us to move forward toward our goals with bravery, but also with compassion and concern for both ourself and others.  Mercury in 1 degree of Libra exalts Virgo, and encourages communication and expression that supports the fairness of all.  This moon will still put us in our place if we need it to, but it may be more gentle than the typical Virgo energy we see this time of year.

Virgo season is the perfect time to get back on track, start scheduling out your day planner, and sticking to a routine.  This sign is sometimes known as “The Cosmic Priestess,” and she holds a need for ritual, tradition, and ceremony.  This is a great moon to start practicing lunar ceremonies if you’ve never held a moon ritual before.  This is also a great time to look ahead on the calendar and make any plans around important upcoming dates or holidays.  Another thing about Virgo energy—it needs to make a plan!  Their energy can get very disappointed if a celebration isn’t executed the way they expected.  If you have a certain ideal about how the upcoming holiday season should go, best to take matters into your own hands right now and initiate a plan to make sure it happens.

This is a very independent moon.  We may feel the need to turn within more this weekend, as new moons always make us do this and Virgo energy craves the isolation.  This hermitage is a good thing, because it helps us get back to our truest self and back on our one true path.  Use the next few days to slow down, check in on your life/goals/health, and make a commitment to do what you can to stay aligned as you wrap up the rest of summer.  Winter is coming, and the more you prepare now, the more comfortable you will be in colder times ahead.

In Vedic astrology this moon is in Magha Nakshatra.  Located at the heart of the Leo Lion constellation, we are again called back to our truest self and our deepest, heartfelt desires.  Magha Nakshatra encourages us to be brave enough to be who are are and go after what we want.  This moon is asking us to let go of external opinions, judgements, and anything else that may stand in our way of manifestation.  Now is the time to listen to our hearts and follow where they take us.

This is also a time to address generational karma and make necessary changes.  Magha Nakshatra is ruled by The Pittris, ancstral deities that watch over humankind.  They serve as “guardian angels,” and some of them are our actual ancestors that have ascended.  This is a great moon to connect to your ancestors or do deep healing with patterns in your bloodline that no longer serve.  If you’ve been needing to break some sort of generational cycle, now is the time to do it.  We’re in a season of more isolation to do the work.  Change your ways and up level your frequency now, before you’re surrounded by your family and outer influences later in the year during the holidays.  Just like Virgo energy, this moon is asking us to get back to our truest self,  If you feel in your heart like you’re behaving in a way that doesn’t serve, now is the time to recognize it and shift your ways.

If you’re feeling blocked or challenged right now, stay patient!  We have elephant power moving in to help us!  On the fourth day of this lunar cycle, under the crescent moon, we will celebrate Ganesha Chathurti, or Lord Ganesha’s birthday.  Ganesha is the elephant deity and remover of obstacles, and his energy can really help us move forward this week!  While it’s auspicious to actually view the crescent moon this month, we can still harness that spark of waxing lunar energy to initiate our own changes and progress.  If you need some extra help to shift direction, or you need to call on a higher power to move your roadblocks out of the way, call on Ganesha to help!

No matter what side of the world you view this moon from, this is a time to tend to ourselves, our spirit, and who we truly are.  This is a season of recognizing our past—individually, ancestrally, and on the collective—and decided what we want to carry over into our future.  Anything not “holy” or “pure” enough should be left with our previous lunar cycle.  This next month is a time of embracing our wholeness.  These next 4 weeks are about finding ways to feel more complete.  As you navigate your journey, remember to move from your heart and your spirit’s essence, no matter what you do.


Virgo Virtual New Moon Circle

Recording of the August 27th Instagram Virgo Virtual New Moon Circle.


Full Moon in Pisces


Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

September 9th, 2022

As the moon continues on her cyclical journey, she pauses fully illuminated in the house of Pisces.

This is the first time since April that we haven’t experienced a Supermoon.  You may already notice the energy brings a dreamier vibe with this full moon compared to those anxiety-driving supermoons of this summer.  While full moons always bring heightened Prana, this particular moon in the sign of water reminds us to be gentle with ourselves along the way.

This particular moon may not be a “super” one, but it still has its own special flavor. Mercury stationed and went retrograde with this full moon, bringing us a need to be extra patient throughout the rest of this lunar portal.  This watery Pisces moon reminds us to be fluid like the ocean.  I’m fact, water itself is representative of time, as past flows into present flows into future.  During this weekend, the rest of this lunar cycle, and until Mercury goes direct on Oct 2nd, be sure to not get too attached.  Don’t let the past weigh you down.   Release expectations around the future. And with Mercury retro don’t get too attached to anything material. Avoid making big purchases and especially be patient with technology. All things related to communication and expression could get a little tricky!

Speaking of tricky, Mercury is based in the mythology of Hermes, the trickster. He’s also the messenger and one of the few who was able to travel to the underworld and back again to bring us what we need to see/hear/know from the other side.  With Neptune also currently in Pisces spinning retrograde, it’s an incredibly potent time to be paying attention to your inner senses.  Intuition, Mediumship, and psychic abilities in general will all be amplified with this full moon.  Pay attention to what your own personal gifts are, and trust in your magick under this lunar light and energy.

Remember, many times we receive our gifts from our ancestory.  We inherit abilities through our bloodline, but many times, we don’t recognize or become aware of it.  This moon brings a time to honour that generational energy.  In Vedic astrology these next 2 weeks of the waning moon indicate Pitru Paksha.  A time to focus on our ancestors and honour loved ones who have passed.  As the moon gets darker with each night of this remaining lunar cycle, the “veil” also thins more and more until it’s practically nothing at all.  Use this full moon to connect to lost souls you love, or simply look up your heritage or genealogy. If you have anyone important in your family you’d like to pay particular attention to, put their picture on your altar!  And don’t be surprised if ancestors visit you in your dreams.  With both moon and Neptune in Pisces, this is a powerful place to connect.

This full moon in Vedic astrology is known as Purva Bhadrapada.  Translated as “Fortunate Feet” or “Blessed Feet” this is a time to be softer, more humble, and in acts of service.  This lunar mansion is located toward the end of the zodiac, between Aquarius and Pisces, and reminds us to focus on energies that carry us forward in a positive way.  You could use this moon to help others, volunteer, or provide some sort of philanthropy.  You could also literally tend to your feet through reflexology, a pedicure, etc.  If you’re able to, spend some time washing someone else’s feet or giving them a foot massage.  It’s a very loving gesture for those who receive and it can be incredibility humbling for yourself!

The feet of Purva Bhadrapada can also represent the feet at the end of a cremation pyre or coffin.    This placement of Purva Bhadrapada in the stars reminds us that wee are now at both the end and the beginning.  With every death of a zodiac cycle comes a new one.  With every death of a person comes the opportunity for the spirit to inhabit a new body.  The key is knowing we cannot receive more until we first LET GO.  Full moons are always a time of release.  As we prepare for colder, darker times ahead, ask yourself what’s taking up space unnecessarily.  Maybe it’s something physical or maybe it’s a self-limiting story that you’re holding onto.  Either way, releasing these blockages now will only help you navigate winter with more peace and ease.

Going back to the Western side of the world, Pisces is the sign of the artist and the dreamer.  This full moon is a time to be expressive, creative, and continue to believe your dreams can come true.  It’s sometimes hard to focus on growth when so much death and transformation is happening around us (both with people and in nature), but it’s also important to remember that we are ALWAYS evolving.  You can lean into the flow like the fish and swim where the current takes you, or you can continue to fight upstream.  The choice is always up to you, but the more you lean into where The Universe, your own spirit, and your ancestors guide you, the easier it will be.


Pisces Virtual Full Moon Circle

Recording of the September 10th Instagram Pisces Virtual Full Moon Circle.

Moon Musings: Fall/Winter 2021
Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2021
Moon Musings: Fall/Winter 2020/2021
Moon Musings: Spring/Summer 2020